Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Treat Diarrhea From Antibiotics

Ways To Reduce The Symptoms

How to treat antibiotics associated diarrhoea?

If you feel that your nausea is not going away anytime soon, consider giving these a try:

  • Take some probiotics Because antibiotics may harm the “good” bacteria in your stomach, which may be the root cause of your discomfort, when taken in the form of a supplement or dairy products probiotics are helpful because they serve to “replace” the good bacteria that have died off.
  • Drink ginger tea In some instances, ginger-based drinks have shown their effectiveness in soothing the stomach. In fact, ginger also has a reputation in traditional medicine for relieving pain.
  • Eat small portions frequently Eating a number of small meals, rather than three main ones, throughout the day may prove helpful.
  • Sip liquids Drink liquids slowly rather than in gulps. Gulping may cause you to ingest air in the process, which has a tendency to add to your bloated feeling.
  • Limit sensory input Stay away from stimuli that can make nausea worse, such as long car drives or pungent food smells that provoke it further.
  • If your nausea persists for more than 24 hours and causes vomiting, keep taking fluids to stay hydrated. Above all, see a doctor without delay to determine if your symptoms signify an allergic reaction to the medication, or if there is a more serious underlying condition that merits immediate medical attention.

    Lifestyle And Home Remedies

    To cope with diarrhea:

    • Drink enough fluids. To counter a mild loss of fluids from diarrhea, drink more water or drinks that contain electrolytes. For a more severe loss, drink fluids that contain water, sugar and salt such as oral rehydration solution. Try broth or fruit juice that isn’t high in sugar. Avoid beverages that are high in sugar or contain alcohol or caffeine, such as coffee, tea and colas, which can worsen your symptoms.

      For infants and children with diarrhea, ask your doctor about using an oral rehydration solution, such as Pedialyte, to replenish fluids and electrolytes.

    • Avoid certain foods. It’s a good idea to avoid dairy as well as fatty and spicy foods while you have diarrhea. You can usually get back to a normal diet soon after your symptoms resolve.
    • Ask about anti-diarrheal medications. In some cases of mild antibiotic-associated diarrhea, your doctor may recommend anti-diarrheal medications, such as loperamide . But check with your doctor before taking anti-diarrheal medications because they can interfere with your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and lead to serious complications. These medications should not be used if you develop C. difficile infection.

    What Foods Should You Eat To Treat Diarrhea

    If youre experiencing diarrhea from antibiotics, adjusting your diet may help ease your symptoms. Some general suggestions include:

    • Eating low fiber foods. While high fiber foods are recommended when youre healthy, eating them when you have diarrhea can make your condition worse.
    • Replacing potassium. This nutrient can be lost due to diarrhea, but eating foods containing potassium may help replace it.
    • Replenishing lost fluids and salts. Diarrhea can cause you to lose fluids and electrolytes more rapidly, so its important to replace these.

    Based on these suggestions, try to consume the following foods and beverages when you have diarrhea:

    • fluids including water, broths, or decaffeinated tea
    • fruit such as bananas, applesauce, or small amounts of canned fruit without syrup
    • grains such as white rice, white bread, and noodles
    • peeled potatoes that have been boiled or baked
    • protein sources like poultry, lean meats, and fish
    • yogurt that contains live cultures

    Some types of food may worsen your symptoms or interfere with your antibiotic treatment. These include:

    Also, try to avoid eating grapefruit or taking calcium supplements. These can both interfere with how well antibiotics are absorbed by your body, and can diminish the effects of the medication.

    In addition to adjusting your diet, there are other steps you can take to help ease your symptoms.

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    Pay Attention To What You Eat

    Would you like to get probiotics from food? Many types of yogurt contain probiotics. Look for active and live cultures on the label. It is advised to consume one or two plain Greek yogurts per day for patients consuming antibiotics. However, if eating dairy triggers stomach problems, go easy on dairy heavy foods while consuming antibiotics.

    People who have more GI symptoms usually develop more GI side effects while consuming antibiotics, but each case is unique.

    Foods that do not harm others may upset you, trust your gut. If spicy foods are usually cause you upset stomachs, avoid them when taking antibiotics. If sugar is your trigger, avoid sugary foods. Although fiber is usually important for digestion, you may need to decrease your consumption if your diarrhea flares up while you are taking antibiotics.

