Thursday, July 25, 2024

Natural Antibiotics For Dogs Teeth

A Thorough Wash And A Warm Compress

Best Natural Antibiotics For Dogs (The POWER of Oregano Oil And How To Use It)

If the abscess is located on the outer extremitiesand not inside the oral regionstart by gently washing the affected area with soap and water.

Be careful not to put a lot of pressure on the abscess site since it can be tender and will cause discomfort to your dog. It is best to use a mild soap for this step. Pat off the excess water after washing using a towel.

Next, place your dog in a comfortable lying position where you can easily get access to the abscess site.

Completely immerse a hand towel in warm water and wring it off to remove the excess. Fold the hand towel to form a warm compress. Put the compress on the affected site and leave it on for at least ten minutes. You can do this for up to three times a day until the abscess shrinks in size and the redness subsides.

As reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information , the warmth from the compress helps revitalize the blood flow in the affected site, which encourages healing, and also alleviates pain at the same time.

How Antibiotics Are Used In Dogs

Your vet can prescribe antibiotics as tablets, liquid, ointment, cream, drops, or as an injection. The best type for your dog depends on the location and severity of the infection that they have. For example, your vet might give your pup an antibiotic ointment to treat a nasty ear infection. Your vet will apply this directly to the ear. Similarly, a vet might prescribe your dog antibiotic injections to treat widespread skin infections.

Its important to follow your vets advice closely. Do not be tempted to stop giving your pooch their antibiotics if they seem to feel better. While it may be tempting to do this, giving your pup their full course is very important. This is because stopping the treatment too early often causes the disease-causing bacteria to come back. If you have any doubts about your pets treatment, always ask your vet before making any changes to their treatment plan!

What Can You Do For An Old Dog With Bad Teeth

If your dogs blood work comes back clear, schedule a dental cleaning. If your dog is generally in good health, the vet will sedate them in order to fully clean their teeth, scrape away tartar, and perform extractions if there are broken or infected teeth that need to be removed for your dogs overall health.

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Why Brushing And Cleaning Might Hurt

Because most of the bacterial colonies are found in plaque, many veterinarians recommend brushing your dogs teeth or even a yearly veterinary dental cleaning under anesthesia.

This will clear away most of the plaque, but the bacterial populations begin to colonize immediately after plaque is removed. Studies show that about a million little organisms already cover the tooth within a minute of cleaning. And if the populations are disrupted, harmful bacteria might take hold before the friendly populations grow and crowd them out.

And you have to think about where all of that bacteria goes youre not getting rid of the bacteria, youre just brushing it off his teeth and it will travel someplace else.

Think of it this way .. a mouth that is sick with unbalanced bacteria will seed the entire gut with bad bugs every day. But brushing your dogs teeth can cause bacteremia, especially if his gums are bleeding. The bacteria will move from his mouth to his bloodstream.

In a healthy dog, the immune system can handle and clear the surge of bacteria. But if your dog is already struggling with inflammation, dysbiosis, or other chronic disease, his immune system can reach the tipping point with brushing or cleaning because it introduces so much bacteria into the bloodstream.

So lets summarize

  • Plaque is a biofilm of organized bacteria and other substances. This colony lives in harmony with your dog.
  • If this colony is wiped out with brushing, it will grow back within minutes.
  • When To Call A Dentist

    Elk/Venison Patties

    A tooth infection happens when bacteria get into the tooth through a cavity, a chip, or a crack. Infections in the teeth can spread to other teeth, your jaw, or your gums. If a tooth infection is left untreated, it can have serious health consequences, so its important that you see a dentist to treat it promptly if you have the symptoms of a tooth infection.

    Natural remedies can help you manage the symptoms of a tooth infection but you still need to see a dentist about the infection. The dentist can take X-rays to determine if you need a root canal and see how bad the damage from the infection is. You may also need a course of antibiotics. You should call a dentist as soon as you suspect that you have an infected tooth.

