Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Cure C Diff Without Antibiotics

How Can People Prevent The Spread Of C Diff

How to Manage a C.difficile Infection Without Antibiotics (PRACTITIONER TRAINING)

Washing your hands with soap and water regularly is the best way to prevent any illness. Always wash your hands after using the bathroom and before preparing food or eating. Regularly clean surfaces in bathrooms, kitchens, and other high use areas of the house using standard household detergents or bleach-containing household cleaners.

What Causes Clostridioidesdifficile

When a person takes antibiotics, the good germs in the intestines are killed off making it easier to become infected by the Clostridioidesdifficile germ. The germ is found in stool , and is spread to other people by unwashed hands, contaminated surfaces, or objects.

In a healthcare setting, the germs have been found on objects such as toilets, bathroom fixtures, bed rails, and rectal thermometers. The germ is able to survive for a very long time on a variety of surfaces.

Treatments For A C Diff Infection

If a doctor thinks you have a C. diff infection, they may ask for a sample of your poo to be tested.

The infection can sometimes be treated at home, or you might need to go into hospital. This is because C. diff infections can sometimes lead to more serious problems like .

A C. diff infection is treated by:

  • stopping any antibiotics you’re taking, if possible
  • taking a 10-day course of another antibiotic that can treat the C. diff infection

You’ll also be given advice about how to avoid dehydration, such as making sure you drink plenty of water.

Your symptoms should improve a few days after starting the new course of antibiotics. But it may be 1 to 2 weeks before the infection clears up completely.

Go back to see the GP if your symptoms get worse, you feel very unwell after starting the antibiotics, or your symptoms come back afterwards.

If your symptoms return, treatment may need to be repeated.

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S For C Difficile Recovery

  • Stop your C. difficile infection quickly.
  • Repair the damage done to your body.
  • Make your body resistant to future C. diff infections.

*Medical Disclaimer: Michelle Moore is not a doctor or health care practitioner, but she is someone who overcame many health obstacles that traditional medicine could not solve. This information is based upon Michelle Moores scientific research, education and personal experience and it is for educational purposes only. Information in this website has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration .This information is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. The company website and emails may contain affiliate links and Embrace Health Inc. may receive commissions associated with purchases you make on subsequent websites.

How To Stop C Difficile Spreading

Fecal Transplants: A Curious Cure in Human Waste

C. difficile infections can be passed on very easily. You can reduce your risk of picking it up or spreading it by practising good hygiene, both at home and in healthcare settings.

The following measures can help:

  • stay at home until at least 48 hours after your symptoms have cleared up
  • wash your hands regularly with soap and water, particularly after going to the toilet and before eating use liquid rather than bar soap and don’t use flannels or nail brushes
  • clean contaminated surfaces such as the toilet, flush handle, light switches and door handles with a bleach-based cleaner after each use
  • don’t share towels and flannels
  • wash contaminated clothes and sheets separately from other washing at the highest possible temperature
  • when visiting someone in hospital, observe any visiting guidelines, avoid taking any children under the age of 12, and wash your hands with liquid soap and water when entering and leaving ward areas don’t rely on alcohol hand gels, as they’re not effective against C. difficile
  • avoid visiting hospital if you’re feeling unwell or have recently had diarrhoea

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Precautions And Possible Complications

Its a good idea to get tested for C. diff if you exhibit symptoms, especially if symptoms occur during or after taking antibiotics or after being around someone that you know has a C. diff infection.

What complications can C. diff cause? If the infection worsens, you may become seriously dehydrated, be unable to pass stool and/or experience weight loss. C. diff can also lead to a toxic megacolon, which may require emergency surgery or bowel perforation, which can lead to a dangerous infection called peritonitis. Can C. diff kill you? Rarely, a C. diff infection can lead to a hole in the intestines or , which can be deadly. In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the infected part of the colon.

Can you kiss someone with C. diff? Its usually considered OK to kiss and hug someone with C. diff since the infection is not typically spread through touching, and it also is not spread through the air by things like sneezing or coughing. However, if you visit someone hospitalized with C. diff, you should take some key C. diff precautions, including wearing gloves while in the room and washing your hands before leaving their room. Wearing gloves and practicing good hand washing hygiene is also very important for people who work in hospitals and long-term care facilities.

A Mutant Monster Of Our Own Making

Fecal microbial transplantation is effective in treating refractory C. diff infections. The donor feces contain healthy populations of bacteria that repopulate the gut, and hold C. diff in check. However, explains Alexander Khoruts, M.D., associate professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota, the current process is unpleasant and unregulated. Essentially, a donor must provide feces which are implanted via colonoscopy, nasal tube or enema.

In this form, the treatment has a long history. It goes back as far as 4th Century China, and was introduced into Western medicine by Dr. Eisemann and his team in 1958. Surgeons trained in 1960s remember Dr. Wangensteen using the procedure at the U of M. Then we learned how to treat C. diff with antibiotics. However, the organism has since evolved, acquired more resistance to antibiotics and has become even more toxic.

