Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Antibiotics Are Good For Yeast Infection

How Can I Prevent A Yeast Infection

Medical Conditions & Treatments : How to Prevent Yeast Infections While Taking Antibiotics

You can take steps to lower your risk of getting yeast infections:

  • Do not douche. Douching removes some of the normal bacteria in the vagina that protects you from infection.
  • Do not use scented feminine products, including bubble bath, sprays, pads, and tampons.
  • Change tampons, pads, and panty liners often.
  • Do not wear tight underwear, pantyhose, pants, or jeans. These can increase body heat and moisture in your genital area.
  • Wear underwear with a cotton crotch. Cotton underwear helps keep you dry and doesn’t hold in warmth and moisture.
  • Change out of wet swimsuits and workout clothes as soon as you can.
  • After using the bathroom, always wipe from front to back.
  • Avoid hot tubs and very hot baths.
  • If you have diabetes, be sure your blood sugar is under control.

How To Prevent Yeast Infections From Antibiotics

This article was medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support , Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support , Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee in 2006.There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 99% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 536,414 times.

Swelling And Redness In Your Lower Legs May Not Require Treatment With Antibiotics

If one or both of your lower legs are swollen and red, visit your doctor to find out why. In most cases, if both of your lower legs are swollen and red at the same time, its not because of an infection. That means you dont need antibiotics.

There are many other reasons why your lower legs could be swollen and red. For instance, you could have varicose veins or a blood clot in your leg. You could have an allergy to something you touched, such as a detergent or soap. Leg swelling could even be a sign of heart disease.

Before prescribing an antibiotic, your doctor should talk to you and do any tests needed to rule out these problems. Even then, you should take antibiotics only if theres a clear sign of an infection like cellulitis. Thats a common skin infection that causes redness and swelling.

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What Should I Do If I Get Repeat Yeast Infections

If you get four or more yeast infections in a year, talk to your doctor or nurse.

About 5% of women get four or more vaginal yeast infections in one year. This is called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis . RVVC is more common in women with diabetes or weak immune systems, such as with HIV, but it can also happen in otherwise healthy women.

Doctors most often treat RVVC with antifungal medicine for up to six months. Researchers also are studying the effects of a vaccine to help prevent RVVC.

What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection

Antibiotics For Yeast Infection #YeastInfection

The fastest and most reliable way to get rid of a yeast infection is to see a doctor if you suspect you have one. They will likely prescribe fluconazole, an oral treatment that may still take a week to get rid of the infection.

Additionally, the vaginal suppository Monistat and generic versions of this medication will successfully treat most vaginal yeast infections.

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Lifestyle Changes That Support Medical Yeast Infection Treatment

While taking yeast infection medication, certain lifestyle changes can help relieve symptoms and prevent worsening symptoms. These include:

  • Keeping your genital area clean and dry
  • Avoiding douching and using scented feminine sprays, fragrances, or powders, which can affect the microbial balance of the vagina
  • Wearing loose-fitting underwear, pants, or shorts to prevent irritation and sweating, which can lead to the growth of more yeast
  • Promptly changing out of wet bathing suits or exercise clothing, and washing sweat-covered or wet clothes after each use
  • Keeping your blood sugar level under control if you have diabetes

Which Antibiotic Is Usually Prescribed

The choice of antibiotic mainly depends on which infection you have and the germ your doctor thinks is causing your infection. This is because each antibiotic is effective only against certain bacteria and parasites. For example, if you have pneumonia, the doctor knows what kinds of bacteria typically cause most cases of pneumonia. He or she will choose the antibiotic that best combats those kinds of bacteria.

There are other factors that influence the choice of an antibiotic. These include:

  • How severe the infection is.
  • How well your kidneys and liver are working.
  • Dosing schedule.
  • A history of having an allergy to a certain type of antibiotic.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Pattern of infection in your community.
  • Pattern of resistance to antibiotics by germs in your area.

Even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding there are a number of antibiotics that are thought to be safe to take.

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Other Tips For Prevention

Follow these tips to reduce your risk of developing a yeast infection, regardless of whether youre taking antibiotics:

  • Change out of wet bathing suits and underwear as soon as possible. Yeast thrives in moist environments.
  • Avoid hot tubs and very hot baths. The only thing yeast loves more than a moist environment is a warm one.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing. While theres no clear link between tight clothing and yeast infections, tight pants can increase heat and moisture around your vulva.
  • Wear breathable, cotton underwear. Cotton underwear can help keep things cool and dry down there.
  • Never douche.Douching removes healthy bacteria.
  • Avoid vaginal deodorant products. This includes sprays, powders, and scented pads and tampons.
  • If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.High blood sugar levels encourage yeast growth.

