Saturday, September 7, 2024

How To Restore Gut Bacteria After Antibiotics

Consume More Fermented Foods In Your Diet To Enhance Postbiotics

Restoring Gut Health After Antibiotic Use – Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Postbiotics are the metabolites, or the waste products, of microorganisms. Unlike human poo, they can help restore the healthy gut microbiome since they still produce biologic activity. They are potent enough to be potential complementary therapies for pre-term babies with a disease, according to a 2013 study.

To stimulate the production of postbiotics, you can consume fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha tea, and sauerkraut. As the microorganisms further ferment these, they can create the metabolites. Many of these fermented foods are rich in lactobacilli. Lactobacilli is a type of bacteria the has benefits to your overall health. For instance, people who eat a lot of yogurt in their diet seem to have much more lactobacilli in their intestines. These people also tend to have less Enterobacteriaceae too. Enterobacteriaceae is a type of bacteria that is linked to some chronic diseases and inflammation. Taking probiotics supplements can help as well, especially if they contain multiple strains. Some of these can encourage bacteria to produce butyrate, which may be ideal for people with Crohns disease.

What is Crohn’s disease? It is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the digestive tract, particularly the small intestine.

If Someone Has Mrsa Do You Need To Do Anything Special

MRSA should ALWAYS be treated by a health care provider. It is important to follow the instructions for treatment that your provider gives you.

Your provider will open the sore and drain it. After the infection is drained, you must keep it covered until it heals.

MRSA is resistant to many antibiotics so it can be difficult to treat. However, there are antibiotics that can treat MRSA and make the infection go away. Your provider may culture your infection and have the lab test the bacteria to find out which antibiotic is best for you.

Feed Your Kids Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are the good bacteria required by your body to promote good digestion and gut health. Antibiotics dont just kill the infection and bad bacteria in our bodies – they also destroy the good bacteria, which can have a devastating effect on your childs health. Because even the good bacteria are being destroyed, it is our responsibility to replace it and repopulate both our childrens gut as well as our own with good bacteria again.

The best way to get good bacteria into your childrens digestive system is by feeding them a variety of fermented and cultured foods such as yogurt, milk kefir, water kefir, kombucha, and fermented vegetables. You can even make your own fermented foods!

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Stool Banking: A Future Protocol For Antibiotic Use

It has been suggested that banking ones own stool before the use of heavy antibiotics may be a way to help minimize the detrimental effects of antibiotics on the microbiome. By banking ones own stool and implanting it post antibiotics, the natural population of microbes in the gut will recover more effectively and quicker.

Your Guts Thriving Ecosystem

How To Restore Gut Flora After Antibiotics

Your gut microbiome is its own ecosystem, a biological community of interacting organisms that live in harmony with one another. I like to think of the gut microbiome as a rainforest with many different species living together. When one species gets out of balance in the rainforest, everything gets out of control. When the balance gets disrupted, the good or beneficial plants begin to die and the bad ones start to take over.

Your gut microbiome works the same way. Its home to 100 trillion microorganisms, including at least 400 different species of bacteria. These microbes in your gut play crucial roles in digestion, immunity, metabolism, and mood. Ideally, all these microbes live in a balanced state. However, when the balance is thrown off, and the bad bacteria begins to over take the good bacteria it can keep all of your systems from working optimally.

Too few or too many microorganisms can cause an array of issues in your gut such as leaky gut, SIBO, or Candida overgrowth, which are precursors to autoimmune disease among other troubling issues and uncomfortable symptoms. Ill talk more about these later.

Whats more, 60% to 80% of your immune system is located in your gut, along with 90% of the neurotransmitters that help regulate your mood. Even just one cycle of antibiotics can throw off the microbiome balance in your gut. Dont worry. The empowering part is that all of this is in YOUR control. Lets talk about how antibiotics can disrupt your guts ecosystem.

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Avoiding Antibiotics In Foods

Taking antibiotics is not the only way we are exposed to them, antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria can also enter into our system through foods. Many animals are fed antibiotics to promote growth and by consuming meat products from these animals we may be putting are self at larger risk of antibiotic resistance.

Perturbation Of The Gut Microbiota

The term dysbiosis refers to a persistent perturbation of the gut microbiota, and has been defined as an alteration in both the composition and function of the microbiota caused by host-related and environmental factors that overwhelms the resistance and resilience capabilities of the microbial ecosystem . Alterations in gut microbiota may be implicated in the pathogenesis of several non-communicable diseases and in the transition of these conditions to chronicity. Numerous studies have shown links between changes in the composition of the gut microbiota and diseases, including recurrent diarrhea associated with C. difficile, some bowel disorders , colorectal cancer, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and advanced chronic liver disease . However, for some of these examples, the studies are inconsistent, possibly because the methodology has not been standardized. Furthermore, rather than necessarily indicating a causative role in the pathogenesis of a disease, these associated microbiota changes could be a consequence of the disease itself. Thus, follow-up cohort studies are needed, particularly studies of interventions that may restore the composition of gut microbiota.

