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H Pylori Treatment Without Antibiotics

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Cure H. Pylori Without Antibiotics? With Test Proof!

In the United States, doctors seldom test for H. pylori unless you have symptoms. If you have symptoms, call your doctor for an evaluation. H. pylori infection shares symptoms with other stomach conditions, such as acid reflux and GERD. Its important you get the right diagnosis to make sure youre treated correctly.

If you test positive for H. pylori, the sooner you start treatment, the better. Natural treatments arent likely to harm you, but they arent proven to eliminate the infection. Dont use them instead of conventional treatments without your doctors supervision.

Two Key Questions Guide H Pylori Treatment

The best and most cost-effective treatments for H. pylori infection are the ones that work.

As one of the most common chronic bacterial infections, Helicobacter pylori is a known enemy due to its potential to cause peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. But in today’s era of antibiotic resistance, the infection now requires more ammunition to be defeated.

For many years, standard treatment for H. pylori was clarithromycin triple therapy, a combination of clarithromycin, amoxicillin or metronidazole, and a proton-pump inhibitor for 14 days. But the three-part regimen has fallen out of favor, said gastroenterologist Colin W. Howden, MD, during his session on common upper GI problems at Internal Medicine Meeting 2018.

H. pylori

In large parts of the country, I would say that this should no longer be recommended and this treatment is largely obsolete, he said.

So what are the best and most cost-effective treatments for H. pylori infection? Simply put, the ones that work, said Dr. Howden, professor of medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.

Irrespective of dollars and cents, the most expensive treatment is the one that doesn’t work, he said. And there are a heck of a lot of treatments out there for H. pylori that don’t work.

How Is H Pylori Treated

If you dont have symptoms, you dont need to be treated. If you’ve been diagnosed with H. pylori, avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs can increase your risk of developing an ulcer.

H. pylori-caused ulcers are treated with a combination of antibiotics and an acid-reducing proton pump inhibitor.

  • Antibiotics: Usually two antibiotics are prescribed. Among the common choices are amoxicillin, clarithromycin , metronidazole and tetracycline.
  • Proton pump inhibitor: Commonly used proton pump inhibitors include lansoprazole , omeprazole , pantoprazole , rabeprazole or esomeprazole .
  • Bismuth subsalicylate: Sometimes this drug is added to the antibiotics plus proton pump inhibitor combinations mentioned above. This drug protects the stomach lining.

Combination treatment is usually taken for 14 days.

One newer medication, Talicia®, combines two antibiotics with a proton pump inhibitor into a single capsule.

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Who Gets H Pylori Infections

H. pylori bacteria are present in some 50% to 75% of the worlds population. It does not cause illness in most people. H. pylori infection mostly occurs in children. Its more common in developing countries. In the U.S., H. pylori bacteria are found in about 5% of children under the age of 10. Infection is most likely to occur in children who live in crowded conditions and areas with poor sanitation.

How Does H Pylori Infection Cause Damage

Cure H. Pylori Without Antibiotics? With Test Proof!

H. pylori multiply in the mucus layer of the stomach lining and duodenum. The bacteria secrete an enzyme called urease that converts urea to ammonia. This ammonia protects the bacteria from stomach acid. As H. pylori multiply, it eats into stomach tissue, which leads to gastritis and/or peptic ulcer.

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H Pylori Resistance To Antibiotics

Classical treatment

During the 90s, the standard triple therapy was the gold standard in the treatment of H. pylori infections. The standard triple therapies are based on a proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin or metronidazole. The increase in the prevalence of resistance to these antibiotics, especially to the key antibiotic, clarithromycin, has decreased the efficacy of standard regimens .

