Thursday, July 25, 2024

My Dog Ate My Antibiotics

Three Crucial Words: Take As Directed

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In other words, DONâT:

  • skip doses or fail to use the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed. Giving an antibiotic willy nilly or stopping short of the whole course can prove far worse than not using antibiotics at all.

  • start using an antibiotic you happen to have âleft over from the last time.â This is a really bad idea not only because of what Iâve explained in #1, #2, and #3 above, but also because you should never have any antibiotics ever âleft overâ to begin with.

Overuse Of Antibiotics And The Rise Of The Super Bug

According to a 2011 assessment study of practices at a small animal veterinary teaching hospital, from May 2008 to 2009 amoxicillin was by far the most common antibiotic prescribed to treat confirmed or suspected bacterial infections.

As is the case with human antibiotics, the study suggested that veterinarians are also prone to over-prescribe these drugs. In only 17% of the instances in which antibiotics were prescribed was there a confirmed infection. Forty-five percent of the cases met the criteria for a suspected infection while in the remaining 38% there was no documented evidence for infection. These prescribing practices can have unintended consequences, says Denish.

Just as in human medicine, there is a significant problem with antibiotic resistance in the animal world. There are many factors that can lead to antibiotic resistance. One that is within our control is the overuse of antibiotics, says Denish.

This can be due to veterinarians prescribing antibiotics when theyre not needed, or owners not using these drugs as prescribed, he explains. Improper sterilization and cleaning processes and increasing numbers of sick animals in hospitals can also lead to the creation of super bugs. These are bacteria that have become immune to a majority of commonly used antibiotics, says Denish.

Last Case Resort: Pop In Back Of Mouth

If all else fails, you can try to drop the pill directly in your dogs mouth. I dont recommend this if your dog has a history of biting.

You will need both hands for this. Hold the pill in one hand. With your free hand, gently grasp your dogs muzzle from the top and pry his mouth open. Once your dog has his mouth open, place the pill on the very back of his tongue. As soon as the pill is placed let your dog go so he can swallow the medicine.

You can gently rub your dogs throat to encourage him/her to swallow. Offer him/her food and water afterwards.

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Sneak It Into Food Or Pill Pockets

Antibiotics in the form of pills are usually the hardest to get your dog to take. Some pills that are given to dogs have a strong scent that drives them away. Therefore, you should mask the scent with another treat or food.

Pick something that you know your dog already loves, preferably a food that he cant resist. Then rub it all over the pill. I have found the best luck with peanut butter.

Once you do that, let your dog smell the food in your hand and give him some . When your dog finishes his treat, immediately get him excited for a second one and then sneak in the pill. The hope is that he will think he is getting another treat.

If you want to increase your chances of success with this tip, toss your dog a third treat after the antibiotic. However, dont feed your dog too much peanut butter, as it can cause upset stomach in dogs.

Some dogs are not as easy to fool as others, so the above trick doesnt always work. If your dog is going to spit out the treat you can always try pill pockets.

There are dog treats specifically made to hide pills like antibiotics. They are great because they usually have a strong scent, such as pork or chicken. All of these options are delicious to dogs, so the hope here is that your dog will gobble it up before noticing that youve hidden a pill inside.

The pill pockets also make it a lot harder for your dog to dislodge the pill from the rest of treat.

Not So Sure Your Veterinarian Is On Board With These By

My Dog Ate My Medication! Now What?

Get a second opinion. Itâs never OK to live with uncertainty on this crucial issue. And just in case youâre the kind that likes to be more self-reliant than most, consider getting even better educated on the subject.

For more detailed reading on whatâs right and not right in the world of antibiotics in animal health, check out The Bella Moss Foundation. This UK group is dedicated to the responsible use of antibiotics worldwide and its comprehensive website always offers the most practical and up-to-date information on the subject.

Now, Iâm not saying Iâm perfect and that Iâve never erred on any of these five key points Iâve listed above. In fact, I once recall a six-week course of antibiotics for my sonâs never-cultured sinus infection .

Of course, weâre all guilty of wanting to go for what seems to be the most expedient course. Nonetheless, now that you know how itâs supposed to be done, how will YOU be approaching these drugs differently?

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Treatment Of Amoxicillin Poisoning In Dogs

When you reach the vets, they will perform a physical exam of your dog, checking his vital signs, and symptoms. After this, he may use activated charcoal, gastric lavage, as well as medications to protect your dogs gastrointestinal tract. Your fur baby may also need an IV for fluids and medications.

The goal of treatment is to detoxify your dog and treat other symptoms. Some dogs may need to stay in the hospital for a few days, depending on the toxic levels of Amoxicillin in your dog.

With prompt treatment, most dogs go on to have a full recovery.