    Consequences Of Travelers’ Diarrhea


    Antibiotic-associated diarrhea may affect 25% of those treated with fluoroquinolones or macrolides.120 This clinical diagnosis should be considered in the differential among TD patients who are treated with antibiotics yet who have persistent or worsening symptoms. Other notable complications of TD include reactive arthritis and Campylobacter jejuni-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome.

    Chronic diarrhea has been estimated to affect 1% of all travelers.118 Steffen’s study among Swiss travelers in the 1980s showed that 11% of travelers who developed acute diarrhea went on to experience chronic diarrhea.7 A total of 20 of the 73 cases of chronic diarrhea were associated with protozoa, such as amoeba or Giardia the rest were undiagnosed. The highest rate of chronic diarrhea was noted after travel in West Africa and East Asia. One-third of the patients became symptomatic only after returning home some after more than a 1-month delay. Chronic diarrhea ranked second of all travel related illness in days of inability to work.

    Thea Brabb, … Martha Hanes, in, 2012

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    Feed High Protein Low Carbs

    A high protein low carb diet improves diversity in the gut microbiome.

    Some studies have even shown knock-on effects with obesity. Beagles and Labradors lost weight while minimizing muscle loss on a HPLC diet supplemented with fiber.

    The most important thing to prevent dysbiosis is to avoid dry food which is always high in carbohydrate. A raw, fresh food diet can promote a more balanced gut microbiome.

    Balanced and nutritious high protein, low carb, raw food is usually the best diet for your dog. After all, dogs dont need carbs.

    Available Probiotic Products In The Netherlands

    A complete list of probiotic products available in The Netherlands was obtained in December 2016 by screening online websites of pharmacies, vitamin stores, health stores, and shops selling probiotics online. The Dutch association Natuur- en Gezondheidsproducten Nederland evaluated and completed our list. We also included dairy products routinely sold in food stores.

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    What You Can Do

    Make a list of:

    • Your symptoms, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
    • Key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes, for example, if you’ve recently stayed in the hospital or a nursing home.
    • Medications, vitamins or supplements you’re taking, including doses. If you’ve recently taken an antibiotic, include the name, dosage and when you stopped taking it.
    • Questions to ask your doctor.

    For antibiotic-associated diarrhea, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:

    • What tests do I need?
    • Is my condition likely temporary or chronic?
    • What is the best course of action?
    • What are the alternatives to the primary approach that you’re suggesting?
    • Are there restrictions I should follow?
    • Are there foods and drinks I should avoid?

    Don’t hesitate to ask other questions.

    Probiotics To The Rescue

    Probiotics Cut Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea

    Probiotics help to maintain balance in your gut microbiome despite the presence and activities of antibiotics. They also help to boost your immune system so it can more effectively fight the infection. By ensuring there is no disruption to the guy colonies, probiotics also prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea. You can get these benefits from a high quality, clinically proven probiotic or through probiotics that are found naturally in certain foods.

    Yogurt: One of the best food sources for probiotics is yogurt, as it contains fermented milk produced by lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria have been proven to improve digestive health and functions. Yogurt is also great for those with lactose intolerance because these bacteria turn some of the lactose into lactic acid, making it easier to digest.

    Kimchi and sauerkraut: These are fermented cabbage dishes that also contain the probiotic Lactobacillus, which is another beneficial lactic acid bacterium. This bacteria works to reduce inflammation in the gut, which is known to trigger episodes of diarrhea.

    Kombucha: This is a fermented green or black tea drink popular in Asian cultures. Regularly drinking kombucha has been shown to reduce inflammation in the gut as well as ease digestive troubles, such as diarrhea.

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    Take With Or Without Food

    Check the label on your antibiotics. Does it recommend taking them with food or on an empty stomach?

    In either case, follow the directions. Some antibiotics are better absorbed on an empty stomach, so you dont want to limit their effectiveness. But if the label says, Take with food, taking your pills with a meal might help ease stomach issues.