Which Treatments Are Effective For Bacterial Vaginosis

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Bacterial vaginosis can cause symptoms such as discharge with an unpleasant smell. The clindamycin and metronidazole are both effective treatments for bacterial vaginosis. There has not yet been enough research on the possible benefits of lactic acid treatments.

Bacterial vaginosis is quite common and caused by changes in the vaginal flora that allow the rapid growth of specific types of .

The infection can cause a thin, grayish-white discharge with an unpleasant smell, but it often goes undetected. If it does produce symptoms, can be used as an effective treatment, even during pregnancy. Treatment can help lower the slightly increased risk of miscarriage due to the infection, too.

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The Type Of Bacteria Involved

Bacteria are divided into two types depending on their external structure:

  • Gram-positive bacteria which has thick, waxy external layer
  • Gram-negative bacteria which has an extra lipid layer that acts as a barrier against certain antibiotics

When choosing an antibiotic, your healthcare provider first considers the type of bacteria involved. The type of bacteria can help determine which antibiotic drugs to choose, since not all antibiotics affect all bacteria.

Why Does It Happen

Vaginas maintain their own balanced mix of yeast and bacteria. A type of bacteria called Lactobacillus keeps the vagina slightly acidic, which isnt welcoming to yeast. This slightly acidic environment keeps the yeast growing in the vagina under control.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics, which you might take for bronchitis or a sinus infection, are like a bomb to your bodys natural balance of bacteria. They wipe out the bad bacteria causing your illness.

Antibiotics also wipe out beneficial bacteria, including Lactobacillus. Without enough Lactobacillus, your vagina becomes less acidic, making it an ideal environment for yeast.

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of getting a yeast infection after you take antibiotics.

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What Are The Possible Side

It is not possible in this leaflet to list all the possible side-effects of each antibiotic. However, as with all medicines, there are a number of side-effects that have been reported with each of the different antibiotics. If you want more information specific to your antibiotic then you should read the information leaflet that comes with the medicine.

Most side-effects of antibiotics are not serious. Common side-effects include soft stools , diarrhoea, or mild stomach upset such as feeling sick . Less commonly, some people have an allergic reaction to an antibiotic and some have died from a severe allergic reaction – this is very rare.

Antibiotics can kill off normal defence bacteria which live in the bowel and vagina. This may then allow thrush or other bad bacteria to grow.

You should tell your doctor if you have any of the following side-effects:

Some antibiotics may interact with other medicines that you might take. This may cause reactions, or reduce the effectiveness of one or other of the treatments. So, when you are prescribed an antibiotic you should tell a doctor if you take other medicines.

Antibiotics For A Yeast Infection

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An antifungal medication, micanazole is prescribed for skin and yeast fungal infections in your body. It is available as an antibiotic cream and in the suppository form.

Usage depends on the concentration of its active ingredient, and is usually prescribed for use once a day regularly for three to seven days. It is mostly safe, but some women do experience some side effects like irritation and fever.


This prescription medication is available as an antibiotic cream and also in the vaginal tablet form. It has to be used once a day for three to seven days consecutively. Clotrimazole is not advisable for pregnant women, or for those with an immune system disorder.

Take your doctors advice before taking this antibiotic. If you observe side effects like irritation and fever, you should immediately stop its use and get in touch with your doctor.


This is a prescription antibiotic used for treating fungal and yeast infections. It is available as a cream, and should not be used if you happen to be using latex-based birth control methods.

A single application of tioconazole is usually recommended, and should not be used if you are allergic to petroleum based products. Some people get an allergic reaction to this medication, so consult your doctor if you notice rashes and itching after using it.



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How To Use Tioconazole 1 Ointment With Prefilled Applicator

If you are using the over-the-counter product to self-treat, read all directions on the product package before using this medication. If you have any questions, consult your pharmacist. If your doctor has prescribed this medication, use it as directed.

This product is for vaginal use only. Wash your hands before and after use. Avoid contact of this ointment with your eyes. If it gets into your eyes, wash them right away with plenty of water. Call your doctor if eye irritation persists.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

This product is usually given as a single dose at bedtime or as directed by your doctor. Learn all preparation and usage instructions in the product package. Lie on your back with your knees toward your chest. Insert the applicator filled with medication into the vagina as far as it will comfortably go. Slowly press the plunger of the applicator in to apply the full dose of the ointment. If you have itching/burning around the outside of the vagina , you may also apply some ointment to that area.

Do not use tampons, douches, spermicides, or other vaginal products while using this medication. Unscented sanitary napkins may be used for your menstrual period or to protect your clothing from leakage of the medication.

How Do I Treat A Vaginal Yeast Infection

When thinking about treatment for a vaginal yeast infection, it is important to know that there are many different types of yeast. Your healthcare provider may discuss different types of treatment depending on the type of yeast infection.