Metronidazole is a key component included in the triple therapies which is associated to a high level of resistance. The prevalence of metronidazole resistance has been estimated to be from 17 to 44% for Europe and America, respectively . The highest level of resistance to this antibiotic in Europe has been reported in Western Europe, where 20 to 45% of the H. pylori isolates are metronidazole-resistant . The percentage of metronidazole resistance in developing countries has been reported from 50 to 100%, instead of being up to 90% in Africa . The resistance to metronidazole is so high in developing countries because this antibiotic is widely used to treat parasitic and/or gynecological infections in female patients . Also, there are some studies describing that metronidazole resistance being linked to the virulence strain factors, the strains without cagA gene being more resistant . The lower rates related to metronidazole resistance have been reported in Japan, around 10% .

Bismuth quadruple therapy

Sequential therapy

Non-bismuth quadruple therapy

Hybrid therapy

Traditional Treatment For H Pylori

The traditional treatment is antibiotic therapy. It is called triple therapy because it has two antibiotics and an acid-blocking drug. Over time, it has been proven not to be that effective.

So now the protocol is quadruple therapy, which adds an additional drug. There are also different combinations of hybrid therapies. Sometimes these therapies may involve having a patient take 14 prescription pills in one day for two or three weeks.

The success rate for these treatments varies from 29% to 90%, depending on the person and the area. Antibiotic resistance has evolved over the years, so its shown not to be as effective. Thats why the protocols had to keep changing and increasing dosages.

Sometimes people take three or four drugs for two weeks and then move on to other drugs.

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How To Eradicate H Pylori

Helicobacter pylori is a hardy spiral shaped bacterium which multiplies and colonizes in the stomach. H. pylori can survive gastric acids due to its ability to produce an enzyme called urease. Urease neutralizes stomach acid, making it easy for the bacteria to survive in it own acide-free zone.

H. Pylori is the only bacterial organism that can survive in the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

The bacteria can easily penetrate the stomachs protective mucous lining. It can even trick the stomach into making more stomach acid which makes the stomach lining more susceptible to damage through exposure to acid and pepsin. This can cause stomach ulcers.

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H Pylori Treatment – How to Get Rid of H.Pylori Without Antibiotics

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  • Charles Ruppman on 25 August, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    Hello, Will Mastic interfere with treatment of SIBO? It is Illegal on the SCD diet according to this site.


  • Mary Vance, NC on 25 August, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    You want to address one issue at a time and not together. If you have SIBO, you should do the herbal protocol to kill that along with whatever diet works for you , then get to a point where you can reintroduce some foods, indicating your gut is healing. I havent used mastic gum supplements on anyone with has active SIBO, so I cant say. Its best to work with a practitioner who can help you.

  • Dasa on 15 October, 2016 at 9:28 am

    Hi there, Im missing a conclusion of the treatment were the patiets / yourself testes for H Pyroli after the process and how many got rid of the barcteria? Thanks a lot

  • Jessica Reggans on 24 January, 2017 at 10:16 pm

    I was recently diagnosed with H pylori & my 5 year old is exhibition some of the symptoms. I have taken two antibiotic treatments to no avail. I have my 5 year old an appointment in a few days. I would like to try this regimen. So, you suggest taking the 2 Mastic formulas for 4-8 weeks with a strict diet. then start the l-glutamine, digestive enzymes, and probiotic regimen for approximately 3 weeks?

  • Jessica on 29 January, 2017 at 11:43 pm

    Thank you.

  • Rachelle on 11 June, 2017 at 12:50 am
  • Lara on 31 July, 2017 at 11:28 am

    Can I do this along side a colon cleanse?

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    Outcome Measurements And Follow

    Follow-up studies to assess treatment responses were carried out for 1 week for drug compliance and adverse events assessment and 8 weeks later for H. pylori testing by urea breath tests. The primary outcome of this study was the eradication rate by intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses of the two therapeutic groups. Eradication therapy failure was confirmed after treatment by a positive 13C-urea breath test 8 weeks after treatment. Poor compliance was the failure to finish 80% of all medication due to adverse effects.15,16 The secondary outcomes were drug compliance and adverse events. In the PP analysis, patients who were lost during follow-up or did not follow the protocol or with unknown H. pylori status posttherapy were excluded. Adverse events were compared.

