Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Do You Need Prescription For Antibiotics

No Prescription For Antibiotics No Problem

Why You Need to Finish Your Antibiotics
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Jose Martinez, a 29-year-old Dominican immigrant who runs a bodega on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, almost always manages to find whatever his customers need on his store’s bulging shelves.

When asked for medicine for an infection, Mr. Martinez often reaches for a box of pills called Ampitrex, a brand name for the antibiotic ampicillin.

The pills sell for 50 cents each and are easily bought at bodegas on the Upper West Side and in Washington Heights, East Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.

Under federal law, ampicillin, like all antibiotics, requires a doctor’s prescription. But Ampitrex is made in the Dominican Republic, where it is readily available and smuggled in small quantities into the United States. It is then sold in small markets much like over-the-counter pain relievers.

”In my country you can go into any store and get antibiotics like this one,” Mr. Martinez said. ”This Ampitrex, it’s 500 milligrams and absolutely pure. For throat pain, infections, it works by the next day. One to two days tops. Once you feel better, that’s it. You’re done taking the pills.”

Easy access to antibiotics is now common in certain areas around the nation, especially in border states. Dr. Richard Besser, director of the Campaign for Appropriate Antibiotic Use for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the sales at bodegas were only part of a much broader problem involving antibiotic overuse in America.

How And When To Take Antibiotics

Your GP, doctor or pharmacist will tell you when and how to take your antibiotics. If you’re not sure, ask them or read the advice on the packet or information leaflet.

Some antibiotics need to be taken on an empty stomach and some have to be taken with food. Take your dose exactly as prescribed.

Only take antibiotics prescribed to you. Never borrow antibiotics.

It’s best not to drink alcohol when you’re taking antibiotics. Alcohol can make antibiotic side effects worse. Some antibiotics can cause serious side effects when mixed with alcohol.

Ask your GP or pharmacist if you can drink alcohol while you’re taking antibiotics.

Main Types Of Antibiotics

Antibiotics can be grouped according to their class. Antibiotics within a class will share similar chemical and pharmacological properties, acting in the same way to kill or slow down the growth of bacteria. These are the common classes of antibiotics in Australia.

Aminoglycosides, e.g. amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin.

Carbapenems, e.g. ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem.

Cephalosporins, e.g. cefaclor, cefalexin, cefalotin, cefazolin, cefepime, cefotazime, cefoxitin, ceftaroline, ceftazidime, ceftolozane, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime.

Macrolides, e.g. azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, roxithromycin.

Penicillins, e.g. amoxicillin, ampicillin, benzylpenicillin, dicloxacillin, flucloxacillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin, piperacillin, ticarcillin.

Quinolones, e.g. ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin, norfloxacin.

Sulfonamides, e.g. sulfamethoxazole.

Tetracyclines, e.g. doxycycline, minocycline, tigecycline.

Other antibiotics, e.g. aztreonam, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, colistimethate, colistin, daptomycin, fidaxomicin, fosfomycin, lincomycin, linezolid, metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, pyrimethamine, sodium fusidate, teicoplanin, tinidazole, trimethoprim, vancomycin.

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What You Should Know About Antibiotics

Antibiotics are drugs that especially treat bacterial infection. You may wonder your doctor will never prescribe any antibiotic until he gets to see you first. He first needs to check whether what youre suffering is bacterial or viral infection. This is because viruses dont respond to antibiotics. If you have a simple flu, the doctor never gives you antibiotics.

Basic knowledge in the difference between bacterial and viral illness may enlighten you, save yourself from worsening, infection, money and time. Here are four tips to guide you in identifying if your infection is bacterial or viral. Take this advice only if you cant see a doctor.

  • A bacterial illness causes fever. A viral infection doesnt cause fever.
  • Bacterial infection lasts longer than 10 days while viral infection lasts 2 to 10 days.
  • Bacteria usually cause site-specific symptoms such as those in sinuses, chest or throat. Viral infection normally causes wide-spread symptoms.
  • A bacterial illness typically produces phlegm . Viral infection may only produce clear or cloudy mucus.

