Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Stop Diarrhea Caused By Antibiotics

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ASK UNMC! How can I prevent diarrhea while taking antibiotics?

You might also ask your physician about taking the over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medication loperamide , which works by decreasing fluids that flow into your colon and slowing down the movement of your gut, prompting fewer poops, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. If you have certain underlying health conditions, your doctor might advise against this type of medicine Dr. Kistler says, so always check with them first.

Why Do Some Antibiotics Cause Diarrhea And Is This A Cause For Concern

Question I have recently completed a course of antibiotics prior to having a dental procedure. Now I am experiencing diarrhea. Should I be concerned?

Answer Antibiotic therapy is a common source of diarrhea in both hospitalized patients and outpatients. Approximately 20% of patients taking antibiotics will develop diarrhea.

There are two common causes of diarrhea in this setting.

Change in normal colonic flora Antibiotics can cause a change in the normal colonic flora or the type of bacteria that normally reside in the colon. Large numbers of bacteria reside in the colon, which play a very important role in maintaining the integrity of the lining of the colon and assisting in digestion of unabsorbed carbohydrates.

When antibiotics are taken, they alter the number and types of bacteria present in the colon. The result is an impaired absorption of carbohydrates. This leads to water secretion and looser stools. The colonic bacteria are also crucial in producing organic acids, which act as vital nutrients in maintaining mucosal integrity. Should the mucosal integrity be impaired, ones ability to reabsorb water in the colon will be limited. This can contribute to increased stool volume and diarrhea.

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What You Might Not Know About Antibiotics

Antibiotics are widely used in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. While antibiotics are safe for most people, it has been proven that a common side effect of the treatment is diarrhea. Symptoms can range from mild abdominal discomfort, watery diarrhea, to severe colitis and even death. Sure, the medicine kills the bad bacteria that make us sick, but it also destroys the good bacteria that keep our intestines in-line. Diarrhea is defined by the World Health Organization as the passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual.

According to several studies, diarrhea occurs between 5% and 39% of patients receiving antibiotics, depending on the population and the type of antibiotic. This undesired symptom may result directly from altered gastrointestinal motility or from disruption of the normal bacterial flora of the intestinal tract. However, the major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea is infection with Clostridium difficile bacteria.

Aside from antibiotic use, the risk factors for C. difficile infection include advanced age, prior hospitalization, treatment with chemotherapy, living in a nursing home and use of proton pump inhibitor . Patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, both ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease, are also particularly vulnerable to C. difficile infection and physicians recommend that their stools be tested whenever disease flares up with significant diarrhea.

Diarrhea In Domestic Turkeys

Causes of Chronic Diarrhea

Poultry farming always brings significant profit, but it also involves overcoming a number of problems. Wide-chested turkeys are handsome and loved by many farmers. If the owners want to raise the birds strong and healthy, you should know that if the little turkeys have safely survived the first of their lives, then you can not worry about their future health. The immunity acquired in the first month of life will strengthen the birds and they will remain healthy throughout their lives. But there are dangerous diseases of turkeys, which can kill not only one individual, but also lead to the death of the entire flock. The most dangerous and hidden ailment is diarrhea in turkey poults. A problem such as diarrhea in turkeys is considered a fairly common disease.

Diarrhea in domestic turkeys

Diseases that can pass from one individual to the whole flock are the risk of infection with worms, tick bites and other insects. Sometimes, diseases occur due to inappropriate conditions of keeping birds, or due to improperly formulated diet. The mortality of birds from such factors often exceeds the likelihood of their death from various types of infections. But the death of birds from various infections is also high. Of the diseases of turkeys that can quickly destroy them, diarrhea is in the first place. Veterinarians note that when loose stools appear in turkey poults, a quick response and immediate treatment are required.

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Should Antibiotics Be Taken With Or Without Food

See the label on your antibiotics. Does it advise you to take them on an empty stomach or with food? Either way, you should follow the instructions given. Some antibiotics are better consumed on an empty stomach find out the optimal way to consume yours.

Regular recommendations for treating diarrhea still apply:

  • Drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration and use rehydrating beverages high in electrolytes if necessary.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine if they are making diarrhea worse. Keep in mind that alcohol may cause severe reactions while you are taking certain antibiotics. See the label for that information.
  • Eat more of a bland diet than you might normally eat.

Common sense should keep you from disrupting the natural balance of antibiotics. Keep in mind that anything that triggers GI symptoms could make your side effects even worse.

Be cautious to avoid these undesirable side effects.

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How Effective Is Ciprofloxacin For Diarrhea

The use of ciprofloxacin for diarrhea can be very effective when symptoms are being caused by certain types of bacteria. Recovery is usually achieved within seven days, and oftentimes much sooner, depending on the severity of the infection. Diarrhea caused by viral infections or other causes will not be successfully treated with ciprofloxacin.

Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic medication that is used to treat many forms of bacteria in the body. It is given for treatment of various illnesses, including cervical infections, urinary tract infections, and microbial-related diarrhea. When using ciprofloxacin for diarrhea treatment, it is a good idea to ensure that symptoms are being caused by a bacteria rather than another source. Other symptoms, such as fever or vomiting, may also be exhibited if an infection is present. Ciprofloxacin is not effective in the treatment of viral infections or in the treatment of non-infection related diarrhea.

Although the use of ciprofloxacin for diarrhea is relatively common, this drug may also cause diarrhea in some individuals. Watery or bloody stools should be checked out by a doctor. These symptoms may occur in those taking the drug for an illness aside from diarrhea, or patients who are taking it for that purpose may experience a worsening in symptoms.

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The Medical Bottom Line

Antibiotics are wonderful medicines. But this study of probiotics and many other studies show they also have a dark side. The best way to avoid antibiotic-associated diarrhea is to limit your use of antibiotics. For example, you likely dont need an antibiotic for an uncomplicated ear or sinus infection or bronchitis. Most often the culprits are viruses, which dont respond to antibiotics anyway.

The best way to keep your normal flora in balance is to only take antibiotics when necessary.

Consequences Of Travelers’ Diarrhea

Probiotics Cut Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea may affect 25% of those treated with fluoroquinolones or macrolides.120 This clinical diagnosis should be considered in the differential among TD patients who are treated with antibiotics yet who have persistent or worsening symptoms. Other notable complications of TD include reactive arthritis and Campylobacter jejuni-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Chronic diarrhea has been estimated to affect 1% of all travelers.118 Steffen’s study among Swiss travelers in the 1980s showed that 11% of travelers who developed acute diarrhea went on to experience chronic diarrhea.7 A total of 20 of the 73 cases of chronic diarrhea were associated with protozoa, such as amoeba or Giardia the rest were undiagnosed. The highest rate of chronic diarrhea was noted after travel in West Africa and East Asia. One-third of the patients became symptomatic only after returning home some after more than a 1-month delay. Chronic diarrhea ranked second of all travel related illness in days of inability to work.

Thea Brabb, … Martha Hanes, in, 2012

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Probiotics May Relieve Diarrhea

Probiotics are friendly bacteria or yeast that help your digestive system function properly. A growing body of research shows that probiotics may help protect against antibiotic-associated diarrhea. In particular, some people have found that the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in certain brands of yogurt, helps reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea in adults. Probiotics are also found in miso and other fermented foods.

Probiotics occur naturally in some foods, are added to others, or can be taken as concentrated supplements. There are hundreds of probiotics, Parkman says. Each one is a little different. You may need to experiment to determine which one, if any, works for you.

Probiotics supplements are sold in drugstores, groceries, and health food stores in liquid, powder, and capsule forms. They are sometimes kept in a refrigerated section because they need to be protected from heat. You should talk to your doctor before taking probiotics, to make sure theyre safe to use with your other treatment plans.

Symptoms Of C Diff Colitis

Symptoms of C. difficile infection typically begin 5 to 10 days after starting antibiotics but may occur on the first day or up to 2 months later.

Symptoms vary according to the degree of inflammation caused by the bacteria, ranging from slightly loose stools to bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, and fever. Nausea and vomiting are rare.

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Don’t Rush To Give Probiotics

So where are we?

You could argue that this study looked at 2 commonly used bacterial strains but not Saccharomyces boulardii, which in one study has shown some benefit. But even when the most recent American College of Gastroenterology guidelines on C difficile included the studies on Saccharomyces, they concluded that there was not enough benefit only some post hoc analyses suggested some benefit. Saccharomyces is not recommended for the prevention of C difficile.

Now we have an incredibly large, placebo-controlled trial with level 1 evidence to suggest that we are not doing any good for these patients, and we might be causing adverse symptoms with a relatively low number needed to harm. It’s not the final answer, but we need to reconsider the use of probiotics.

Although intended to restore good health, we are seeing a dysbiosis. We have disrupted the microflora in the gut, and are trying to jam it back with strains of bacteria that we think are good bacteria, and it may not be the correct answer.

We don’t know the right answer. When you alter the microflora, you change some of the metabolism of carbohydrates, bile salts, and complex sugars. We are not clear whether jamming the gut with another strain of bacteria is going to be of benefit.

A Prescription For Caution

Treatment of diarrhea

To avoid antibiotic-associated diarrhea, its best to take antibiotics only when your healthcare provider believes they are absolutely necessary. Antibiotics do not combat viral infections such as the cold and flu they are effective only against bacterial infections.

Adjusting your diet may help you avoid or ease diarrhea symptoms until you finish your antibiotics regimen. Drink water to stay hydrated and replace any fluids lost to diarrhea. Most important, if your symptoms worsen or dont clear up after you take your medication, talk to your doctor.

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Antibiotics And Gut Flora

Normally, the large intestine maintains a delicate balance with the billions of bacteria that live inside it. Most of these are the “good bacteria” that aid in digestion and keep “bad bacteria” in check.

