Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dog Antibiotics For Kennel Cough

What Is The Cost For Treating Kennel Cough In Dogs

Kennel Cough Treatment in Dogs (is it really needed?) – Dog Health Vet Advice

The cost for treating uncomplicated cases of kennel cough tends to be low, as hospitalization and antibiotics are typically not required. Youll probably just have to pay the cost for a typical veterinary visit.

However, complicated cases can get pricey, as hospitalization, supportive therapies and/or medication, and additional diagnostic testing will add to the bill. The costs vary depending on your individual veterinary care provider as well as your location .

What To Do And Effective Remedies

The first solution to kennel cough is to take your dog to the vet for a thorough check over. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your vet may prescribe medication or send your pup home to rest and recuperate.

Besides kennel cough medication such as antibiotics, here are some things you can do to help your dog heal from kennel cough:

  • Isolate him from other dogs
  • Make him a warm, comfortable bed in a quiet place
  • Give him access to plenty of fresh water
  • Make him some bland chicken broth

Kennel Cough Fact Sheet

Q. What is kennel cough and why is it important?

A. Kennel cough is an infectious condition affecting dogs causing a harsh cough. Most cases are not serious, but are a nuisance for a few days, often resolving without treatment. As with the common cold in people, a few unlucky patients may cough day and night or take much longer for the cough to subside.

Q. How is kennel cough spread?

A. Kennel cough is highly contagious and spreads easily through airborne/droplet infection anywhere that dogs are in close proximity to each other . If your dog gets kennel cough, any other dogs you have are likely to get infected too.

Q. What causes kennel cough and can you protect against it?

A. Kennel cough is caused by viruses and bacteria acting together. No vaccine can offer complete protection but vaccines are available to protect again the most commonly involved virus and the most commonly involved bacteria . Many dogs may have some protection from kennel cough from parainfluenza virus from the routine vaccines that your vet will review annually. Vaccines against Bordetella are also available and are given as drops up the nose. Many boarding kennels require Bordetella vaccination.

Q. Should my dog be vaccinated before my appointment at Davies Veterinary Specialists?

Q.I received this information too late to arrange vaccination before my dogs appointment. What can I do?

Q. Are there risks or side effects of vaccination?

Your dog should not receive Bordetella vaccination if it:

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Do You Really Need To Treat Kennel Cough In Dogs

Kennel cough in dogs is a common infectious disease but are antibiotics always the best way to treat it? Can you in fact simply treat them at home? Also, does the vary depending on the age of a dog, or other diseases they might be suffering from?

And so let’s jump into the first question, and this one was sent in by Lydia and she asks: what medicine do you suggest for Kennel cough?

How Long Does Kennel Cough Last

Natural ANTIBIOTICS for Dogs / ANTIBIOTICS Alternative for Pets/ Kennel ...

Most dogs recover from kennel cough within 34 weeks. If a dog has a compromised immune system, is a young puppy or a senior, it may take up to 6 weeks for a complete recovery. However, the dog may still be a carrier of the disease for several weeks after he has recovered. The answer to exactly how long kennel cough lasts truly depends on the individual dog, but 36 weeks is a common timeframe.

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Kennel Cough: Signs And Symptoms

For more from Dr. Ruth MacPete, find her on or at!

TreatmentTreatment depends on the severity of symptoms. In very mild cases, no medications are given since the disease is self-limiting and will run its course, much like a human cold. Humidifiers and using a harness instead of a collar can also help. More serious cases are treated with oral antibiotics and often cough suppressants. Most cases resolve within 7-14 days. If symptoms don’t improve, pets should be re-examined and further work-up may be necessary. Kennel cough can occasionally progress to pneumonia so it is important to monitor your pet and notify your veterinarian if he or she isn’t improving. Puppies with an immature immune system and older dogs with a weaker immune systems are at greater risk for developing pneumonia from kennel cough. If your dog becomes listless, lethargic, stops eating, has trouble breathing, develops excessive green nasal discharge or a productive cough, see your veterinarian immediately. Finally, if you suspect your dog has kennel cough, isolate them from other dogs to avoid spreading it.PreventionThere are three types of vaccines available against kennel cough: an injectable, intranasal, and newer oral form. Although these vaccines don’t provide 100% protection, they provide some protection against kennel cough and decrease the severity of symptoms. Speak with your veterinarian to learn more about kennel cough and the best way to protect your dog from it.

How Long Does Kennel Cough Last In Cats

You might be wondering if can cats get kennel cough?.

Yes, unfortunately, they can.

Cats are much less likely to acquire kennel cough due to their well-known, typically anti-social behaviour. Even the friendliest cats could probably do without the company of other animals.

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Although it is much less likely for the cat to get kennel cough than the dog, it is possible under the right circumstances.

Similar to their canine friends, kennel cough in cats usually only lasts 1-2 weeks.

Cats are more likely to get kennel cough from:

  • An infected family member
  • An animal shelter
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    Prognosis For Dogs With Cird

    For most cases of CIRD, the prognosis is very good. Most dogs do not even require treatment and recover on their own within 10 days. If pneumonia is present, much more aggressive therapy is required, but dogs typically recover if this therapy is administered.

