Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do Probiotics Help When Taking Antibiotics

Should You Take Probiotic Supplements While Taking Antibiotics

How probiotics helps after taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics are an important class of drugs that are prescribed by healthcare providers to treat harmful bacterial infections in the body. However, they have not been proven useful for treating illnesses like the common cold or flu, which are viral infections. Moreover, current research suggests that antibiotics may have been over-prescribed in recent years as a preventative medication to reduce the risk of secondary infections. Since antibiotics kill all kinds of bacteria, including helpful gut bacteria, side effects of antibiotic use often include stomach upset, diarrhea, or thrush.

Probiotics are often called “the good” bacteria because, along with yeasts, they help keep your gut healthy. Probiotics help food pass through your digestive system by affecting the nerves that cause gut movement. Researchers are still actively trying to figure out how probiotics work but doctors often suggest taking probiotics to help with antibiotic-related diarrhea, such as clostridium difficile infection commonly associated with taking fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin or Cipro.

Tips for Taking Antibiotics

Anytime you are prescribed an antibiotic, you should take the meds exactly as prescribed. You are sick, so don’t be too anxious to restore absolute balance to your system. Listed below are few helpful tips for taking antibiotic drugs:

New Research on Side Effects of Taking Probiotics

Take Probiotics To Reduce Antibiotic

Diarrhea is a common side effect of antibiotics. However, preliminary research suggests that taking probiotics may help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea .

For example, one review of 17 studies found that taking a probiotic may reduce the risk of developing AAD by 51%.

Moreover, some antibiotics can leave you more vulnerable to certain infections, like Clostridium difficile . This is a bacterial infection that can cause diarrhea, an inflamed colon, and, in severe cases death.

However, preliminary research found that taking probiotics may help prevent diarrhea from C. diff infections, though the correlation was weak. For example, based on a review of 31 studies, researchers report that one case of diarrhea for every 42 C. diff-infected patients may be prevented from taking probiotics.

As for what type of probiotic to take, one option is a yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745, sold under the brand name Florastar. This probiotic supplement is used to help prevent and treat diarrhea.

Those who are immunocompromised may not benefit from probiotics and should discuss other options with a doctor.

Increasing Healthy Bacteria With Diet

  • 1Include foods that support gut bacteria, also known as prebiotics. Prebiotics contain a type of soluble fiber that bacteria can digest. Prebiotics often contain inulin and fructooligosaccharides , which are present in many prebiotic supplements as well. Eat one type of prebiotic food every day and you should get enough prebiotics in your diet without the need to use supplements. Foods that are high in prebiotics include:XResearch source
  • Chicory root
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    How To Replenish Good Bacteria After Antibiotics

    Restoring gut flora after antibiotics is achievable if you eat the correct foods: plants. That’s because your gut microbes turn fibers and plant nutrients into important metabolites like short-chain fatty acids – acetate, butyrate, and propionate – which have important functions:

    • fuelling the cells of your gut lining
    • preventing damage to your cells
    • anti-cancer properties
    • nourishing other beneficial bacteria
    • deterring opportunistic microbes

    Best Foods To Eat When Taking Antibiotics

    How to Restore Gut Flora After Taking Antibiotics

    Even though everyone asks about probiotics if they have to take antibiotics, rarely does anyone ask about foods that can be helpful.

    This is crucial especially if you are really serious about tending to healthy gut flora.

    The bacteria that live there require sustenance in order to thrive.

    So taking probiotics just on their own may not be sufficient enough to encourage what you take to take root.

    Keep in mind that generally, probiotics are transitory so what you take only hangs out for about 6 weeks.

    If you stop taking them, just know that their impact will disappear after that 6 week period which is why WHAT foods you eat are a crucial piece of the puzzle.

    Gut bacteria ferment fermentable starches found in FODMAP-rich foods.

    Thats why I will typically encourage clients while taking antibiotics to also increase high FODMAPs to tolerance .