Typical antibiotic treatment last for 10-14 days. If symptoms persist such as neck pain, severe headache and persistent nausea, its best to see a doctor. This would be the worst thing to happen. However, if you are alert enough to see some symptoms, you become eager to get some antibiotics. Unfortunately, you cant buy antibiotics in US without the doctors prescription. You would like to stockpile as an emergency medicine supply.

You Have A Sore Throat Without Other Symptoms

Why you don

A sore throat can be one of the symptoms of viral infections. However, you will also have many other symptoms, including a runny nose, runny eyes and just that feeling of being under the weather. What you actually need to look out for is a sore throat with no other symptoms at all. This is a sign of strep throat and requires antibiotics to treat.

Your doctor will want to know about all symptoms you or your child has. Theyll assess the chances of various dangerous bacterial infections.

The good thing about strep throat is there are tests that can be carried out in the doctors office. This is known as a rapid antigen test or a culture test. This is often one of the only ways to definitely determine if the condition requires antibiotics or not.

When it comes to children, the recommendation is the test a culture first. The majority of infections and sore throats are linked to a viral infection or an irritant. There are very few bacterial infections that need treating, but people are a little too quick to jump to antibiotics. The medication isnt going to make the condition any better and cause more harm than good.

While a sore throat isnt an instant identification of a bacterial infection, there are other signs that you need antibiotics. Your sore throat may also be accompanied with white spots at the back of the throat. A few small spots can appear when your body is fighting against a viral infection and they will usually disappear within a couple of days.

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Antibiotics Can Only Be Prescribed By A Medical Doctor Who Has Examined You

Many winter illnesses can cause the same symptoms, but they might not require the same treatment. If you have been prescribed an antibiotic for a previous illness and have recovered well, it is tempting to want to use the same antibiotic if you have similar symptoms. However, only a medical doctor who has examined you can ascertain if a winter illness requires treatment with antibiotics.

  • Never try to buy antibiotics without a prescription.
  • Never save antibiotics for later use.
  • Never use leftover antibiotics from previous treatments.
  • Never share leftover antibiotics with other people.

Do not keep leftover antibiotic treatments . If you received more antibiotic doses than you were prescribed, ask your pharmacist about how to dispose of the remaining doses.

When Do You Need To Use A Nebuliser

and help control build-ups of phlegm and mucus. Most people use handheld inhalers to take their drugs. You may use a nebuliser to inhale medication to clear your airways or to treat infections: in an emergency, if you are struggling to breathe and need a high dose of your reliever medicine, or you need antibiotics to treat an infection.

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Which Common Infections Require Antibiotics

Patients often ask doctors for antibiotics, not knowing whether antibiotics actually treat those conditions. And doctors tend to over-prescribe antibiotics for conditions that dont always require them. Below, well talk about some common infections and what you should know about treating them.

Colds and flu

Colds and the flu are caused by viruses, so antibiotics wont help. Instead, youll want to focus on managing your symptoms. If you have the flu, your doctor may recommend an antiviral medication like .

If your cold or flu lasts for 2 weeks or more, you may be more likely to develop a bacterial sinus infection or pneumonia. In these cases, its important to visit the doctor to talk about your symptoms. If they prescribe antibiotics, its because youve developed a bacterial infection on top of your cold or flu.

Sinus infections

Sinus infections occur when fluid builds up in the air-filled pockets in your face , allowing germs to grow. Symptoms include pain or pressure in your face, a runny or stuffy nose, headache, and mucus dripping down the back of your throat.

Urinary tract infections

Common antibiotics doctors prescribe for UTIs are , , and .

Sore throat, strep throat, and tonsillitis

Inflammation of your throat or tonsils can cause soreness and pain, and you may or may not need antibiotics to treat it. If your sore throat is caused by a virus , you wont need antibiotics. But when its due to bacteria, as in strep throat and bacterial tonsillitis, you will.