Your doctor will typically treat a vaginal yeast infection with an antifungal medication. This type of medication is specifically used to combat overgrowths of yeast in the body.

There are two forms of medication: oral or topical. Oral medications are taken by the mouth, while topical medications are applied to the affected area. Topical medications may include boric acid, nystatin, miconazole or clotrimazole. Your healthcare provider will give you information about each form of medication and directions on how to properly use each one. It is important to always follow your providers instructions when using these medications to make sure that the infection is fully resolved and doesnt return.

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Other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

There are a few other reasons you might be prescribed antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection. Strep throat, medically known as streptococcal pharyngitis, is a sore throat caused by infection by streptococcal bacteria. It is usually treated with penicillin.

Swelling of the epiglottis, the flap of tissue covering the windpipe, is potentially life-threatening, particularly in children ages 2 to 5 years. Called epiglottitis, this condition can impact breathing and is often caused by infection with the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae type b and should be treated with antibiotics, including a cephalosporin.

If the cold leads to an ear infection, antibiotics may help resolve it if pain relievers and decongestants dont do the trick. Antibiotic use guidelines for children with ear infections differ based on their age and symptoms.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Medical Treatment

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Both oral and topical medications are considered to be equally effective in uncomplicated infections . Oral medications may take slightly longer for symptom relief than topical preparations, but cure rates with both types of products are similar for uncomplicated infections.

Fluconazole is the most commonly used oral medication for yeast infection. It may produce side effects such as nausea, headache, and abdominal pain. It is usually given in one dose of 150 mg.

Medications are also available in the form of vaginal tablets or cream applicators. These medications include the following:

  • terconazole

In some cases, a single dose of medication has been shown to clear up yeast infections. In other cases, a longer period of medication might be prescribed.

In women who have weakened immune systems, more than one dose of oral medications may be prescribed. In these women, a longer course of topical medications is also recommended.

For recurrent infection , oral fluconazole and itraconazole or vaginal clotrimazole might be needed for six months. Oral medications are typically recommended if the symptoms are severe. In pregnant women, a longer course of treatment may be needed. Women should consult with their doctor before treatment. Women with an allergy to any ingredients contained within these products should not take them.

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There Are Dozens Of Treatments For Vaginal Yeast Infections Which One Is Right For You

Yeast infections are caused by the Candida genus of yeasts , most often Candida albicans.

Research shows that C. albicans colonizes the vaginas of about 20 percent of women and 30 percent of pregnant women.

Though this colonization doesn’t cause symptoms, symptomatic yeast infections can develop when the balance of microbial communities within the body gets thrown off by things like medication , hormonal changes, and the overuse of feminine hygiene products.

There are numerous drugs that can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections.

They can be purchased over-the-counter or with a prescription, and take the form of an antifungal cream, ointment, suppository, or medicated tampon. An oral tablet is also available.

It’s important to get diagnosed by your doctor before trying OTC drugs especially if you’ve never had a yeast infection before because the symptoms of yeast infections are similar to other types of vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis .

How The Antibiotic Is Administered

Depending on the type and location of the infection, the choice of antibiotic will differ. Eye infections can often be treated with antibiotic eye drops while cuts and scrapes can be relieved with topical ointments. Other infections, such as urinary tract infections or pneumonia, may require pills.

As a general rule, topical antibiotics are suitable for some specific infections at localized sites whereas oral and intravenous antibiotics are needed for more severe and systemic infections. For the most severe infections , intravenous antibiotics are usually but not always required.

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How To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection Antibiotics For Yeast

If we have ever encountered mouth sores, thrush, vaginal Candida or even repeated diaper rash, afterwards we competence traffic with the sort of leavening infection. Yeast infection mostly leaves we itchy, uncomfortable, with the blazing prodigy as well as not to mention, unsightly spots or skin rashes.

The many usual resolution people routinely review to is to take antibiotic for leavening infection, yet the complaint is which this sort of pill does not regularly heal the source of infection. In these situations, the healing condition usually recurs over time as well as we have been again unprotected to chemically extended medicines.

The most appropriate as well as safest approach upon how to get absolved of the leavening infection is by regulating healthy remedies as well as cures. Admittedly, though, there have been usually really couple of healthy cures for yeast.

For this reason, it has turn usual for us to possibly negligence the condition or usually to get an over-the-counter pill which usually covers up the symptoms. This afterwards presents the complaint since simply restorative the symptoms guarantees the infections return.

If we wish to have the last as well as durability solution, afterwards know the base means as well as do not take antibiotic for leavening infections. Cure it the healthy approach so we have been on trial of the protected as well as durability pill to the complaint itself.

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