    Foods that I chose to focus on were cauliflower, fresh figs, strawberries, blueberries, asparagus, avocado, chickpeas, brussels sprouts, onions, and garlic.

    I also added in hydrolyzed guar gum, also called Sunfiber which is in one of my favorite drink mixes from Gut Power I love the chocolate. . Sunfiber is considered a SIBO-safe fiber according to Monash University.

    I also added in some inulin starting with ¼ tsp/day and working up to around 1 tsp in my morning protein shake.

    But if you can tolerate them, I highly encourage you to add them in along with probiotics while taking antibiotics.

    The same could be said of fermented foods.

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    Can I Get Probiotics From Food

    You can absolutely increase beneficial microbes in your body from the foods you eat. Certain foods have probiotics in them and can benefit the health of your microbiome.

    These foods can be introduced into your diet at any point of the day. You may even be regularly eating them now and not realize that they contain probiotics. You will want to check the food label for live and active cultures. A few suggestions for just some of the probiotic-rich foods you can add to your diet and some times to try them include:

    For breakfast, try:

    • Powders.
    • Liquids.

    Probiotic supplements may be combined with a prebiotic. Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates that feed the microorganisms in your gut. Basically, prebiotics are the food source for the good bacteria. They help feed the good bacteria and keep it healthy. Prebiotics include inulin, pectin and resistant starches.

    When you have a supplement that combines a probiotic and prebiotic, its called a synbiotic.

    What Is The Best Prebiotic To Take With Antibiotics

    Most probiotic strains are considered safe for most people, but if youre allergic, avoid strains with high histamine-producing tendencies, such as Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus Casei, and Lactobacillus Reuters.

    Choose a probiotic that improves digestion and reduces histamine levels while preventing inflammation, such as Bifidobacterium Lactis, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Plantarum, and Bifidobacterium Infantis.

    Another great alternative is to use a yeast strain probiotic such as S. Boulardii. Since its not a bacteria, antibiotics wont even come near.

    Studies are now showing that S.boulardii can prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea if taken with antibiotics.

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    What Are Probiotics Anyway

    Theres a variety of buzz round probiotics. Nevertheless, many individuals dont precisely know what probiotics are. Probiotics are part of what is known as our collective microbiome, which is the community of bacteria in our gastrointestinal system, says Kevin Gebke, MD, a household and sports activities drugs doctor at Indiana College Well being. Typically deemed the good bacteria, probiotics embrace reside micro organism and yeasts that maintain your intestine wholesome.

    What Is Antibiotic Resistance

    Taking Probiotics with Antibiotics or Anti-microbial Herbs

    Theres no doubt that antibiotics have a crucial place in modern medicine, but their use does come with some significant downsides.

    The overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to antibiotic resistance, which is when bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

    This trait can be passed on from bacteria to bacteria even among different species! which leads to even more resistance.

    Heres how it works:

    • Lets say you have a population of harmful bacteria causing problems some of these are naturally resistant to antibiotics.
    • Antibiotics kill both the good and bad bacteria in your body, but the naturally antibiotic-resistant bacteria stand strong.
    • Without all the antibiotic-susceptible bacteria taking up space, the resistant bacteria have room to multiply and they pass their resistance on to other bacteria.
    • These super bugs no longer respond to certain antibiotics, leading to longer, more intense, and sometimes untreatable infections.

    Every time we take antibiotics, more resistant bacteria have the opportunity to flourish and some even become resistant to several different antibiotics, turning them into dangerous pathogens.

    This is where taking probiotics with antibiotics can make a critical difference in your health.

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    Why Take Probiotics After Antibiotics

    While you take antibiotics, they kill the bad and the good micro organism in your physique, and this will trigger numerous antibiotic negative effects. Some folks expertise gastrointestinal negative effects comparable to belly ache and diarrhea, and girls can get vaginal yeast infections.