Khoruts and colleague-collaborator Michael Sadowsky, director of the Us Biotechnology Institute, have recently invented a process that is more reliable and can be standardized, making the treatment more widely available to patients suffering from C. diff.

Care is estimated at $2,500 to $7,000 per patient. In some cases, colectomy is necessary. The infection, traditionally confined to hospitals and nursing homes, is now spreading into the community.

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How You Get Clostridium Difficile

C. diff bacteria are found in the digestive system of about 1 in every 30 healthy adults.

The bacteria often live harmlessly because other bacteria normally found in the bowel keep it under control.

But some antibiotics can interfere with the balance of bacteria in the bowel, which can cause the C. diff bacteria to multiply and produce toxins that make the person ill.

When this happens, C. diff can spread easily to other people because the bacteria are passed out of the body in the personâs diarrhoea.

Once out of the body, the bacteria turn into resistant cells called spores.

These can survive for long periods on hands, surfaces , objects and clothing unless theyâre thoroughly cleaned, and can infect someone else if they get into their mouth.

Someone with a C. diff infection is generally considered to be infectious until at least 48 hours after their symptoms have cleared up.

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Terms Used In The Guideline

How I Beat C-Diff Without Antibiotics

C. difficile infection

This is defined as diarrhoea and:

  • a positive C. difficile toxin test or

  • results of a C. difficile toxin test pending and clinical suspicion of C. difficile infection.

Further episode of C. difficile infection

A further episode of C. difficile infection could either be a relapse, which is more likely to be with the same C. difficile strain, or a recurrence, which is more likely to be with a different C. difficile strain. There is no agreement on the precise definition of relapse and recurrence, and it is difficult to distinguish between them in clinical practice. In this guideline, it was agreed that a relapse occurs within 12 weeks of previous symptom resolution and recurrence occurs more than 12 weeks after previous symptom resolution.

Severity of C. difficile infection

This is defined as:

Mild infection: not associated with an increased white cell count . Typically associated with fewer than 3 episodes of loose stools per day.

Moderate infection: associated with an increased WCC . Typically associated with 3 to 5 loose stools per day.

Severe infection: associated with a WCC greater than 15 Ã 109 per litre, or an acutely increased serum creatinine concentration , or a temperature higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius, or evidence of severe colitis . The number of stools may be a less reliable indicator of severity.



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Probiotics To Beat The Bacterium

Probiotic supplements are the best way to restore the balance of the natural bacterial colony in your gut. Poor diet and the use of antibiotics can cause these beneficial floras to become depleted, and probiotics can help restore numbers.

When the balance is in favor of beneficial strains again, bacteria like C. diff dont stand a chance.

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Specifically, there are three probiotic bacterial strains that have been shown to combat C. diff effectively. Incorporating these strains into your regular diet or taking in supplement form can prevent the harmful bacteria from taking over or if taken after infection, symptoms can be reduced and recovery will be much faster.

S. Boulardii: This is probiotic yeast, which has been shown to counteract the activities of C. diff within your gut. This beneficial yeast can inhibit the activities of inflammatory markers as well as reduce intestinal wall permeability. These actions reduce inflammation and prevent C. diff toxins from binding. A protease secreted by the S. Boulardii inhibits the production of the toxins produced by C. diff, which prevents it from damaging your intestinal walls.

Lactobacillus: This is a species of probiotics that have been used in numerous studies to combat the effects of C. diff. These bacteria have the ability to colonize in your gut and can protect you from pathogenic invaders.

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C Diff Treatment Fecal Transplants

The treatment of last resort is a fecal microbiota transplant. This therapy involves placing specially treated fecal matter from a relative or carefully chosen donor inside the intestine of a sufferer is also being used. The evidence so far indicates that for many it ends their chronic C Diff infections. Find out more about fecal transplants here .

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What Is The Outlook

Most people with C. difficile infection recover, some even without any treatment. However, the diarrhoea can be unpleasant and, in some cases, can last for several weeks. If needed, treatment with metronidazole or vancomycin gives a good chance of clearing the infection quickly.

Severe inflammation of the colon due to C. difficile infection occurs in some cases. This accounts for most of the serious complications such as perforation of the colon, and death. Most people who die of C. difficile infection are elderly people who are frail or ill with other things and who develop the infection during a hospital stay.

As mentioned above, once you have had C. difficile infection, you have around a 1 in 4-5 chance of the infection returning in the future.

Note: you should remain off work or school until you have been free from diarrhoea for 48 hours.

How Common Are Repeat Cdiff Infections


The rate of repeat infection varies from 5% to 50% among patients with a resolved first infectionthe recurrence rate varies according to risk factors like age, exposure to hospital environments, and an underlying disease like kidney failure. However, the typical recurrence rate among patients is approximately 20%.

Among patients who have already experienced a C. diff infection twice, the rate of reinfection is approximately 45% to 65%.

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Symptoms Of A C Difficile Infection

Symptoms of a C. difficile infection usually develop when you’re taking antibiotics, or when you’ve finished taking them within the last few weeks.