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Antibiotics As Major Disruptors Of Gut Microbiota

  • 1Gastroenterology and Nutrition Department, Instituto Nacional de Pediatria, Mexico City, Mexico
  • 2Facultad Nacional de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
  • 3Digestive System Research Unit, Vall dHebron Institute of Research , Barcelona, Spain
  • 4Instituto de Gastroenterologia, Centro Medico Bustos Fernandez , Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 5Catedra de Pediatria, Hospital Cayetano Heredia, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
  • 6Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Department, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • 7Gastroenterology, National School of Medicine, Montevideo, Uruguay

Is Intestinal Cleansing After Antibiotics Always Necessary Restore Stomach Flora After Antibiotics

How Do I Restore My Gut After Antibiotics?

The intestine and its complex processes are far from being fully understood. Hardly anyone will deny that a balanced intestinal flora is is essential for the health of the entire human body. Intestinal repair through probiotic use is not harmful. Therefore, if you feel that your stomach needs support, you should provide it.

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Does The Gut Microbiome Ever Fully Recover From Antibiotics

Most gut bacteria recover quickly, but there can be long-lasting consequences from taking antibiotics.

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Q. What are the consequences of taking antibiotics on your gut microbiome? Does the gut ever fully recover?

A. Most gut bacteria recover quickly, but there can be long-lasting consequences from taking antibiotics. The changes, however, are not necessarily harmful.

The gut microbiome, the roughly 10 trillion to 100 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms that live in the digestive tract, contributes to health by synthesizing vitamins, metabolizing drugs and fighting pathogens. Anything that disrupts the balance of microorganisms, such as antibiotics, which can kill both good and bad bacteria, has the potential to cause disease.

Data from a 2016 study suggest that exposure to antibiotics in infancy can alter the gut microbiome and weaken the immune response for years to come. Other studies have linked the use of antibiotics in children to an increased lifetime risk of asthma, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease, effects thought to be mediated by the gut microbiome.

In an example of a potentially beneficial effect of altering the gut microbiome, evidence suggests that antibiotics can suppress the formation of a molecule in the gut that increases the risk for heart disease.

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What Are The Best Ways To Restore Gut Health

Its no secret that gut health is a non-negotiable to achieving overall health. Maintaining levels of good bacteria in the gut microbiome can be done through a number of ways, including diet and the use of probiotics.

It starts with your diet. Good bacteria feast on fibers and nutrients in plant foods these are prebiotics and they turn these substances into nutrients that nourish your gut lining and keep your gut biome balanced.

Alternatively, probiotic supplements contain billions of bacteria from one or several bacteria strains that in specific, studied doses have benefits for your health. Here are some of the most famous and well-researched probiotic bacteria and yeasts that you will find in supplements:

Lactococcus Saccharomyces

What Atlas Biomed says: the microbiome scientists at Atlas highlight that the benefits of probiotics may be temporary for some people, and only last as long as they are taking supplements.

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What We Know About Antibiotics

  • Antibiotics damage your childs gut bacteria which causes an imbalance called dysbiosis.
  • Your gut houses about 80% of the bodys immune cells.
  • Antibiotics may cause a reduced immune response .
  • Antibiotics in infancy have also been tied to an increased risk for infections, allergies and other disorders, and even obesity, later in life.
  • Antibiotics can create an obese situation that causes people to gain weight probiotics can reverse it.
  • Probiotics cut the chances of getting antibiotic-induced diarrhea by 20-50% and help prevent other infections that we often turn to antibiotics for.
  • Probiotic dosage should be more than 5 billion daily to help with the damage to gut health after antibiotics.

Avoid Sugar And Processed Foods To Control Growth Of Candida

How To Restore Gut Flora And Reset Your Gut After Antibiotics

One of the ways how to heal gut flora is to avoid sugar since yeast tends to feed on them. Yeast thrives on sugar, so reducing your sugar intake will directly reduce your risk of a yeast infection. Without cutting back on sugar, yeast can take over and cause some health problems.

Although, while you are reducing your intake of sugar, you should also not consume too many artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are popular replacements for sugar. However, there have been studies shown that artificial sweeteners can harm your gut microbiota.

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Take Prebiotics To Feed Beneficial Bacteria

Probiotics are essential, but in order for good bacteria to thrive, they need to eat. Thats why you need prebiotics in your diet. Prebiotics are compounds that feed beneficial gut bacteria. Well-fed, friendly bacteria populate the gut lining, helping to nurture a healthy biome. This helps restore and maintain the integrity of your gut lining.

You can get prebiotics from chicory root, artichokes, leeks, whole grains and foods that are high in resistant starcha type of starch that resists digestion. It ferments in your digestive tract and feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Sources of resistant starch include unroasted cashews, raw green bananas, raw plantain flour and raw potato starch. It can cause digestive distress in some people, so start slow and build up to a few tablespoons.

Heres a simple way to get prebiotics in your diet: Take a prebiotic supplement. Bulletproof InnerFuel Prebiotic contains a diverse blend of plant-based prebiotics to support healthy digestion. It mixes easily in hot or cold liquids, so its an easy daily add-in to coffee, smoothies and shakes.

