Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fish Aid Antibiotics Amoxicillin 100 Capsules 500 Mg

Fish Amoxicillin: Not What The Doctor Ordered


CLAIM: Taking fish amoxicillin used in aquariums is the same as using amoxicillin prescribed by a doctor, just less expensive and does not require a prescription.

APS ASSESSMENT: False. Antibiotics available in pet stores have not been approved by the Federal Drug Administration and there is no evidence to say whether they are safe or effective for humans.

THE FACTS: Although fish amoxicillin sold online and in pet stores is labeled as not intended for human use, claims continue to circulate on social media stating that consumers can save money by opting to take the fish version of the antibiotic.

Same antibiotic, same pill, same manufacturer, same drug. One you have to have insurance and you gotta get a Rx from a Doctor and get it from the pharmacy. The other you can get from the pet store in the aquatic department. Thank me later, stated one Facebook post with more than 12,000 shares.

The FDA has not approved antibiotics available in pet stores or online for ornamental fish, Monique Richards, an FDA spokeswoman, said in an email. The federal agency cannot confirm whether the antibiotics are safe, effective or are manufactured to quality standards.

They may or may not contain the medicine the label claims, she said. Additionally, there are serious risks to taking antibiotics without a health care providers input. Antibiotics dont work against viruses, for instance.

Taking the wrong antibiotics for an infection can also lead to antibiotic resistance.

Fish Aid Amoxicillin Fish Aid Antibiotics 500 Mg 30 Capsules

Description :When one or more of your fish are dealing with a bacterial infection, the whole tank suffers. You can help your finned friends feel better and watch your aquarium thrive again with Amoxicillin Tablets from Fish Aid Antibiotics. This broad-spectrum medication is used to help you control all gram-positive and many gram-negative bacteria plaguing your fish. Specifically, it’s used to help combat dropsy, fin rot, red pest and other pesky diseases brought on by bacteria .Fish Aid’s formula is versatile enough to be used in both tropical and freshwater tanksperfect for multi-tank homes!

Key Benefits :

  • Helps to combat many common fish ailments including dropsy, fin rot and red pest.
  • Works to halt the multiplication of bacteria and help fight off infections.
  • Designed to tackle all gram-positive and most gram-negative bacteria.
  • Easily dissolves in water, creating a convenient medicinal bath.
  • This unique formula is developed to work on both saltwater and freshwater fish.

Available Sizes :

Fish Mox And Fish Mox Forte

Fish Mox and Fish Mox Forte are made by Thomas Labs and is a Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Antibiotic. It comes in amoxicillin 250 mg and amoxicillin 500 mg. It can be purchased in 30, 60, and 100 count bottles. Each bottle of Fish Mox is sealed for safety and has instructions for fish use and the expiration date of the medicine.

At FishMoxFishFlex we get 1-2 new shipments of medicine in every week to guarantee that we have the latest expiration dates possible on our fish antibiotics, and as always, place your order before 2 and we’ll ship it that day.

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Expiration Date : 05/2024

Description :When one or more of your fish are dealing with a bacterial infection, the whole tank suffers. You can help your finned friends feel better and watch your aquarium thrive again with Amoxicillin Tablets from Fish Aid Antibiotics. This broad-spectrum medication is used to help you control all gram-positive and many gram-negative bacteria plaguing your fish. Specifically, it’s used to help combat dropsy, fin rot, red pest and other pesky diseases brought on by bacteria. Plus, Fish Aid’s formula is versatile enough to be used in both tropical and freshwater tanksperfect for multi-tank homes!

Key Benefits :

  • Helps to combat many common fish ailments including dropsy, fin rot and red pest.
  • Works to halt the multiplication of bacteria and help fight off infections.
  • Designed to tackle all gram-positive and most gram-negative bacteria.
  • Easily dissolves in water, creating a convenient medicinal bath.
  • This unique formula is developed to work on both saltwater and freshwater fish.

