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Are Antibiotics Hard On The Kidneys

What Are Nsaids Are They Safe To Take

July Update: Kidney and Bladder pain, Antibiotics, Constipation and Sulphur Damage

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a specific group of pain relievers. Some NSAIDs are available over the counter. This includes different brands of ibuprofen, naproxen sodium and ketoprofen.

NSAIDs are usually safe for occasional use when taken as directed, but if you have known decreased kidney function, they should be avoided. These medications should only be used under a doctor’s care by patients with kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure or liver disease or by people who are over 65 or who take diuretic medications. NSAIDs may cause an increased risk of sudden kidney failure and even progressive kidney damage.

Types Of Antibiotics Found To Increase Chances Of Getting A Kidney Stone

To explore the possible link between antibiotic usage and kidney stones, the researchers set out to investigate whether the use of commonly prescribed antibiotics may have an effect on a persons risk of developing this painful urinary tract disorder.

Doctors know that antibiotics change the composition of microbiome in the body, including the intestines. Previous research has also shown that disruptions in the bacteria in the intestines and urinary tract have been associated with kidney stones, Dr. Tasian and his colleagues note in the new paper.

For the new study, the researchers examined health records for 13.8 million adults and children in the United Kingdom seen by doctors from 1994 to 2015. Of those individuals, 25,981 people had had kidney stones. The researchers analyzed previous exposure to antibiotics in the group of people who had had kidney stones and compared the data with nearly 259,797 control subjects matched by age, sex, and the practice they were treated at, who had not had kidney stones.

The researchers also found that the strongest risks for kidney stones were in children and adolescents.

The new data suggests that exposure to certain antibiotics may increase risk of developing kidney stones and the risk may be greatest when antibiotics are taken at younger ages.

Study Design And Setting

We conducted a population-based, retrospective cohort study for the period June 2002 to March 2013 using linked health care databases in the province of Ontario, Canada. Ontario has more than 13 million residents, 15% of whom are 65 years of age or older. All residents have universal access to hospital care and physician services, and those 65 years of age or older have universal prescription drug coverage. We conducted this study at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences according to a prespecified protocol that had been approved by the instituteâs research ethics board. We used datasets that were held securely in linkable files without any direct patient identifiers. The reporting of this study follows guidelines for observational studies .

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How Does Alcohol Harm The Kidneys

Your kidneys filter harmful substances from your blood. One of these substances is alcohol. Alcohol can cause changes in the function of the kidneys and make them less able to filter your blood. In addition to filtering blood, your kidneys do many other important jobs. One of these jobs is keeping the right amount of water in your body. Alcohol affects the ability of your kidneys to do this. When alcohol dehydrates the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys.

Too much alcohol can also affect your blood pressure. People who drink too much are more likely to have high blood pressure. And medications for high blood pressure can be affected by alcohol. High blood pressure is a common cause of kidney disease. More than two drinks a day can increase your chance of having high blood pressure.

Chronic drinking can also cause liver disease. This adds to the kidney’s job. The rate of blood flow to your kidneys is usually kept at a certain level, so that your kidneys can filter your blood well. Liver disease impairs this important balancing act. In fact, most patients in the United States who have both liver disease and associated kidney dysfunction are alcohol dependent.

Keeping Kidneys Safe: Smart Choices About Medicines

Pin on medicines damage kidneys

On this page:

If you have chronic kidney disease , diabetes, or high blood pressureor if you take certain blood pressure medicines that affect your kidneysyou should take steps to protect your kidneys from harm.

ACE inhibitors and ARBs are two types of blood pressure medicine that may slow the loss of kidney function and delay kidney failure. You can tell if youre taking one of these medicines by its generic name. ACE inhibitors end in pril and ARBs have generic names that end in sartan for example, lisinopril and losartan.

You may also take a diuretic, sometimes called a water pill, to meet your blood pressure goals.