Whats The Difference Between Probiotics And Prebiotics

But what about prebiotics? Whats all the fuss about them? And are they really necessary for a healthy gut and a healthy body?

Like humans, probiotics need food to live. Prebiotics is a fancy word for the food that beneficial microbes need to survive. While many probiotic supplements include prebiotics in the form of fructooligosaccharides or inulin, in my opinion these added prebiotics arent necessary if you eat whole grains, fruits, legumes, or vegetables fairly regularly. More importantly, these ingredients may actually take up valuable space in a probiotic supplement that is better served by the probiotics themselves.

The addition of prebiotics to probiotic supplements is more of a marketing strategy than a health necessity. Although prebiotics do encourage the growth of probiotics, the truth is that if youre eating a diet high in fiber, along with fruit or fruit juices, vegetables, grains, and legumes, then youre probably getting all the prebiotics that beneficial bacteria need to thrive inside your gut anyway.

Prebiotics are essentially just natural carbohydrates in the form of sugars, starches, and fiber. They are found in almost any plant-based foods I say almost, but I cant think of one plant-based food that doesnt contain prebiotics.

Of course, outside of the fermented foods you enjoy, you should also make sure you enjoy a high-fiber diet on a regular basis, including vegetables, whole grains, and legumes .

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How Can I Restore Gut Health After Using Antibiotics

Start with what youre eating. Good bacteria thrive on fiber and nutrients in plant foods.

One helpful food you can eat after an illness is bone broth. Remember when you were sick, and you craved old fashion chicken noodle soup?

Its not the chicken or the noodles that help you feel better. It is the broth, which is packed with amino acids, like glutamine, and rich in essential minerals. Studies have proven that the amino acid glutamine plays a major role in repairing the epithelial lining of the gut.

What Is The Gut Microbiome

Restoring Gut Flora After Antibiotics

Your gut microbiome lives in your large intestine, and its home to the most diverse bacteria in your entire body. Thats because, unlike any other part of the body, your digestive tract is an open ecosystem, which is more exposed to its external environment than any other part of the body.

What does this mean? Well, the gut microbiome can be shaped by things like gender, age, geographic and socio-economic conditions, diet, and health conditions. It also means that every persons gut microbiome will be different, and affected by different factors.

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Articlerecovery Of The Gut Microbiota After Antibiotics Depends On Host Diet Community Context And Environmental Reservoirs

Human microbiotas were resilient and recovered rapidly during antibiotic administration

A low-fiber diet aggravated microbiota collapse and delayed recovery from ciprofloxacin

Microbiota reprogramming and transmission conferred resilience to repeated treatment

Single housing disrupted recovery, highlighting roles of reservoirs and sanitation

Diet Is The Primary Way To Manage Your Dogs Gut Health

Good nutrition is one of the cornerstones for overall health, and can help prevent common illnesses, boost the immune system, and positively influence the gut microbiome. There are hundreds of different kinds of gut bacteria in your dogs microbiome, and each kind requires certain nutrients to survive. Therefore, the food your dog eats will influence which bacteria thrive in the gut.

For example, many kibble diets are too high in carbohydrates, which doesnt promote the growth of all beneficial bacteria. In a study where dogs were fed a high-protein, low-fat dog food, the microbiome balance of overweight dogs shifted to a balance associated with healthy weight. Use this calculator to find the hidden amount of carbohydrates and make sure your dogs food has more than 50% protein on a dry matter basis.

If the nutrition in your dogs diet is balanced, yet he or she still has symptoms of digestive health issues, it is possible that a food intolerance or allergy is to blame. Food sensitivities are quite common, and can be resolved with changing your dogs food. It is important to talk to your veterinarian before changing your dogs diet, as some have been linked with certain health issues. Lastly, its important to remember, grain-free and gluten-free diets can still contain high levels of carbohydrates.

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Eat More Fermented Foods

Fermented foods can help to re-introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system.

Cultures around the world have been consuming living, active fermented foods for millennia, and reaping the benefits.

The primary benefit of fermentation is that it introduces living, vital probiotics into the digestive system. Lacto-bacillus bacteria cultures produce lactic acid, which acts as an agent to increase the nutrients that are present, as well as improving the taste and preserving foods for safe consumption.

Eating more fermented foods doesnt just help repopulated gut flora, but helps keep your intestinal tract strong. The carbohydrates and sugars in living foods turns into alcohol and beneficial acids that can protect the immune system and balance the metabolism.

Homemade, craft fermented pickle relish, chutneys, homemade sauerkraut and fermented dairy products like buttermilk, kefir, sour cream, and homemade raw yogurt can all help to repopulate gut flora and restore your digestive system to its optimal health.

Living cultures contain the beneficial bacteria that your body needs in order to stay in balance. Traditional cultures throughout history on every continent have known this, but it has gradually been forgotten in our culture of processed dead food that is robbed of its nutritional value.

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