Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Antibiotic Gel For Gum Disease

Phase Iii: The Maintenance Phase

Atridox Medication for Periodontal Disease Treatment | Lake Merritt Dental, Oakland, CA

The maintenance phase focuses entirely on preventing the periodontal disease from returning. Without careful maintenance, theres a high recurrence rate.

Your dentist will carefully detail the oral hygiene practices you need to follow, including brushing your teeth properly and flossing daily. Clean your teeth carefully, making sure not to miss any of the hard-to-reach spots, and use mouthwash to help kill off any leftover bacteria. Youll see your dentist for a three-month follow-up instead of waiting six months to make sure everything is in good working order.

Some individuals may also enter a restorative phase if extensive surgery was needed. Implants or prosthetics may be inserted if teeth were extracted or if a large amount of tissue or bone had to be removed. Orthodontic treatment can also help align your teeth properly, making them easier to care for.

The exact treatments that your dentist or surgeon will choose depends on the severity of the periodontal disease.

Empirical Therapy Versus Microbial Testing

The choice of antibiotics can either be empiric or guided by information about the nature of the involved pathogenic microorganism and/or their antibiotic susceptibility profile. Currently, there exists no direct evidence that microbiologic diagnosis and targeted selection of antibiotic regimen provides an additional benefit compared to empiric use. In practice, antibiotics are often used empirically without microbial testing. Studies conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of microbial testing concluded that the usefulness of microbial testing may be limited and that empirical use of antibiotics, such as a combination of amoxicillin and metronidazole, may be more clinically sound and cost effective than bacterial identification and antibiotic-sensitivity testing. The use of such measures can still be considered whenever a case of aggressive periodontitis is not responding or if the destruction continues despite good therapeutic efforts.

How To Treat Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a serious bacterial infection of the gums that, if left untreated, will eventually destroy the gums, ligaments and bones supporting your teeth, leading to tooth loss. Periodontal disease can also lead to problems throughout your body, and has been associated with an increased risk for heart disease and stroke, and other major health problems.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source Luckily, periodontal disease can usually be treated and kept under control to prevent it from turning into a severe case. While home care is important for preventing gum disease, once periodontal disease has set in, treatment must begin with a trip to the dentist or periodontist for a diagnosis and a special deep cleaning. After that, the disease can be managed with diligent home care and routine check-ups in many cases, but in others, additional medical intervention may be necessary.

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How To Use Corsodyl 1% W/w Dental Gel

The first thing to do if you notice a sign of gum disease is to talk to your dentist who can advise you on the best treatment options. Corsodyl 1% w/w Dental Gel is an effective short term treatment for gum problems. Use as directed by the product label/leaflet.

  • For gum disease: Brush your teeth for at least one minute once or twice daily using 2cm of gel. Continue the treatment for about a month or as recommended by your dentist
  • For mouth ulcers or oral thrush: Apply gel directly to the sore areas using your finger top or a cotton bud once or twice daily for at least one minute
  • For denture sore mouth: Smear gel lightly over the fitting surfaces of the dentures before insertion cleanse and soak the dentures in Corsodyl 0.2% w/v Mouthwash for 15 minutes twice daily or as directed by your dentist
  • After dental surgery or tooth decay: Use as directed by your dentist

What Happens When You Have Periodontitis

Dental Antibiotic Alternative to Arestin

Periodontitis causes your gums to become very inflamed. They may turn red, swell and bleed. The inflammation is so severe that pockets of air also develop between your gums and teeth.

Bacteria enter and flourish in these pockets, leading to infection below the gum line. Your immune system then starts to fight the infection. It eventually breaks down the tissue and bone holding teeth in place. This response can lead to the loss of teeth.

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How Does Deep Cleaning Treat Periodontitis

During a deep cleaning, your provider removes plaque. Providers use methods called scaling and root planing, which they may do with a laser:

  • Scaling scrapes off the tartar from above and below the gum line.
  • Root planing gets rid of the rough spots on the roots of the teeth. It helps remove the bacteria that cause periodontitis.

What Causes Periodontal Disease In Dogs

Plaque, that fuzzy white substance that coats our teeth when they arent brushed, contains tons of harmful bacteria that cause periodontal disease. Plaque forms in a clean mouth after 24 hours.

If your dogs teeth are not brushed daily, plaque will accumulate. After 72 hours, that plaque will become mineralized and turn into dental calculusoften referred to as tartar. Tartar is easier for plaque to stick to than the natural smooth surface of the tooth, so it allows for more plaque to accumulate.

Plaque on the teeth will cause inflammation of the gums and then eventually, it will make its way down to deeper structures around the tooth.

The bodys own inflammatory response to the plaque will then lead to destruction of the soft tissues and bone that support the teeth .

The treatment for gum disease in dogs will depend on the stage of periodontal disease your dog has. Here are a few steps your veterinarian will take.

