Thursday, April 25, 2024

Do Dogs Need Antibiotics For Ear Infections

What Do You Give Dog For Ear Infection

Dog Ear Infection Treated With Natural Remedies

Treatment Eardrops. Medicated eardrops containing antibiotics, antifungals and anti-inflammatories help to clear swelling and pain. Ear cleaning. Its important to keep the inside of your dogs ears clean while they heal. Anti-inflammatory pain relief. Antibiotic tablets. Treating the underlying cause.

Can I Get Over

If youre wondering if you can get dog antibiotics without a vet prescription, the answer is no. You need to get a vets prescription for dog antibiotics, even for those you can buy online. If you do happen to find an online site that sells OTC antibiotics for dogs, we think you should consider this sketchy. You wont know what youre really getting.

There are some antimicrobial sprays and shampoos for dogs, which have antibacterial properties, that you can purchase without a prescription for skin issues. And Neosporin is generally considered safe for dogs. But these shouldnt replace a vets diagnosis and antibiotics if needed.

How Can Future Ear Infections Be Prevented

When an infection has fixed, routine cleaning assists avoid reoccurrence by promoting a healthy environment inside the external ear canal. Never insert a cotton swab into your pets ear canal these swabs can burst the eardrum, which could result in additional complications.

If you are uneasy cleaning your family pets ears, ask your veterinary team to evaluate ear cleaning procedures with you.

Underlying conditions, such as allergies, need to likewise be dealt with to help prevent reoccurrence of ear infections.

Returning for routine check-ups with your vet is also an important method to track your family pets progress and catch ear infections early before they have a chance to get securely reestablished.

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What If Your Dog Has Chronic Ear Infections

Chronic ear infections can be time-consuming and frustrating for the pet, the owner, and even the veterinarian.

Certain breeds of dogs are known to more commonly experience recurring ear infection issues, according to the Veterinary Information Network.3 This can be partly due to genetics, ear shape, or ear confirmation. Over time, proliferative ear tissue can form, making treatment more difficult.

Chronic dog ear infections require closely working with your veterinarian to treat. It is important that your vet does testing to choose the appropriate medication. Chronic infections can require medication consistently for 6 to 8 weeks.

After treatment, testing is needed again to ensure that all the infection has cleared. If we stop medicating too soon or do not treat underlying problems, it is easy for the infection to return, sometimes even becoming resistant to many medications.

What Are The Treatment Options For Chronic Ear Infections In Dogs

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In some dogs, chronic ear infections cannot be cured and the goal of therapy is to reduce flare-ups as much as possible. For example, for dogs with chronic ear infections caused by allergies, the goal would be to manage the allergies as much as possible in order to reduce secondary infection occurrences.

Treating chronic ear infections in dogs is much different than treating an acute ear infection. Yes, both require initial medication to treat, but to be successful the underlying disease or cause needs to be isolated and managed.

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Signs Of Dog Ear Infections

A healthy dog ear is clean and dry. It is normal for small amounts of microscopic bacteria and yeast to live in the outer ear canal, but when a buildup of debris occurs, or the normal, healthy ear canal is compromised, those bacteria and yeast can overgrow and create an infection.

Common signs of dog ear infections include:

Occasionally, dogs can experience hearing loss or balance issues. Rarely, an ear infection may affect a dogs appetite if the pet is having system-wide effects. This is seen more often with otitis media or interna.

Metronidazole For Dogs Ear Infection

Perhaps your dog is scratching its ear and shaking its head. It may have an ear infection. Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to treat ear infections in dogs.

Before starting any treatment, you must take your dog to the vet for a diagnosis. Metronidazole can be given orally or topically.

The decision on which form to use will be based on the severity of the infection. And the dogs reaction to the medication.

Metronidazole is generally well-tolerated. But side effects can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Perhaps you are concerned about any of these side effects. Then, please talk to your veterinarian.

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Antibiotics Only Work If Taken As Directed

Your vet will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic dosage for your dog and give you detailed instructions on how best to administer them, how often to give them, and for how long. Its crucial that you follow these instructions and not skip doses or stop giving your dog antibiotics too early simply because he seems to be feeling better.

When Are Antibiotics Needed For Dog Ear Infections

How to Identify and Treat an Ear Infection in Your Dog

Inflammation of the ear canal may result in the overgrowth of yeast or bacterial populations that live on the skin in the ear canal normally. Antibiotics are needed for ear infections where bacterial overgrowth is identified. Not all ear infections require antibiotics. Your vet can advise on the best treatment based on their examination and diagnostic tests. It is important to follow your vets instructions closely and return for any recommended recheck appointments to ensure the infection has resolved completely. Lapses in your dogs treatment could lead to a recurrence of the infection.

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Are There Natural Antibiotics For Dogs

Some all-natural products have antibacterial properties, like oregano oil, manuka honey, olive leaf, and a host of other herbs and plants. However, we encourage you to talk to your vet before giving your dog any supplements and certainly not as a replacement for a proper veterinary diagnosis and treatment plan.

