Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is The Best Antibiotic For The Flu

Why Are They Not Helpful

Do antibiotics help with the common cold or flu? | Apollo Hospitals

If you have a sore throat, cough, or sinus pain, you might expect to take antibiotics. After all, you feel bad, and you want to get better fast. But antibiotics dont help most respiratory infections, and they can even be harmful.

Antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses.Antibiotics fight infections caused by bacteria. But most respiratory infections are caused by viruses. Antibiotics cant cure a virus.

Viruses cause:

  • Most sore throats, especially with a cough, runny nose, hoarse voice, or mouth sores

Treatment For Shigella Gastroenteritis

Treatment options for shigella gastroenteritis may include:

  • plenty of fluids
  • oral rehydration drinks, available from your chemist
  • intravenous fluids
  • eating solid foods
  • avoiding anti-vomiting or anti-diarrhoea drugs unless prescribed or recommended by your doctor
  • sometimes, taking appropriate antibiotics to kill the bacteria within a matter of days. Due to increasing levels of antibiotic resistance, these medications are now saved for the very sick or to reduce the spread of infection to vulnerable people or those in residential facilities.

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And Dosage Of Antibiotics For Gastric Ulcer

In gastroenterology for the treatment of pathologies caused by bacterial infection, including ulcers of the stomach associated with Helicobacter Pylori, it is customary to use three- and four-component antibiotic regimens. In these schemes, there are usually 1-2 antibiotics and additional components that regulate the acidity of the stomach.

Consider the most popular regimens for treating stomach ulcers.

2-component regimens with a course of treatment of 14 days

  • Omeprazole + Amoxicillin. Omeprazole is taken in a dosage of 20-40 mg, amoxicillin 750 mg. Multiplicity of admission 2 times a day.
  • Omeprazole + Clarithromycin. Omeprazole is taken in a dosage of 40 mg in the morning, clarithromycin 500 mg three times a day.
  • Omeprazole + Amoxicillin. Omeprazole is taken as in the previous scheme, amoxicillin from 750 to 1500 mg twice a day.

Classical 3-component scheme treatment of gastric ulcers includes drugs such as antibiotic antisecretory drugs And histamine H 2 receptor antagonists . However, recently such schemes have slightly lost their popularity due to the emergence of new resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori. To solve the problem of antibiotic resistance, it was common to use 2 antibiotics in the regimens simultaneously.

3-component schemes with a course of treatment 10 days

An example of a 3-component scheme with a weekly course of therapy:

4-component schemes with a course of treatment 7 days

Example of a 4-component scheme with a 10-day course:

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Colds And Flu: Do You Need Antibiotics

  • Colds and Flu: Do You Need Antibiotics?

COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we consider even minor coughs and cold-like symptoms. UR Medicine Primary Care‘s Dr. Michael Gavin offers advice on what to look for, when to call to your doctor, and whether or not antibiotics can help.

With winter upon us and another rise in COVID cases, we are seeing more and more coughs and colds. COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we consider even minor coughs and cold-like symptoms. To make matters more complicated, we’re seeing a return of non-COVID viruses such as RSV, Coxsackie , as well as stomach viruses. While there is a significant amount of information on the internet, its hard to determine what to trust.

Hundreds of different viruses can cause colds. Unfortunately, its almost impossible to tell at this time without testing to determine whether someone has COVID, or if they have another viral illness. When in doubt, contact your doctor, or get yourself tested for COVID if you have a fever or higher, chills, severe body aches or fatigue, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, or diarrhea. For accurate updates on COVID, I recommend following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the University of Rochester Medical Center webpages.

If you test negative for COVID and still have cold-like symptoms, remember:

Have a safe and healthy winter!

Live Attenuated Quadrivalent Influenza Shot

Prescribing Antibiotics For Flu Virus Is Useless And Harmful, But ...

Some people may refer to this type as a nasal spray vaccine . Rather than an injection, a person receives this vaccine through their nose. It uses a live attenuated, or weakened, version of the flu virus.

