Friday, July 26, 2024

Can I Breastfeed On Antibiotics

Will The Antibiotics Pass Into Your Breastmilk

How can I find out what antibiotics are okay to take while breastfeeding?

Everything that the mom takes gets passed on to your child through breastfeeding. For this reason, the mom needs to maintain a healthy diet, which is balanced and has a blend of essential nutrition. Antibiotics and nursing are closely connected. Since the breast gets nutrients from the blood, antibiotics can pass onto the breastmilk. However, the amount of antibiotics that will pass to the milk is dependent on the dosage frequency and how concentrated the antibiotic compounds are.

Talking To A Healthcare Professional

Your GP, lactation specialist or pharmacist can recommend suitable medicine for your situation. Their recommendation will be based on many things. For example, you and your babys health history, your babys age and any other medicines that you may be taking.

They will assess:

  • how mild or severe your symptoms are
  • how effective the medicine is
  • how much of the medicine passes to your baby through your breast milk
  • whether you are taking other medicines which may lead to complications

Is It Safe For Mothers To Use Prescription Medications While Breastfeeding

Usually. A 2013 clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics , The Transfer of Drugs and Therapeutics into Human Breast Milk: An Update on Selected Topics,external icon indicates that most medications and immunizations are safe to use during lactation.

According to the AAP, health care providers should weigh the risks and benefits when prescribing medications to breastfeeding mothers by considering the following:

  • Need for the drug by the mother.
  • Potential effects of the drug on milk production.
  • Amount of the drug excreted into human milk.
  • Extent of oral absorption by the breastfeeding infant.
  • Potential adverse effects on the breastfeeding infant.
  • Age of the infant.
  • Proportion of feedings that are breast milk.

Review LactMed®external icon for the most up-to-date information available on medications and lactation when advising breastfeeding mothers on medication safety.

Note to Breastfeeding Mothers

Tell your health care provider and your babys provider about any medications or supplements you are taking, including vitamins, herbs, and over-the-counter products.

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Which Antibiotics Are Safe

To determine which antibiotics are safe, it is important to consider factors such as babys weight, age, and overall health, and also consult your childs pediatrician and your prescribing provider. However, several antibiotics that are considered generally safe for breastfeeding include:

  • Penicillins, including ampicillin and amoxicillin
  • Cephalosporins, including cephalexin
  • Fluconazole this isnt an antibiotic, but its a commonly used antimicrobial for treating fungal infections.

Still, if youre considering taking an antibiotic that isnt listed above, its advisable to speak to your childs pediatrician. The chances are that the antibiotic is safe or that theres a safer option.

What Are Some Factors That Determine The Effects Of Antibiotics On Babies

mastitis without antibiotics

The following factors might determine the effects of antibiotics while nursing:

  • The age and health of the baby. Babies that are younger than two months are most prone to side effects of antibiotics. This is because their liver and kidneys are still in development and not mature enough to flush out the medication. Once they turn six months, the adversity reduces.
  • Antibiotics in combination with other medications. How safe an antibiotic is for your baby can also depend on whether its combined with another type of medication. Sometimes, a safe antibiotic when consumed together with other drugs may form compounds that could be harmful to the baby. Its, therefore, essential to discuss this with your doctor before taking any medicine.
  • Chemical properties of the antibiotic. There are some chemical factors, such as molecular weight, half-life, binding with proteins, and lipid solubility that can determine the ability to the drug to persist in breastmilk. Drugs that have a longer half-life and heavier molecular weight take a longer time to break down. If an antibiotic binds to fat/lipid quickly, then it will transfuse faster from blood to milk.
  • Breast milk composition and acidity. Certain antibiotics have a tendency to dissolve in milk that has greater protein content than blood. Mothers of premature babies need to be extra cautious with their antibiotic intake as they produce milk with higher protein levels.
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    Box : Other Antibiotics And Breast Feeding

  • Antiviral

  • Effects during breast feeding are not known:

  • Antiretrovirals.

