Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do You Need Antibiotics For Stomach Flu

What Is The Prognosis For The Stomach Flu

When Do You Need an Antibiotic?

The prognosis for complete recovery is excellent in most people infected with viral and bacterial caused gastroenteritis, as long as the person keeps well hydrated. Because infants, children, pregnant women, and adults that are elderly or immunosuppressed, usually dehydrate faster than healthy adults and sometimes are more difficult to rehydrate orally, their prognosis can range from excellent to poor. Their prognosis depends on how dehydrated they become and how effective are the attempts to rehydrate the patient.

The prognosis for those patients that develop gastroenteritis symptoms as part of a specific disease process vary from good to poor, depending on the severity of the specific disease process.

When To See A Doctor

Most people don’t need to see the doctor when they have the stomach flu. But it’s a good idea to get medical attention if you or your child has stomach flu and:

  • Is under 3 months old
  • Is over 3 months old and has been vomiting for more than 12 hours or the diarrhea hasn’t gotten better after two days
  • Is an adult and the diarrhea hasnât gotten a little better after two days
  • Has other symptoms, such as high fever or blood or pus in the stool

In rare cases, people with stomach flu need to be hospitalized, usually because of dehydration. In adults, dehydration can cause extreme thirst, decreased urination, dark urine, dry skin, fatigue, and dizziness. In babies and young children, dehydration can cause:

  • Crying without tears
  • Going three hours or more without a wet diaper
  • Fever

My Teenager Is Feverish And Doesnt Want To Eat But For The First Time In Her Life She Wants To Take A Nap She Tested Positive For Mono Will Antibiotics Help

Actually, mononucleosis is caused by a virus, so antibiotics wont help. Antibiotics only work on bacteria. But there are other things she can take to feel better, including ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain medicines.

And nows a good time for her to stay home, get plenty of sleep, and binge on her favorite TV shows until she feels better.

Actually, mononucleosis is always caused by a virus, so antibiotics wont help. Antibiotics only work on bacteria. But there are other things she can take to feel better, including ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain medicines.

And nows a good time for her to stay home, get plenty of sleep, and binge on her favorite TV shows until she feels better.

Thats right! Mononucleosis is caused by a virus, so antibiotics wont help. Antibiotics only work on bacteria. But there are other things she can take to feel better, including ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain medicines.

And nows a good time for her to stay home, get plenty of sleep, and binge on her favorite TV shows until she feels better.

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Is Stomach Flu Contagious

Yes! Usually a virus causes the stomach flu. Symptoms appear one to three days after exposure, so you are contagious before you begin to develop symptoms.

And even after youve recovered from your symptoms, you can remain contagious for up to two weeks. Children can remain contagious for an even longer period afterward.

To decrease the risk of passing it onto others, do not go to work or school with symptoms. If you have a fever, wait until its gone for 24 hours before returning to your routine.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of The Stomach Flu

Infographic  Do I need antibiotics?

There are no specific tests for gastroenteritis, thus gastroenteritis is most often diagnosed by the symptoms it produces, mainly diarrhea. Because gastroenteritis is usually a self-limited disease, the large majority of people are never seen or diagnosed by a doctor. However, during outbreaks like those seen on cruise ships, viral and bacterial cultures or PCR and other immunologically based tests can eventually identify the causative pathogen. By the time this identification occurs, most of the individuals with gastroenteritis have begun to recover.

When gastroenteritis symptoms become severe, most public health officials and health care professionals run such tests to identify the causative agent of a specific disease, based on all of the history of the patients, physical exams, and symptoms. In addition, patients with similar histories of recent food or drink they had in common with others often helps to discover the source of the disease .

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Stomach Flu Causes And Risk Factors

What are stomach flu causes? A number of different viruses can cause viral gastroenteritis or stomach flu including noroviruses and rotaviruses. First, lets talk about the norovirus, which is said to be the number one cause of viral gastroenteritis in children and adults. If your stomach flu is caused by the norovirus, then the period during which you are contagious starts from the time you start to feel sick up until three days after you are better with some individuals being contagious as long as two weeks following their recovery. The norovirus causes stomach flu symptoms within a day or two of being exposed to the virus. On the plus side, most people who have the stomach flu due to norovirus feel better within 24 to 48 hours.