This vaccine has approval for healthy nonpregnant people aged 249 years old. The brand name for this vaccine is FluMist Quadrivalent.

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What Are Flu Antiviral Drugs

Flu antiviral drugs are prescription medicines that fight against flu viruses in your body. Antiviral drugs are not sold over the counter. You can only get them if you have a prescription from a health care provider. Antiviral drugs are different from antibiotics, which fight against bacterial infections. Antiviral drugs for flu only work to treat flu. Flu antiviral drugs are different than antiviral drugs used to treat other infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Antiviral drugs prescribed to treat COVID-19 do not work to treat flu.

How Can We Treat A Cold Or Flu Virus

You might have heard the phrase that a virus has to run its course. This means waiting for your bodys immune system to fight off the viral infection by itself by activating an immune response. If you have a cold or the flu, during this time you might experience symptoms like:

  • a runny or blocked nose

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How To Manage Respiratory Infections

Try to avoid them.Wash your hands often and well with plain soap and water. And get these vaccines:

  • Flu vaccine. Get this once a year. October or November is best.
  • Pneumonia vaccine. When you turn 65, get two shots, a year apart. If you are younger and have heart, lung, or liver disease, diabetes, problems with alcohol, or you smoke, ask your health care provider if you should get the shots.
  • Tdap vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis . All adults should get this once. Then get a tetanus-diphtheria booster shot every 10 years. Pregnant women should get a Tdap shot during their third trimester.

Relieve symptoms.

Are There Any Over

The BEST Natural Antibiotic Drink (Home Remedy Formula)

Over-the-counter oral antibiotics are not approved in the U.S. A bacterial infection is best treated with a prescription antibiotic that is specific for the type of bacteria causing the infection. Using a specific antibiotic will increase the chances that the infection is cured and help to prevent antibiotic resistance. In addition, a lab culture may need to be performed to pinpoint the bacteria and to help select the best antibiotic. Taking the wrong antibiotic — or not enough — may worsen the infection and prevent the antibiotic from working the next time.

There are a few over-the-counter topical antibiotics that can be used on the skin. Some products treat or prevent minor cuts, scrapes or burns on the skin that may get infected with bacteria. These are available in creams, ointments, and even sprays.

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Can Children Take Antiviral Drugs

Yes, though this varies by medication. Oseltamivir is recommended by CDC for treatment of flu in children beginning from birth and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends oseltamivir for treatment of flu in children 2 weeks old or older. Oseltamivir is available as an oral suspension for children. Zanamivir is approved for early treatment of flu in people 7 years and older, though it is not recommended for use in children with underlying respiratory disease, including asthma and other chronic lung diseases. Peramivir is approved for early treatment in people 6 months and older. Baloxavir is approved for early treatment of flu in children aged 5 to less than 12 years who do not have any chronic medical conditions, and for all children aged 12 years and older. Baloxavir is available as an oral suspension for children.

If your childs health care provider prescribes oseltamivir capsules for your child and your child cannot swallow capsules, the prescribed capsules may be opened, mixed with a thick sweetened liquid, and given that way. Learn more here.

Can Antibiotics Help My Flu Symptoms

Antibiotics cannot help flu symptoms. The flu is caused by a virus, and antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. Taking antibiotics needlessly may increase your risk of getting an infection later that resists antibiotic treatment. If you get a secondary bacterial infection with the flu virus, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to treat the secondary infection.

For more information, see Flu Treatment: Antibiotics or Not?

Show Sources

National Jewish Medical and Research Center: “Getting Well When You Have a Cold or the Flu.”Ã

CDC: “2011-2012 Influenza Season: Disease Activity ” “If You Have a Cold or Flu, Antibiotics Won’t Work For You! ” and “Seasonal Influenza: What You Should Know about Flu Antiviral Drugs.”

American Academy of Family Physicians: “Flu Facts ” “Antibiotics: When They Can and Can’t Help” and “Cough Medicine: Understanding Your OTC Options.”