Sneaky Ways To Get Antibiotics Without A Prescription

Sinus Infection Antibiotics! Why won’t my doctor write a prescription?

Now keep in mind this information alone wont necessarily cover you if you need to survive a major health crisis. . However, these tips will definitely help you kill that nasty infection even when the grocery store shelves are all empty.

There are three different ways you can legally obtain antibiotics without a prescription. These are

1 Pet Stores

Now this option might have made you scratch your head. But hear me out.

Any pharmacist worth his/her salt will tell you that human antibiotics treat illnesses in fish. And, interestingly enough, you dont need a prescription to purchase antibiotics for fish.

Unfortunately, these antibiotics often dont come in convenient ready-to-swallow pills. However, they still contain the same chemicals one would find in a standard pharmacy. And, even more amazing, these antibiotics can help your body to fight an infection.

Its crazy that pharmacies inflate the cost to nearly 10 times the price of some of these fish antibiotics. However, you can get them for cheap at any pet store.

2 Bodegas

Bodegas are a Spanish term for ethnic convenience/grocery stores. These are found throughout the United States. However, theyre typically in heavily-populated Latino areas.

Certain bodegas sell antibiotics to customers. And the ones that do dont require a prescription.

According to

3 Mexico

Mexico is one other location that can potentially help preppers stock up on antibiotics. According to


Recommended Reading: Non Prescription Antibiotics For Uti

What Symptoms Will I Notice If My Uti Involves The Kidneys

Some symptoms associated with UTIs can imply that the infection involves the kidneys. In this instance, the infection is considered more serious, is classed as a complicated UTI as mentioned above, and always requires medical advice.

Symptoms of pyelonephritis include having a fever or chills, having pain around the sides or the back, and feeling or being sick. If you think you have a UTI and are also experiencing these symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of pyelonephritis include having a fever or chills, having pain around the sides or the back, and feeling or being sick

All complicated UTIs generally require antibiotic treatment, although unfortunately some even require a hospital stay. Other UTIs which always require medical attention are those which occur in children, in men, and in pregnant women.12

Urine samples should be sent for further testing in the case of complicated UTIs, to ensure that if the symptoms dont get better, other antibiotics can be found and tried.

Why You Should Talk To Your Doctor Before Taking Antibiotics

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If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, should you take them without asking any questions? Probably not. Up to one-third of all antibiotics prescribed are deemed medically unnecessary by the CDC. Many people also suffer from reactions that range from mild to severe. CareDash spoke with Dave Walker, RPh, about what consumers need to know before they take their next round of prescribed antibiotics.

CareDash: What are some common side effects of antibiotics?

Dave Walker: Although most people will suffer no side effects from taking an antibiotic, some studies have shown up to 20% of patients prescribed an antibiotic will notice some side effects. The severity of these side effects can vary widely. Antibiotic side effects can range from mild upset stomach, nausea, stomach cramps, itching, rash, or mild fever to vomiting or watery diarrhea. More severe side effects may include hives swelling of the lips, face, tongue, or throat difficulty breathing photosensitivity oral or vaginal yeast infections and even discoloration of teeth in children or adolescents. A few antibiotics can cause central nervous system effects including dizziness, headache, or insomnia. More severe side effects may include damage to muscle tissue, tendons, and joints.

CD: What are the problems with overprescribing antibiotics?

CD: Why do doctors often prescribe antibiotics unnecessarily?


CD: When is it clear that antibiotics are truly necessary?

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People At Risk Of Bacterial Infections

Antibiotics may also be recommended for people who are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of infection. This may include:

  • people aged over 75 years
  • babies less than 72 hours old who have a bacterial infection, or a higher than average risk of developing one
  • people with heart failure
  • people who have to take insulin for diabetes
  • people with a weakened immune system either because of an underlying health condition such as HIV or as a side effect of certain treatments, such as chemotherapy

Can You Buy Antibiotics Online

Do You Need Antibiotic Prescriptions? And Why Is It So ...