    A poorer prognosis occurs with dogs who have concurrent respiratory disease, such as a collapsing trachea or upper airway constrictions. Brachycephalic breeds with CIRD need to be treated more aggressively because their compromised airway makes them more prone to getting secondary bacterial infections, and they have a harder time clearing the infection.

    As stated earlier, dogs with weak immune systems also have a more guarded prognosis. Puppies, dogs with immune-mediated disease, dogs on immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone, and dogs with cancer are all more likely to require more intensive therapy and have a poorer prognosis.

    Even though the signs are very similar regardless of the infectious agent involved, which infectious agent can have a significant impact on prognosis. For instance, untreated dogs with Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus can die.

    Dogs vaccinated for the CIRD pathogens have a much better prognosis. Vaccination does not completely prevent infection in most cases, but it can dramatically reduce the duration and severity of disease.

    What Is The Best Antibiotic For Kennel Cough

    kennel cough

    Knowing the best antibiotic for kennel cough for your dog depends on many factors, and the most effective antibiotics will vary between animals and the severity of their symptoms.

    The most popular antibiotics for kennel cough treatment are:

  • Clavamox
  • Doxycycline
  • Baytril
  • While doxycycline could be the best choice for old Hank, new puppy Fido needs to take Clavamox due to his developing bones and cartilage.

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    How Is Kennel Cough Transmitted

    The environment and a pets immune system can impact spread of the illness but understanding how it is spread and what can be done to minimize disease transfer is also critical. Kennel cough, as with many other infectious conditions, can be transmitted through multiple routes.

    Spread through the air.Kennel cough, as an airborne disease, is primarily spread through the air. When an infected dog coughs, sneezes, barks, or even sheds dander he releases thousands of microscopic contaminates into the air. The aerosolized bacteria and viruses can remain viable in the air for extended periods of time, even for weeks in some instances, and, although rarely, even longer. These virtually invisible pathogens cling to tiny dust particles, riding on air currents, and traveling throughout the environment until inhaled by another host.

    Contact with contaminated objects .If an infected dog drinks from a watering dish, picks up a toy or stick, sleeps on a bed, and then another dog comes in contact with these objects, he will most likely be exposed to kennel cough. People, and their clothing, can also serve as a source of transmission if they do not disinfect their hands and clothing between pets. Bacteria, like Bordetella, can survive on surfaces for up to 48 hours, ready and waiting to be transmitted to another unsuspecting host to continue the cycle of infection. Exposure does not necessarily mean infection but it does open the door for a pet to transmit the condition.

    When To See A Doctor

    Owners may want to take a dog to see a veterinarian if the dog has a persistent cough after coming home from a boarding service or participating in activities with other canines. They can examine the dog and perform conjunctival and pharyngeal swabs, then test them for kennel cough.

    You can also take your dog to a doctor if you are interested in having the dog receive a kennel cough vaccination. It is typically included in those given to puppies and as a booster. You can find vaccines for preventing infection by the bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria in an injectable form as well as one that you administer through mouth drops. The vaccine can be administered as an injection or a nasal spray to dogs as young as three weeks.

    However, even with vaccination, its important to let your veterinarian know if your dog starts coughing. Even if its not kennel cough, it could be a sign of an illness that needs medical attention right away, such as:

    • Asthma

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    How To Treat Kennel Cough In Dogs

    Kennel cough can usually go away on its own. For many dogs, kennel coughs will clear up within three weeks and shouldnt need any treatment at all. For mild cases, treatment that includes a couple of weeks of rest can help your dog make a full recovery quickly.

    If your dog seems otherwise perky and is eating well, you should be able to use home remedies to make your dog more comfortable. This includes keeping them in a humid area and avoiding using a collar as this may aggravate their windpipe further.

    If you’re worried about your dog, take them to see the vet. Its best to phone the clinic beforehand and explain you think they have kennel cough so they can minimise the risk to other dogs.

    The vet may be able to prescribe antibiotics for kennel cough to target the Bordetella bacteria. If needed, they may also prescribe a canine cough medicine or an anti-inflammatory to sooth your dogs throat.

    Add Honey To Warm Water

    Natural Antibiotic for Pets

    Honey can be a great home remedy for kennel cough as it can help soothe your dog’s throat and minimize coughing.

    You can give your dog 1/2 tablespoon to 1 tablespoon of honey mixed with a little warm water in a bowl. This can be offered up to three times a day depending on how often your dog is coughing.

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    Vets Recommend Kennel Cough Vaccines

    Vaccines to prevent kennel cough do exist. There is a specific Bordetella vaccine. It can be injected, used as a nasal mist, or taken orally. It will not prevent 100% of infections but it will prevent some of the most severe.

    A vaccination will decrease also the chances that a dog develops pneumonia. Vaccination is given to fight against things like canine parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus. According to a vet, these are highly effective. Even healthy dogs should consider vaccination. We recommend vaccination to any dog who gets groomed, goes to dog parks, or stays at boarding facilities .