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: “Common Cold: Treatment.”

WebMD Medical Reference: “Kids’ Cold Medicines: New Guidelines.”

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Who Shouldnt Get Vaccinated

If youre currently feeling sick, its best to wait until youre better.

Avoid the flu shot if you have a severe allergy to any of the ingredients that may be used in the vaccine, such as:

  • monosodium glutamate , a stabilizer that keeps vaccines from losing their potency
  • antibiotics, such as neomycin and gentamicin
  • polysorbate 80, an emulsifier which keeps the ingredients from separating
  • formaldehyde, which inactivates the flu virus

Babies under 6 months old shouldnt be vaccinated.

If youve had Guillain-Barré syndrome, talk to your doctor before getting the flu vaccine.

The nasal spray contains a weakened live virus. It shouldnt be taken by people who:

  • are younger than 2 or older than 50 years
  • are 2 to 4 years old and have asthma
  • are 2 to 17 years old and take medications containing aspirin or salicylate
  • have life threatening allergies to the flu vaccine
  • have a suppressed immune system
  • are in close contact with someone with a suppressed immune system
  • have taken antiviral drugs for the flu within the previous 48 hours

Talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of the nasal spray vaccine if you have:

  • asthma or chronic lung disease
  • a blood disorder

Should I Avoid Antibiotics Altogether

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Not at all. Antibiotics can save people’s lives, and if you need them, you should get them as quickly as you can. Since only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics, this means that you should talk to your doctor if you think you might need them .

However, it is the grave over-reliance and inappropriate use of antibiotics that have contributed to the global antibiotic resistance crisis that we face.

A study by the CDC showed that many adults believe that if they are sick enough to see a doctor for a cold, they should get an antibiotic treatment. The study also showed that patients are not aware of the consequences of taking the drugs if they are not needed. And when antibiotics are misused, bacteria can become resistant.

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How Long Does Stomach Pain From Antibiotics Last

The pain can last for a few days and rarely for the entire period while taking antibiotics. In case the pain is mild, follow the below measures to cure a stomach ache. If you have severe pain, stop taking the dose and get instant help from your gastroenterologist.

To reduce the side effects of antibiotics and stop stomach pain and other symptoms, its essential to keep your good bacteria safe. Here are some yummy food items that can help you counter stomach problems after antibiotics.

Patients should be risk stratified based on:

  • Signs/Symptoms of sepsis or septic shock
  • Comorbidities, including immunocompromised patients
  • Extent of infection
  • Presence of opportunistic/resistant pathogens by colonization or infection
  • Hospitalization length > 48 hours within the past 90 days or those living in long term medical facilities
  • Renal replacement therapy with the past 30 day
  • Broad spectrum or IV antibiotics within the past 90 days
  • Top 10 List Of Common Infections Treated With Antibiotics

    Most antibiotics fall into their individual antibiotic classes. An antibiotic class is a grouping of different drugs that have similar chemical and pharmacologic properties. Their chemical structures may look comparable, and drugs within the same class may kill the same or related bacteria.

    However, it is important not to use an antibiotic for an infection unless your doctor specifically prescribes it, even if it’s in the same class as another drug you were previously prescribed. Antibiotics are specific for the kind of bacteria they kill. Plus, you would need a full treatment regimen to effectively cure your infection, so don’t use or give away leftover antibiotics.

    Note: Tables below are not all-inclusive, generics are available for many brands.

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    Antibiotics In Pandemic Flu

    With the continuing spread of avian H5N1 influenza a possible pandemic of human influenza becomes more likely. If a pandemic started soon no effective vaccine would be available and there would probably be a shortage of antiviral drugs. There is no evidence of the effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in case of avian and pandemic influenza viruses,1 and mortality among patients infected with H5N1 bird flu remains high, despite the use of neuraminidase inhibitors.2 Resistance to antiviral drugs, which may even develop during treatment, might further limit the efficacy of these drugs.3 Given that secondary bacterial infection is an important and often fatal complication of influenza, antibiotics will also have a critical role in the event of a human pandemic.