    Within the case of diarrhea, which is widespread when taking antibiotics, its known as antibiotic-associated diarrhea . Analyses printed in a 2017 situation of Antibiotics notes that using probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea reduces the risk of AAD by 51%, including that its additionally thought-about a secure technique. Taking probiotics with antibiotics will help replenish the quantity of good micro organism and assist preserve your stability of good and dangerous micro organism.

    Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments: Probiotics Can Increase Effectiveness Of Some Antibiotic Therapies

    Antimicrobial treatments for bacterial vaginosis are effective, but taking lactobacillus tablets alongside metronidazole antibiotic therapy increases effectiveness over taking this antibiotic alone, according to a new review. The researchers also concluded that intravaginal lactobacillus was as effective as oral metronidazole, although they did note unexplained drop-outs from the trials.

    Antimicrobial treatments for bacterial vaginosis are effective, but taking lactobacillus tablets alongside metronidazole antibiotic therapy increases effectiveness over taking this antibiotic alone, according to a Cochrane Systematic Review. The researchers also concluded that intravaginal lactobacillus was as effective as oral metronidazole, although they did note unexplained drop-outs from the trials.

    BV is a very common vaginal infection. Traditionally, antibiotics in tablet or gel form have been given to treat the disease, but some have unpleasant side effects. BV is usually a mild disease and can pass unnoticed but is associated with an increased risk of HIV transmission.

    Treating BV could help reduce susceptibility of women to HIV. Therefore it is important, particularly in the developing world, to establish the most effective and appropriate forms of treatment, says lead researcher Oyinlola Oduyebo, of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology at the University of Lagos in Lagos Nigeria.

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    How Do Probiotics Help

    Taking a probiotic can help to restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut that is often affected by antibiotics. This additional good bacteria helps a number of digestive and immune functions in our body, and importantly inhibits the proliferation of bad bacteria which can make us sick. As such, taking a probiotic can work to either minimise the severity ofthe unpleasant side effects of taking antibiotics. A healthy balance of good bacteria is important for maintaining everyday health, digestive health and immunity and probiotics help you achieve this.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis have been shown to be effective in preventing antibiotic-associated imbalances. If you are taking a course of antibiotics, taking a probiotic during and for several weeks after can help to replenish gut flora balance. It is recommended that probiotics are taken at least two hours from antibiotics, within 30 minutes of eating or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

    Want to know more about probiotics and immunity? Check out our range of digestion and probiotic products.

  • Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Vitamins can only be of assistance if the dietary vitamin intake is inadequate.

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    How Do Probiotics Restore Gut Flora

    3 Ways to Take Antibiotics with Probiotics

    Probiotics contain the same beneficial organism as those in your gut.

    After an antibiotic course, the gut flora takes time before it can resume normalcy.

    This may put your health at risk, and instead of waiting for the gut to slowly restore itself, boosting it with a good probiotic comes a long way.

    And even though probiotics may not restore the gut flora immediately, taking them will help prevent harmful bacteria from taking over during the course of antibiotics.

    And if your timing is right, the good bacteria will begin to do their job until the next dose of antibiotics wipes them.

    Taking a prebiotic 2 hours before or after probiotics will help you reap as many benefits as you can.

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    Taking Antibiotics And Probiotics

    You can take probiotics while you are taking a course of antibiotics but you shouldnt take them both at exactly the same time.

    Antibiotics are designed to kill off all bacteria in your gut harmful and beneficial bacteria. So, taking a probiotic supplement right after taking an antibiotic pill may result in all the good bacteria getting destroyed as well.

    The journal Antibiotics reports on various studies on when and how long you should take probiotics. Some studies indicate that you should take probiotics 5 to 10 days during antibiotic treatment and continue for one week after finishing the course of antibiotics.

    Other studies recommend taking probiotics for as long as the antibiotic treatment lasts. However, some reports indicate that taking probiotics for as long as 8 weeks can help to restore healthy gut flora.

    To get the most benefit from probiotics, it is good to wait for around 2 hours after taking an antibiotic pill. This will help to offset the negative impact that antibiotics have on your gut and prevent diarrhea.

