Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Give Cats Antibiotics

Tip : Support A Healthy Appetite

How to Give Antibiotics to Nursing Cats : Cat Care & Behavior

In many pets, antibiotics can cause lethargy, nausea and/or a loss of appetite, which may make your pet less interested in eating their food. But it is crucial that your pet continues to eat, because their body needs the energy to continue fighting infection and repairing damaged cells. If your pet refuses their food, dont force them to eat: wait a few hours and offer the food again. If they continue to refuse, consider adding something to the food to make it more palatable. A low-sodium beef, chicken, or bone broth is often helpful.

In addition, warming the food to bring out the aroma often makes it more palatable to cats and dogs, who rely much more on their sense of smell than their sense of taste when it comes to deciding what is tasty and what is not.

Now lets cover how to help your pet after antibiotic treatment.

Can You Give Cats Amoxicillin

See files for Cats

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic widely used in human medicine. While we should always take the prescribed dosage, some people either do not or for whatever reason have some extra in their medicine cabinet. If we see that our cat is suffering from an infection, we will want to do anything we can to help ease any suffering. In this case, we may think giving amoxicillin to the cat will be beneficial. However, not all antibiotics work for all bacteria, not all infections are bacterial, not all human drugs can be used on cats and not all infections require antibiotics.

At AnimalWised, we ask can you give cats amoxicillin? We look at what cases the antibiotic may be administered by understanding the uses, dosage and side effects of the drug.

  • Side Effects of Amoxicillin for Cats
  • What Human Antibiotics Are Safe For Cats

    While some antibiotics prescribed to your cat by the vet might seem to be the same ones your doctor prescribed you in the past, you should be aware that antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine are prepared with specific dosages and components to make them safe for cats. Some human antibiotics are not safe for your pets, likewise, there are veterinary-specific antibiotics that are not used in human medicine.

    Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock

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    What Does Doxycycline Do For Cats

    As with most antibiotics, doxycycline has good levels of efficacy against certain bacteria, while others may be resistant or just not susceptible to it.

    For example, an upper respiratory infection in a cat caused by bacteria including Bordetella, Chlamidophila , or Mycoplasma will typically be susceptible, while a urinary tract infection caused by Proteus is unlikely to be.

    Doxycycline also is not effective against viral causes of upper respiratory infections in cats, like feline herpesvirus and calicivirus, which are actually by far the most common underlying causes in kitties.

    Doxycycline is commonly used to treat infections caused by bacteria transmitted to cats from fleas and ticks. These can include organisms like Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Bartonella, and Mycoplasma hemofelis .

    Doxycycline is also effective against a bacteria called Wolbachia. Killing Wolbachia bacteria in dogs has been demonstrated to weaken heartworms, the cause of mosquito-borne heartworm disease. This effect has not been definitively proven in cats and is still being studied, though some veterinarians may employ doxycycline in treating cats with heartworm disease for this reason.

    What Does Amoxicillin Do For Cats

    Antiobiotics For Cats

    As a bactericidal antibiotic, amoxicillin works to kill bacteria associated with upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and more.

    As a bactericidal antibiotic, amoxicillin has the ability to kill certain kinds of bacteria causing infections.

    In kitties, it may be used most often for upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections, or infections resulting from a bite wound or injury.

    Amoxicillin works by binding directly to certain parts of the cell membrane of susceptible bacteria, inhibiting development of the cell wall and making the bacteria unstable, thus killing them.

    Its very important to note that amoxicillin is not effective against viral infections, a common cause of upper respiratory conditions in cats. Therefore, its always important for a vet to decide if use of an antibiotic is warranted.

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    Contraindications Of Amoxicillin For Cats

    Amoxicillin interacts with some other drugs which may be given to cats. If our cat is taking any other medication or has any underlying medical condition, the veterinarian needs to be informed. In the case of pregnant or lactating cats, the veterinarian will have to assess administration based on risks versus benefits. Of course, if a cat has previously shown to have an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, it should be not administered again.

    To know more about various drugs which can be administered to cats, you can look at this article on Buprenex for cats.

    Benefits Of Probiotics For Cats

    Dr. Patrick Mahaney, a Los Angeles area veterinarian and certified veterinary journalist, is definitely an advocate for feline probiotics. Im a big fan of probiotics as a means of hopefully helping to maintain normal gut health, not only so there are less clinical signs of digestive upset like decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, or stool changes but also in terms of helping to promote immune system health as well, he says.

    Mahaney adds that immunity for cats is closely linked to the health of the digestive tract and when the digestive tract is thrown off track, a cats immunity may suffer. Disorders that can cause such digestive system upset include ailments like inflammatory bowel disease , infections, or a cat simply ingesting something she shouldnt.

    That could certainly be cats that are grooming themselves excessively and ingesting too much hair or ingesting things from the environment, says Mahaney. So for cats, probiotics can help with a variety of conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease. The veterinarian adds that IBD is a common condition that many cats develop throughout their lifetime, especially during their adult and senior years.

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    Being Informed And Talking To Your Vet Is Key

    Injectable medications, such as antibiotics, have their pros, and when theyre used appropriately, they can be helpful. However, its important to discuss the potential drawbacks of these medications with your vet.