You can buy antibiotics at a pharmacy after receiving a prescription from a licensed doctor. PlushCare makes it easy to speak with a board-certified doctor online.

Heres an overview of how to get antibiotics online at PlushCare:

  • Book a doctors appointment that is convenient for your schedule.
  • Discuss your medical history and symptoms with your PlushCare doctor, who can then make a diagnosis and provide a treatment plan.
  • If your doctor decides to prescribe you antibiotics, then your prescription will be sent to a pharmacy for you to pick up.

Though you cannot directly order antibiotics online from a website, you can easily make an appointment with an online doctor to discuss your symptoms and find out if taking antibiotics would be the right treatment for your condition.

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Antibiotic Resistance And ‘superbugs’

The overuse of antibiotics in recent years means they’re becoming less effective and has led to the emergence of “superbugs”. These are strains of bacteria that have developed resistance to many different types of antibiotics, including:

These types of infections can be serious and challenging to treat, and are becoming an increasing cause of disability and death across the world.

The biggest worry is that new strains of bacteria may emerge that cannot be treated by any existing antibiotics.

What Are Resistant Bacteria

Each time you take an antibiotic, bacteria are killed. Sometimes, bacteria causing infections are already resistant to prescribed antibiotics. Bacteria may also become resistant during treatment of an infection. Resistant bacteria do not respond to the antibiotics and continue to cause infection. A common misconception is that a person’s body becomes resistant to specific medicines. However, it is the bacteria, not people, that become resistant to the medicines.

Each time you take or give your child an antibiotic unnecessarily or improperly, you increase the chance of developing medicine-resistant bacteria. Therefore, it is critically important to take antibiotics only when necessary. Because of these resistant bacteria, some diseases that used to be easy to treat are now becoming nearly impossible to treat.

Bacteria can develop resistance to certain medicines:

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How Will The Online Doctor Diagnose My Infection As Bacterial

Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections, meaning they are no good for treating viral or fungal infections. The doctor will be able to diagnose your infection as bacterial based on your symptoms, medical history and the length of infection. If they are unable to comfortably diagnose your infection they will write you a lab referral for testing. Once your results are in they will prescribe you an appropriate treatment plan, including antibiotics online if necessary.

Who Needs Antibiotics For Skin Problems

Why you need to take antibiotics exactly as directed

You need antibiotics only if you have signs of a skin infection. These may include:

  • Bumps filled with pus
  • Cracks and sores that ooze pus
  • Wound that oozes pus or has yellow crusts
  • Feeling very hot or cold
  • Fever
  • High white blood cell count
  • Crusts the color of honey
  • Very red or warm skin with other signs of infection
  • Wound that is red, painful, swollen, or warm

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Questions To Bring Up At Your Doctors Visit

Its normal to have questions about antibiotics, so dont hesitate to ask your doctor!

Antibiotics arent completely risk-free, so youll want to make sure you understand why youre taking them and how to take them safely if your doctor prescribes them. Consider asking these questions:

  • How does this antibiotic treat my infection?

  • What should I do if I dont start feeling better even after Ive finished my antibiotics?

  • What kinds of side effects should I expect?

  • How long will it take for the antibiotics to work?

  • Could this antibiotic interact with any medications or supplements Im taking already?

  • How will I know if Im allergic to this antibiotic?

Between your doctors expert advice and these tips on how to take antibiotics, you should be well-prepared for a safe course of treatment.

If your doctor doesnt prescribe antibiotics, it doesnt mean you wont get better. Answers to these questions may help you understand how you can manage your infection without antibiotics:

  • Why wont antibiotics treat this infection?

  • How can I manage the symptoms of this infection without antibiotics?

  • What should I do if I dont start feeling better soon?

Ask Your Doctor Or Pharmacist About Ways To Feel Better If An Antibiotic Isnt Needed

For more information on common illnesses and how to feel better, visit Common Illnesses.

Antibiotics arent always the answer when youre sick. Sometimes, the best treatment when youre sick may be over-the-counter medication. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for tips on how to feel better while your body fights off an infection.

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