Remove Sugar And Starch From Your Dogs Diet

Sugar and starch feed the growth of yeast in your dogs system. By eliminating your dogs intake of these ingredients, youll essentially starve the yeast by reducing your dogs blood glucose levels. Always be aware of the ingredients in your dog food. Even if it states that its grain free, your dog food may still contain potatoes, which are full of starch.

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How To Clear Up A Dog Ear Infection Permanently

One of the main reasons why dogs are plagued by continuous ear problems is due to poor nutrition, or a diet that simply doesnt work for the individual dog due to food sensitivities. Retrievers are high on the list for constant ear problems and my Lulu wasnt any different. I should say until I learned how to eliminate her ear problems for good.

She was the yeastiest dog I ever had. Lulu had it all including one ear infection after another.

I set out on a mission to figure out exactly what I needed to do for Lulu to keep her healthy and yeast free. I had dogs my entire life, but never any with the yeast issues that she had. This was many years ago before I knew what I know now.

How To Clean Your Dogs Ears

Antibiotic Pet Ear Cleaner and Ear Infection Treatment Medicine Drops ...
  • When cleaning a dogâs ear, it is critical not to use anything that would tend to push any debris further into the ear canal. Cotton-tipped applicators should not be used.

  • Assemble real cotton balls and the ear cleaning solution. It is best to use saline eye solution to clean the ear. Do not use wax removal liquid or other over-the-counter ear cleaners.

  • Squirt enough cleaner into the ear to fill the canal. Massage the base of the ear until you hear the solution âsquish.â

  • Gently grasp the base of the ear and pull the pinna up and away from the head in order to straighten out the âLâ shape of the canal.

  • Wad the cotton into a tubular shape and gently insert it into the canal as far as it will go.

  • Again, gently massage the base of the ear to help work debris and cleaning solution toward the cotton and dry the canal.

  • Wait a few minutes before using any medication in the affected ear as instructed by your veterinarian.

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Ear Infections In Dogs

In dogs, ear infections are fairly common and youll likely notice quickly if your dog begins to display symptoms, they may scratch their ear, whine or shake their head, and discharge or wax buildup may become an issue.

But what if your dog is asymptomatic, and what can happen if the infection is left untreated? Today, our Greensboro vets answer a number of questions our clients have asked us about ear infections in dogs.

There are actually three types of ear infection in dogs, and they include:

Otitis Externa

Also referred to as infection of the external ear canal, or otitis externa, outer ear infection is one of the most common types found in dogs.

Otitis Media and Otitis Interna

If outer ear infections arent detected or treated, they can often lead to middle and inner ear infections. These can turn very serious and sometimes lead to vestibular symptoms, in addition to deafness and facial paralysis. Thats why its critical that outer ear infections are detected early, and that every reasonable effort to prevent infection is made.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Getting An Ear Infection

At Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group in Ventura we believe that prevention is always better than treatment when it comes to ear infections. To help prevent ear infections it is important to keep your dog’s ears clean and dry. Talk to your vet about the best cleaning solution for your pup and take the time to give your dog a weekly ear cleaning. It is also a good idea to dry your dog’s ears if they have spent time in the water.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your pooch is displaying symptoms of severe ear infection such as loss of balance or unusual eye movements it could be a pet emergency. Contact our Ventura vets immediately.

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Doxycycline For Dogs Ear Infection

Doxycycline is one of the best dog antibiotics for ear infections. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective against many bacteria.

It is also well tolerated by most dogs and has few side effects.

Doxycycline is usually given twice daily for 7-10 days. Doxycycline is available in pill or liquid form.

How Are Dog Ear Infections Diagnosed

Dog Ear Infections: DIY Remedies That Work

If your dog is showing signs of an ear infection, it is important to visit your vet as soon as possible. Prompt treatment is important to prevent the spread of infection to the middle and inner ear. Your vet will take a history to establish any underlying allergies or triggers such as swimming, grooming, or cleaning the ears.

Examination of the ears may involve visualizing the ear canal and eardrum with an otoscope and palpation of the ears to assess pain. Swab samples from the ear may be taken for microscopic examination or culture. In severe or chronic cases, biopsies, x-rays, or a CT scan of the ear canals may be needed.

For some dogs with an ear infection, even gentle palpation of the ear canal is painful. For this reason, your vet may advise that his or her ears are examined under sedation to allow appropriate examination of the ear canal without causing pain or stress.

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Diagnosis Of Ear Infections

Your physician will look into your ear with an otoscope, a medical instrument with a light on one end designed to get a better view inside the ear. Your doctor will look for the visual signs of ear infection, such as redness and inflammation.

To check for fluid buildup, a pneumatic otoscope, which blows air at the eardrum, will be used. If there is excessive fluid behind the eardrum, it will not move as it should when the air hits it.