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    Gingivitis And Teeth Decay

    Some of the substances secreted by mouth bacteria cause inflammation of the gums , resulting in gingivitis. Untreated, inflammation can progress and even break down tissues in the mouth, leading to periodontal disease. Eventually, infection and erosion cause the teeth to decay, abscess or fracture. Decayed, broken, and abscessed teeth are very painful, and may hinder the animal from taking in enough nourishment. They also deteriorate the pet’s quality of life.

    There are other serious health risks associated with tooth decay. Bacteria living in these “slums” can enter the bloodstream and seed infection in critical organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys, causing inflammation in joints and other areas. In my personal experience, many cranky critters have become happy and playful again after correcting hidden dental problems.

    A Penicillin Alternative Best Natural Antibiotic

    Severe infections may require conventional antibiotics, but there are some natural antibiotics for dogs that can aid the healing process and be an alternative for less severe infections.

    Colloidal silver has great antibacterial properties and taken orally, used topically, or injected. According to, it can be used to treat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

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    Administering Natural Antibiotics For Dogs

    There are a number of herbal remedies with antibiotic effect.

    Allergies to traditional antibiotics are common however the allergies to natural antibiotics are easy to avoid by administering the herbal remedy in small portions for a short while and then, if no allergic reaction appears, you can continue with the proper dose.

    Some herbs are better for internal bacterial infections, while some others are best as topical solutions.

    Herbal antibiotic remedies that can be administered orally to fight internal infections are:

    • garlic
    • licorice
    • turmeric

    For skin infections, there are herbal remedies that can be administered as topical antibiotics: aloe vera, chamomile, golden seal, colloidal silver and olive leaves.

    When Should You Avoid Giving Your Pup Alternative Probiotics

    Home Remedies for Tooth Infection in Dogs
    • If your dog is diabetic
    • If your pup had a bad reaction to alternative probiotics
    • If your canine friend is taking certain medication
    • If your pup has a severe condition or infection

    As a general rule, you should talk with a vet before giving alternative probiotics to your pup. By doing so, youll protect your pup from severe complications.

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    Natural Antibiotics For Dogs: Faq

    Have any more questions or concerns about natural antibiotics for dogs? Feel free to check out our Frequently Asked Questions section for more details. If in doubt about your dogs health, always ask your vet for advice!

    What are the symptoms of a bacterial infection in a dog?

    In dogs, bacterial infections in wounds present several symptoms. These include itching, seeping with blood or pus, hair loss, and crusty skin. You might also notice a foul smell coming from the wound if the infection is more severe. Its important to get to a vet right away if you notice any of these symptoms! An infection will spread rapidly without treatment. It spreads into the deeper tissues under the skin, where it then travels into the blood to other parts of the body. Once the infection spreads, your dog will feel generally unwell and develop a fever. This can lead to sepsis, which is life-threatening.

    What do you feed a dog with a bacterial infection?

    Do not alter your dogs diet if they are already receiving treatment for a bacterial infection! Some supplements will interact with your dogs medicines, potentially making their condition much worse. Its important to get in touch with your vet before changing anything about your pets treatment because of this.

    Will antibiotics hurt a dog?What can I give my dog to boost his immune system? Why does my dog keep getting bacterial skin infections?

    Read next

    Tooth Or Gum Problems

    Whenever a dog has a chipped or damaged tooth, the staph bacteria can easily slip through the cavity and go directly to the tissues underneath the gums. If left untreated, it is highly likely that an abscess will form sooner or later.

    Another scenario that can lead to the formation of an abscess is when a dog chews on something hard that could splinter like pieces of bone. These splinters can injure the gums, cheek, and tongue, which are also the most common areas of abscesses in dogs.

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    Coconut Oil Antibiotic: Does It Work

    Coconut oil is a topical and oral antimicrobial, which prevents the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi according to the Pet Dermatology Clinic. It also helps with healing wounds and can be taken internally to help with gastrointestinal problems.