The information below explains

  • actions you can take to keep your kidneys safe while taking these blood pressure medicines
  • why you sometimes need to take special care with medicines for example, when youre sick, dehydrated, or thinking about whether or not to take an over-the-counter medicine

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What Are Clinical Trials And Are They Right For You

Clinical trials are part of clinical research and at the heart of all medical advances. Clinical trials look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease. Researchers also use clinical trials to look at other aspects of care, such as improving the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses. Find out if clinical trials are right for you.

Is Bactrim Safe For Kidney Disease

4.5/5read more on it

Cephalosporins and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole may cause acute renal failure as a result of interstitial disease, but these agents sometimes cause elevated serum creatinine levels simply by inhibiting the tubular secretion of creatinine without causing real damageto the kidneys.

Likewise, what medications should be avoided with kidney disease? Kidney Disease: Medicines to Avoid

  • Pain medicines, including:
  • Herbal supplements, which can contain minerals like potassium that are harmful for people who have kidney disease.
  • Statin medicines, such as atorvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin, for high cholesterol.
  • Diabetes medicines, including insulin and metformin.

One may also ask, what antibiotics are safe to take with kidney disease?

  • Pen VK: No dose alteration needed.
  • 2)Amoxicillin: No dose adjustment.
  • 3)Azithromycin: Avoid Azithromycin in patients with Liver disease.
  • 4)Clindamycin:

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The Function Of The Kidneys

The majority of abused substances are excreted through the kidneys.

The kidneys job is to filter the blood pumped throughout the body in order to create urine 3. Urine is comprised of excess fluid and waste products and, once formed in the kidneys, it travels to the bladder, where it is stored in anticipation of its periodic excretion 3. Working in concert with each other, these two organs help to stabilize electrolytes and prevent waste and fluid buildup in the blood 3.

Drugs and alcohol are no exception when it comes to the renal filtration process in fact, the majority of abused substances are excreted through the kidneys2.

Kidney Impairment Can Be Costly

Top 5 Habits That Can Harm Your Kidneys

Although renal impairment is often reversible if the offending drug is discontinued, the condition can be costly and may require multiple interventions, including hospitalization, Dr. Naughton explained. To help you avoid getting to that point, we learned about medications that commonly cause kidney damage from Rebekah Krupski, PharmD, RPh, pharmacy resident at the Cleveland Clinic and clinical instructor of pharmacy practice at Northeast Ohio Medical University.

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What Are The Causes Of Kidney Infections

Normally, bacteria are flushed out by the flow of urine. However, several problems can increase the risk of a kidney infection. These problems can include:

  • Structural abnormalities blocking urine flow.
  • An enlarged prostate gland compressing the urethra.
  • Backflow of urine from the bladder to the kidneys.
  • If your immune system is affected .
  • Pregnancy, during which time the enlarging uterus can squeeze the ureters and reduce the flow of urine, allowing the bacteria to migrate to the kidneys.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

Risk Of Kidney Disease Doubled With Use Of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics

Canadian Medical Association Journal
The risk of acute kidney disease is doubled for people taking oral fluoroquinolone antibiotics, according to a new study.

The risk of acute kidney disease is doubled for people taking oral fluoroquinolone antibiotics, according to a study of published in CMAJ .

Fluoroquinolones, including ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin, are common broad-spectrum antibiotics most often used to treat respiratory and urogenital infections. Case reports have indicated acute kidney injury with use, and prescription labels carry a warning of kidney failure. However, when oral fluoroquinolones are prescribed in clinical practice, kidney injury is usually not considered.

“We found a twofold increased risk of acute kidney injury requiring hospital admission with the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics among adult men, using 2 analytic techniques,” writes Dr. Mahyar Etminan, of the Child & Family Research Institute, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, and the Provincial Health Services Authority, with coauthors.

“The twofold differential in risk in current users suggests that acute kidney injury secondary to fluoroquinolone use is an acute adverse event.”

Story Source:

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What Can I Do To Keep My Kidneys Healthy

Kidney disease caused by analgesics is often preventable Here are some things you can do to help keep your kidneys healthy.