In some cases, hearing tests may also be performed to assess any damage to the ear from the infection.

Different types of ear infections present with different symptoms, which can include:

  • Inner ear infections: Hearing loss, ringing in the ears , dizziness, loss of balance, nausea and vomiting, and ear pain
  • Middle ear infections: Fluid in the ear, ear pain, fever, a feeling of general illness, pressure in the ears, and hearing loss
  • Outer ear infections: Inflammation of the ear canal, itching in the ear, ear pain, swelling of the ear canal, redness, and fluid draining from the ear

Ear Infection Doctor Discussion Guide

Children with ear infections, especially toddlers or infants, may not be able to describe their symptoms, but an ear infection will often present with the following signs:

  • Tugging or pulling at their ears
  • Fussing or crying
  • Being clumsy and having balance issues
  • Trouble hearing or responding to quiet noises

What Food Causes Ear Infections In Dogs

Ear infections and food allergies are caused by the immune system of the dog reacting to a potentially harmful component. Antibodies are produced by the immune system to combat and protect itself from this threat. Itchy or sensitive skin, ear infections, yeast infections, red or irritated eyes, sensitive stomach, or digestive difficulties are just a few of the symptoms.

Each dog is unique what is allergic to one may not be allergic to others. However, some components are more likely to trigger allergic responses and ear yeast infections than others. Some common dog food allergens include wheat, corn, beef, chicken, eggs, soy, mutton, pork, dairy products, and wet fish.

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How To Treat A Dog Ear Infection

“Typically, when it gets to the point of infection, you need prescription medication,” Grant says. It’s best to see your veterinarian as soon as you notice symptoms because ear infections won’t go away on their own.

Your veterinarian will take a swab of the ear discharge and look at it under a microscope to see if it’s mites, yeast, or bacteria, and then prescribe the appropriate medication. Treatments include antibiotics, antifungals and anti-mite medications that are usually applied to the skin. But if the infection has advanced to the inner ear, your veterinarian may recommend oral medications.

How Do You Treat Ear Infections In Dogs

Dog Ear Infection Antibiotic Medicine

The treatment of dog ear infections depends on the underlying cause. Here is a short review of the possible treatment options:

  • Ear Cleanser. First, the ear must be cleaned with an ear-cleaning solution made for dogs. Based on the circumstances the ear can be cleaned once, or the procedure repeated a couple of times and days.
  • Topical Medication. Then, the vet will prescribe or recommend topical medications ear drops usually containing antibiotics . The vet will give clear instructions on how to use the drops and for how long.
  • Oral Medication. In severe cases, the veterinarian will prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Sometimes, the dog may also need pain relievers.
  • Natural Supplements. Probiotics can be used in the treatment of dog ear infections. We recommend the Honest Paws Well Pre + Probiotics Supplement. The probiotic blend will help with the ear issue, boost the dogs gut health, and support overall wellness.
  • Specially formulated with both dog probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Avoid diarrhea, loss of appetite, constipation, and many other problems.
  • Helps promote the production of natural antibodies, fight free radicals, and support a healthy immune system in your dog.

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Will Dog Ear Infections Go Away On Their Own

No, dog ear infections do not simply go away. On the contrary, they tend to progress and become more dangerous quickly.

For example, if the infection progresses, it can cause permanent damage and hearing loss. It is also possible for excessive head shaking to result in an aural hematoma. A dog with aural hematoma requires surgical management.

Even if such complications do not develop, it is critical that you seek veterinary help for your dogs ear infection. Namely, dog ear infections are painful and impact the dogs quality of life.

Bacterial Culture And Sensitivity

Culture and sensitivity may be useful in identifying specific otic pathogens and assisting with treatment decisions however, a limitation is that antibiotic sensitivity data reflect the serum level needed systemically and may not predict true susceptibility of otic topical antibiotics.

Typical indications for bacterial C/S include the following14:

  • Chronic otitis associated with bacteria seen on cytology
  • Rods seen on cytology
  • Suspected or confirmed cases of otitis media
  • History of multidrug-resistant bacteria
  • History of long-term oral or topical antibiotic therapy
  • Bacteria persisting on cytology despite apparently appropriate therapy

FIGURE 5. Cytologic appearance of degenerate neutrophils and cocci .

FIGURE 6. Cytologic appearance of degenerate neutrophils and rods .

Clinicians should sample the middle ear separately if otitis media is confirmed when the tympanic membrane is intact. The types and sensitivity pattern of bacteria isolated from the middle ear may differ from those of bacteria isolated from the external canal.8 In one study, different organisms were cultured from the middle and external ear, and even when Pseudomonas species were cultured twice from the same ear, different strains were suspected on the basis of the sensitivity pattern exhibited.8 Culture results should be interpreted with caution because mixed bacterial flora and light commensal and contaminant bacteria might be present and may not be relevant as pathogens.

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