Culturelle Digestive Health Daily Probiotic Capsules
As per the Nielsen xAOC January 2019 survey, Culturelle is the number one selling probiotic brand in the world. Its full line of products includes digestive health and wellness products in addition to probiotics designed especially for kids and babies.
This Digestive Health Daily Probiotic from the Culturelle brand is meant to keep your digestive system stable and provide support to your intestinal health on the whole. It is a convenient way to combat problems like occasional diarrhea, bloating or gas issues.
The probiotic contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG which is a powerful and proven probiotic strain that works to energize and balance your digestive system. Since LGG is capable of surviving the high acidity content of the stomach, it works effectively against most problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
Each capsule gives you 10 billion live active cultures of CFUs. This is a big plus point of Culturelle probiotics since the naturally sourced live cultures are very efficient in combating gut infections of any kind.
It is free of any wheat, soy, gluten, milk and contains no added preservatives. With its natural ingredients, these capsules give three benefits in one serving they promote heart health, support the immune system and improve the digestive health as well.
Things We Liked:
Things We Didnt Like:
- Relatively stronger than other probiotics
- Kids might dislike the taste
Smarter Gut Health Probiotics
For those who have experienced diarrhea, you can totally agree that it takes the fun out of everything. Especially when you consider the fact that you always have to be close to a bathroom since you have no idea when the next train wreck might suddenly decide to pop up.
So why not get probiotics to finally end this nightmare? Well its never too late and better sooner than later! This probiotic utilizes a traditional campaign train that involves probiotics strains that have a soil based formula hence differencing it from the many chemically based probiotics.
It has 3 powerful strains that able to withstand the acidity in the stomach, pushing through to make it to their destination. It uniquely delivers the probiotics in a vegan vegetable softgel which is free from fillers and coatings. It uses preitcx prebiotics which are fast-working and tough.
Using Probiotics For Your Dogs Diarrhea Treatment
Probiotics are a great addition to any diarrhea management plan they are natural, safe, and efficient. And more importantly, they can be used in conjunction with other anti-diarrhea approaches and medications.
Bland Diet for Dog Diarrhea. A good place to start with your dogs diarrhea is a bland diet. The bland diet consists of plain boiled chicken meat and white rice. Instead of chicken, you can use lean hamburger or turkey meat. A dog with diarrhea should be offered frequent but small-sized bland diet portions.
Canned Pumpkin for Dog Diarrhea. Canned pumpkin does wonders when it comes to loose stool management in dogs. Just add between ½ and four tablespoons of canned pumpkin into your dogs food. Also, make sure you use plain canned pumpkin versions .
Pepto Bismol for Dog Diarrhea. Pepto Bismol is an OTC human-grade stomach soother. In vet medicine, it is used off-label and considered a first-aid for managing loose stools and diarrhea. Available in two forms , Pepto Bismol is a fast-acting med and can yield improvement in as little as 24 hours.
Vets Preferred Advanced Anti-Diarrhea for Dogs. The fast acting absorbent action helps alleviate the irritation, discomfort, and cramping associated with dog diarrhea within 2-3 days and doesnt require a prescription.
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Ethics Approval And Consent To Participate
Residents or their family members were asked to sign an informed consent form for using their data for the outcome evaluation. All participants consented to the use of their data and written informed consent was obtained from each participant. On 25 October 2017, a statement was received from the Ethical Committee in Brabant the Netherlands , that this evaluation did not involve experiments with patients or study subjects according to the Dutch Medical Research in Human Subjects Act and didnt require further ethics approval. Therefore, the PPE proved to be exempt from further medical ethical review according to Dutch national guidelines and laws . The institutional review board and the client council of the Rivas Zorggroep approved the implementation and evaluation of probiotics.
Morbidity And Mortality Are High
AAD is associated with several pathogens, including Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Staphylococcus aureus, and varies widely in severity. Pseudomembranous colitis secondary to C difficile is the main cause of AAD-related mortality, which more than doubled from 2002 to 2009.,C difficile infections cost the US health care system up to $1.3 billion annually. With such high rates of morbidity and mortality and high health care costs associated with AAD, even a small reduction in the number of cases would have a big impact.
Probiotics replenish the natural GI flora with nonpathogenic organisms. A 2006 meta-analysis of 31 randomized controlled trials assessing the efficacy of probiotics for both the prevention of AAD and treatment of C difficile found a pooled relative risk of 0.43 for AAD in the patients taking probiotics. However, many of the studies included in that meta-analysis were small. As a result, in 2010, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and the Infectious Diseases Society of America recommended against the use of probiotics for the prevention of primary C difficile infection, citing a lack of high-quality evidence.