  • Do not use over-the-counter pain relievers more than 10 days for pain or more than three days for fever. If you have pain or fever for a longer time, you should see your doctor
  • Avoid prolonged use of analgesics that contain a mixture of painkilling ingredients, like aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine mixtures in one pill
  • If you are taking analgesics, increase the amount of fluid you drink to six to eight glasses a day
  • If you are taking analgesics, avoid drinking alcohol
  • If you have kidney disease, consult your doctor before taking an analgesic, particularly NSAIDs and higher dose aspirin.
  • Use NSAIDs under your doctor’s supervision if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease or liver disease or if you take diuretic medications or are over 65 years of age
  • Make sure your doctor knows about all medicines you are taking, even over-the-counter medicines
  • Make sure you read the warning label before using any over-the-counter analgesics.

Is Aspirin Safe For Regular Use

Antibiotics May Raise Kidney Stone Risk, Finds New Study ...

When taken as directed, regular use of aspirin does not seem to increase the risk of kidney disease in people who have normal kidney function. However, taking doses that are too large may temporarily- and possibly permanently- reduce kidney function. In people with kidney disease, aspirin may increase the tendency to bleed. People who already have reduced kidney function, or other health problems such as liver disease or severe heart failure, should not use aspirin without speaking to their doctor.

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Common Medications That Harm Your Kidneys

Though you may not think about your kidneys all too often, they do play a vital role in your health.

One of their major roles is as your bodys filtering and waste disposal system

Almost 7,000 ounces of blood cycles through the kidneys each day. And in their workings they produce urine from unwanted chemicals, excess fluid or waste.

Its common practice these days to take medications for our ailments. And while medications may be designed to assist your body in some way, they also have to take a trip to the kidneys for filtering.

And if you think your kidneys are safe from the effects of those drugs, think again around 20 percent of acute kidney failure is caused by prescription medications.

Thats why you should know about six common medications that can damage the kidneys more than others

Can Kidney Infection Be Prevented

Most kidney infections are caused by germs travelling up from a bladder infection. So the same things that can help to reduce your chances of bladder infection should reduce your chances of kidney infection. Traditionally, people who got recurring urine infections were advised about measures such as drinking plenty of fluid and taking cranberry juice, and on the way that they wiped themselves after going to the toilet. However, there is little evidence for any of these measures and they are now not usually advised. Anything which increases your risk of urine infections which can be treated, should be treated. For example, any constipation should be treated promptly, as constipation can increase your chances of a bladder or kidney infection. See the separate leaflet called Constipation for more details. Doctors will try to treat anything else which might be contributing, such as kidney stones or an abnormality in the structure of the urinary system.

Pregnant women are regularly tested for urine infections and for germs in their urine. Even if they don’t have symptoms, if urine tests positive for germs, pregnant women are usually treated with antibiotics to prevent any complications.

In some cases people who have recurring urine infections are treated with a low dose of antibiotic continually. This may help to prevent recurrences and to prevent spread to the kidney.

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A Study Highlighted That Use Of Over

Written by Shraddha Rupavate | Published : February 5, 2015 6:45 PM IST

We know that painkillers while addressing the problem at hand can do considerable damage to your body. In fact, relying on them to avert pain is like pushing your health towards the path of deterioration in a planned manner, even if you aren’t aware about it. More so if you are popping those pills without any medical supervision.

Most people are habitual pill-poppers, assuming nothing untoward will ever happen to them. They may either be taking common OTC medication like painkillers or antibiotics or maybe following the doctor’s prescription for conditions like diabetes, hypertension for a long time , without understanding the implications. However, kidney damage due to medicines isn’t as rare as you think. A study highlighted that use of over-the-counter and prescription medications accounts for about 20 percent of cases of acute renal failure. Here are the complications of kidney disease that you should know about.