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What Is Periodontal Disease In Dogs

Periodontal disease in dogs is a progressive disease caused by bacteria in the mouth that damages the gums, bone, and other supporting structures of the teeth.

Since this disease lurks below the gums, in many cases, visible signs of gum disease in dogs are not present until the disease is very advanced. Due to this, its very important to begin preventative dental care for your dog at an early age.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Procedure For The Therapy

Watch as ATRIDOX® is applied for treatment of chronic adult periodontitis – DenMat Dental Products

The various procedures used in this therapy are important. If an antibiotic is used without scaling and root planing, the infection is likely to come back strongly, because the residue of plaque and tartar that has not been removed is a perfect environment in which bacteria thrive.

On the other hand, scaling a root planing will not remove all of the bacteria, so the antibiotic kills the remaining germs. To avoid discomfort during deep cleaning, a topical anesthetic is usually applied.

The procedure How is it done?

Your doctor can choose to give you antibiotics in oral form place them directly into your mouth . If you are given antibiotics in oral form, you may have to eat for next week or so.

On the other hand, if your doctor chooses to give you a local therapy, you may be given antibiotics either in the gel form or form of powder. Depending on the type of therapy, your doctor may follow the following procedure.

Therapy with gel

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Rationale For Antibiotic Therapy

The rationale for pharmacological agents in management of aggressive forms of periodontal disease is eliminating the initiating factors and diseased tissues by conventional therapy and augmenting it with systemic pharmacological agents to eliminate the pathogens left in the tissues. It is to be emphasized, in such cases, that use of antibiotics is as important as the conventional therapy. Mechanical treatment may not predictably eliminate putative pathogens such as A. actinomycetemcomitans from sub-gingival area due to them being inaccessible to mechanical intervention, especially in areas such as root concavities, furcation, and their ability to invade periodontal tissues and dentinal tubules. Persistence in non-dental areas such as dorsum of tongue or tonsils is again an important area of concern.

While the use of antibiotics in periodontal treatment will probably always be controversial, reports from both the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology contain valuable guidance for their use. Both these reports, following exhaustive literature searches, determined that patients with aggressive periodontitis appear to benefit from the adjunctive use of systemic antibiotics during treatment.

Antibiotic Treatment For Periodontal Disease

Antibiotics have been shown to be effective as adjunct treatments for multiple types of periodontal disease. In some cases they are prescribed in oral form but more commonly are made into topical gels. A topical gel is usually preferred as it reduces the risks of systemic effects from oral antibiotics and treatment is targeted to the area of infection.

A topical antibiotic gel can control the re-colonization of bacteria after instrumentation. This is the FDA indication for the commercially available product Arestin. Arestin is a form of the antibiotic minocycline that reduces pocket depth when combined with scaling and root planing. Minocycline is a tetracycline antibiotic that has both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps prevent tissue destruction and bone loss by blocking the protein collagenase.

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About Corsodyl 1% W/w Dental Gel

Corsodyl 1% w/w Dental Gel helps you target problem areas in your mouth directly and effectively. It is an intensive treatment that is formulated to help treat serious, persistent or worsening gum problems, such as red, swollen and bleeding gums.

It is clinically proven to help put a stop to the first stage of gum disease, gingivitis. If left untreated, this can progress to the irreversible second stage of gum disease periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss.

Corsodyl 1% w/w Dental Gel can be used as a short term, intensive care product for more serious gum disease, to keep your mouth clean and help return your gums to health.

Phase Ii: The Surgical Phase

Antibiotic Gel: Veterinarian Fenton

If the more conservative treatments werent effective, treatments will move into the surgical phase. This will likely happen if the pockets of infection or plaque and tartar are too deep to clean. This phase will be assessed somewhere between four and eight weeks after the initial treatment.

Surgery could include leveling shallow bone defects or using regenerative surgical techniques for deep bone defects. The goal of these surgeries is to remove the pockets of space between the teeth and the bone that can be broken down or destroyed with periodontal disease. This, in turn, will eliminate the room for bacteria, plaque, and tartar to fester.

Surgery can be done under general anesthesia and many people dont feel pain after the surgery. Most will miss only one day of work.

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Prescribing Hydrogen Peroxide In The Treatment Of Periodontal Disease

December 2, 2016

Antibiotics used for the treatment of periodontal disease have come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. One concern lies in the rise of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, complicating treatment and posing general health risks. Some patients want to avoid antibiotics and their side effects altogether. Many dentists have raised concerns about antibiotic long-term efficacy. An alternative antimicrobial to be used between office visits is a 1.7% hydrogen peroxide gel delivered into periodontal pockets with a sealed prescription tray. Hydrogen peroxide has a long and safe track record in dentistry and has been used in tray delivery for more than 10 years to treat periodontal disease. Classified in the United States as an oral debriding agent and an oral wound cleanser, peroxide is an effective antimicrobial for chronic oral wounds inducing periodontal disease.