Dog Diarrhea After Taking An Antibiotics

Diarrhea is not uncommon after taking an antibiotic. The word “antibiotic” ultimately means “against life” indeed, the antibiotic will kill the bad bacteria, but, unfortunately, that also includes the good bacteria found in the dog’s intestinal tract! To help these dogs, probiotics may be helpful. The word “probiotic” is the opposite of antibiotic, it means “for life” Indeed, probiotics help replenish all the good bacteria that were killed in the gut by the antibiotics.

Probiotics ultimately help cure an imbalance in the gut’s flora. If your dog develops diarrhea after being on antibiotics, talk to your vet about getting probiotics to help the gut flourish again with good bacteria. Some vets will prescribe them while the dog is taking the antibiotic. If so, ask your vet when to give them though, as they have to be given at a separate times because the antibiotic risks killing all the good bacteria in the probiotic. Common probiotics prescribed to dogs include Fortiflora and Proviable. A dog diarrhea bland diet may be helpful too to give the intestinal tract some rest.

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What Is Drug Poisoning

Drug poisoning is a common problem for dogs and it may occur in a variety of ways. Any dose of a medication designed for humans, whether prescribed or over the counter, can have adverse effects in a dog due to lower body weight and differences in metabolism. An overdose of a medication that was prescribed by the veterinarian for your dog can also cause poisoning. Poisoning may occur through the misguided intentions of an owner , or accidental ingestion from a bottle left open or a lid chewed off by your dog. Many pills are sweet tasting and your dog may see them as a treat. Both situations can have serious consequences and your dog will need immediate treatment by a veterinarian. Mild cases are reversible, but severe overdose can cause long term damage or death.

Many different drugs can cause poisoning in dogs when they are not given as prescribed. This is especially true of medications that were intended for humans. Veterinarians define medication overdose in dogs as drug poisoning. Depending on the drug and the amount ingested, this can cause serious illness and even death.

Side Effects And Intolerance To Amoxicillin

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The most common side effect of amoxicillin, Mahaney says, is digestive tract upset.

According to Mahaney, amoxicillin is not recommended for dogs that have previously exhibited clinical signs of intolerance or an allergic reaction. He says that intolerance can include signs such as digestive upset , lethargy, or changes in behavior. Signs of an allergic response can include digestive upset, as well as skin reactions such as redness, swelling, or hives. A potentially fatal type of allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis, is also possible in rare cases and can cause difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, seizures and coma.

Any antibiotic can cause side effects, says Dr. Adam Denish of Rhawnhurst Animal Hospital in Elkins Park, PA. I wouldnt single out amoxicillin in general for negative interactions, Denish says, most are just minor. However, it would be prudent to tell your veterinarian if any side effects occur. In some cases, we discontinue the drug or adjust the dose. However, its very important to not stop or start any types of medicine without discussing it with your pets doctor.

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How Much Probiotics Does My Dog Need After Antibiotic Therapy

After your dog has completed his antibiotics, it is suggested that you provide 3-4 times the regular suggested amount of Probiotic Miracle® for 3 weeks to help stabilize intestinal flora. After 3 weeks, continue at the normal dosage per your pet’s weight. In doing this, you will reduce the risk of diarrhea, pathogenic bacteria and yeast overgrowth that may occur following antibiotics.

How Can You Tell If Your Dog Needs Probiotics

Since each dog has a different microbiome its very hard to diagnose an imbalance. The best thing you can do is look for symptoms that indicate a gut problem. Here are the main symptoms of digestive stress:

  • Constant itching and scratching
  • Bad breath
  • Terrible body odor, way beyond whats normal for a dog
  • Offensively stinky poo
  • Dry, flaky skin

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Dog Upset Stomach From Antibiotics

Many dogs are prescribed antibiotics each year and it is not uncommon for dogs to develop an upset stomach from the antibiotics. It can happen while the dog is taking the antibiotics, which can make it problematic to finish the medication, or it can happen after finishing the course.

Antibiotics side effects in dogs can be quite harsh on the stomach and antibiotics can cause both vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. If you read the list of side effects that came with the medication, you will see that most antibiotics list some type of digestive problem as a side effect.

In this article, we’ll be tackling dogs vomiting while taking antibiotics and dogs with diarrhea after taking antibiotics.

Can Dogs Overdose On Antibiotics

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Dogs may overdose on antibiotics if they are given too much by accident or they get into the antibiotic container. Ingestion of excess antibiotics often leads to gastrointestinal effects like vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and loss of appetite. Some overdoses can lead to central nervous system effects like seizures or tremors.

Contact a professional for advice if your dog gets an overdose of antibiotics. Call your regular vet, a pet emergency center, or a pet poison control service like ASPCA Animal Poison Control at 426-4435 or Pet Poison Helpline at 764-7661. The veterinarian may advise you to induce vomiting if the overdose happened recently. Either way, your dog will most likely need to see a vet in-person for follow-up testing and treatment.