    Coconut oil is a safe ingredient in correct amounts, often used in shampoos and even dog treats. When using coconut oil topically, the Pet Dermatology clinic recommends using a pea-sized amount for every ten pounds of body weight, applying it to the skin all the way into the roots. Coconut oil is a great carrier oil for essential oils when used on the skin. Orally 1/4 teaspoon can be used for every 10 pounds of weight.

    Coconut oil can also be used in the ear to help clean the ear to prevent infection and mites. Coconut oil can be rubbed or brushed on gums to help prevent periodontal disease.

    Natural Antibiotics For Dogs Ears

    Antibiotic Gel: Veterinarian Fenton

    Dog ears are always susceptible to ailments like gunky, smelly, itchy, or even painful auricles. These conditions can be frustratingly hard to get rid of and can leave the dog miserable.

    Oil of oregano, a natural antibiotic for do, its perfect to treat ear infections in our furry friends without having any side effects.

    Simply mix a drop of oregano oil to half an ounce of pure aloe vera juice and clean the visible parts of the ear with a cotton ball soaked in the mixture.

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    Strongest Natural Antibioticwhat Do Studies Say

    One of the most believed strongest natural antibiotics for dogs that are safe to use for dogs is oregano oil.

    The Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment found that oregano oil was inhibitory to the growth of all the battier under testvery low concentrations of the essential oil were sufficient to prevent microbial growth. Oregano oil can be taken internally, mixed with another oil like coconut.

    Are There Any Obvious Symptoms When A Dog Has A Tooth Root Abscess

    Abscessed teeth are very painful, but dogs may not show obvious signs of pain. Instead, your dog may be reluctant to chew on his toys or may pull away when his head is touched. An observant owner may notice that their dog is only eating or chewing on one side of the mouth or is dropping food when eating.

    Some dogs will have bad breath while others will paw at the affected side of their face or rub their face along the ground. Pet owners may erroneously assume their pet simply has an itch, but the behavior may be an indication of an abscessed tooth.

    If the abscessed tooth is the upper fourth premolar or first molar tooth, the outward signs are often mistaken for some other problems, such as an eye infection or a puncture wound. This happens because these tooth roots lie just below the eye, and when they become abscessed the infection quickly spreads to the surrounding tissues. The tissue below the eye will usually become swollen and inflamed just before the abscess bursts. If you look inside the dog’s mouth, there will often be swelling and redness on the gums around the affected tooth. If swelling and infection has extended behind the eye your pet may react with a painful response if you attempt to open his mouth.

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    Add Up To A Teaspoon Of Lemon Juice Or Apple Cider Vinegar To Fidos Water Bowl

    Lemon Juice
    • The acidity in lemon juice helps neutralize bacteria & fight the buildup of odor causing plaque and tartar.
    • Lemon acts as a natural deodorizer creating freshly scented breath with every drink of water!
    Apple Cider Vinegar
    • Contains bacteria killing Malic & Acetic Acids.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar is also a natural source of calcium, potassium & magnesium important minerals for overall health.

    Natural Canine Antibiotics Made From Herbs

    Natural Remedies For Tooth Infections And Tooth Abscess

    While conventional canine antibiotics are necessary for infections that have already set in or are progressing rapidly, natural antibiotics are good to use in the beginning phases of an infection.

    There are actually a variety of herbs that have strong anti-bacterial properties and can be used to treat illnesses caused by bad bacteria.

    Here are some common herbs that can be used as natural antibiotics for dogs:

    Also Check: Can Antibiotics Cure An Abscess Tooth

    A Closer Look At Bacteria And Dysbiosis

    Until recently, dental disease has been thought to be the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth but this is only partly true.

    Your dog consumes well over a trillion bacteria every day. Some of these bacteria will move down to the gastrointestinal tract, where theyll take up residence or be excreted by the body. Others will take up residence in your dogs mouth and colonize in the plaque. But the bacteria that enters your dogs mouth are continuously seeding the bacterial colonies that live in his gut and this population of bacteria is critical to your dogs health and immune system.