    Beyond the specifics above, good old-fashioned advice for treating diarrhea still applies. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and use rehydrating beverages high in electrolytes if needed. Avoid alcohol and caffeine if theyre making your diarrhea worse. Keep in mind alcohol may actually cause severe reactions while you are taking certain antibiotics, so check the label for that information, as well. Eat a more bland diet than you might normally eat.

    Its better to use caution than get hit with unpleasant side effects.

    Common sense would say you are going to disturb the natural balance with antibiotics, Dr. Rabovsky says, so anything else that causes you GI symptoms could make side effects even worse.

    Use When Only Necessary

    Overuse of antibiotics has resulted in antibiotic resistance. That means the antibiotics no longer kill or control the bacteria in question. To help decrease the possibility of antibiotic resistance occurring, use antibiotics only when you have a bacterial infection and only use those prescribed by your physician. Never take antibiotics prescribed for another person. You could end up taking an antibiotic that wont clear up your type of infection, while increasing the odds that you could experience antibiotic resistance down the road.

    Antibiotics have saved countless lives and cured innumerable infections, but they require wise use. Some simple precautions, along with the use of probiotics to restore good bacteria in the gut, can help you avoid the side effects of these powerful medications. Try DrFormulas Nexabiotic to help avoid negative side effects of antibiotics today!

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    The Good And Bad Of Antibiotics

    When antibiotics eliminate the good bacteria as well as the bad, the loss causes a disruption to the balance in your gut, which can lead to inflammation and digestive troubles. The most common of these troubles is diarrhea.

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics are the ones most likely to cause you diarrhea. This side effect is often mild and only temporary, stopping once the antibiotics are finished.

    However, in some cases, antibiotic-associated diarrhea lingers. This is typically seen in individuals with weakened immune systems or those living in nursing homes. In these cases, a more serious infection can result in painful conditions, like colitis and toxic megacolon.

    If you notice that antibiotics are causing diarrhea, you can speak with your doctor. It may be possible to change the dosage or switch to another antibiotic. Not every antibiotic cause this side effect in every person, so there may be an alternative that treats your infection without diarrhea.

    In addition to this, you can also avoid certain foods that are known to trigger diarrhea:

    Fatty foods

    High-fiber foods like whole grains



    Beyond that, you can also add a probiotic to your daily routine. Probiotics help to support the natural bacterial community living in your gut. These bacteria help promote digestion but also work to support your immune system.

    Managing Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea

    32 HQ Images Cat Food For Chronic Diarrhea / Pet Medicine Alberta ...

    Diarrhoea is a common adverse effect of antibiotic treatments. Antibiotic associated diarrhoea occurs in about 5-30% of patients either early during antibiotic therapy or up to two months after the end of the treatment.13 The frequency of antibiotic associated diarrhoea depends on the definition of diarrhoea, the inciting antimicrobial agents, and host factors.

    Almost all antibiotics, particularly those that act on anaerobes, can cause diarrhoea, but the risk is higher with aminopenicillins, a combination of aminopenicillins and clavulanate, cephalosporins, and clindamycin.1,4,5 Host factors for antibiotic associated diarrhoea include age over 65, immunosuppression, being in an intensive care unit, and prolonged hospitalisation.6

    Clinical presentations of antibiotic associated diarrhoea range from mild diarrhoea to fulminant pseudomembranous colitis. The latter is characterised by a watery diarrhoea, fever , leucocytosis , and the presence of pseudomembranes on endoscopic examination. Severe complications include toxic megacolon, perforation, and shock.

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    Study Sheds Light On Antibiotics

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    A joint study by the Singapore General Hospital and Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology , MITs research enterprise in Singapore, may have found the reason some patients experience diarrhea after taking the antibiotic amoxicillin-clavulanate, commonly known as Augmentin. It is a widely prescribed antibiotic used to treat many infections, including pneumonia and urinary tract infections.

    The team of researchers found that the level of gut Ruminococcaceae, a family of bacteria that plays an important role in maintaining an individuals gut health, strongly impacts diarrheal outcomes following antibiotic treatment.

    The problem is very real for patients who are unable to take amoxicillin-clavulanate because it gives them diarrhea, even though it is an effective and affordable antibiotic for their infection. Knowing why may help us identify those at risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and devise treatment strategies in the future to minimize or avoid such adverse effects, says Shirin Kalimuddin, consultant, SGH Department of Infectious Diseases, the principal investigator of the study.