The worst part about kidney damage is that in the initial stages no symptoms are seen. As kidney failure progresses, the following symptoms may be evident:

Carefully Targeted Antibiotic Treatment For Urinary Tract Infections

Fight Disease with a Clean Liver, Kidneys and Colon

So what do we do now? As a society and as individuals, we should reduce and carefully target antibiotic use. Both physicians and patients should be aware of the grave potential to lose effective antibiotics for all infections even simple UTIs. Its an opportunity that empowers individuals to have informed conversations with their doctors. Every time your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, ask: Do I need this? Why? Is there an antibiotic-free alternative? Talking about it might be enough to meaningfully reduce inappropriate antibiotic use.

If youre having UTI symptoms like burning with urination, more frequent urination, bloody or cloudy urine, low abdominal pain, or fever, you should see a medical provider to get tested. Youll have to urinate into a container and the medical office will test for products of bacterial metabolism. Make sure to tell your provider if youve had UTIs before, and what antibiotic you took. If you have a history of antibiotic-resistant infections, share that, too. There are alternatives to Cipro and Bactrim, but antibiotic choices are limited.

If antibiotic resistance continues to grow, more people will need intravenous treatment for UTIs we used to cure with simple oral antibiotic courses. Were also likely to see more complications, like kidney infections and sepsis, arising from ineffective treatment.

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The Effect Of Liver Disease

Individuals with liver disease are at increased risk of experiencing adverse effects on the kidneys. It is common for those with cirrhosis to also have enlarged kidneys, with an estimated 33% increase in kidney weight 13. Some of the other kidney problems resulting from liver disease include

Some of the other kidney problems resulting from liver disease include 13:

  • Acute kidney failure.
  • Compromised sodium handling.
  • Weakened fluid handling.

Experiments with alcohol-administered rats have revealed kidney swelling, impaired renal functioning, and enlarged kidney cells containing a considerable increase in water, fat, and protein 13.

Further renal complications caused by direct alcohol consumption include 13:

  • Electrolyte disturbances .
  • Fluid imbalance.
  • Hyponatremia, or abnormally low sodium levels.
  • Potassium, magnesium, and calcium depletion.
  • Extremely high or low phosphate levels.
  • Fluid accumulation.
  • Alcoholic ketoacidosis, a condition characterized by dangerously high blood acidity.
  • Alkalosis, or low acidity.

Smoking tobacco is associated with a number of kidney complications, such as 2:

  • Sped-up progression of kidney disease in people with high blood pressure and diabetes.
  • Microalbuminuria 14.

It may also cause progression of the following:

The Effect Of Painkillers

Some opioid painkillers, such as Vicodin and Percocet, contain acetaminophen, commonly marketed as Tylenol.

Long-term use of acetaminophen-containing prescription painkillers or acetaminophen alone can cause two types of kidney damage 20:

  • Analgesic nephropathy: a condition that progresses to irreversible renal failure 21.
  • Chronic kidney failure.

In the case of analgesic nephropathy, a person will likely require a kidney transplant or dialysis to return to normal renal functioning 21.

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How Are Kidney Infections Treated

A physician will treat the disease based on his or her examination. He or she may start the patient on the standard treatment of a course of antibiotics before the lab tests results are available. The medication may change once the exact strain of bacteria is revealed by the lab tests.

If the treatment is effective, the patient should feel better in two to three days. If not, your healthcare provider will start looking for additional problems. Most antibiotic treatments last for 14 days and it is essential that patients take the pills as recommended for the full 14 days even though symptoms may disappear after a few days. The disappearance of symptoms does not mean all bacteria are killed. Some may remain and the infection may reappear.

There is also a concern that those bacteria that remain may develop resistance to the medication. For some reason the disease is more difficult to treat in men and they may have to take medication for up to six weeks. Patients with severe illness, those that have significant nausea and vomiting, high fevers, significant pain and signs of dehydration may be hospitalized for a few days while the antibiotics are administered intravenously. Urine samples are taken after about six weeks of treatment and examined to insure the bacterial infection is eradicated.

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