    So if the bacterial colonies in your dogs mouth arent healthy, the bacterial colonies in his gut wont be and your dog wont be either.

    The bacterial colonies found in plaque are extremely organized and this speaks to their importance in your dogs mouth. Scrapings of dental plaque reveal an organized metropolis made up of tiny, organized microscopic bacteria colonies .

    Collectively, these communities of bacteria and other tiny microorganisms are called a microbiome. Microbiomes are found on most body surfaces. The microbiome in the mouth is the second largest microbiome, after the one in the gut.

    The colonies living in the outermost layer of the microbiome are mainly made up of friendly strains of Streptococcus. These bacteria releases carbon dioxide, which helps the colonies of Streptococcus to grow.

    RELATED: Read more about leaky gut in dogs and how it affects health

    Why Dental Care Is Important

    Keeping your dog or cats teeth and gums healthy will go a long way to preventing not only bad breath, tooth infections, and tooth pain, but also more serious chronic conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, heart conditions and even joint health for dogs and cats.

    The normal adult dog has 42 teeth, while the adult cat has 30. These carnivorous teeth are very sharp and highly specialized. In the wild, these teeth would perform a variety of tasks such as:

    • Grooming
    • Grasping and killing prey
    • Crushing and shearing the meat off the prey’s bones to eat .

    In the wild, the carnivores diet and eating habits keep the teeth clean and strong. However, the typical diet of a domestic pet typically commercial dry or canned food does not. Therefore, proper dental care throughout your pet’s life is essential to optimal health.

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    Possible Side Effects Of Antibiotics

    The most common side effect caused by canine antibiotics is allergic reactions to the drugs. In fact, antibiotics cause more allergic reactions in dogs than any other group of drugs.

    Signs of a mild allergic reaction include:

    • Hives and skin rashes

    A more serious but rare allergic drug reaction is anaphylactic shock, with signs such as:

    • Vomiting and diarrhea
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Collapse

    Also, as mentioned above, because antibiotics cause an upset in the balance of gut flora, antibiotic treatment is often followed by bouts of indigestion, yeast infections, and ear infections.

    Home Remedies For Dog Gum Disease Or Periodontitis

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    Dealing with a dogs gum disease is no easy task as it wont show any symptoms when it starts.

    Gradually your dog may suffer from chronic pain, missing teeth, eroded gums, infections, and bone loss.

    You dont want to see your pet ending up in that way.

    Fortunately, you dont have to.

    Some home remedies can help treatgum disease and tooth infections in dogs.

    In this article, we will briefly discuss the causes and symptoms of periodontal disease. Also, some potential home remedies for dog gum disease are natural cures.

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    Causes Of Tooth Decay In Dogs

    Although brushing your pets teeth is fairly easy, most owners do not brush their dogs teeth daily. This is the number one reason for plaque and tartar build-up.

    Your dogs diet is also a major factor when it comes to oral health. Dogs that are fed a natural diet ordinarily have good oral health. A healthy diet includes raw meaty bones, chewy muscle meat, and recreational bones.

    Your pups mouth is a very dirty place. Indeed, anyones mouth is a very dirty place! Think about all the things you have seen go into your dogs mouth over time.

    Bacteria can grow after it interacts with food, chew toys, or almost anything that goes into your pups mouth. As bacteria multiply on the surface of teeth, it forms plaque.

    Plaque can be removed naturally by your pups tongue and chewing habits, but that is not enough to fully eliminate it.

    Over time, unabated plaque will become mineralized, which creates tartar. How quickly plaque mineralizes differs in various breeds. Yes, some dog breeds are more healthy than others when it comes to their mouths and teeth.

    Much like in humans, tartar can accumulate below and above the gum line. If the tartar builds up too heavily, that is when conditions like gingivitis and periodontal disease start to form.

    When ignored, periodontal disease can spread deep into the tooth cavity, damaging the bone. The degraded tooth will then become loose and may fall out.

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