Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do Dogs Need Probiotics With Antibiotics

When Taking Antibiotics When Should I Take Probiotics

Why Does My Dog Need Probiotics?

You want to start taking a probiotic the same day you start taking an antibiotic, but not at the same time. A quick rule of thumb is to take your probiotic two hours before or two hours after taking your antibiotic. This will give sufficient time for the antibiotic to work while not killing off the beneficial bacteria.

How To Support Your Pet During & After Antibiotics

Though they can come with negative side effects , antibiotics can be a crucial tool for helping your pet fight off dangerous infections. Fortunately, there are ways that you can support your cat or dog, during and after antibiotic treatment, to help them and move towards improved health. Weve gathered a few important tips that any pet parent can use to help support their furbaby.

How To Choose A Canine Probiotic

Dr. Buzby reports that is that there is no monitoring of these products by the Federal Drug Administration , so quality control worries her. She encourages diligent dog parents to use a probiotic that carries the National Animal Supplement Council seal.

Fidose of Reality is a big fan of the Only Natural Pet line of products and have used them for our dog.

You can check out the Only Natural Pet probiotic offerings.

Though not a probiotic, the Only Natural Pet Immune Strengthener is a blend of natural vitamins, herbs, antioxidants and mushrooms which provide immune system support to help your dog or cat fight chronic health issues while supporting organ function. We used it after our dog finished up his antibiotics from kennel cough.

Remember, what works for my dog may be completely different for your dog, but a good probiotic used properly can work wonders for a dogs stressed GI tract.

Dr. Laurie Coger, author of the book, Vaccines Explained: The Wholistic Vets Guide to Vaccinating Your Dog, shares that a good probiotic should contain multiple strains of bacteria, and should be designed for dogs.

The right bacteria also keep the lining of the GI tract in good health, making it resistant to inflammation and breakdown.

The bottom line is this: There is no one, perfect one size fits all probiotic for dogs. Consulting with a canine nutritionist, your dogs veterinarian, and/or a holistic vet you trust is important in selecting the right combination.

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Types And Sources Of Probiotics For Dogs

A healthy microbiome is made up of billions of bacteria, which may come from hundreds or even thousands of different species. In fact, to be considered healthy, this diversity is required. Here are the probiotic bacteria for dogs you’re likely to come across.

  • Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium These are by far the most common types of probiotics. They’re lactic acid bacteria that come from fermented milk. Lactobacillus lives in the intestine, while Bifidobacterium lives in the colon. Both help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and support the immune system.
  • Saccharomyces boulardii A probiotic yeast with a rare traitit isn’t affected by antibiotics. It’s used to treat diarrhea in both humans and dogs and may help with inflammatory digestive issues.
  • Bacilli strains Spore-forming probiotics that are not as susceptible to heat, antibiotics and stomach acids. They’re anti-inflammatory and help strengthen the immune system.

Can a dog take human probiotics? They can, but they will benefit more from taking a probiotic formulated for dogs. What about giving your dog yogurt as a probiotic? Not a great idea. Most dogs aren’t used to eating dairy, and yogurt is also usually high in sugar, so it can actually cause an upset stomach rather than preventing one. While dogs shouldnt eat yogurt containing lactose which can be difficult for them to digest, there are dog-friendly yogurt treats and dog probiotics and digestive aids available.

Diet Focus: Beneficial Partner Or Benefit Leaching Blob

AEE K9+ Probiotic &  Prebiotic Supplement for Dog Kohepets

This is something that no supplement or pet food company will tell you. A poor diet will hinder or completely eliminate any benefit from probiotic use. The

inclusion of pre-biotics is important but will be wasted if a total gut mindset is not adopted . So dont waste your money if youre feeding a kibble-only diet. How is that?

Kibble turns into a large non-nutrient mass inside the intestinal tract that traps nutrients, vitamins and medications. If that wasnt enough, it also shifts pH to favor bad microbes and further promotes growth conditions for potentially harmful pathogenic organisms . If you need to make a kibble-based diet work, Rogue Pet Sciences Origins 5in1 supplement addresses all 5 of the probiotic rules correctly in the diet.

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What Studies Do Not Recommend Giving Probiotics With Antibiotics

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and other institutions reported that the gut microbiome took longer to return to normal in those people given an 11-strain probiotic treatment for four weeks following a course of antibiotics. This was despite the probiotics effectively colonizing the gut with healthy bacteria. The trouble was the presence of the new bacteria and yeasts strains prevented the gut microbiome from returning to normal for the full six month study period.

Conversely, the gut microbiome in those given no probiotics returned to normal within three weeks of going off the antibiotics. The authors did conclude that this study just examined one type of probiotic, and a different probiotic may be helpful in patients taking different antibiotics. However, they did point out the findings of the study imply that the traditional practice of taking a probiotic after antibiotic may not be beneficial.