  • Effects during breast feeding are not known:

  • Amphotericin.

  • Effects during breast feeding are not known:

  • Mefloquine.

  • Effects during breast feeding are not known:

  • Mebendazole.

  • Confirm if this could be related to maternal antibiotic therapy.

  • Monitoring of serum levels.

  • Before prescription of maternal antibiotics, the physician needs to be certain that there is a real need for them. The likely benefits have to be weighed against the risk of not breast feeding or the potential risk of exposing the infant to undesirable drug effects. In each situation where antibiotics are considered, it is appropriate to discuss the risks with mothers/parents and educate them about the potential risks to breast feeding babies. This is particularly important because while risks of antibiotic use during pregnancy are well recognised, this is not always so during lactation. A drug that is safe for use during pregnancy may not be safe for the nursing infant.

    Taking Medicine While Breastfeeding

    If you take medicine while breastfeeding, it will be transferred to your baby through your breast milk. In most cases, the amount passed to your baby is very small and unlikely to cause harm.

    But some drugs can become concentrated in breast milk. A small number of these are not safe to take while breastfeeding. In most cases, there is another medicine that can be safely used instead.

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    Do Medications Transfer Into Mothers Milk

    The breast has milk-producing cells and glands, which are arranged in clusters to help produce milk after the baby is delivered. During the early days of the postpartum period , the gap between these cells increases, allowing some medications to pass through them and mix with milk. Though these gaps close by the second week of lactation, the exposure of the infant to the medications depends on the amount of medicines released in the milk and the amount of breast milk consumed by the infant.

    What You Should Discuss With Your Doctor

    Pharmacology – Antibiotics, Antinfectives nursing RN PN (MADE EASY)

    When you are prescribed antibiotics by your doctor, you should discuss the following topics with him or her:

    • Inform your doctor that you are breastfeeding.
    • If you are taking any other medications, inform your doctor because when certain antibiotics are combined with other medications, they can create compounds that are harmful to the baby.
    • It is critical to tell your doctor about your babys health and age.
    • If there are any alternatives to antibiotics for your condition, discuss them with your doctor. Your doctor may advise you to use antibiotic ointments and creams instead of oral medication.
    • Ask your doctor about any side effects your child may experience if you take it so you can be prepared if this occurs.

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    Considerations While Prescribing Medications

    The effects of antibiotics can be reduced if the health care providers weigh the risks and benefits when prescribing medications to breastfeeding mothers by considering the following:

    • Need for the drug by the mother
    • Potential effects of the drug on milk production
    • Amount of the drug excreted into human milk
    • Extent of oral absorption by the breastfeeding infant
    • Possible adverse effects on the breastfeeding infant
    • Age of the infant

    Breastfeeding And Medication Tips

    • The American Academy of Pediatrics states that many effects of medications on breastfeeding babies simply are not known. Due to this, only take a medication when absolutely needed, at the lowest dose and for the shortest time possible.
    • When possible, take medications that are given only once a day right after a feeding when your baby will have the longest period without nursing for many women this is the last feeding of the night before the infant’s bedtime.
    • Watch your baby for side effects such as sleepiness, irritability, other potential or known reactions of the medication.
    • Avoid long-acting , extended-release , and combination forms of medications, when possible. Shorter-acting medications are elimninated from your body more quickly, and single medications give you greater flexibility in dosing.
    • Only water-miscible cream or gel products should be applied to the breast because ointments may expose the infant to high levels of mineral paraffins via licking.
    • Special precautions may be needed in preterm infants, due to their size and organ systems that are even less developed than a regular term infant.
    • Ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of any medication prescribed while you are breastfeeding, or any medication you choose from OTC options that do not require a prescription.
    • When more than one medication or a combination medication is used, follow the breastfeeding recommendations for the most problematic medication.

