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How To Get Rid Of Kidney Infection Without Antibiotics

Drink Lots Of Liquid Especially Water

Kidney Disease ð¥¦â 9 Home Remedies for Kidney Infection – Without Antibiotics?

Liquids can help flush bacteria from the urinary system. Water is best. Most healthy people should try to drink six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of liquid each day. If you need to drink less water because of other health conditions, such as bladder control problems, kidney failure or heart disease, ask your health care provider how much liquid is healthy for you.

What Is The Outlook For Kidney Infections

With treatment, the outlook for kidney infections is very positive. It is vital that you take all of any prescribed medications for the infection. You may begin feeling better shortly after beginning a treatment, but still need to take the entire prescribed treatment.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 05/22/2019.


  • National Kidney Foundation. Urinary Tract Infections Accessed 5/23/19.
  • National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases . Pyelonephritis: Kidney Infection Accessed 5/23/19.

Uti Treatment Without Antibiotics: Current Chronic And Prevention Options

Here are some protocols that I have created and used on myself and my clients for removing symptoms within an hour, and the infection within 5 days for really chronic cases. Natural protocols do take longer to work than quick-fix antibiotics, however they will not damage the good bacteria in your gut in the same way that antibiotics do, meaning you are less likely to develop another UTI, or other associated conditions, in the future.

Two key things you need to consider before starting a natural protocol for UTI treatment without antibiotics:

1. You really need to have the products on hand and ready to go once you feel symptoms or receive a diagnosis. Many of the products arent available at a pharmacy or health food store and need to be ordered online from somewhere like iHerb. By the time they arrive in a few days, youll be well and truly over it and probably have reached for the antibiotics in desperation.

2. It is hard work in that you need to be taking products frequently. Natural supplements are not as strong as antibiotics so consistency is key. This is about breaking the cycle of antibiotic use and its negative effects.

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Home Remedies For A Kidney Infection

You cant DIY a kidney infection away. But home remedies might help stave off some symptoms. Heres the best of the bunch:

  • Take OTC pain relievers. These cant cure a kidney infection, but they might relieve discomfort in the short term. Options like acetaminophen can also help bring a fever down.
  • Ditch the caffeine and booze. Drinking alcohol or caffeine can make your kidneys work overtime. This extra strain might make it harder for your infection to clear.
  • Take a probiotic.Probioticshelp your good bacteria bounce back after a round of antibiotics. Some research also suggests they can help folks with kidney issues.
  • Stay uber-hydrated. Youll want to drink lots and lots of fluids to flush out your bladder and urethra as frequently as possible.
  • Try apple cider vinegar . Theres no scientific evidence that ACV is the MVP of kidney infections. But some folks like to drink it as a tonic for its antimicrobial properties.

When To Contact A Doctor

10 Natural Remedies for UTI in Women

If a person suspects that they have a UTI, they should ask a healthcare professional for advice about the best way to treat it.

Antibiotics may not always be necessary, but it is still important to seek medical attention. This reduces the risk of developing a more severe infection that is harder to treat.

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about treating UTIs.

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Why Antibiotics Are The Golden Standard

Urinary tract infections occur due to an external bacterial infection in the urinary tract of a body. The most common treatment option is a course of antibiotic therapy that targets the pathogens and the bacteria causing the infection.

The appropriate antibiotic course leads to higher symptomatic and bacteriological cure rates and significantly reduces the chances of reinfection. The types of antibiotics prescribed as the first line of treatment are based upon the type of bacteria found in your urine after the urine analysis, your health status, and the severity of the infection.

What Is The Best Medication For A Kidney Infection

Kidney infections are treated with antibiotics. The âbestâ antibiotic will be the one most suitable for the bacteria causing the condition, its resistance to specific antibiotics, and taking into account any patient allergies.

Best medications for a kidney infection
Drug Name
Two 325 mg tablets every 6 hours Nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite

Many of the standard dosages above are from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. Dosage is determined by your doctor based on your medical condition, response to treatment, age, and weight. Other possible side effects exist. This is not a complete list.

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Causes Of Kidney Infections

A kidney infection happens when bacteria infects your kidneys. The bacteria are usually a type called E. coli, which live in your bowel.

The bacteria get in through the opening of the urethra and move upwards through your urinary tract, first infecting your bladder and then your kidneys.

It’s thought the bacteria can get into your urinary tract by accidentally spreading from your anus to your urethra. This can happen if you wipe your bottom after going to the toilet and the soiled toilet paper comes into contact with your genitals. It can also happen during sex.

In rare cases, a kidney infection can develop if bacteria or fungi infect the skin and the infection spreads through your bloodstream into your kidney. However, this type of infection usually only occurs in people with weakened immune systems.

How Can I Treat A Kidney Infection At Home

9 Home Remedies for Kidney Infection – Without Antibiotics

Treating kidney infection solely at home or with natural remedies is not a good idea. However, several home remedies can help manage the pain while the infection is treated with antibiotics. These include drinking water, using a heating pad to reduce pain, and taking over-the-counter acetaminophen to manage both pain and fever.

