Thursday, July 25, 2024

If You Have Strep Throat Do You Need Antibiotics

What If Its Tonsillitis Or Pharyngitis

Strep Throat

Tonsillitis shares a lot of its symptoms with strep. It can cause your tonsils to ache for days and days, and may leave them covered in white or yellow patches. It can make it hard to swallow. But tonsillitis is not the same as strep.

Only one bacterial type causes strep. But tonsillitis can have many causes, and usually the cause is non-bacterial. That means antibiotics usually wont help. To be certain, you can ask your doctor to swab your throat. Results take 2-3 days.

The Difference Between Tonsillitis and Pharyngitis

Tonsillitis and pharyngitis refer to the same type of infection. The only difference is where the infection appears. You probably guessed that your tonsils get tonsillitis. Pharyngitis occurs in your throat.

What Causes A Sore Throat

The medical term for a sore throat is pharyngitis. Pharyngitis can be caused by germs like viruses and bacteria. Viruses like the ones that cause the common cold are the most common cause of sore throat.

Some of these viruses include:

  • Vocal strain from singing or yelling too much

Antibiotics wont help with most of these causes. In fact, they only help when sore throats are caused by bacteria. Taking antibiotics for a sore throat that isnt caused by bacteria wont help you feel better. Taking unnecessary antibiotics also puts you at risk for side effects related to antibiotics and contributes to antibiotic resistance.

Several bacteria cause pharyngitis. But group A streptococcus is the most common, and its the most significant bacterial cause of sore throat. A sore throat from group A streptococcus is commonly called strep throat. People who have strep throat need to take antibiotics to prevent complications from group A strep infection. Strep throat is usually treated with the antibiotic amoxicillin.

Why Do Natural Antibiotics Not Work For Strep Throat

Some people claim that natural antibiotics are enough to treat a strep throat and that our immunity can deal with streptococci alone.

Unfortunately, this is not true.

First of all, there are no scientific studies to confirm the efficacy of natural substances in the treatment of streptococcal infections, and it is important to realize that while antibiotics act directly on streptococci and other bacteria, natural medicines do not directly kill bacteria but rather support the immune system to fight the disease.

This, of course, can also help, but it does not stop bacteria from growing.

Healing takes longer than it should and there is a high risk of developing some serious and life-threatening complications of strep throat, such as rheumatic fever or glomerulonephritis.

To stop bacteria spreading you need to either kill the bacteria or prevent their growth.

Natural substances cannot do the trick and you need antibiotics.

The summary

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How Do I Know If My Child Has Strep Throat

Visit your healthcare provider if the symptoms suggest strep throat. Your child will be examined and may be given a strep test . Viral illnesses can have the same symptoms as strep throat. This is why it’s important that a throat swab be done to confirm the presence of the Strep bacteria in the throat.

Can Medications Relieve Symptoms Of A Sore Throat With A Cold

Strep Throat: Do I Need an Antibiotic? in 2020

Over-the-counter cold medications may relieve cold and sore throat symptoms. However, the benefits of these drugs are minimal. Some cold medications include:

  • Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen and naproxen, to relieve the aches and pains of a cold and sore throat.
  • Sore throat sprays and lozenges to soothe your throat and numb the throat pain temporarily.
  • nasal sprays to relieve a sore throat caused by postnasal drip nasal drainage that runs down your throat.

Antibiotics should not be used to treat a cold virus and sore throat. Antibiotics are effective only against bacteria. They will not work on sore throats associated with colds, which are caused by viruses.

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Those Who Let Strep Throat Go On Away On Its Own

Because strep throat could resolve on its own, antibiotics are not essential to be prescribed for strep throat. In some countries, doctors even dont recommend their patients to use antibiotics for certain infections. Here, lets start to discover how long does strep throat last without antibiotics?

Indicators of strep throat often start between two and five days right after you are in contact with infected people who have gone down with strep throat.

The most cases that patients dont take antibiotics, the strep throat lasts for around a week. However, you then may be contagious which takes up to 3 weeks. The specific time will vary from a person to one another. It is to say how long does strep throat last without antibiotics? depends mostly on how strong or weak the immune system of that person is.

This period of one week or two weeks is true if your immunity functions well without going through genetic deficiency, genetic predisposition or vitamin deficiency. However, those who dont have a robust immune system, the contagion can be up to 6 months if antibiotics are not taken as medical treatment.

On the other hand, there is one thing you should bear in mind is that even when the symptoms have gone away. And, you feel that you could completely stay away from strep throat. But, without antibiotics, you can still be contagious despite the no symptoms have been felt.

Strep Throat Management And Treatment

Doctors cure strep throat with antibiotics. An antibiotic kills the harmful bacteria causing the infection. Physicians may prescribe antibiotics as pills or as a shot. Two of the most commonly used antibiotics to cure strep throat are amoxicillin and penicillin. However, some people are allergic to penicillin, and doctors will use an alternative in those cases.