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    How To Avoid Side Effect Of Antibiotics In Babies

    Take the following precautionary measures to keep your baby away from risks connected with taking antibiotics while breastfeeding:

  • Do NOT self-medicate. Consult your doctor to get a prescription and make sure the drug is compatible with lactation.
  • Do not try to reduce the dose of the drug. This can lead to ineffective treatment and prolonged therapy.
  • Choose antibiotics safe for infants.
  • Have you dose of antibiotic while breastfeeding or right after it. The point is to make the gap between the feeding sessions as big as possible.
  • Does Amoxicillin Pass Through Breast Milk

    How Long After Taking Antibiotics Can I Breastfeed ...

    Amoxicillin passes into the breast milk just like any other chemical compound present in the mothers bloodstream. The peak level of amoxicillin in breast milk is found between four and six hours after a single dose of 1g consumed by the mother. The amount of drug present in the breast milk can vary depending on the womans body. The average levels of amoxicillin usually found in the breast milk are 0.5 mg/ml at four hours, 0.81mg/ml at five hours, and 1.64 mg/ml at six hours.

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    What Should I Do If My Baby Has A Reaction

    If youre taking antibiotics while nursing, make sure you keep an eye on any changes in your babys eating or sleeping habits, changes in temperament, or a rash. If you notice any changes, contact your doctor immediately.

    Remember never to self-medicate, not even for the mildest medical condition. Before taking any antibiotics while nursing, make sure you check with your doctor whether the drug is safe for the baby.

    Box : Antibacterial Antibiotics And Breast Feeding

  • Safe for administration:

  • Metronidazole .

  • Quinolones.

  • As a general rule, drugs of the same class are expected to behave similarly in infants, though safety of one agent may not always imply the same for other members of the class. It must be emphasised that side effects of maternal medication are often not reported hence lack of information does not imply safety to the suckling baby. On the other hand, the occurrence of side effects in isolated reports may not necessarily warrant discontinuation of breast feeding or altering the maternal antibiotic prescription. Various academic bodies have tried to compile information about the likely risks to infants such information may guide decisions about antibiotic use.

    Among the antibacterial antibiotics, cephalosporins seem to be the safest class. This generalisation seems to hold for all generations and is irrespective of the route of administration. Although third generation cephalosporins have a greater potential to alter bowel flora and individual agents vary with respect to M/P ratio, as a group they are regarded safe. Similarly, macrolides are also safe antibiotics, though they can alter infants bowel flora adversely.

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    Is It Safe To Breastfeed While Sick

    Yes, in most cases, you can safely continue to breastfeed your infant while you are down with an illness. Breast milk provides the perfect nutrients and antibodies your baby needs to boost his immune system. Also, it prevents him from falling ill or developing health problems.

    But if you feel too weak to breastfeed, you can express breast milk into a bottle or clean container so that your spouse or caregiver can help bottle-feed your baby. You can take a break from breastfeeding and opt-out of baby formula until you are strong again.

    Whether or not you will breastfeed also depends on the nature of your sickness. That is why it is essential to see your doctor and figure out the cause of your symptoms. Also, to prescribe drugs and guide you as a lactating mother. Especially if you are sick and breastfeeding a newborn.

    Even though it is safe to breastfeed while ill, there are a few sicknesses or diseases that could cause your doctors to restrict you from temporarily or permanently giving your child breast milk.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises mothers not to breastfeed or express milk if they are diagnosed with

    • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
    • Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus type I or type II
    • Ebola virus
    • Using illicit drugs like cocaine or PCP

    According to CDC, there are other illnesses such as active and untreated chickenpox or tuberculosis that might not require breastfeeding.

    Breastfeeding While Sick: Can Sickness Pass-Through Breast Milk?