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Treatment Of Infectious Diarrhea Using Probiotics
The majority of successful treatments of infectious diarrhea by probiotic microorganisms were performed in young children. Many of them suffered from nosocomial rotavirus infections, or both viral and bacterial infections were diagnosed in the cohort studied.
The analysis of 9 or 18, respectively, eligible randomized, controlled, blind studies on acute diarrhea in otherwise healthy infants showed a mean reduction in the duration of episodes by 0.7 or 1 d and a reduction in stool frequency of 1.6 stools on d 2 of treatment in the groups receiving probiotics .
However, it has been been published that strains of L. rhamnosus were effective only in the treatment of rotavirus-induced diarrhea in children but not in the treatment of diarrhea of other etiology . In other clinical trials in infants, LGG, 1 of the most successful probiotics altogether, was ineffective in nosocomial rotavirus infections and in severe dehydrating diarrhea . It was therefore concluded that the therapeutic efficacy of probiotic microorganisms is not sufficient in cases of severe infectious diarrhea or that probiotics display their therapeutic effect too slowly.
Five Tips For Choosing A Probiotic
Another way is to look for these five tips of what a good probiotic product should have on the label . If the probiotic doesnt meet all five criteria, you should just put it back on the shelf and choose another probiotic.
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When Is The Best Time To Take Probiotics After Amoxicillin
To some extent, this depends on the dosage recommendations for the antibiotic itself. Often it will be recommended that you take an antibiotic three times a day, at six-hour intervals . In this case, the wisest move will be to take probiotics after amoxicillin at a three-hour interval This ensures that there is time for the probiotic to work unhindered – as far away as possible from each dose of the antibiotic.
Allowing a window when taking probiotics with antibiotics is beneficial not just because it gives maximum functionality to the former, but because the latter will also be able to work on the bacteria it really needs to be killing, without its task being further complicated. If the gap between doses is shorter than six hours, then it is important to also narrow the window for doses of the probiotic. The optimum time to take lactobacillus is half-way between antibiotic doses.
What Causes Diarrhea In Cats
Diarrhea can be defined as unformed or lose bowel movements, usually with increased amount and frequency. It is essential to understand that diarrhea is not a disease it is a symptom of an underlying condition.
A large specter of underlying issues can result in diarrhea. For better understanding, we will classify these issues in different categories:
- Food-related causes
- Visiting the litter box too often
- Excessive bottom licking
- Red and sore bottom
The cat may also be vomiting, lacking appetite, lethargic, and distressed by abdominal pain depending on the underlying issue.
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Probiotics Vs Antibiotics Youre Asking The Wrong Question
The question of whether someone should be taking a probiotic or an antibiotic is commonly asked. The answer, in short, is that it isn’t a question of either/or! but instead, whether a probiotic should be taken in addition to, or alongside, an antibiotic. The answer to this question is, in most cases, yes!
Causative Factors For Diarrhea
It is best to first figure out the root cause of your diarrhea or upset stomach before opting for a particular probiotic. This is because different strains of probiotics act differently, depending on the causative factor of your irritable bowels. A registered medical practitioner will be able to guide you better in this regard. Here are the major types of probiotics that help in cases of diarrhea:
- Saccharomyces boulardii: This is a probiotic yeast that works well for different types of diarrhea, specifically antibiotic-induced gastrointestinal upsets or diarrhea caused by rotavirus. It helps in restoring the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
- Lactobacillus acidophilus: Useful in cases of diarrhea caused by contaminated food or water, more commonly known as travelers diarrhea.
- Lactobacillus plantarum: Especially suited for patients suffering from colitis, this is used extensively in cases of diarrhea and intestinal inflammation caused by the difficile strain of bacteria.
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG: This could be another good option for treating antibiotic related diarrhea.
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Diarrhea In Immunocompromised Subjects
Chemo- and radiotherapy frequently cause severe disturbances of the immune system and the indigenous intestinal microflora accompanied by diarrhea and/or increased cell counts of the mold Candida albicans in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Side effects were ameliorated by the administration of probiotic bacteria before and during chemo- or radiotherapy .
Whether regular consumption of probiotics exerts beneficial effects in HIV patients has not been studied up to now, but it has been shown that probiotic products are well tolerated by these patients .
In conclusion, although results of a few studies indicate that probiotics can be effective in the prevention of radiation-induced diarrhea, there is not enough evidence from clinical trials to recommend the prophylactic or therapeutic use of probiotics in immunocompromised subjects.
Choose A Quality Probioticformula
Quality assurance practices do matter. Probiotic manufacturing is not highly regulated and some label claims do not stand up to scrutiny. Consider the results of these investigations into probiotic quality:
- One study assessed 26 commercial probiotics and found that none fully supported label claims. Some probiotic supplements contained unacceptable microorganisms .