Another virus, the rotavirus, is the top cause of stomach flu in kids and infants, but it can also affect adults. Symptoms usually begin within one to three days of exposure. However, with this virus at the root, the stomach flu can be caught from someone before symptoms appear and even up to two weeks following recovery! Astrovirus and enteric adenovirus can also cause stomach flu.

How do you catch these viruses and end up with the stomach flu? The stool and vomit of infected individuals contain the viruses that cause stomach flu. The viruses that can cause a case of the stomach flu can easily spread from close contact with infected individuals through the following:

So how do you get rid of the stomach flu?

Can A Stomach Virus Be Prevented Or Avoided

A flu shot will not prevent a stomach virus. The flu shot only prevent the influenza virus. That is a respiratory illness.

The norovirus can change over time. Therefore, vaccines are still being studied. A rotavirus vaccine is available. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends children get a rotavirus vaccine. Two different vaccines exist. They require 2 to 3 doses. Children should receive the full vaccine prior to 8 months of age.

You can help prevent or avoid a stomach virus by doing these things:

  • Wash your hands often.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects in your home, office, and classroom.
  • Use hand sanitizer after being in public.
  • Stay away from people who have the virus.

If you have stomach virus, be responsible. Do not expose others to it. This includes babies, older people, and people with a low immune system. Do not go to school, work, or public places.

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How Can I Protect My Family And Myself From Antibiotic Resistance

There is a way to protect yourself and others from resistant bacteria, and that is to respect antibiotics and take them only when necessary for a bacterial infection. Here are some useful tips:

  • When you see a doctor, don’t demand antibiotics. Understand that antibiotics are used for bacterial infections, not symptoms of a cold or flu virus.
  • If a doctor prescribes antibiotics, use them as prescribed. Take all of the antibiotics as directed and don’t save some for future use.
  • Don’t share antibiotics with others.
  • Preventing the flu in the first place may help you avoid getting sick altogether. Get a flu shot each year. Also, make sure you wash your hands frequently and thoroughly to prevent spreading germs.

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    Accidentally Taking An Extra Dose

    The Dos and Donts for Taking Antibiotics

    There’s an increased risk of side effects if you take 2 doses closer together than recommended.

    Accidentally taking 1 extra dose of your antibiotic is unlikely to cause you any serious harm.

    But it will increase your chances of getting side effects, such as pain in your stomach, diarrhoea, and feeling or being sick.

    If you accidentally take more than 1 extra dose of your antibiotic, are worried or you get severe side effects, speak to your GP or call NHS 111 as soon as possible.

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    Replace Lost Fluids And Electrolytes

    When you have viral gastroenteritis, you need to replace lost fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration or treat mild dehydration. You should drink plenty of liquids. If vomiting is a problem, try sipping small amounts of clear liquids.

    Most adults with viral gastroenteritis can replace fluids and electrolytes with liquids such as

    • water
    • broths

    Eating saltine crackers can also help replace electrolytes.

    If your child has viral gastroenteritis, you should give your child an oral rehydration solutionsuch as Pedialyte, Naturalyte, Infalyte, and CeraLyteas directed to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Oral rehydration solutions are liquids that contain glucose and electrolytes. Talk with a doctor about giving these solutions to your infant. Infants should drink breast milk or formula as usual.

    Older adults, adults with a weakened immune system, and adults with severe diarrhea or symptoms of dehydration should also drink oral rehydration solutions.

    Symptoms Of Bacterial Gastroenteritis

    Signs and symptoms of bacterial gastroenteritis include:

    • Diarrhea
    • Feeling of weakness
    • In severe cases, blood in the stool .

    Symptoms may be mild or more severe, and vary depending on the type of bacteria. If you think that you might have stomach flu, you can try using the Ada app to find out more about your symptoms.