    To make sure that you get the full benefit from probiotics, you should always take probiotics with food. The journal Beneficial Microbes advises to take a probiotic supplement with a meal or 30 minutes before it. Also, you should preferably take probiotics with a meal containing some fats.

    Cons Of Taking Probiotics With Antibiotics

    Until recently, harmful effects of probiotics in the context of antibiotics have not been well-documented. Two very recent studies revealed some surprising new findings and more study will be needed to help us better understand the possible downsides of probiotic supplementation.

    • Delay in restoration of natural gut microbiome New research indicates that it took about 5 months for the natural gut microbiome to be restored in people who were given probiotic supplementation twice a day, for 4 weeks, after an antibiotic course, when compared to only 1-2 days in the group receiving auto Fecal Microbiota Transplantation , and 21 days in the group of people who received no intervention .
    • Theoretical concerns about fungicemia and bacterial sepsis these concerns are based on older studies and a few case reports in immune-compromised individuals that surmised there could be a connection between probiotics and fungicemia or sepsis. Recent human clinical trials have not shown any links .

    More studies are needed to confirm these results and to say for sure whether probiotics should be taken after antibiotics. Person-specificfactors, when probiotics are taken , and type and dose of probiotics all likely play a role in determining whether or not an individual should take them

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    What Helps Diarrhea From Antibiotics

    Not all children will experience diarrhea or GI issues when taking antibiotics. To help prevent any side effects, only take antibiotics as prescribed and follow all directions given with the medication.

    If your child does experience diarrhea or other stomach problems while taking an antibiotic, the most important thing to do is ensure your child is drinking enough water and staying hydrated. If GI symptoms do not resolve within 7-10 days, call your pediatrician.

    Is It Ever A Question Of Probiotics Or Antibiotics

    Good to Know: Can taking probiotics improve our health to help us lead better lives?

    There are some conditions where those afflicted may prefer trying natural interventions first. Acne is a very common skin issue where antibiotics are often prescribed as a treatment by a general practitioner or dermatologist. In a 2011 literature review, it was determined that there is sufficient supportive evidence to suggest that gut microbes, and the health of the gastrointestinal tract itself, may be contributing factors in acne vulgaris3. You may like to read our FAQ about probiotics and skin health. However, this decision should always be made in line with a doctors consent.

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    What Is Gut Bacteria

    Gut bacteria, also called the gut microbiota or microbiome, is the bacteria that lives in the gastrointestinal tract . Trillions of bacteria of many different species live in the human gut. According to a 2011 article in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology:

    The of the human intestine is diverse and abundant. It is estimated there are as many as 1000 different bacterial species and > 7000 different strains living in the tract.3

    Generally speaking, the bacteria that live in the gut are not harmful. In fact, research has shown that disruption of the normal balance of these bacteria is associated with a variety of conditions, such as obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, and cancer. Some of the benefits of gut bacteria include:

    • Contributing to healthy immune function.
    • Providing protection against viruses and harmful bacteria that enter the gut.
    • Contributing to healthy digestion by extracting energy and nutrients from food.

    The variety of species and strains of bacteria living in the gut changes throughout life according to age, diet, and certain medications, including antibiotics. Therefore, it is impossible to determine exactly what constitutes a normal gut microbiome.3,4 As the same 2011 article in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology explains:

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    Should I Give Probiotics To My Kids

    Probiotics can be beneficial for both adults and kids. If your child has an illness that requires an antibiotic medication for treatment, taking a probiotic can help shorten symptoms. Probiotics can also be used to help relieve constipation, acid reflux, diarrhea, gas and eczema in children.

    Introducing probiotics into your childs diet through food is typically a safe way to give them probiotics. Foods like yogurt and cottage cheese are often part of a balanced diet and can add in good bacteria without much risk.

    There are commercially available probiotic supplements specifically designed for infants and children. However, it is important to talk to your childs pediatrician before giving them any probiotic supplement or changing the childs diet to include probiotic-rich foods.

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