Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do Doctors Prescribe Antibiotics For Sinus Infections

What To Do For Chronic Sinusitis

Sinus Infection Antibiotics! Why won’t my doctor write a prescription?

If youre suffering from chronic sinusitis or you are getting frequent sinus infections you should see your doctor, says Dr. Sindwani.

Your doctor will swab your nose to collect mucus. Culturing it in a laboratory will reveal which type of bacteria is causing the infection so the right antibiotic can be prescribed.

Treat early sinus infection symptoms with rest, hydration and over-the-counter sprays and decongestants. But dont look for an antibiotic unless your illness extends beyond a week, he says. Then check in with your doctor for a prescription and let him or her know if your condition worsens.

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Get A Z Pack For Sinus Infection Online

Not sure how to tell the difference between bacterial and viral sinus infection? Need a prescription for antibiotics? EverydayDr partners with award-winning telehealth provider, PlushCare, to provide top-tier medical assistance. You can book same-day appointments to see a doctor remotely, get diagnosed, and get prescriptions filled.

To book an appointment, go to the PlushCare booking flow here. Consult with a doctor in-person or via telemedicine today to a Z-pack for sinus infection.

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Sinusitis Resistance To Antibiotic

Bacteria resistance to antibiotics is a big problem throughout the United States. Several common bacteria behind sinusitis can carry a gene that makes them resistant to the effects of antibiotics. Youll notice this after a few days of treatment when the gene activates. It can even travel between bacteria in a plasmid capsule, affecting a large population of bacteria.

When you dont show improvement after a course of antibiotics within four to seven days, especially if you did seem better at first but then got worse again, you might be dealing with resistant bacteria. Talk to your physician about an examination and potential culture or sinus DNA analysis. These tests can identify the most harmful resistant strains within about 24 hours and offer a comprehensive bacterial analysis within one week.

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Diagnosing And Treating A Sinus Infection Online

Sinus infections are one of the most commonly treated conditions by Amwell physicians. Sinus infections are often mistaken for the common cold, but they are different conditions. While the two conditions are similar, the most likely symptoms for a sinus infection might include:

  • Thick, yellow, foul-smelling discharge from your nose
  • Pressure or pain around the eyes or cheeks
  • Cold like symptoms that won’t go away or get worse

Many people think antibiotics are the number one treatment for sinus infections, but this is usually not the case. According to guidelines released by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 90 to 98 percent of sinus infections aren’t caused by bacteria, meaning antibiotics will not work. Antibiotics are typically used to treat infections or diseases caused by bacteria. If your case of sinusitis is viral, antibiotics will be ineffective. In fact, antibiotics can be harmful to you if used inappropriately. Doctors can help determine if you have sinusitis, the type of sinusitis, if treatment is needed, or if a referral to a specialist is required.

Once a diagnosis has been made, your doctor will go over the risks and benefits of the various treatment plans. Depending on the cause and severity of the infection, your treatment plan may include:

  • Home treatment options to help promote nasal drainage and ease symptoms i.e. salt water rinses
  • A recommendation of over the counter medications including:
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories i.e. Ibuprofen

But Sometimes Antibiotics For Sinus Infections Are Needed

Over The Counter Remedies For Sinus Infection

So how does one judge when it is appropriate to prescribe antibiotics for a sinus infection? There are several sets of official guidelines, which are all similar. When a patient has thick, colorful nasal discharge and/or facial pressure or pain for at least 10 days, they meet criteria for antibiotic treatment. If a patient has had those symptoms, but the symptoms seemed to start improving and then got worse again, then even if its been less than 10 days, they meet criteria for antibiotic treatment.

The authors, however, also suggest that doctors discuss watchful waiting with patients and explain that most sinus infections clear up on their own in one to two weeks, and its a safe option to hold off on antibiotics. The symptoms can then be treated with a cocktail of over-the-counter medications and supportive care, like nasal saline irrigation, nasal steroid sprays, decongestants, and pain medications.

Of course, many patients expect and demand antibiotics for sinus infections, and even those who are open to watchful waiting may hear about the rare but possible complications of things like, oh, brain abscess, and opt to treat.

In the case of my patient above, she met criteria for treatment. She weighed the watchful waiting option against the potential risks of antibiotics for her sinus infection, and chose the prescription. I can tell you from very close follow-up that she improved quickly, though in truth, we will never really know if she would have gotten better anyway.

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What Antibiotics Help Sinus Infections

Antibiotics are prescribed to help actively kill bacteria so your body can more easily handle the effects of infection and create a more effective immune response. There are a variety of antibiotics that doctors can prescribe for sinusitis. Each type of antibiotic kills bacteria and affects the body differently. Your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic based on your symptoms and medical history.

When To Seek Medical Care

See a doctor if you have:

  • Severe symptoms, such as severe headache or facial pain.
  • Symptoms that get worse after improving.
  • Symptoms lasting more than 10 days without getting better.
  • Fever longer than 3-4 days.

You should also seek medical care if you have had multiple sinus infections in the past year.

This list is not all-inclusive. Please see a doctor for any symptom that is severe or concerning.