    If symptoms are severe or do not improve within 2-3 days, it is important to contact a doctor without delay. Furthermore, medical attention should be sought immediately if:

    • There are any indications of severe dehydration, such as passing little to no urine or dizziness that does not go away
    • There is blood, pus or a black color in the diarrhea
    • There is constant vomiting that makes it impossible to keep down fluids
    • There is very intense abdominal pain
    • There is a fever over 38 degrees Celsius , in adults or children

    In addition, a doctor should be contacted urgently if the affected person:

    • Is pregnant
    • Staphylococcus
    • Clostridium difficile.

    In some cases, the bacteria may be transmitted directly from one person to another, but they are typically spread through contaminated food and water. Sources of bacterial stomach bugs include:

    • Unhygienic food preparation, e.g. a cook not washing their hands after going to the toilet, or using the same cutting boards for both meat and salads
    • Raw or undercooked meat, eggs and fish
    • Unpasteurized dairy and juices
    • Inadequately-treated drinking water.

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    Antibiotics Are Not Always Needed

    Most of the time, antibiotics are not indicated for use in treating the common cold or flu. A Cochrane report analyzing the available research into the use of antibiotics to treat colds, published in 2013, found that antibiotics do not work for the common cold, and side effects of antibiotics used for the common cold are common.

    White, yellow, or even green snot during your cold doesnt necessarily mean its a bacterial infection, so it isnt a reason to ask for antibiotics.

    Overuse and overprescription of antibiotics when they arent effective leads to the development of antibiotic-resistant infections. Not only is this a big problem for the entire world, but antibiotics can have nasty side effects for the person taking them.

    If you go to the healthcare provider with a cold, theyll generally treat your symptoms, including suggesting you:

    • Hydrate with water or electrolyte sports drinks
    • Rest and let your body heal
    • Suck on lozenges, hard candies, or ice pops to soothe a sore throat
    • Try antihistamines or decongestants for symptom relief
    • Use saline nose drops or sprays or a neti potstyle sinus rinse to help clear congestion
    • Take pain relievers and fever reducers, including Tylenol and Advil , to address those symptoms

    How Can I Prevent Viral Gastroenteritis

    Living Well: Antibiotics cannot treat the flu or the common cold ...

    You can take several steps to keep from getting or spreading infections that cause viral gastroenteritis. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water

    • after using the bathroom
    • after changing diapers
    • before and after handling, preparing, or eating food

    You can clean surfaces that may have come into contact with infected stool or vomit, such as countertops and changing tables, with a mixture of 5 to 25 tablespoons of household bleach and 1 gallon of water.7 If clothes or linens may have come into contact with an infected persons stool or vomit, you should wash them with detergent for the longest cycle available and machine dry them. To protect yourself from infection, wear rubber gloves while handling the soiled laundry and wash your hands afterward.7

    If you have viral gastroenteritis, avoid handling and preparing food for others while you are sick and for 2 days after your symptoms stop.7 People who have viral gastroenteritis may spread the virus to any food they handle, especially if they do not thoroughly wash their hands. Contaminated water may also spread a virus to foods before they are harvested. For example, contaminated fruits, vegetables, and oysters have been linked to norovirus outbreaks. Wash fruits and vegetables before using them, and thoroughly cook oysters and other shellfish.7Find tips to help keep food safe.

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    Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning Defined

    Stomach flu and stomach bug are informal terms for viral gastroenteritis, a sickness in which a viral infection causes inflammation in the stomach and intestines. The term stomach flu can be misleading, says UH internal medicine specialist Christopher Thomas, DO, because the illness in not caused by influenza, which attacks the respiratory system.

    Though it shares a number of symptoms with viral gastroenteritis, food poisoning is a condition caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water. In fact, food poisoning is an umbrella term for any of the more than 250 foodborne/waterborne illnesses researchers have identified to date.

    Complications Of Bacterial Gastroenteritis

    Generally, a bout of bacterial gastroenteritis clears up completely, without causing any complications. In a few cases, there may be complications. The risk of developing complications from bacterial gastroenteritis is highest in very young children, elderly people, and people who have a chronic condition such as diabetes, or who have a weakened immune system.

    If stomach flu occurs in these groups of people, medical advice should be sought without delay. In addition, anyone experiencing severe symptoms should see a doctor immediately.