When Should You Give Your Dog Probiotics

You can give your dog probiotics when there is an ongoing imbalance in the gut microbiome or preventively before the imbalance occurs. In other terms, you should give your dog probiotics in the following scenarios:

  • There is gastrointestinal issues that can benefit from good bacteria
  • If your pup has diarrhea or you suspect it will develop it soon
  • In the case of allergy-triggered skin issues and ear infections
  • When the dogs immune system needs a healthy and natural boost
  • During long-term use of antibiotics

We understand that labels can be confusing and manufacturer claims often exaggerated. Therefore, we have thoroughly reviewed various probiotic supplements for dogs and selected the following products as the top five probiotics for your dog.

Summary: The Honest Paws Pre + Probiotic is a custom-formula featuring five different strains of live cultures, inulin derived from chicory root, and spinach leaf extract. The probiotic prevents bacterial imbalances in the gut and helps with bad breath, food allergies, skin issues, and weakened immune systems. It comes in pre-measured sachets, and each contains 5 billion Colony Forming Units.


  • Contains rice hull and rice extract blend
  • Relatively new product


  • Features probiotic yeasts like Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Supports the GI tract, the brain, and detoxification


  • Does not contain traditional live cultures
  • No measuring spoon in the package




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Can I Give My Dog Probiotics Meant For Humans

It is NOT recommended that you give your dog probiotics designed for human consumption. The digestive systems of humans and canines are very different giving your dog human probiotics can cause extreme nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. They also may multiply too quickly in your dogs system, causing severe infection or inflammation.

Your dog needs specific probiotic strains beneficial for canines. Your dog needs a probiotic supplement specific to its species.

Causes & Signs Of Ibd In Dogs

The Benefits of Probiotics You Need to Know

Genetics.more likelyMucosal Immune System. The Environment.stressdiet-responsive componentThe Gut Microbiome. dysbiosisimbalanceFirmicutes, BacteroidetesClostridium Enterobacteriaceae Escherichia coli IBD Clinical Signs and Symptoms.

  • Chronic and intermittent vomiting
  • Stool consistency
  • Weight loss

IBD Histological Changes.

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When Are Probiotics Used

Probiotics are most often prescribed for maintaining a desirable intestinal microbial balance, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. When an animal is stressed or sick, the balance between the healthy and disease-causing microbes may be disrupted. This can lead to diarrhea, gas, cramping, and bad breath.

Some of the triggers for such digestive disorders include:

  • Infection or bacterial imbalance
  • Stress: As in humans, changes that cause emotional stress, such as boarding, moving, or losing a home, can result in colitis. Thats one reason why many dogs in shelters suffer from diarrhea. Some studies have suggested that probiotics work as well as antibiotics in clearing up diarrhea in shelter dogs.
  • Diet: This can include abrupt changes in the menu, or eating food that is spoiled or that just doesnt agree with the dog.
  • Old age
  • Medications: Antibiotics and long-term steroids are known culprits in causing diarrhea by killing good bacteria.
  • Parasites

You might consider giving your healthy dog a probiotic if he is prone to developing diarrhea in stressful situations. For example, if you are planning to take your dog to a show or to board the dog, it may make sense to give probiotics for a few days in advance. Also, puppies who tend to get diarrhea after training classes of visits to the vet, for example, might benefit from a few days of probiotics in preparation for the stressful event.

Stomach Acid And Probiotics For Dogs

The other consideration is the acidity in your dogs stomach.

Dogs have a very acidic gastrointestinal system . When the dog is digesting food, their gut acids can plummet to pH 1.5. This is ten times lower than pH 2.5 and 100 times lower than pH 3.5 .

When most bacteria are faced with a highly acidic environment, they die. According to The Good Gut,

It is thought that only highly resistant bacteria such as the lactobacillus and bifidobacteria genus can survive the stomach acid of the human GI tract. Of these B. animalis, L. casei, L. rhamnosus and L. plantarum have shown the greatest resilience in studies simulating the conditions of the human GI tract.

When consumed in sufficient quantities, these strains of bacteria have the greatest probability of surviving the even higher acidic environment in our dogs gut.

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Ignore The Importance Of Your Dogs Diet

A diet of exclusively dry kibble is not doing your dogs gut health any favors, particularly when he is on an antibiotic.

Let me explain.

If your dog has a serious illness, like one requiring an antibiotic, his immune system will be less able to fight it with grain-filled food.

The reason is simple and it has to do with carbohydrates.

Dogs digestive tracts are short and designed for quickly digesting animal protein and fat, but not carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates like those found in grains and starches are very difficult to digest and absorb. And as your dogs body tries to digest them, his metabolism becomes less efficient and his immune system is similarly weakened.

Watch this video entitled The Unknown Sugar In Pet Food produced by Dr. Karen Becker, DVM and Rodney Habib of Planet Paws. They do a terrific job illustrating the extent to which carbohydrates make up a commercial kibble diet and how this excess sugar contributes to common health problems in dogs.

If you are interested in learning more about raw feeding, read:

Are Probiotics Good For Dogs

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Generally, probiotics can be a useful wellness tool for dogs. Dog-specific probiotics are widely considered safe for use. The National Animal Supplement Council has certified several brands of probiotics for companion animals.