    If you decide that you dont want your cat to get an antibiotic injection, be upfront by letting your veterinarian know how you feel. You might even ask that a note be made in your cats file so that anyone on the staff who looks after or treats your companion will be aware of your decision.

    Side Effects Of Doxycycline For Cats

    How do I give antibiotics to my cat?

    The main side effect of doxycycline in cats is gastrointestinal upset, so giving them Doxycycline with food should help to reduce this risk.

    The main side effect of doxycycline in cats, as with many antibiotics, is gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea, and a decrease in appetite.

    Doxycycline should always be given with food, as this can help to reduce the chance of digestive upset.

    In cats, administration of plain doxycycline tablets on their own carries a very high risk for esophagitis, ulcerations, and a narrowing of the esophagus called a stricture. In fact, the risk for cats is considered so high that many veterinarians will avoid use of the tablets in cats and opt for having doxycycline compounded into a liquid form.

    When given to pregnant dogs and cats in earlier stages of pregnancy, tetracyclines in general can slow down fetal skeletal growth and discolor their teeth. Doxycycline however is the least likely of the tetracyclines to have these effects.

    Unlike other tetracycline antibiotics, doxycycline can be used in pets with kidney disease. However, it should be used cautiously in pets with liver disease or elevated liver values on lab work.

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    The Cons Of Antibiotic Injections For Cats

    Despite the convenience of injectable antibiotics for pets, there are some downsides to consider.

    First off, as is the case with any medication, a cat may have an adverse reaction to the antibiotic. Or, if your pet is taking any other medications or supplements, the injection might adversely interact with them. In the case of an oral medication, if side effects occur, you could contact your vet, who would probably tell you to stop administering that medicine and, if necessary, bring the pet in for treatment to counteract the adverse effects. But when youre dealing with an injection, it might not be possible to do that the medicine is designed to be long lasting, so your vet might not be able to do much, if anything, about it. Also, the treatment required to help your cat recover from side effects might be costly.

    According to experts, Convenia could remain in the body at sub-therapeutic levels for roughly 65 days after it has been administered. In other words, unlike oral antibiotics in pill or liquid form, this injectable antibiotic isnt cleared quickly from a cats body, even after the 14 days of antibacterial effects have passed. This may increase the risk of problems developing.

    About Dr Chris Vanderhoof Dvm Mph

    Dr. Chris Vanderhoof is a 2013 graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech, where he also earned a Masters in Public Health. He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area.Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at Dr. Vanderhoof lives in the Northern Virginia area with his family, including 3 cats.

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    Is It Safe To Give Cats Homemade Antibiotics

    The fact that most homemade antibiotics, being natural, have little to no side effects does not mean that they can be given whenever you feel like it. They too, like their synthetic medications, have side effects due to an overdose.

    While it is safe to give cats these products, a proper diagnosis needs to be carried out to know exactly what the cat is suffering from and the best solution to the issue. Otherwise, you may be treating a nonexistent problem in your cat.

    Human Antibiotics That Can Be Used In Cats

    Antibiotics for Cats

    Vets typically dont recommend the use of human antibiotics in cats,as some of these may be toxic. On the other hand, even if theantibiotics are suitable for use in felines, human antibiotics containa high amount of active ingredients and the cat should get a fourth orfifth of that certain amount, as the dosage is prescribed per bodyweight. A lot of pet owners fail to give the right dose, and this canlead to an overdose.

    The human antibiotics that are suitable for use in felines include:

    • Amoxicillin, used to fight bacterial infections the dosage should be 5 mg per pound of body weight per day
    • Ampicillin, employed for bacterial infections the cat requires 10 mg per pound every 6 hours
    • Tetracycline, effective against bacterial infections the dose is 10 mg per pound every 8 hours

    Always consult your vet for dosage prior to administeringantibiotics. The dosage may depend on the cats weight, medicalcondition, overall health and stamina and whether the pet is underanother type of medication that can affect the antibiotics treatment.The vet needs to examine the cat and weigh him to prescribe thesuitable dose and type of antibiotics.

    When your cat needs antibiotic treatment, keep the drugs in a safeplace and administer the right dosage when needed. You can mix it withthe cats food or water. Never interrupt the treatment, even if younotice that the infection symptoms are gone.

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    How To Give Your Cat A Pill

    Medicine for cats usually comes in pill form. With medication in hand, keep this in mind: cats are smart creatures that dont take kindly to changes in their routine, and they wont make it easy on you. Unlike your dog, who will happily scarf a pill down in a spoonful of peanut butter, youll have to approach your cat in a calm but calculating way.

    If you have a cooperative cat, try putting the pill directly in her mouth. Dont toss the pill into her mouth because you run the risk of a choking hazard . Instead, place it on the center of her tongue near the back of her mouth, then gently rub her throat to encourage the pill to go down, advises the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance. Offer her a fresh bowl of water to wash it down.

    How Do Antibiotics For Cats Work

    Antibiotics for cats work by fighting off bacterial infections. To be more precise, antibiotics have two modes of action some are bactericidal, and others are bacteriostatic.