    Calculation Of Infant Exposure To Drugs Can Be Used To Help Guide Safe Use

    Pharmacology – Neurological medication full video for nursing RN PN NCLEX

    The infants dose received via milk can be calculated using the maternal plasma concentration , M/PAUCratio and the volume of milk ingested by the infant :

    Dinfant = Cmaternal x M/PAUC x Vinfant

    The volume of milk ingested by infants is commonly estimated as 0.15L/kg/day. The infant dose can then be expressed as a percentage of the maternal dose . An arbitrary cut-off of 10% has been selected as a guide to the safe use of drugs during lactation. Drugs such as lithium and amiodarone should be avoided due to high infant exposure and potential for significant toxicity. For drugs with greater inherent toxicity such as cytotoxic agents, ergotamine, gold salts, immunosuppressives and isotretinoin, the cut-off of 10% is too high and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

    As a general rule, maternal use of topical preparations such as creams, nasal sprays or inhalers would be expected to carry less risk to a breastfed infant than systemically administered drugs. This is due to lower maternal concentrations and therefore lower transfer into breast milk. However, the risk to the infant must be considered in relation to the toxicity of the drug used, the dosage regimen and the area of application. For example, use of corticosteroids nasal sprays or inhalers in standard doses would be considered compatible with breastfeeding.

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    Stomach Upset And Fussiness In Babies

    Sometimes moms report that their babies have an upset stomach after they take antibiotics. This may be because antibiotics may deplete the good bacteria in your babys gut.

    Keep in mind that this effect is usually short lived, not harmful, and not a given. Also, keep in mind that breast milk is great for your babys gut health, so its important to continue breastfeeding.

    You can consider giving your baby probiotics to remedy this problem, but its important that you consult your babys medical provider before doing so.

    What Should You Watch Out For While Taking Antibiotics If You Are Still Nursing

    If you prescribed an antibiotic while you are still breastfeeding, here are a few signs that you should watch out for in your baby:

    • Keep a watch on your baby to check if your baby looks drowsy or is sleeping more
    • In some cases, there may be a reduction in your breastmilk if you take a certain antibiotic. Low breastmilk supply will leave your baby hungry, and he may cry or make sucking motions

    Lactating mothers take a lot of caution and care to stay healthy so that their babies are not affected. However, there are some unavoidable situations where they may need to go in for medications. This is completely normal and nothing to panic about. However, until your doctor approves, dont self-medicate and get into trouble. Remember, your infant depends solely on you for food. Stay healthy, stay safe.

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    Effects Of Antibiotics On Breastfeeding Infants

    by | Sep 30, 2021 | UrgentWay Blog


  • 3 Considerations while prescribing medications
  • The effects of antibiotics on breastfeeding infants are positive or negative, but antibiotics do not generally necessitate suspension or cessation of breastfeeding. Antibiotics are usually prescribed more sparingly these days than they were in the past due to the weak immunity of women. Antibiotics are not appropriate in viral conditions such as the majority of coughs and colds. However, there are times when their use is essential and even lifesaving. Most antibiotics can produce excessively loose motions in the baby, with the appearance of diarrhea. Some infants may experience more discomfort with tummy aches or colic. These effects are not clinically significant and do not require treatment.

    Disruption Of Infant Gastrointestinal Flora

    Can I Take Antibiotics While Breastfeeding

    Antibiotics pass through breastmilk and may similarly disrupt an infant’s gastrointestinal flora. This may lead to diarrhea or it can also cause rashes or thrush. If the nursing parent takes a probiotic this may provide protection to younger infants, while infants who eat solid foods can eat yogurt containing live cultures.

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    Your Babys Temperament May Temporarily Change

    You may have already noticed this fact about antibiotics and breastfeeding if youve already started taking antibiotics.

    If taking antibiotics while breastfeeding, you may notice your baby becomes temporarily a bit more unsettled with colic like symptoms.

    This does not require any treatment and should resolve soon after the antibiotics are finished.

    Your babys poos and temperament temporarily changing are not serious.

    It doesnt mean you should cease breastfeeding or the antibiotic course, or pump or dump your milk while taking antibiotics.

    Anecdotally, some mothers have found that their antibiotic use can set up some signs of secondary lactose intolerance in their baby.

    This is possible since anything that causes gut irritation has the potential to cause secondary lactose intolerance.

    Once the antibiotic course has finished and with continued breastfeeding, the gut will return to normal.

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