Other conditions can cause symptoms similar to a sinus infection, including:

  • Seasonal allergies

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How Can You Help Your Patient

What to do, then, for patients with acute sinusitis? Treat the symptoms, which means recommending pain medication for facial pain or headache and saline nasal spray for the nasal discharge, not antibiotics or nasal corticosteroids. Side effects will be fewer and costs will be lower.

  • Saline irrigation. A 2007 Cochrane review of 8 chronic and recurrent sinusitis trials showed that nasal saline irrigation is effective for reducing symptoms of chronic and recurrent sinusitis.8 Although we do not have high-quality RCT data on saline nasal irrigation for treatment of acute sinusitis, nasal saline irrigation is harmless and inexpensive.
  • What about nasal steroids? The evidence is equivocal, and the most recent high-quality RCT of nasal steroids showed no effect.9

How Is Sinusitis Treated

New Treatments for Chronic Sinusitis

Your treatment will depend on the cause of your sinusitis. Most of the time, treatment includes medicines and taking care of yourself at home. Medicines that are used most often include:

  • , such as Sudafed, that are taken as pills or liquids. These can reduce swelling and improve sinus drainage.
  • Over-the-counter pain medicine, such acetaminophen or ibuprofen .
  • Antibiotics, which kill bacteria. Antibiotics will only work if your sinusitis is caused by bacteria. Most of the time, sinusitis is caused by a virus.

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Types Of Sinus Infections: Chronic Vs Acute

There are four types of sinus infections. These classifications depend on the length and frequency of the infection:

  • Acute sinusitis.This type of sinus infection lasts only for a short time, defined by the American Academy of Otolaryngology as less than 4 weeks. This short-term infection is usually part of a cold or other respiratory illness. It may also be caused by a bacterial infection .
  • Subacute sinusitis. A subacute sinus infection lasts between 4 and 12 weeks .
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis. An acute sinus infection is considered recurrent if the infection returns four or more times within a year, with each infection lasting 7 days or more.
  • Chronic sinusitis.Chronic sinus infections last for more than 12 weeks or continue to recur.

Many sinus infection symptoms are common in both acute and chronic forms. Seeing a doctor is the best way to learn if you have an infection, find the cause, and get treatment.

For cases of acute bacterial sinus infections, these symptoms last at least 10 days without improving, or they worsen within 10 days after seeming to improve. In this case, its important to talk with a doctor, such as a general practitioner or an ear, nose, and throat doctor , to get a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Learn more about the symptoms of a sinus infection below.

Best Antibiotic Treatment For Sinus Infection

Physicians frequently recommend ten to 14 days of amoxicillin or amoxicillin-clavulanate treatment when a person has bacterial sinusitis.

However, amoxicillin is less effective in some areas because of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In these cases, a physician could recommend using another antibiotic when there is no improvement in sinusitis symptoms after a couple of days.

Some alternatives to treat sinusitis include:

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When Do We Need Antibiotics For Sinus Infection

Antibiotics are not needed for many sinus infections, but your doctor can decide if you need an antibiotic. You doctor may recommend antibiotics if:

  • You have symptoms of a bacterial infection and you have not gotten better after 10 days, even with home treatment.
  • You have severe symptoms such as severe headache or facial pain, or you have other problems, such as pus forming in your sinus cavities.
  • You have had sinusitis for 12 weeks or longer .
  • You have a fever longer than 3-4 days.
  • Your symptoms get worse after initially improving.
  • Most sinus infections usually get better on their own without antibiotics. When antibiotics arent needed, they wont help you, and their side effects could still cause harm. Side effects can range from minor issues, like a rash, to very serious health problems, such as antibiotic-resistant infections and C. diff infection, which causes diarrhea that can lead to severe colon damage and death.

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    Recommended Dosage Of Prednisone

    Pin by Lois Price on health advice

    Your doctor will likely recommend that you inhale the steroid through the nose. Inhaling steroids delivers the steroids directly to the inflamed parts of your tissues. But if you have polyps in your nose, they may block your nasal passages and stop the steroid from reaching the inflamed areas. If inhaled steroids prove not to be effective in giving you desired results, a your doctor may consider giving you a short course of oral Prednisone. Taking Prednisone for about a week is enough to reduce the size of polyps and reduce overall nose inflammation. Since inflammation is reduced and polyps shrink in size, inhaled steroids can reach their target easily and deliver the best results. Patients are most commonly prescribed 60mg of Prednisone per day, but the dosage may vary, depending on the condition of the patient and their individual response to the drug.

    Most doctors avoid using oral steroids, this is likely because these steroids travel into the patients blood stream and in turn oneâs entire body becomes exposed to the medicine. On the contrary, topical and inhaled steroids are only exposed to the sinuses and nose. Patients taking oral steroids are more susceptible to developing side effects. These side effects may include mood swings, increased blood pressure and glaucoma. However, no serious side effects should occur as long as Prednisone is taken in low dosage for a short period of time, supervised by a medical professional.

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    Sinus Infection Treatment Options

    There are many treatment options for a sinus infection, but the best treatment option varies by the severity of the case. Some acute sinus infections will clear up on their own without any treatment, and you may just think it was a cold. Others require more serious interventions by a healthcare provider.