    In 1918-19, when antibiotics were not available, pandemic flu caused 20 million to 100 million deaths worldwide, with an estimated case fatality rate of between 2% and 4%. There are no data on the numbers of patients who died directly from influenza, or from secondary bacterial infections that might have been prevented with antibiotics.

    Modern communication technology, rapid diagnostic testing, and better preparedness should yield real understanding of these questions in the first weeks and months of a pandemic. In the meantime we will have to rely on conventional wisdom.

    Use Of Antiviral Medications To Treat Influenza

    Do Antibiotics Help With The Flu?

    Outbreaks of influenza occur every year and typically reach epidemic levels at some part of the season. Usually, uncomplicated influenza gets better with or without antiviral treatment but may cause substantial discomfort and limit activities while it lasts.

    Many people with uncomplicated influenza use over-the-counter medicines, get rest, and take plenty of fluids to lessen their symptoms. Antiviral drugs available by prescription can reduce the time it takes for symptoms to improve, and some are also used in selected situations to reduce the chance of illness in people exposed to influenza virus. Prompt medical evaluation is important for early treatment of influenza as the antiviral drugs may provide the most benefit for patients who initiate therapy within 48 hours of symptom onset.

    Symptoms of influenza may mimic other infections which require different treatment . It is important to be evaluated by a healthcare provider, if symptoms are severe or worsening or if there is an underlying chronic medical condition. Laboratory tests can help detect influenza virus. However, a negative test does not always rule out the possibility of an influenza virus infection, and positive tests do not exclude the possibility of other illnesses or take the place of clinical evaluation.

    For more information and public health recommendations about circulating influenza virus, including resistance patterns for specific drugs, go to or to the CDC and WHO websites.

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    Which Antivirals Does The Cdc Recommend

    The CDC recommends baloxavir marboxil , oseltamivir , peramivir , and zanamivir for flu. They are most effective when given within 48 hours after symptoms start to appear. These flu drugs can decrease the duration of the flu by one to two days if used within this early time period. Oseltamivir , and zanamivir are usually given for a period of five days to treat the flu. For flu prevention, they are typically used for at least 7 days. In some cases, antivirals may be given for longer periods of time. For prevention of flu, antiviral drugs may be given for at least 7 days. In some cases, antivirals may be given for longer periods of time.

    Oseltamivir is approved for treatment in those over 2 weeks of age and for prevention in people ages 3 months and older.

    Peramivir, given in one intravenous dose, is approved for people ages 2 and older.

    Zanamivir, an inhaled medication, is approved for treatment of people ages 7 and older and for prevention in people ages 5 and older.

    Using The Right Water During Saline Rinses

    When using saline nasal rinses, tap water should always be boiled and then allowed to cool to ensure cleanliness distilled water or premixed solutions could also be used instead of regular tap water.

    Other home remedies for sinus infections include:

    • Drinking fluids: Drinking lots of fluids helps loosen and thin mucus. Avoid beverages that are caffeinated and alcoholic beverages that can dehydrate the body, which could thicken mucus.
    • Breathing steam: Warm water is best . You can breathe in steam from either a bowl or shower.
    • Humidifying the air: Use a cool air vaporizer or humidifier,particularly at night while sleeping.
    • Avoiding environmental substances: Avoid tobacco smoke and chlorinated water that can dry up the mucus membranes and exacerbate symptoms.
    • Implementing treatment measures: At the first sign of infection, use antihistamines and employ regular nasal rinses.

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    How Long Should Antiviral Drugs Be Taken

    The duration for different drugs to treat flu varies as follows:

    • Oseltamivir or inhaled zanamivir: A patient should take this drug for 5 days.
    • Intravenous peramivir or oral Baloxavir: The doctor gives these drugs for 1 day.

    The doctor will usually give oseltamivir to a patient who is hospitalized. Some patients may require more than 5 days of oseltamivir therapy.

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