    Antacids Are Not The Solution

    If youre taking PPIs or acid-blocking drugs, listen up! Reflux is a very common side effect of H pylori infection for the reasons mentioned above: it causes low stomach acid. This prevents food from breaking down properly, so the food ferments, and the gases travel up the esophageal tract, causing burning. This is treated with acid-blocking drugs, which further reduce stomach acid and allow H pylori to proliferate. Thats right: reflux and heartburn are often caused by stomach acid that is too alkaline, NOT too acidic! Thats why H pylori and reflux/heartburn go hand in hand. And those with low stomach acid production are at risk of SIBO and vitamin deficiencies from malabsorption.

    Certain strains of H pylori that produce cytotoxins cause worse inflammation and damage to the stomach lining and intestinal cells and are more closely related to ulcers, gastritis, and cancer.

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    What Are The Indications For H Pylori Testing And Treatment

    Testing for H. pylori is indicated in certain patients. Any patient who tests positive for H. pylori infection should be treated.

    All patients with active or previous peptic ulcer disease should be tested for H. pylori infection unless there is documentation that the infection was previously cured. Patients with low-grade gastric mucosaassociated lymphoid tissue lymphoma or a history of endoscopic resection of early gastric cancer should also be tested. Testing in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease is not recommended unless the patient has a history of peptic ulcer disease or dyspepsia. If a patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease is tested and found to have H. pylori infection, treatment should be offered with the acknowledgment that symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease are unlikely to improve.

    Based on low-quality evidence, the ACG also recommends testing for those initiating long-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy, those with unexplained iron deficiency anemia, and adults with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

    There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation about testing and treatment in asymptomatic patients with a family history of gastric cancer or in patients with lymphocytic gastritis, hyperplastic gastric polyps, or hyperemesis gravidarum.

    H Pylori Testing: How Can We Find It

    Helicobacter pylori

    A number of H. pylori testing options are available for identifying the presence of an infection. We have listed the main ones below. In our experience, DNA stool testing is the most reliable but is also prone to false negatives – infections not showing up on testing – like all of the options listed.

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    Symptoms Of H Pylori Infection

    Many people have non-severe symptoms which can lead to the belief that the infection doesnt affect them. It becomes a hidden infection that may present issues a lot later making treatment that much more complex. But for others there may be any of the following H. pylori symptoms.

    The most common signs and symptoms of H. pylori we see in clinical practice are:

    • Heartburn or reflux, leading to GERD – see below

    • Upper abdominal pain

    • Carcinoma

    Supplements For H Pylori

    The following supplements have been found to fight H. Pylori:

    DGL this is form of licorice which can be taken in chewable tablet form. You can chew 1-2 tablets three times a day.

    Scutelleria baicalensis/ Baikal skullcap can work as an antibiotic. Note that Baikal skullcap can slow blood clotting, so if you are taking aspirin, a blood thinner, or have a clotting disorder, or are having surgery, talk to a your doctor before taking this supplement. Baikal skullcap can also affect blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure.

    Korean red ginseng has shown anti- H. pylori activity in lab animals. Please be aware that red ginseng is different than American ginseng and has a wide variety of uses. While many regard ginseng as effective in increasing mental performance and sexual function, it also lower blood sugar, increase heart rate and can either raise or lower blood pressure. If you are interested in trying red ginseng, talk to a knowledgeable healthcare professional first.

    It is important to consult with your doctor before taking any herbal or natural supplements to make sure they dont interfere with any of the medications you are currently taking.

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    What Kills H Pylori Naturally

    While the conventional treatment for H pylori is a combination of antibiotics , learning how to treat H pylori naturally may lead to long-lasting results that wont have unwanted side effects.

    There is a protocol that can clear up an H pylori infection and stop symptoms quickly so that you can go back to enjoying life free of constant stomach discomfort:

    A combination of raw manuka honey and black seed oil. Yep, a simple, inexpensive treatment may improve your symptoms overnight!

    Heres the protocol:

    1 tsp per day black seed oil

    Thats it. Treatment should last for a minimum of two weeks, until symptoms have cleared. Stomach discomfort may return if a dose is missed.