The most common symptoms are:

In some cases, serious complications can develop, such as damage to the bowel or severe dehydration, which may cause drowsiness, confusion, a rapid heart rate and fainting.

C Diff Treatment Vancocin

This is the oral form of the common vancomycin drug used for many other conditions. It takes the medication directly to the infected area and is effective for many patients. It is more expensive and is also usually reserved for the worst cases, so that strains vulnerable to one of the drugs of last resort do not develop. There is a concern that it subdues c.difficile rather than killing it. Recent research is also suggesting that it is a short term cure and makes the gut more liable to more c difficile and other infections. Find out more at our Vancocin page. Some hospitals use a Flaygl/Vancocin combination to treat c.difficile.

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Antibiotics Are The Main Cause Of C Difficile Infection

If you take antibiotics for any infection , as well as killing the bacteria that cause the infection, the antibiotics will also kill many of the harmless bacteria that live in your gut. C. difficile bacteria are not killed by many types of antibiotic. If the other harmless bacteria are killed then this allows C. difficile to multiply to greater numbers than it would normally do. The bacteria also start to produce poisons . These toxins are what cause the symptoms .

Therefore, if you take certain antibiotics and if you have any C. difficile bacteria in your gut, the bacteria may thrive and cause an infection. This is a problem that may occur with taking many of the commonly used antibiotics.

Tip #: Try The Brat Diet

Clostridium Difficile (Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea) Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

The BRAT diet is a temporary diet that strives to relieve loose stools. On the BRAT diet, you eat foods that contain soluble fiber . The main foods to eat on the BRAT diet are bananas, rice, applesauce and toast, however other foods like crackers and potatoes can be consumed as well. For more information about what to eat when youre sick, .

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Clostridium Difficile In Hospitals

As mentioned earlier, in most cases if you encounter C. difficile in your meal nothing will happen except if you have recently taken antibiotics. Without your protective colonic flora, C. difficile can grow in your intestines, produce a lot of toxins, and cause inflammation and diarrhea . Fortunately, the probability of encountering C. difficile in your food is very low, so the chances of developing C. difficile diarrhea when you take antibiotics are relatively small.

  • Figure 3 – When the colonic flora has been damaged by antibiotics, C. difficile has room to multiply.
  • The dividing bacteria will produce toxins that damage the intestinal cells and cause diarrhea.

Tip #: Take Your Temperature

Take frequent temperature checks to see if you develop a fever. A fever is a sign that you may be developing a more severe illness. While you can get a thermometer at nearly any big box store, I would suggest using this thermometer for adults and children since it is waterproof for easy cleaning and can alert you if you have a fever .

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Symptoms Of C Diff Infection

C. diff. infections can range from mild to severe.

Mild symptoms can include:

  • Severe stomach pain or tenderness.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low-grade fever of up to 101°F in children or 100°F to 102°F in adults
  • Blood or pus in your stool.
  • Symptoms begin after taking an antibiotic.
  • Symptoms last longer than 3 days or get worse.

Clostridium Difficile And Its Family

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Clostridium difficile belongs to a family of bacteria that are among the deadliest microbes on earth. Another member of the family, Clostridium tetani causes tetanus Clostridium botulinum is responsible for a deadly disease called botulism and Clostridium perfringens is the main cause of gas gangrene. All these bacteria can kill a human within a few hours! Fortunately, C. difficile does not kill as easily as its family members but unfortunately it is much more common and has become one of the most frequent pathogens encountered in hospitals .

All members of the Clostridium family share three properties that explain why they are so dangerous. First, they are anaerobic bacteria. This means that they cannot survive in the presence of oxygenthey can only grow where oxygen is absent. There is one important place in the body where oxygen is absent: our intestines. That is where C. difficile can be found.

Second, members of the Clostridium family can form spores. A spore is a way for these bacteria to survive every time they are threatened by the environment. Whenever the bacterial cell faces a mortal enemy, like the presence of oxygen, extreme heat, or even an antibiotic, it produces a thick shell and locks itself inside. The bacterium can remain inactive for months or even years! When the environment becomes less hostile, the spore will turn back into an active bacterium and regain the ability to multiply.

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Diagnosis And C Diff Treatment Options

There are three common ways doctors diagnose C. diff. Your doctor may ask for a stool sample to conduct a stool test the most common way to diagnose someone.

They may also make the diagnosis after taking an X-ray or a CT scan of your colon to look for signs of bowel inflammation.

In rare cases, your doctor may need to do a colon examination, which requires using a camera to look for signs of infection in your colon.

Your doctor will prescribe another antibiotic for C. diff treatment even when an antibiotic likely caused it.

For those who have more severe infection, surgery to remove the infected part of the colon might be an option.

A fecal microbiota transplant, also known as a stool transplant, or monoclonal antibody infusion may be options for patients who have recurring cases of C. diff.

A fecal transplant is where a donors stool is endoscopically placed into a patients colon or given by mouth in a capsule form to restore healthy bacteria, says Dr. Kwon.

Using over-the-counter probiotics when taking antibiotics has been suggested for primary prevention of C. diff infection, although there isnt enough data to know how well it works.

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