If your child is sick with strep throat, the doctor may prescribe the antibiotics in liquid form. Patients will usually take the course of antibiotics for ten days. Be sure to follow your healthcare providers instructions and never stop taking medicine early. You or your child should finish the medication, even if they or you feel better. The bacteria can still be alive inside the body even if the patient feels okay.

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What Can Make My Sore Throat Feel Better

Here are some things that might help you feel better:

  • Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain and reduce fever. Children should not take aspirin. Aspirin can cause a serious illness called Reyes syndrome when it is given to children younger than 18 years of age.
  • Gargle with warm salt water .
  • Adults and older children can suck on throat lozenges, hard candy, pieces of ice, or popsicles.
  • Eat soft foods and drink cool drinks or warm liquids .
  • Get plenty of rest. Sleep helps your body fight infection.
  • Drink plenty of water. This helps keep your throat lubricated and helps prevent dehydration.
  • Avoid acidic or spicy foods and drinks .

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Recovery How Long Does Strep Throat Last

Antibiotic Awareness: Sore Throat or Pharyngitis

If you receive strep throat antibiotic treatment, your illness may only last for one to three days. If left untreated, recovery will take longer, and your risk for developing complications will increase. Additionally, without treatment, you can still be contagious for several weeks, even after you stop feeling sick.

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What Is Strep Infection

Streptococcal infections are a group of diseases caused by a gram-positive bacteria called Streptococci.

Streptococci are more common than you think. Not only they live around us, but they also colonize the throat, mouth, skin and mucous membranes of virtually all people.

Under normal circumstances, these bacteria will not hurt you, but if your immune system gets weak or you encounter a strain of bacteria that you are not used to, you may develop respiratory, skin, brain and even middle ear infections.

Many people think strep infection is just strep throat, but it’s not true. Streptococci may also cause very severe, life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, flesh-eating disease, or streptococcal toxic shock syndrome .

Other examples of disorders caused by streptococci include impetigo, erysipelas, middle ear inflammation or tooth decay.

Here is an overview of common diseases caused by streptococci .

  • Alpha-hemolytic streptococci: Streptococcus pneumonie and Viridans streptococci
  • Streptococcus pneumonie: sinusitis , meningitis, otitis media , peritonitis.
  • Viridans streptococci: tooth decay and mild infections in the mouth
  • Beta-hemolytic streptococci: Group A and Group B
  • Group A beta-hemolytic strep infection : strep throat , impetigo, scarlet fever, toxic shock syndrome, pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis . Complications include rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, and PANDAS .
  • The summary

    How Can I Feel Better

    Drink lots of cool liquids, such as water or ginger ale, especially if you have a fever, since you’ll feel worse if you become dehydrated. Stay away from orange juice, lemonade, and other acidic drinks because they can sting your throat. Frozen foods such as ice cream or popsicles can help to numb throat soreness. Warm liquids like soups, tea with honey, or hot chocolate also can be soothing. For fever and pain, your doctor may suggest an over-the-counter medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Follow the package directions on how much to take and when.

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    Personal Stories About Taking Antibiotics For Sore Throat

    These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers. They may be helpful as you make important health decisions.

    I was sick a lot as a kid, and I was always taking medicine. Maybe it helped at the time. But in the past few years, when Ive gotten a bad sore throat or sinus infection, antibiotics havent worked. Ive had to try two or three different ones each time. That gets expensive. The next time I get a sore throat, Im going to try just staying home, resting, and taking care of myself instead of taking antibiotics.

    Jesse, 34

    My 8-year-old daughter got strep throat last month. I thought it was just a cold, and I kept her home from school for a few days. But she wasnt getting better and she felt so miserable. I was also worried about ear infections. She gets a lot of those too. The doctor did a strep test and suggested she take antibiotics. Amy started feeling better a few days later. I think antibiotics were the right way to go this time.

    My insurance doesnt pay for all of my medicines, so I try to make sure I really need the ones I do take. The last time I had a bad cold, my throat got really sore. The pain made it hard for me to swallow. I called my doctors office and the nurse said I could come in if I felt I needed a prescription. I thought Id wait and see instead. I took ibuprofen and drank a lot of tea and honey, and in a few days I felt better. Im glad I didnt spend the money on a doctor visit and medicine.

    Esther, 42

    Should We Treat Strep Throat With Antibiotics

    How Long Does A Strep Throat Last? Things You Need To Know

    I congratulate Drs Worrall, Hutchinson, Sherman, and Griffiths on their research article in the April 2007 issue of Canadian Family Physician. They compared rapid antigen detection tests and clinical examination for differentiating sore throats of viral and bacterial etiology. They concluded that use of rapid antigen detection kits in primary care settings could reduce the prescribing rate of antibiotics for sore throats.

    An equally interesting question is, Why do we treat sore throats with antibiotics at all?