In periodontal therapy, localized antibiotic usage may avoid the side effects of systemic antibiotics, but the placement of the localized drugs has to be repeated often and the costs mount. In two studies evaluating the benefits of minocycline spheres placed into periodontal pockets measuring 5mm, an average of 31 sites were treated at baseline, at three months, and at six months. 4

Fig. 1Confocal microscope image showing Live/Dead kit results on 3-day-old Streptococcus mutans UA159 control groups. Cell walls are intact .

Oral Health welcomes this original article.


How Dental Biofilm/plaque Causes Periodontal Disease

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the definitions of supragingival biofilm, subgingival biofilm, plaque, calculus , caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Subgingival plaque and the host response to plaque causes periodontal disease.
  • Fermentation of sugar by bacteria in plaque causes dental caries .
  • Subgingival dental biofilm/plaque contains more Gram negative anaerobic bacilli and spirochetes than supragingival dental biofilm/plaque .
  • Subgingival biofilm/plaque bacteria produce a lot of proteases and hemolysins to get nutrients from the host tissue in the gingival sulcus.
  • Supragingival biofilm/plaque bacteria breakdown sugars from the hosts diet to acid. The acid causes demineralization of the tooth resulting in dental caries.
  • Gingivitis does NOT occur following any specific pathogen or pathogens being in the dental biofilm/plaque. The more dental plaque that accumulates on the teeth the more likely a patient will develop gingivitis.
  • Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis – the dental biofilm/plague usually contains a lot of Fusobacterium spp., Prevotella intermedia, and especially spirochetes .
  • Periodontitis usually develops after gingivitis. Periodontitis occurs if certain pathogens are present in higher numbers in the subgingival dental biofilm/plaque.
  • Chronic periodontitis – the dental biofilm/plaque usually contains a higher population of Gram negative anaerobic bacilli and spirochetes.
  • Definitions

    Plaque– the visible accumulation of a dental biofilm.

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    Phase I: The Etiological Phase

    Treatment in this phase will focus on controlling the infection and restoring the healthy microbiota that should be there. Your dentist will also take a look at what they think is causing the periodontal disease so they can address the root of the problem.

    During this phase, youll be educated about what you have to do for home care, which will include taking care of your overall health. You will also be required to stop smoking and to maintain excellent oral hygiene.

    Procedures called scaling and root planing will also happen during this stage, where the dentist will clean your teeth deeply and remove plaque and calculus. Medications may also be prescribed.

    Treatment For Stage 2 Of Periodontal Disease In Dogs

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    When Stage 2 of periodontal disease is present, your dog will require a professional teeth cleaning.

    However, during the cleaning, your veterinarian will do a deep cleaning of any abnormal periodontal pockets and apply an antibiotic gel into those areas to help to close those pockets and prevent further destruction of the tooth attachments.

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    Treatment For Stage 4 Of Periodontal Disease In Dogs

    As stated previously, the only treatment for teeth in Stage 4 is extraction.

    The teeth are too diseased to save and are a source of significant pain and infection. This is why it is imperative that you address your dogs gum disease immediately with your veterinarian instead of trying home remedies or dental products at this stage.

    When To Use Gengigel Gel 20 Ml

    Gengigel Gel 20 ml Boots Browse Gengigel Gel 20 ml. Available online today at Boots. GengigelGengigel provides active protection from gum disease and support for the natural healing of inflamed and damaged tissue in the mouth. Use Gengigel Gel on inflamed and receding gums or any discomfort of the mouth or gum tissue.

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    Who Is At Risk For Periodontitis

    Periodontitis is fairly uncommon in people under age 30. Still, it can affect anyone with poor oral hygiene those who dont brush their teeth and floss regularly.

    Periodontitis is more likely to happen as you age, though. Thats because years of poor oral hygiene take their toll. Before you get periodontitis, youll develop gingivitis, a less severe form of gum disease. If you dont get treatment for gingivitis, periodontitis can happen.

    Men are also more likely to get periodontitis. One possible reason is that men are less likely to get regular dental care. They also tend to have worse dental health.

    Other factors that can increase your periodontitis risk include:

    • Smoking , since it weakens the bodys ability to fight infection.
    • Diabetes, since people with diabetes are at higher risk for developing infections.
    • Medications that lower the production of saliva, which protects your gums. These medicines include antihistamines, antidepressants and drugs for hypertension .
    • Genetics you may have genes that put you at higher risk.
    • Hormonal changes in women, such as pregnancy or using birth control pills.
    • Diseases that limit the immune systems response, such as cancer or AIDS. These conditions can lead to necrotizing periodontitis, the most severe form.

    Which Is The Best Antibiotic For Gum Disease

    Teetho Gel

    This is a tetracycline antibioticused to reduce bacteria. It usually comes in the form of a gel that can be squeezed into any gum pockets to reduce the size of the pocket and improve tooth-gum attachment. Another tetracycline antibiotic, this one comes in powder formand is also inserted in gum pockets.

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