    What Factors Predict Successful Eradication When Treating H Pylori Infection

    Cure H. Pylori Without Antibiotics? With Test Proof!

    Determinants of success can be related to patient factors or to the infection. The main determinants are choice of regimen, patient adherence to a multidrug regimen with frequent adverse effects, and the sensitivity of the H. pylori strain to the combination of antibiotics used. The number of doses per day and the severity of adverse effects influence treatment adherence. It is important for physicians to discuss the benefits and challenges of therapy before beginning the regimen. Other patient factors, such as cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, and genetics, may also have a role in treatment failure.

    Of the infection-related factors, antibiotic sensitivity was found to be the most important determinant of treatment success in clinical trials and population-based studies. Resistance to clarithromycin, metronidazole, and levofloxacin limits their effectiveness and increases the prevalence of H. pylori infection. Resistance to amoxicillin, tetracycline, and rifabutin is rare.

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    Work With Our Practitioners To Address H Pylori Naturally

    H. pylori in those who are symptomatic, needs to be addressed to prevent the risk of long-term GI conditions. We encourage those who are symptomatic and think they might have H. pylori to work with a practitioner to test and address an infection if identified. If you would like to work with our team of H. pylori experts, please head to the Work With Us page to learn more about how we work online with clients in many countries to eradicate H. pylori and other root causes of IBS symptoms

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    Management Of Helicobacter Pylori Infection

    Leena Myran, PharmD, BCPSUniversity of Wyoming School of PharmacyLaramie, Wyoming

    University of Wyoming School of PharmacyLaramie, Wyoming

    US Pharm. 2018 43:27-32.

    ABSTRACT: Helicobacter pylori infection is prevalent in about one-half of the worlds population. Infection with H pylori is associated with the development of peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Significant scientific advances have been made in the management of H pylori infection in adults these advances are addressed in updated recommendations by the American College of Gastroenterology and the Toronto Consensus. The increasing prevalence of H pylori that is resistant to traditional clarithromycin-based therapies is a global problem requiring a review of the evidence to incorporate additional regimens.

    Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative bacterium that colonizes the human stomach. It is typically acquired during childhood and transmitted from human to human.1,2 Risk factors for H pylori infection include low socioeconomic status, increasing number of siblings, and having an infected parent.1

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    When Should Penicillin Allergy Testing Be Considered In Patients With H Pylori Infection

    Amoxicillin is an important component of H. pylori treatment regimens. However, there are alternatives that do not include amoxicillin, most notably bismuth quadruple therapy. Allergy testing may be considered after one or two failures of first-line therapy. Most often, a true penicillin allergy will be excluded, and amoxicillin-containing salvage therapy can be initiated safely.

    Guideline source: American College of Gastroenterology

    Evidence rating system used? Yes

    Systematic literature search described? Yes

    Guideline developed by participants without relevant financial ties to industry? No

    Recommendations based on patient-oriented outcomes? Yes

    Available at:

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    What Causes H Pylori

    Effects of antibiotic resistance on Helicobacter pylori ...

    Its not known exactly how the bacterium is spread, but it has co-existed with humans for thousands of years. It can be transmitted person to person via saliva or stool, or it can hitch a ride to your stomach via undercooked food, especially chicken. Contaminated water is also a risk factor. Poor hygiene is a risk factor, making the bacterium more prevalent in underdeveloped areas.

    You can prevent H pylori with good hygiene, like hand washing, but its important to note that if your digestive system is in good working order, you may be able to successfully ward off the bacteria if you come in contact with it. This is true of any parasite or pathogenic bacterial infection. The hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach should have a pH of about 2, acidic enough to break down food AND kill invaders. If your immune system and digestive tract are working well, you wont become infected even if you come in contact with these invaders because you should be able to kill them before they take root and proliferate. Many of us have inadequate HCl production, making us more susceptible to pathogens and parasites. HCl production declines with age, which may be one reason why older people have a higher rate of H pylori infection.

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