    As mentioned in the article, symptoms caused by a bacterial sore throat fail to clear much faster when treated with antibiotics than they would if left alone.

    Do we treat to prevent rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis? There is no convincing evidence that, for the Western world, treating streptococcal sore throats with penicillin prevents either of these conditions. Common sense might tell us that if we were to consider the number of patients who do not visit their doctors when they have sore throats and the cases of bacterial sore throats that do not receive antibiotics because we misdiagnose them as viral, there must be thousands of cases of untreated strep throat every year in this country alone. Should we then not be seeing more rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis?

    In view of the large number of antibiotics prescribed for sore throats, perhaps it is time to review whether we should be using such treatment for strep throat infections at all.

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    How Do People Get Strep Throat

    Students tend to get strep throat most often during the school year, with peaks in winter and early spring, when big groups of people are close together.

    The bacteria that cause strep throat tend to hang out in the nose and throat, so sneezing, coughing, or shaking hands can easily spread the strep infection from one person to another. That’s why it’s so important to wash your hands as often as possible.

    Signs You May Benefit From Seeing A Therapist

    Its important to seek support for what matters most: your emotional well-being. Too often, we have a poor understanding of how to practice self-care, or we avoid it all together. And while self-care is something a mental health professional is likely to recommend to you, most agree that getting professional help from a licensed therapist should be a priority.

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    Can Strep Make You Throw Up

    There are many signs and symptoms of strep throat, including headache pain in the temples or back. You may also experience nausea or vomiting with this infection high fever is not uncommon either! The CDC reports that if you dont have a cough along side these other two components then it could indicate something else-like viral pneumonia for example .

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    Whats The Best Way To Avoid Getting Strep Throat

    What are the signs and symptoms of strep throat?

    Strep is pretty common, and most people will get it at some point in their lives. But there are some common sense ways to avoid it:

    • Wash your hands regularly and correctly.

    • If youâre sick, wear a mask to avoid spreading respiratory droplets.

    • Avoid prolonged contact with someone who is sick.

    • Donât share drink glasses or food with a sick person.

    If you practice good standard hygiene, itâll go a long way toward reducing your chances of getting strep.

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    When To Seek Medical Care

    Talk to your doctor if you or your child have symptoms of sore throat. They may need to test you or your child for strep throat.

    Also see a doctor if you or your child have any of the following:

    • Difficulty breathing

    Since bacteria cause strep throat, antibiotics are needed to treat the infection and prevent rheumatic fever and other complications. A doctor cannot tell if someone has strep throat just by looking in the throat. If your doctor thinks you might have strep throat, they can test you to determine if it is causing your illness.

    Anyone with strep throat should stay home from work, school, or daycare until they no longer have fever AND have taken antibiotics for at least 12 hours.

    If a virus causes a sore throat, antibiotics will not help. Most sore throats will get better on their own within one week. Your doctor may prescribe other medicine or give you tips to help you feel better.

    More aboutC. diff

    When antibiotics arent needed, they wont help you, and their side effects could still cause harm. Side effects can range from mild reactions, like a rash, to more serious health problems. These problems can include severe allergic reactions, antibiotic-resistant infections and C. diff infection. C. diff causes diarrhea that can lead to severe colon damage and death.

    Protect Yourself And Others

    People can get strep throat more than once. Having strep throat does not protect someone from getting it again in the future. While there is no vaccine to prevent strep throat, there are things people can do to protect themselves and others.

    Good hygiene helps prevent group A strep infections

    The best way to keep from getting or spreading group A strep is to wash your hands often. This is especially important after coughing or sneezing and before preparing foods or eating.

    To prevent group A strep infections, you should:

    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
    • Put your used tissue in the waste basket.
    • Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands, if you dont have a tissue.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    • Use an alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available.

    You should also wash glasses, utensils, and plates after someone who is sick uses them. These items are safe for others to use once washed.

    Wash your hands often to help prevent germs from spreading.

    Antibiotics help prevent spreading the infection to others

    People with strep throat should stay home from work, school, or daycare until they:

    • No longer have a fever
    • Have taken antibiotics for at least 12 hours

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    How Can You Relieve A Sore Throat Without Antibiotics

    Home treatment is often all you need to soothe a sore throat. Try these tips:

    • Gargle often with warm salt water if you are age 8 or older. This helps to reduce throat swelling and pain. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in 240 mL of warm water.
    • Drink extra fluids to soothe your throat. Honey or lemon in weak tea may help. Don’t give honey to children younger than 1 year of age.
    • Get plenty of rest.
    • Take over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain and reduce fever.
    • Try throat lozenges that have a painkiller to numb your throat. Regular cough drops may also help. Do not give these to children younger than 4 years of age.
    • Try a decongestant. It can make breathing easier and relieve a runny nose and post-nasal drip, which can make your throat hurt. You can take it as a pill or as a nasal spray. Before you use this medicine, check the label. It may not be safe for young children or for people with certain health problems.

    Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.

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