Available Sizes :

Each Capsule Contains: Amoxicillin 500 Mg

Fish Amoxicillin 500 mg


Fish: Add one capsule into aquarium for each 20 gallons of water. Repeat in 24 hours. It is suggested that a partial water change be made between treatments. While treatment duration depends on the type and severity of infection, it is recommended that extended baths in the medication continue for a minimum of 5 days and for not more than 10 days. Discontinued treatment if no improvement is noted within 5 days.

Recommended Reading: Taking Antibiotics With Crohn’s Disease

All Of The Ingredients In Aqua Mox Forte Are Pharmaceutical Grade Quality

UPC: 748252267511


  • Add contents of one Aqua Mox Forte capsule into aquarium for every 20 gallons of water to be treated.
  • Repeat in 24 hours. It is suggested that a partial water change be made between treatments.
  • While the duration of treatment depends on type and severity of infection, it is recommended that extended medication baths continue for a minimum of 5 days and for not more than 10 days.
  • Discontinue treatment if no improvement is noted within 5 days.
  • To remove harmless yellow color, change 20% of water and use charcoal filter until clear.

Not to be given to fish intended for food useFor aquarium and ornamental fish only.Not for human use.Keep out of the reach of children.Keep container tightly closed and in a cool dry place.Not to be given to fish intended for food use.

Each capsule contains:

Expiration Date : 05/2023

Description :When one or more of your fish are dealing with a bacterial infection, the whole tank suffers. You can help your finned friends feel better and watch your aquarium thrive again with Amoxicillin Tablets from Fish Aid Antibiotics. This broad-spectrum medication is used to help you control all gram-positive and many gram-negative bacteria plaguing your fish. Specifically, it’s used to help combat dropsy, fin rot, red pest and other pesky diseases brought on by bacteria. Plus, Fish Aid’s formula is versatile enough to be used in both tropical and freshwater tanksperfect for multi-tank homes!

Key Benefits :

  • Helps to combat many common fish ailments including dropsy, fin rot and red pest.
  • Works to halt the multiplication of bacteria and help fight off infections.
  • Designed to tackle all gram-positive and most gram-negative bacteria.
  • Easily dissolves in water, creating a convenient medicinal bath.
  • This unique formula is developed to work on both saltwater and freshwater fish.

Available Sizes :

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This Is Why Taking Fish Medicine Is Truly A Bad Idea

Those who misuse aquatic antibiotics are playing a dangerous game with their health, doctors and veterinarians say

Earlier this month, a from author Rachel Sharp alerted the Internet to a disturbing trend: Some people were resorting to taking fish antibiotics to cure their ailments. Yes, fish antibiotics. Sharps Tweet, which quickly went viral, included a screenshot of several thinly veiled Amazon reviews left by humans who were clearly using the aquatic pet medicine Moxifish on themselves.

Naturally, the Internet was appalled. But few stopped to ask: whats actually so wrong with taking fish antibiotics?

How bad is American healthcare?Read the reviews for aquarium antibiotics and decide for yourself.

Rachel Sharp

Its not quite as crazy as it sounds. Fish are given many of the same antibiotics as humansamoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, penicillin and moresometimes even in the same doses. These pills, which are intended to be dissolved in fish tanks and be absorbed through fishes’ skin, can also look extremely similar to the human versions. And while a trip to the doctor can rack up hundreds of dollars for someone who doesn’t have insurance, a bottle of 30 500mg capsules of Moxifish costs just $29.95 from the supplier, Fishceuticals.

But there are a few key reasons why taking your fishs drugs is a very bad, no good idea. Lets start at the top.

But even if fish meds were labeled as human-grade medicines, using them to self-medicate would still be a bad idea.

Manufactured In The Usa With Usa

Fish Antibiotics

Antibiotics help fight infection either when the body has been invaded by harmful bacteria or when bacteria present within the body and multiplies uncontrollably.

Antibiotics also prevent infection in cases when the immune system is impaired or when there is a risk of inflammation in the body.

  • Effective against a wide range of bacteria, the choice of antibiotic depends on both the type of bacteria and the site of infection, and are either bactericidal or bacteriostatic .
  • Control of non-specific bacterial infections in exotic, ornamental, and aquarium fish only.

See label for specific instructions.

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