- The same study found two common problems in probiotic supplements: 1) low concentration of viable cells and 2) the presence of undesired organisms .
- Another study found only half of the probiotics examined had the specific strain listed on the label .
- 43% of the probiotics in another study contained less than half the amount of probiotic listed on their labels .
If a company follows quality assurance practices, a probioticsupplement will meet its label claims and not contain potentiallyharmful organisms.
Want to know what to look for in a quality probiotic supplement? Read my Probiotics Starter Guide.
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Drformulas Nexabiotic Advanced Multi
Founded in the year 2010 with its headquarters in California, DrFormulas is a well-known company in the health industry. The Nexabiotic Advanced Multi-Probiotic from the same brand is a multifunctional product that provides gastrointestinal support along with enhancing overall health.
It is available in 4 variants probiotic with just S. boulardii, womens probiotic, a 30 capsule pack and a 60 day pack. This advanced multi probiotic ensures that healthy and essential bacteria are released into the gut to populate it, reducing the population of harmful strains.
In addition to B. infantis and S. boulardii, it has 21 other doctor-recommended probiotic strains to pump up the gastrointestinal system and help restore digestive balance in cases like diarrhea or other bowel infections.
This probiotic contains 17.25 billion CFUs per serving in every tablet. A slight drawback is the presence of minute quantities of daily protein and soy protein in the tablets, which may not suit some people. Other healthy ingredients include hypromellose, gellan gum, maltodextrin and select medium chain triglyceride oils.
This probiotic may also be consumed as a daily dietary supplement, with no artificial colors, chemical preservatives or gluten. A bonus is the revolutionary delayed release nature of the capsules which ensures that the good bacteria reach your intestines and gastrointestinal tract safely.
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Things We Didnt Like:
Align Probiotic And Antibiotic Diarrhea
Align probiotic fights one of the most common antibiotic side effects – the dreaded antibiotic diarrhea.
Recently I had to undergo a course of antibiotics and I was not looking forward to the antibiotic diarrhea that was likely to result from it. It is one of the most common antibiotic side effects and has certainly struck me before.
However, I DIDN’T get it. Now, the experiences of one person is not a particularly valid scientific study, but for what it’s worth, here’s how I avoided it. I will most certainly do this again if I have to take antibiotics again.
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Caveats: Limited Data On The Safety Of Probiotics Exist
There was some heterogeneity among the studies in the meta-analysis by Hempel et al, and some of the studies were of poor quality. Because of this, the authors used subgroup and sensitivity analysis, which supported their initial conclusion.
Probiotics have generally been considered safe however, there have been rare reports of sepsis and fungemia associated with probiotic use, especially in immunosuppressed patients. Fifty-nine of the included studies did not assess adverse events, which limited the ability of this meta-analysis to assess safety. Patients taking probiotics should be monitored for adverse effects.
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A more practical strategy to aid recovery is to provide the good bacteria in your gut with their preferred source of nutrition: fiber. Fibrous compounds pass undigested through the small intestine and into the colon, where they act as fuel for bacterial fermentation.
So if youre taking antibiotics or have recently finished a course, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Your gut bacteria will thank you for it.
Lito Papanicolas is an infectious diseases specialist and PhD candidate at the South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute. Geraint Rogers is a professor and director of microbiome research at the South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute.
Republished under a Creative Commons license from The Conversation.
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Why Best Probiotics For Diarrhea
As health secrets go, probiotics will always be a hot topic.
In fact, its one weve tackled before.
Its great to revisit it from time to time as research improves. Youll find that our understanding of them evolves pretty fast.
These days, we know much more about how gut health affects total health.
Heres what I mean
Maintaining a strong colony of good bacteria in the gut can:
- arrow-right
- Help you maintain a healthy weight
- arrow-right Elevate energy levels
Theres little question that quality probiotic foods and supplements can have a positive effect on multiple areas of your life.
However, what kind of probiotics you take is extremely important in healing your problems.
For that reason, you should learn as much as possible about your own body.
Your body has unique preferences and conditions.
Unfortunately, you cannot purchase any old bottle of probiotic pills and expect huge changes.
If you look far enough into it, youll discover what bacterial strains are best for the condition youre treating. Later on, Ill explain some more about that.
Another consideration made by various studies involves taking multiple strains. Combining different strains may be more effective.
Still, the use of probiotics is by no means a modern idea.
Their use dates back to biblical times.
Let me clarify
People back then would just let dairy get sour . Originally, the purpose was to heal digestive issues.
Yes, far and away, the most common use is for better digestion.
Its usually a symptom.