    A total of 30 healthy volunteers were recruited for the study. They each received a three-day oral course of amoxicillin-clavulanate. Their stool samples were collected on stipulated days over a period of four weeks and analyzed using gene sequencing to look for changes in the gut microbiome during the study period.

    E Coli Associated Diarrhea:

    The most discussed E. coli strain is E. coli O157: H7. Other strains that cause intestinal infections are Enterotoxic/enteropathogenic E. coli , Enteroinvasive/ enterohemorrhagic E. coli , Shiga toxin producing or verocytotoxin producing E. coli

    Symptoms of E. coli infection include diarrhea, Watery diarrhea vomiting, fever, abdominal cramps, and malaise.

    Antibiotics used for this infection are:

    • Ciprofloxacin,

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    Feed Your Dog Probiotics

    To rebuild the canine microbiome feed a probiotic that contains a wide variety of bacteria, with a high number of organisms.

    Probiotics kill disease-causing organisms, and replace dwindling numbers of good organisms. You can find a probiotic supplement but you can also feed probiotic foods like kimchi, kefir and fermented veggies.

    And, dont forget to feed the probiotics with prebiotics.

    Prebiotics are a type of dietary fiber that help feed the microbiome in the gut. Studies show that prebiotics help improve digestion in our dogs. Some great natural sources of prebiotics include bananas, dandelion greens, and asparagus.

    Occasionally antibiotics are unavoidable. If so, pre and probiotics are really, really important for helping rebuild gut health.

    Probiotics Treat Diarrhea Caused By Antibiotics

    Q/A: How to Prevent Diarrhea when Taking Antibiotics? Part One

    by Case Adams, PhD·

    Probiotics are helpful for antibiotic-related diarrhea.

    For years, probiotic experts have been recommending probiotics be supplemented between and after antibiotic courses. Conventional medicine is finally catching on.

    Over-prescribing of antibiotics is still rampant in conventional medicine. Research also finds antibiotics are often over-prescribed to children. And various problems, including weight gain, plague children given antibiotics as infants.

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    Consider Some Otc Help

    You might also ask your physician about taking the over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medication loperamide , which works by decreasing fluids that flow into your colon and slowing down the movement of your gut, prompting fewer poops, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. If you have certain underlying health conditions, your doctor might advise against this type of medicine Dr. Kistler says, so always check with them first.

    Treatment To Fight Harmful Bacteria Causing C Difficile Infection

    If you develop C. difficile infection, your doctor will likely stop whatever antibiotic you’re currently taking, and might prescribe antibiotics specifically targeted to kill the C. difficile bacteria causing your diarrhea. You may also be asked to stop taking stomach-acid-suppressing drugs. For people with this type of infection, diarrhea symptoms may return and require repeated treatment.

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    Common Side Effects Of Antibiotics

    Antibiotics are designed to kill off disease-causing bacteria, or to prevent these bacteria from reproducing. Unfortunately, this process also eliminates the good bacteria in the gut. This die-off of good bacteria, or probiotics, can be remedied by taking a probiotic along with your antibiotic.

    Types of side effects depends upon the specific antibiotic. Most side effects are relatively mild, but severe side effects may occur. Common side effects of antibiotics are gastrointestinal in nature such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Certain antibiotics have side effects unique to them:

    Penicillins such as amoxicillin and ampicillin can cause a certain kind of infectious diarrhea called C diff, abdominal pain, and allergic reactions.

    Cephalosporins such as cefdinir, ceftriaxone and cephalexin can causea certain kind of infectious diarrhea called C diff, rashes, and vaginal yeast infections.

    Fluoroquinolones such as levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin can cause a certain kind of infectious diarrhea called C diff. and photosensitivity.

    Macrolides such as azithromycin, erythromycin and clindamycin can cause changes in taste.

    Tetracyclines such as tetracycline and doxycycline can cause tooth discoloration in children.

    Aminoglycosides such as amikacin, gentamicin, neomycin and tobramycin can cause kidney issues and hearing loss.

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