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How To Get Rid Of A Kidney Infection: Can Natural Remedies Help

This article was co-authored by Zora Degrandpre, ND. Dr. Degrandpre is a Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is also a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007. This article has been viewed 46,276 times.

A kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection that settles in one or both kidneys. It usually starts in the urethra or bladder and works its way up into the kidneys. This sounds scary, but fortunately, these infections are easy to treat with antibiotics and should clear up without any lasting problems. However, they definitely require medical treatment. Some natural remedies can prevent the infection from getting worse and complement the treatment youre receiving, but they wont cure the infection on their own. Together, medication and lifestyle treatments can heal your infection in no time.

When Should You See A Doctor For A Uti

Most health care providers recommend contacting your doctor as soon as you notice bladder infection symptoms or urinary tract infection symptoms. You should also see your health care provider if you have frequent UTIs. If you have three or more urinary tract infections in 12 months, call your doctor.

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How Long Does It Take For A Uti To Go Away Without Antibiotics

Think you might have a UTI but really dont want to call your doctor to talk about it? We get it. UTIs can be uncomfortable to discuss, and who wants to take the time to go into a doctors office?

Know that what youre experiencing is totally common and normal. More than half of women experience a UTI in their lifetime. That means your doctor has seen a lot of patients in your situation. And if you dont consult with a professional, you risk sometimes serious complications.

The most straightforward method for treating a UTI is a course of prescribed antibiotics. But if youve done any Googling , you may wonder how long it takes for a UTI to go away without antibiotics or what to do if antibiotics dont work. Will you have to suffer for weeks or even months?

Dont panic! Were here to help. Lets take a closer look at how long it takes for a UTI to go away without antibiotics.

Benefits Of Antibiotics For Utis

How to treat urinary tract infections without antibiotics

Antibiotics are the standard treatment for UTIs because they kill the bacteria responsible for the infections. Most UTIs develop when bacteria enter the urinary tract from outside the body. The species most likely to cause UTIs include:

More severe risks of using antibiotics include:

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The Lowdown On Natural Treatments


D-mannose is a supplement made from a glucose-like sugar that you can find online or in health food stores. D-mannose is most helpful at preventing E. coli from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract, says Rice. D-mannose in recurrent urinary tract infections. . If taken with a lot of water, this can effectively flush out the bacteria that is causing the infection.

Rice often tells patients to take 500 milligrams every two to three hours when experiencing symptoms however, the best dose is individual. You can find more guidelines here, and when in doubt, a good rule of thumb is to follow the manufacturers guidelines. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day to help the D-mannose remove the bacteria. Again, if the symptoms persist more than 24 hours or get worse, get yourself to the doctor.

D-mannose isnt recommended for those with diabetes, and if youre taking other medications, you need to talk to a doctor before starting this treatment. Diarrhea is a common side effect.

Althaea officinalis, otherwise known as Marshmallow, is an anti-inflammatory herb widely available in powdered, supplement, and tea form. Althaea officinalis is a demulcent herb that can soothe and coat the lining of the urinary tract to help decrease inflammation, says Rice. Make a strong tea and sip throughout the day.


Just add water

What Exactly Is A Uti

Unsurprisingly, a UTI is an infection of the urinary tract. Bacteria has gotten into the urinary tract system, which is normally sterile. To put it in less pleasant terms, when material from the lower intestine gets into your urethra, it causes a bladder infection.

Though that sounds horrid, its not uncommon. Sometimes, it can be caused by a lack of proper hygiene, but most of the time it occurs from sex, using a diaphragm, or just being a woman. The Mayo Clinic lists female anatomy as a risk factor for the illness. So, if youre simply walking around town with a vagina, you very well might get a UTI.

The infection itself might be caused by the E. coli bacteria, which goes up the urethra. Sometimes, it hangs out in this urinary hallway without infecting anywhere else. More often, the bacteria gets into the bladder, causing frequent painful peeing, discharges, blood in your urine, and pelvic discomfort. Its not a good time, but a bladder infection is rarely serious, especially if you get treatment right away.

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Treating An E Coli Infection

  • 1Rest. It may sound simple, but rest is key to recovering as quickly as possible from an E. coli infection. Since there is not much that traditional medical treatments can do, rest becomes very important to allow your body the energy to best fight off the infection using its own natural defences.XTrustworthy SourceCleveland ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Take time off work or school. Not only is it important to stay home and rest for your own recovery, it is also important as a means to avoid contaminating others in the workplace or school. You should remain isolated socially because E. Coli infections are very contagious and you do not want to be responsible for infecting your entire office or class with this unpleasant bacteria.
  • Be sure to wash your hands frequently, and to avoid others as much as possible for the duration of your illness .
  • E. coli is transmitted through fecal matter, so wash your hands extra thoroughly after using the restroom.XTrustworthy SourceCenters for Disease Control and PreventionMain public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human ServicesGo to source
  • 2Stay hydrated.E. coli infections tend to cause lots of diarrhea. As a result, is important to rehydrate yourself with water and fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes to compensate for the fluids lost in the diarrhea.
  • Turmeric On How To Treat Bacterial Infection

    How to treat a Kidney Bladder or Urinary Infection with no Antibiotics”

    Along with ginger, turmeric is also known as an effective natural home remedy for many health issues. In fact, there are a lot of studies that shows the great effect of this ingredient for health and beauty, generally. Among them, the ability to fight against bacteria is worth considering.