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    How To Get Rid Of The Stomach Flu: 7 Home Remedies

    By Annie Price, CHHC

    Youre vomiting. You cant stop going to the bathroom. Youre exhausted and all this terribleness just seems to have come out of nowhere. Could it be the stomach flu? If it is, you probably want to know how to get rid of the stomach flu fast!

    If you have the stomach flu, it likely may have been caused by norovirus, which is especially known for infecting people in the colder months of the year. This winter vomiting bug, or stomach flu, is known by doctors for being a family affair. In other words, if one person in the family gets it, most likely every family member in the household will get it because its that contagious!

    How do you get rid of the stomach flu? Thankfully, many people with the stomach flu feel better within 24 hours. And luckily there are a lot of great natural ways to boost your recovery from a nasty case of stomach flu.

    What Causes Gastroenteritis

    Do I need Antibiotics for the Flu and Common Cold?

    Gastro may be caused by:

    • viruses
    • bacteria, such as salmonella
    • parasites, such as giardia
    • chemicals, such as toxins in poisonous mushrooms

    Viral gastroenteritis is highly infectious and spreads through contact with contaminated hands, objects or food. It can also be spread through coughing and sneezing.

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    Do I Need Antibiotics

    Antibiotics are really good at one thing: knocking out infections caused by bacteria, like strep throat and urinary tract infections.

    How do you know if you have a bacterial infection? Your doctor can tell you. And, if you need antibiotics, your doctor will make sure you get the right one for your infection.

    How Is The Stomach Flu Diagnosed

    Stomach flu is primarily diagnosed through a physical examination and a patient medical history. Most cases will be diagnosed and treated by a general practitioner.

    Symptoms are the best guide for diagnosis. The defining symptom of stomach flu is loose or watery diarrhea, but other symptoms might include.

    • Nausea
    • Low-grade fever

    Loss of appetite, involuntary weight loss, and bloating might also be experienced.

    Symptoms of gastroenteritis usually start suddenly , coming on in one or two hours. In addition to how quickly symptoms started, a healthcare provider will want to know:

    • How long have you had symptoms?
    • Do other people you know have similar complaints?
    • Did you eat anything unusual recently, such as raw foods?
    • Did you travel recently, especially outside the country?

    A physical examination will help the healthcare professional rule out other conditions. The healthcare provider will carefully look for signs of dehydration, such as sunken eyes, limpness, dry mucous membranes , loose skin, or drowsiness.

    Blood or stool tests are not necessary to diagnose a viral gastroenteritis, but a healthcare provider will use them to rule out other causes, such as a bacterial infection, parasite infection, or other intestinal problems. Blood or urine tests may be necessary if there are signs of dehydration.

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    Emergency Care Discharge Instructions

    Instruction summary

    Gastroenteritis is an infection of the gut. This can be caused by a bacteria or a parasite, but is most commonly caused by a virus. Antibiotics do not work on viruses , so there is no point in taking an antibiotic for most cases of gastroenteritis.

    The most important thing for you to do is to stay hydrated. If you or your child is vomiting, do not try to drink lots of fluid immediately after vomiting. Wait a few hours after the vomiting has stopped and then try to drink one tablespoon of fluid. If this causes more vomiting, wait a few more hours after the vomiting has stopped and then try again. If it doesnt cause more vomiting, continue hydrating yourself one tablespoon at a time every 10 minutes until you are able to tolerate more.

    The fluid can be water, Pedialyte, Gastolyte or flat ginger-ale. If you can keep down the fluids for a few hours without vomiting, you can try eating food. Choose foods that are very plain, such as the B.R.A.T. diet: Bananas, Rice, Apple sauce and Toast. You can also eat plain chicken and clear soups and crackers.

    The vomiting usually lasts 12-24 hours, and is followed by diarrhea for several days. If the diarrhea is very bad, you can take an over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medication for it. It is generally thought to be a good idea to wait at least one to two days after the diarrhea starts before taking any anti-diarrheal medication.

    Reasons to return to the ER
  • Dehydration. Signs of dehydration:
  • No tears made when crying
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