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Antibiotics Drug Interactions And Warnings

Certain medications can interact with some antibiotics. Some combinations will reduce the effectiveness of one or both drugs, but others can lead to toxicity. Tell your vet about all medications and supplements that your dog is on before starting antibiotics. Avoid starting new medications or supplements while your dog is on antibiotics unless your vet are advises you to do so.

What Kind Of Antibiotics Can I Give My Dog At Home

Your vet will prescribe antibiotics for you to give your dog at home. You will need a prescription to order the antibiotics, and you should never attempt to give your pup antibiotics without first consulting with the vet. Improper usage of antibiotics may make your dog sicker and, in some cases, contribute to bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.

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Seven Benefits Of Probiotics For Dogs

Theres a symbiotic relationship between the dog and the bacteria colony in his guts. That means its a mutually beneficial relationship. The bacteria get fed and have a nice place to live in, but they repay the dog for the hospitality by helping him with digestion, protecting him against toxins and all sorts of bad stuff and by raising his immunity levels.

What Effects Do Antibiotics Have On Your Pets Gut

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The gut microbiome refers to the bacteria and other germs that live in your pets digestive system . When your pet has an infection, your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic to help treat the infection.

Unfortunately, oral antibiotics cant tell the difference between bad bacteria that cause bacterial infections and good bacteria that help your pet stay healthy, so they kill both good and bad bacteria.

This may cause a continuing imbalance in the intestines in some cats and dogs, which may lead to health problems such as persistent diarrhea, vomiting, or constipation.

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Support Your Dogs Defenses

In addition to reduced and more thoughtful use of antibiotics, there are several natural methods we can use to maintain our dogs health and to treat any disease that may arise:

Probiotics help your dogs maintain a healthy bacterial flora. These beneficial, good-guy bacteria are found in the gut in enormous numbers, with smaller numbers occurring in other locations on the body the vagina, mouth, and skin, as examples. Probiotic species include several species of Bifidobacterium and Lacto-bacillus.

Probiotics have a number of healthful functions including enhancing digestive functions maintaining control over potentially hostile yeasts and pathogenic bacteria helping to maintain normal levels of certain hormones helping to decrease cholesterol and acting as anti-tumor agents. Perhaps their most vital activity, though, is their ability to destroy bacteria by producing natural antibiotic products.

Probiotics are easily killed by synthetic antibiotics, and returning them to their natural habitat is essential for the long-term health of any animal that is or has been on antibiotic therapy.

Herbal antioxidants include almost all the spice herbs, such as basil , oregano , thyme , and cayenne, , along with many others. Herbals that have a direct effect on the immune system include astragalus , echinacea , calendula , and thuja .

Natural Antibiotics For Dogs

If you are hesitant in giving your dog a medically prescribed antibiotic, then there are alternative treatments for your dog Natural antibiotics for dogs!

Firstly, why would you not want to use medicinal antibiotics?

  • They kill bad bacteria but also GOOD bacteria too that is vital for a healthy digestive system.
  • There is a chance of digestive disorders
  • There is a chance of disease within the intestinal tract
  • There is a risk of allergy
  • The risk of resistance to medicinal antibiotics

All natural antibiotics have been used for centuries and are an effective and inexpensive method of treating diseases in dogs.

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What If I Forget To Give My Dog Their Antibiotics

If you forget to give your dog their antibiotics, give them that dose as soon as you remember and then continue their course as normal.

But, if its nearly time for their next dose, then skip the missed antibiotics and never double up to make up for a missed dose. Contact your vet for further advice.

The Dosage For An Antibiotic For My Dog

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Yesterday my dog had his teeth cleaned by a vet, who has prescribed 100 milligrams of Amoxicillin twice a day for 10 days. I am concerned about giving him too much Amoxicillin over that period of time. What is the correct dosage after teeth cleaning?Barry S. Zisman Frisco, Texas

I hope your pet is doing well after his anesthesia and teeth cleaning. You ask if there is a correct dosage and duration of treatment after dental cleaning. Please allow me to explain.

The dose of Amoxicillin is based upon the dogs weight. The correct dose is 5 milligrams per pound of body weight twice daily. So if your dog weighs 10 pounds, the dose would be 10 pounds x 5 mg/lb = 50 mg twice daily. The dose may be increased to 10 mg/lb twice daily in severe infections. Because Amoxicillin is supplied in 50, 100, 150, and 200 mg sized tablets for dogs, veterinarians will often round the dose to the closest 50 mg.

The duration of administration is harder to determine. In some cases Amoxicillin may be used to prevent infection after cleaning trauma to the gums may allow an infection to develop. To prevent infection, a short course of treatment may be all that is needed. In cases of severe gum disease , then a longer course of treatment would be needed, and four weeks of treatment would not be unusual.

Best of luck to you and your pet! Michael Stone DVM, DACVIM

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