    Especially, people know that turmeric is the excellent treatment for cancerous tumors. The possible reason may be that curcumin in turmeric has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties . Moreover, using turmeric paste, which is made from ground turmeric, can be effective in treating bacterial skin infections. You should apply this paste on the affected areas in order to soothe the effects. Finally, after a few minutes, wash off with the warm water.

    For more information about the benefits of turmeric for health and beauty, you can click at Benefits Of Turmeric

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    How To Get Rid Of A Urinary Tract Infection At Home

    Without further ado, here are the top 6 home remedies to fight UTIs.

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Hydration status has been linked to the risk of urinary tract infection.
  • Increase vitamin C intake.
  • Practice these healthy habits.
  • How long does a urinary tract infection last?

    Most UTIs can be cured. Bladder infection symptoms most often resolve within 24 to 48 hours of starting treatment. If you have a kidney infection, it may take 1 week or more for the symptoms to go away.

    What is the main cause of urinary tract infection?

    Urinary tract infections are caused by microorganisms usually bacteria that enter the urethra and bladder, causing inflammation and infection. Although a UTI most often occurs in the urethra and bladder, bacteria can also travel up the ureters and infect your kidneys.

    What Is The Standard Treatment For A Uti

    Doctors typically use antibiotics to treat UTIs, and the type and duration depend on your health condition and the type of bacterium found in your urine. Commonly prescribed antibiotics are:

    • Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
    • Ampicillin
    • Ciprofloxacin

    These antibiotics are often unnecessary and may cause more problems in the future by destroying the beneficial bacteria that prevent pathogenic bacteria from growing. Long-term use of antibiotics can also lead to antibiotic resistance in strains of bacteria like E. coli in the gut, and a UTI caused by these bacteria will be even more challenging to eliminate and can cause more serious issues like a kidney or bladder infection.

    Furthermore, antibiotics do very little to prevent the infection from happening in the first place. So, while drugs may be an easy fix for the short term, in the long run, you will continue to be susceptible to UTIs, and these infections may be worse than if you had never taken a course of antibiotics in the first place!

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    Treat And Prevent Utis Without Drugs

    Urinary tract infections , which are infections anywhere along the urinary tract, including the bladder and kidneys, are the second most common type of infection in the United States. Read on for five ways to prevent and treat a UTI without antibiotics.

    UTIs can be caused by poor hygiene, impaired immune function, the overuse of antibiotics, the use of spermicides, and sexual intercourse. The most common cause, accounting for about 90 percent of all cases, is the transfer of Escherichia coli bacteria from the intestinal tract to the urinary tract.

    For those of you who have experienced a UTI, there isnt much you wouldnt do to avoid another one. While I personally have never had a UTI, my patients have told me how symptoms like pain, burning, nausea, and even bloody urine can be debilitating, and for those who get chronic UTIs, the fear of infection can be enough to prevent engagement in any activities that could trigger one. For people who get them frequently, sometimes a specific cause cannot even be pinpointed. This can be frustrating and scary.

    Fortunately, there are a few methods of natural UTI treatment and prevention that have worked extremely well for my patients, to the point where they no longer worry about getting a UTI.

    Should You Try To Get Rid Of A Uti Without Antibiotics

    How to get rid of a urinary tract infection (UTI) without antibiotics ...

    As you can see there are options to get rid of a UTI without antibiotics. However, just because you can do something doesnât mean you should do it. Antibiotics are still the gold standard for treating UTIs.

    That being said, we understand your pain. Getting antibiotics can be challenging. Our U.S. healthcare system seems built to keep patients from receiving appropriate care.

    VirtuCare was created because we wanted something better than the current ways of delivering healthcare. As physicians we also recognize the pain of:

    • Rising insurance and drug costs
    • Lack of cost transparency
    • Unsafe office environments during COVID-19
    • Rude staff and colleagues
    • Lack of access to medical specialists

    With a VirtuCare telemedicine visit, you can meet with a board-certified urologist today and receive appropriate antibiotic therapy for your UTI. If you prefer an âau naturaleâ approach then we can answer any questions you may have after reading this article. Whatever you need, we are here for you.

    Speaking of help, youâre probably wondering what to do with all of that cranberry juice in your fridge. Our vote . . . make some cosmos and re-watch Sex And The City.

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