    Bactericidal antibiotics work by killing bacteria directly, while bacteriostatic antibiotics simply inhibit bacterial growth. Beta-lactams is an example of bactericidal agents, while tetracycline is bacteriostatic.

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    Antibiotics For Cats Usage Guidelines

    To decrease the risk of side effects and ensure efficient antibiotic use, it is paramount to follow the veterinarians instructions in terms of antibiotic type, dose, administration frequency, and usage method.

    It is also important not to be misguided by antibiotic uses in humans. The same antibiotic can be used in humans and cats for the same condition but in a different manner. For example, lets take UTIs. According to the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases recommendations, the length of the antibiotic treatment for uncomplicated UTIs is seven days while for complicated cases up to 4 weeks .

    Antibiotics are available in different forms, including capsules, tablets, oral liquids, injections , and topicals . Talk to your vet about which form is easy for you to give and acceptable for your pet.

    Before prescribing antibiotics, the veterinarian will consider other medications your cat might be receiving. Certain antibiotics can interact with other meds such as:

    • NSAIDs and steroids
    • Diuretics and ACE inhibitors
    • Immunosuppressants

    Finally, we should say a word or two about natural alternatives for antibiotics. Certain herbs and foods like Manuka honey, bee propolis, colloidal silver, Echinacea, and juniper berry have strong antibacterial properties. However, whether they can fully replace traditional antibiotics and resolve your cats infection, is something you should discuss with the vet.

    Risks And Considerations Of Probiotics For Cats

    Should Your Cat Take Antibiotics? | Two Crazy Cat Ladies

    Adverse effects of probiotics are rare in cats. Frey, however, warns that cat owners should choose their probiotic brands wisely. The supplement industry is loosely regulated and there isn’t a governing agency that requires a company to prove its label claims for amounts and strains. Companies only have to respond to complaints, she explains. Human supplement manufacturers are required to have more oversight than veterinary ones. There is, however a veterinary organization called National Animal Supplement Council that does provide some oversight. Frey recommends giving cats a veterinary product that has the NASC label or a product from a company that also produces human supplements and foods whenever possible.

    But at the end of the day, it all comes down to what works the best for your specific pet. We know so little about probiotic and normal flora populations in animals. There is much to learn, says Frey. No one product works for every animal so trying different probiotics and watching for results is a good common sense approach.

    Optimum cat health starts with proper nutrition. Find out what human foods are dangerous for cats and avoid feeding them to your feline friend.

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    Is Amoxicillin Poisonous To Cats

    Amoxicillin is not poisonous to cats, is very safe at prescribed doses, and side effects are uncommon.

    However, if a cat were to get into and consume an amount of amoxicillin much higher than a typically prescribed dosage, like say, a 500mg human tablet, severe digestive upset may occur. Neurologic changes, like an inability to walk normally have been reported in dogs, as well as elevated heart rate and breathing changes.

    Many medications can cause significant negative health effects if very high doses inappropriate for the patient are ingested. So while amoxicillin is not in itself a toxin, if you suspect your kitty has ingested an overdose of her own amoxicillin or possibly any prescribed for you or a family member at home, always notify your veterinarian and/or get in touch with Animal Poison Control to determine what steps may need to be taken.

    How Do Antibiotics Affect Your Pet’s Gut

    The bacteria and other microbes in your pets digestive tract are referred to as its gut microbiome. When an infection is present in or on your pet your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic to help fight off the infection.

    Unfortunately, oral antibiotics cannot differentiate between the bad bacteria that may be causing a bacterial infection and the good bacteria that support your pets health, so it wipes out both beneficial and harmful bacteria.

    For some cats and dogs, this may cause an ongoing imbalance in their gut that down the line could contribute to health conditions like chronic diarrhea, vomiting or constipation.

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    How Long Does It Take Doxycycline To Work In Cats

    With most antibiotics treating susceptible organisms, improvements should be seen within 2-3 days, although the full resolution of signs often takes longer. This is why it is very important to finish out all of an antibiotic prescribed by your veterinarian. Do not stop using doxycycline or any other antibiotic based on your cat looking or feeling better.

    Amoxicillin For Cats Dosage

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    Follow the dosing instructions provided by your veterinarian. Most vets call for a dose every 8-12 hours.

    Interestingly, the labeled dosage for cats for amoxicillin calls for giving it just once a day. However, this dosage is generally no longer considered in veterinary medicine to be effective for most infections.

    Most vets are using it off-label at every 8-12 hours, similar to the labeled dosage for dogs. If your vet decides to use amoxicillin for your cat, he or she will decide on a recommended dosage amount and schedule that is most appropriate depending on the type of infection being addressed.

    Amoxicillin typically comes in both a liquid form as an oral suspension as well as tablet form. Your veterinarian may have a preference of which form to use, or may leave the dosage form up to you depending on which will be easier to administer.

    If your kitty will take a pill mixed with or hidden in food or a treat, this is often easiest and involves the least amount of struggle. However, if your furry friend is the type that will eat everything in the bowl but the tablet and leave it at the bottom, you may need to consider liquid if you are not adept at administering a pill directly into your cats mouth for her to swallow it.

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