    The standard treatment healthcare providers prescribe for a presumed bacterial sinus infection is an antibiotic. However, if you have a sinus infection caused by a viral infection such as the common cold, your doctor will not prescribe antibiotics as these medications only treat bacterial infections. Instead, you can treat the sinus infection symptomatically until it resolves, with nasal decongestants and antihistamines.

    There are plenty of ways to treat symptoms of a sinus infection at home with over-the-counter medications and home remedies. OTC antihistamines block the effects of histamine, helping symptoms like sneezing and runny nose. Simple treatments like drinking water, keeping your sinuses hydrated , and using warm compresses, can also help treat symptoms of a sinus infection.

    Keeping your nasal passages clean can help you prevent future sinus infections. If you anticipate having sinus issues during allergy or cold season, flushing out your nasal passages with a saltwater solution can help you avoid the pains of a sinus infection.

    Facts You Should Know About Mucormycosis


    • Mucormycosis is a serious, potentially deadly fungal infection thatâs infrequently diagnosed.
    • Many different fungi may cause mucormycosis infections with the Mucoraceae family of fungi predominate as causes hence, many investigators use the term mucormycosis instead of zygomycosis.
    • Risk factors include poorly controlled debilitating diseases , immunosuppression, and trauma , and groups of such patients injured in natural disasters.
    • Symptoms and signs first appear usually in the body area infected and may occur as follows:
    • an ulcer with a dark center and sharply defined edges, and
    • mental-status changes may occur.
  • Preliminary diagnosis is made by patient history, physical exam, and the patientâs risk factors for mucormycosis definitive diagnosis is made by identification of fungi in the patientâs tissue.
  • Almost all patients require surgical debridement of infected tissue, antifungal drugs , and good control of underlying medical problems such as diabetes.
  • Complications of mucormycosis can be dire: blindness, organ dysfunction, loss of body tissue due to infection and debridement, and death.
  • The prognosis of mucormycosis infections range from fair to poor there is about a 50% death rate that rises to about 85% for rhinocerebral and GI infections.
  • Prevention of mucormycosis centers on avoidance or control of risk factors , but not all infections are likely to be prevented there is no vaccine for mucormycosis.
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    How K Health Can Help

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    to check your symptoms, explore conditions and treatments, and if needed text with a doctor in minutes. K Healths AI-powered app is HIPAA compliant and based on 20 years of clinical data.

    K Health has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

    Can You Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection Without Antibiotics

    Aspirin Treatment for Chronic Sinusitis – Mayo Clinic

    Many sinus infections are caused by a virus like the common cold and do not require antibiotics for treatment. If you have mild symptoms, OTC medications may help relieve your symptoms until you feel better. However, consult your healthcare provider if symptoms worsen or do not improve after seven days, or if at any time you have intense/severe pain or pressure, or a high fever.

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    Whats New: Realistic Evidence From Realistic Settings

    We believe this meta-analysis provides a high level of evidence against routine treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics in primary care practice. Treating 15 patients with an antibiotic to possibly benefit 1 patient 2 weeks after treatment commences does not seem like a good idea when one considers the cost and complications of antibiotic use. Diarrhea and other adverse outcomes are 80% more common among patients with sinusitis who are treated with an antibiotic compared with placebo.3 As noted above, prior meta-analyses of antibiotic treatment for acute sinusitis have been more encouraging than this meta-analysis, with a number needed to treat of 7, but those meta-analyses are clearly overly optimistic for the results one will achieve in primary care practice using clinical signs and symptoms to diagnose acute sinusitis.3,4 Unlike the Young study, they included trials in specialty clinics with CT scans and sinus puncture and culture used for the diagnostic standard.

    Get Your Antibiotics Fast

    No one likes being sick, and having a sinus infection can be very uncomfortable. Getting antibiotics as fast as possible is crucial to healing, and is made possible with PlushCare. Our online doctors can diagnose your sinus infection, write a prescription, and send it to your local pharmacy in 15 minutes. PlushCare can help you effectively, quickly, and easily treat your sinus infection.

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    Can You Put Vicks In Your Nose

    It’s not safe to use Vicks VapoRub inside your nose as it can be absorbed into your body through the mucus membranes lining your nostrils. VVR contains camphor, which can have toxic effects if absorbed into your body. It can be especially dangerous for children if it’s used inside their nasal passages.

    Is It Possible To Have A Sinus Infection For Months

    Sinus Infection Remedies With Out Antibiotics

    With chronic sinusitis, the tissues inside your sinuses become inflamed and blocked for a long period of time due to swelling and mucus buildup. Acute sinusitis only happens for a short time , but chronic sinusitis can last for months. Sinusitis is considered chronic after at least 12 weeks of symptoms.

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    Why Might Your Doctor Recommend Antibiotics For Sinusitis

    Your doctor may recommend antibiotics if:

    • You have symptoms of a bacterial infection and you have not gotten better after 10 days, even with home treatment.
    • Your symptoms are severe, or you have other problems, such as pus forming in your sinus cavities.
    • You have had sinusitis for 12 weeks or longer .

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