That said, the question Are probiotics good for my dog? can only be answered by your veterinarian. Before you introduce a probiotic into your pets daily routine, its important that you consult your veterinarian about the safety and possible risks of doing so. They will be able to offer you detailed information and also offer advice on the type of dog probiotic you should purchase.

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What To Look For In Canine Probiotics

There is no one probiotic supplement suitable for all dogs and every health condition. The best approach is to set up an appointment with your veterinarian to determine the best probiotic strains for your dog and any health issues they are experiencing. The following probiotic strains have scientific evidence to support their safety and efficacy in dogs.

  • Enterococcus faecium

Probiotics for dogs comes in several forms, including:

Provides A Natural Alternative Treatment For Diarrhea

There are many causes for diarrhea, including stress, travel, changes in diet, and various illnesses. Probiotics help maintain healthy populations of microflora that can help prevent diarrhea. In addition, at higher doses, probiotics can be an effective treatment for many types of diarrhea without the need for pharmaceutical drugs or other interventions.

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Dont Forget Your Prebiotics

These are the food for the probiotics.

Prebiotic fiber is the non-digestible part of foods like certain vegetables and fruits. Prebiotics move through the small intestine undigested and are fermented when they reach the colon.

This fermentation process feeds beneficial bacteria colonies and helps to increase the number of desirable bacteria in your dogs gut that are associated with better health, a stronger immune system, and reduced disease risk.

Many probiotic supplements include some prebiotics in them. All three of the supplements I mentioned earlier include one or more prebiotics to feed the growth of the accompanying probiotics.

I also feed Junior and Sulley fruits like bananas and apples in small amounts which serve as a whole food prebiotic.

Ph Role In The Gut Health Complex

Choose The Right Probiotic For Your Dog

A truth that needs to be told, yet few understand, is that probiotics need a favorable environment to work their magic. An optimal environment is required to actually have the intended benefit of why you want to feed probiotics. A much simpler way is that youre wasting your money using probiotics if youre feeding only dry dog food and expect this to address the correct pH needed or have available food for the organisms, IF, they try to grow. So lets take these two points separately.

The stomach is a tough place for probiotics due to acidic conditions. Some will die regardless of what is done. Kill rate is the term used to describe this effect. In Figure 1, we can see the range of pH conditions normally encountered in the canine digestive system. These differences in pH of the intestinal tract support different types of microbes, which in turn produces different health outcomes resulting from their presence. A poor diet of highly processed ingredients and preservatives shifts the ranges of pH of the small intestine all the way to the colon. Slight changes in pH mean life and death for microbes. Could a fish survive out of the water? Then, how do we expect good probiotic bugs to survive and thrive in an environment not set up for them?

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Diarrhea And Loose Stool

When your dogs intestinal flora is overrun with pathogenic bacteria, the result is runny, loose stool, or diarrhea. Diarrhea can be a nightmare for any dog owner, but its a tell tale sign that your dog needs healthy flora, and fast! Luckily, dogs treated with probiotics can see improvement in stools within a matter of days.

Help Your Furry Friend Look And Feel Their Best

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The Spruce

Dogs are a part of the family, and thats why you care about their health, give them plenty of exercise, a balanced diet, and schedule routine veterinary visits. But when it comes to canine wellness, your dog may be missing a crucial element: good bacteria.

A healthy gut contains good bacteria that breaks down food particles and can help with digestion. But if the gut becomes unbalanced, bad bacteria may overtake the healthy microorganisms that should be in your dogs stomach and intestines. A probiotic can help restore and maintain this balance of good and bad bacteria. It may even provide them with other benefits like increased energy and improved skin. Probiotics for dogs come in many forms, and some even address other canine health concerns, like joint pain and allergies.

Here are the best probiotics for dogs to keep your furry friend healthy .

Purina Fortiflora Canine Nutritional Supplement comes in pre-measured packets and is one of the easiest and most popular ways to ensure that your dog is getting a daily dose of probiotics, which is why it’s our top pick.

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Dog Probiotics Might Help Reduce Skin Allergy Symptoms

Allergies are on the rise in humans and dogs alike. Researchers have attributed this, in part, to an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Because gut and immune health are so intertwined, giving your dog probiotics may lessen skin allergy symptoms. Several studies support this theory, having demonstrated that dog probiotics may be effective for allergy management.

How Does A Dogs Digestive System Work

Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

The place to start is to gain a basic understanding of how a dogs digestive system works.

Just like humans, there is a complex ecosystem happening inside the canine digestive system. This ecosystem, called the microflora, consists of billions of microscopic bacteria, yeast and protozoa.

There are billions of microbes in the gastrointestinal system of all animals. These microbes aid in digestion, fight off potential pathogens, make nutrients and vitamins and bolster the immune system.

A dogs immune system primarily resides in the gut the small and large intestine. Approximately 70 percent of immunity-producing cells reside in the gut.

Keeping your dogs digestive system functioning optimally is essential to making sure he or she stays healthy, active and lives a long life.

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