    Puppies can get the vaccination as early as eight weeks old. Older or at-risk dogs can be vaccinated every six to twelve months.

    Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis Otherwise Known As Kennel Cough

    Kennel cough is a contagious respiratory disease. Dogs can contract kennel cough anywhere large groups of dogs congregate. Common examples are boarding facilities, dog parks, or animal shelters.

    Kennel cough occurs when a dog inhales bacteria into the respiratory tract. You might hear kennel cough referred to as Bordetella bacteria or Bordetella bronchiseptica. Thats the name of the bacteria which mixes with another virus to produce kennel cough and other upper respiratory infections. Bordetella bronchiseptica can cause illness and coughing all on its own too.

    Due to the various ways infectious bacteria can mix to make kennel cough, you might hear vets refer to kennel cough as Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex.

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    Treating And Preventing Kennel Cough

    Kennel cough is contagious. If you think your dog might have the condition, you should keep them away from other animals and contact your veterinarian.


    Although most cases of kennel cough will resolve without treatment, medications may speed recovery or minimize symptoms during the course of infection. These include antibiotics that target Bordetella bacteria and cough medicines.

    You may also find that keeping your dog in a well-humidified area and using a harness instead of a collar, especially for dogs that strain against a leash, will minimize the coughing.

    Most dogs with kennel cough recover completely within three weeks, though it can take up to six weeks in older dogs or those with other medical conditions. Because serious, ongoing kennel cough infection can lead to pneumonia, be sure to follow up with your veterinarian if your dog doesn’t improve within the expected amount of time. Also, if your dog at any time has symptoms of rapid breathing, not eating, or listlessness, contact your vet right away, as these could be signs of more serious conditions.

    The intranasal and oral kennel cough vaccinations are typically given to dogs once a year, but sometimes are recommended every six months for dogs at high risk for kennel cough. These forms of the vaccine tend to provide dogs protection against kennel cough sooner than the injected product.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Kennel Cough In Dogs

    Pet Expert: Advice On Treating ‘Kennel Cough’

    Although kennel cough normally sounds like a hacking cough, the cough can sometimes be productive instead of dry, and you may notice your dog coughing up secretions or gagging on them. The cough can be triggered by excitement, pressure on the neck , or other similar activity. Some owners mistake the cough for something stuck in their dogs throat.

    There may also be other signs, such as the following:

    • Nasal discharge

    • Bordetella bronchiseptica

    • Mycoplasma species

    When dogs cough, infectious droplets spread through the air, infecting nearby dogs. Contaminated objects like food and water bowls, toys, bedding, and clothing can also spread the disease through direct contact. Exposure to the disease commonly occurs in places where dogs congregate, like boarding facilities, doggie daycares, dog parks, and grooming salons.

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    Common Treatment #3 Dextromorthephan

    Cough suppressant medicine like Dextromorthephan commonly known as Robitussin may be prescribed to ease your dogs coughing.

    The medicine will provide much-needed relief to the irritating and painful symptoms of dog coughing conditions like kennel cough.

    Be sure to follow your vets advice when administering and watch out for side effects such as sedation and nausea.

    What Should You Do If You Suspect Kennel Cough Or Other Infectious Disease In Your Facility

    First and foremost, it is critical that sick pets in the facility be examined by a veterinarian. It may be necessary to have your veterinarian perform diagnostic tests on sick pets to better understand what is present. Without knowing what is causing illness, it makes it difficult to prevent further illness and ensure pets receive the proper treatment.

    If an animal shelter, boarding kennel, or other pet care facility develops an outbreak, the entire facility may need to temporarily shut down. Isolation of sick pets is critical. Pets that have been exposed but are not showing clinical symptoms should also be kept separate from new incoming pets. Based on the configuration of the facility, if you cannot properly separate these groups, closing the facility may be the best option to prevent further spread. Often, facilities will try to separate the sick pets but fail to recognize that exposed pets can be contagious prior to showing clinical symptoms. In fact, it is during this period that they are most infectiouskeeping exposed pets separate from non-exposed pets is critical.

    It is also important to understand that exposure does not require direct contact with a sick pet but that pets can be exposed by air flow so any pet that is in a room with the same ventilation as a sick pet is considered exposed.

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    Identifying Symptoms Of Kennel Cough

    The most obvious symptom is the honking or hacking cough. The cough will be persistent and may get worse over the course of a couple of days.

    The cough will sound something like this:

    Other warning signs include cold-like symptoms. Look out for a runny nose and nasal discharge, sneezing, eye discharge, lethargy, and a low-grade fever. Symptoms of kennel cough may appear like symptoms of canine influenza.

    Tips for taking your dogs temperature: Put a thermometer into the underarm region or into the rectal area. Use an ointment or lubricant on the area before inserting the thermometer. The underarm method may take the thermometer longer to produce a result and it is not as accurate as a rectal reading. Here are the best pet thermometers our vets recommend our must-have is the Pet-Temp Instant Pet Ear Thermometer because its super simple to use.

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