Antibiotics work by killing off bacteria but cannot distinguish between “good” and “bad” bacteria. If the natural balance of the gut flora is disturbed, the “bad” bacteria can sometimes predominate and trigger loose stools and diarrhea.

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is more common when:

  • More than one antibiotic is prescribed
  • An antibiotic is used for an extended period of time
  • An antibiotic is taken at a higher dose
  • A powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic is used

Occasionally, even a mild, narrow-spectrum antibiotic can cause bowel changes.

One of the more common “bad” bacteria is called Clostridium difficile. While it is typically controlled by beneficial bacterial flora, antibiotics can sometimes strip the body of those protections. If this happens, C difficile can begin to multiply and cause symptoms.

Acute C. difficile infection is a serious condition that can lead to severe diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis , and a life-threatening emergency known as toxic megacolon.

What Are The Complications Of Diarrhea

Dehydration occurs when there is excessive loss of fluids and minerals from the body due to diarrhea, with or without vomiting.

  • Dehydration is common among adult patients with acute diarrhea who have large amounts of watery stool, particularly when the intake of fluids is limited by lethargy or is associated with nausea and vomiting.
  • It also is common in infants and young children who develop viral gastroenteritis or bacterial infection.
  • Patients with mild dehydration may experience only thirst and dry mouth.
  • Moderate to severe dehydration may cause orthostatic hypotension with due to a reduced volume of blood, which causes a drop in blood pressure upon standing). A diminished urine output, severe weakness, shock, kidney failure, confusion, acidosis , and coma.

Electrolytes are lost with water when diarrhea is prolonged or severe, and mineral or electrolyte deficiencies may occur. The most common deficiencies occur with sodium and potassium. Abnormalities of chloride and bicarbonate also may develop.

Finally, there may be irritation of the anus due to the frequent passage of watery stool containing irritating substances.

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Factors Affecting The Efficacy Of Probiotics

Apart from strain composition and probiotic product formulation, specific individual differences might play a role in the efficacy of probiotics, as is evident in some of the trials we reviewed.

The largest study included in this review contained almost 3000 subjects, as reported by Allen . This study showed no significant effect of probiotic versus placebo. However, it included elderly participants who may be more susceptible to adverse effects of antibiotics.. The efficacy of probiotics varies across different age groups, and is influenced by the type of antibiotic administered and the duration of the therapy. In fact, higher incidence rates of AAD were previously observed in older patients also subjected to prolonged antibiotic exposure , so the same factors may partly explain the observation of the study by Allen. Furthermore, in the study by Allen antibiotic therapy could last up to 7 days before starting the probiotic treatment, and probiotics may be more effective when administered during the entire period of susceptibility. In fact, a meta-regression analysis conducted by Shen et al. showed that probiotics were significantly more effective in reducing the risk of Clostridium difficile infection when administered closer to the first antibiotic dose, and similar considerations could be applied to the use of probiotics to prevent AAD.

Tests To Diagnose Antibiotic

Q/A: How to Prevent Diarrhea when Taking Antibiotics? Part One

It is usually recommended that patients undergo several laboratory tests in order to ascertain what exactly the cause of ailments is as several ailments could produce the same symptoms as antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

The usual laboratory test for such symptoms would be an analysis of the patients stool by taking samples.

Treatment can commence while waiting for the test results especially if it is suspected that it is a case of diarrhoea. It would be good for the doctor to have an understanding of the patients medical history especially the recent one.

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When To Talk To Your Doctor

To reduce the risk of unnecessary problems ahead of time and ask your doctor if your antibiotic prescription is even necessary, as 28 percent of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Know that antibiotics won’t help if you have a cold or flu, as antibiotics don’t heal viral illnesses.In addition to communicating with a health professional before you take a medication to treat antibiotic-associated diarrhea, you should contact them if you notice any blood in your diarrhea, if you develop fever, find a rash anywhere or experience significant abdominal pain beyond a little cramping, Dr. Kistler says. Here’s to better times ahead.

Managing Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is a common adverse effect of antibiotic treatments. Antibiotic associated diarrhoea occurs in about 5-30% of patients either early during antibiotic therapy or up to two months after the end of the treatment.13 The frequency of antibiotic associated diarrhoea depends on the definition of diarrhoea, the inciting antimicrobial agents, and host factors.

Almost all antibiotics, particularly those that act on anaerobes, can cause diarrhoea, but the risk is higher with aminopenicillins, a combination of aminopenicillins and clavulanate, cephalosporins, and clindamycin.1,4,5 Host factors for antibiotic associated diarrhoea include age over 65, immunosuppression, being in an intensive care unit, and prolonged hospitalisation.6

Clinical presentations of antibiotic associated diarrhoea range from mild diarrhoea to fulminant pseudomembranous colitis. The latter is characterised by a watery diarrhoea, fever , leucocytosis , and the presence of pseudomembranes on endoscopic examination. Severe complications include toxic megacolon, perforation, and shock.

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