Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Use Honey As An Antibiotic

Not All Honey Is Equal In The Fight Against Disease

Homemade Antibiotic Extract

The most studied honey is derived from the nectar of the genus Leptospermum, native to New Zealand and most parts of Australia. Honey derived from the Leptospermum species have exceptional antibacterial activity and include Manuka honey, jelly bush, goo bush, and tea tree honey.

Meschwitz says, “We have been testing only raw, unheated, minimally processed honey in our studies. It is believed that commercial honey, which has been processed, may not possess the same antimicrobial activity since some of this activity is due to heat sensitive enzymes in the honey, which are derived from the bee. We have not tested commercial honey, but I may look into this just to have a comparison study. It is also known that the most therapeutically potent honey to date is Manuka honey. We are hoping to see this potency with honeys from floral sources common to North America.”

One study comparing the antimicrobial activity of common honeys in the USA with that of Manuka honey, suggests that the higher antimicrobial activity of Manuka can be attributed to the presence of certain phenolic compounds derived from its source, the manuka bush. Manuka honey also has exceedingly high levels of the antibacterial methylglyoxal.

Blue Angel: DARPAs vaccine manufacturing challenge

DARPAs Blue Angel project has been working on alternative plant-based vaccine production methods, with impressive results.

Blinded Exploratory Data Analysis

Dogs completing the trial ranged from 8 months to 12 years of age, most were neutered and 19/29 were males. Most dogs were Pugs or English Bulldogs , the remainder being French Bulldogs. The microorganisms most frequently isolated from intertrigo lesions were methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus pseudintermedius , Streptococcus canis , Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The Day-1 culture of case #1 yielded a MRSP isolate additionally resistant to the potentiated sulfonamides, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, and gentamicin, but sensitive to amikacin.

None of the tested variables significantly differed among treatment groups at Day-1 .

  • Within 8 weeks of enrolment:

  • Administration of extended-release or long-lasting glucocorticoids,

  • Dietary change in dogs with suspected food allergy.

  • Within 12 weeks of enrolment:

  • Changes in allergen-specific immunotherapy regimen.

  • Help With Weight Management

    How does honey help manage your pets weight when its high in sugar? Studies have demonstrated that honey can help slow down hunger pangs. While its a simple sugar, honey breaks down differently compared to table sugar. Digestion and metabolism of honey require less insulin, and its absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream.

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    Taking Turmeric As A Medicine

    Turmeric isnt readily used by the body in its raw state. Catalysts to release its full healing power are fat, black pepper, and heat. To improve bioavailability, mix the recipe with a spoonful coconut or olive oil, add black pepper, or mix it in hot water and drink as a tea.

    Due to its many complex phytochemical constituents, eating turmeric is contraindicated if you take any of the following:

    • 100 grams raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered wild honey
    • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • Mix ingredients in a small bowl until well combined.
  • Store at room temperature in a glass jar.
  • Feel free to use this combination every day, as needed.

    If you begin to feel ill, up the dosage:

  • First day ½ tablespoon every hour
  • Second day ½ tablespoon every 2 hours
  • Third day ½ tablespoon 3 times a day
  • If you take it straight from the jar, allow the mixture to slowly dissolve in your mouth, rather than immediately swallowing it. The membranes in your mouth are very thin and will allow the mixture to be absorbed more quickly into your bloodstream.

    There you have it! Youll be on your feet again in no time!

    Treating Other Conditions With Honey

    Because of its natural antibiotic nature, honey can help soothe and ...
  • 1Use honey to keep acne from coming back and prevent scarring. Wash your hands with soap and water. Then, dip your finger into the honey. Rub the skin surrounding the pimple with a small layer of honey. Leave the honey on your skin for 10-15 minutes before wiping it off with a dry cloth. Do this daily to keep a pimple from returning or damaging your skin.XResearch source
  • The honey naturally moisturizes the skin and can kill many of the bacteria that acne leaves behind. Honeys antibacterial properties will also keep the acne from scarring your skin.
  • You really dont need more than a drop of honey to make this work if youre only treating a single pimple.
  • 2Fight fungal infections with honey after talking to your doctor. If you have a fungal infection, like athletes foot or fungal dermatitis, consult a doctor to see if you can treat it with honey. If you can, either apply honey directly to affected area or put some honey on a bandage and place that over the infection. Replace the bandage daily until the infection clears up.XTrustworthy SourcePubMed CentralJournal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • Honeys antibacterial properties have been proven to fight the bacteria associated with fungal infections.
  • If the infection wont go away after 3-5 days, consult your doctor.
  • Tip: The amount of honey you use depends on the size of the infection. Generally speaking, a thin layer of honey will be more effective than giant globs of the stuff.

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    Does Honey Work As A Natural Antibiotic

    The scientific community has awoken to the potential of honey and there is now a great deal of scientific evidence indicating that honey has natural antibiotic properties.

    The healing properties of honey can be attributed directly to honey bees and the enzymes the bees use to process the honey. These enzymes have been studied and have been shown to contain similar properties of antibiotics.

    The main enzymes in honey are invertase and diastase which are introduced to honey by bees. Their presence in honey vary depending on several factors including the nectar composition and concentration, and the age of the bees. Another enzyme that goes into honey during nectar processing is glucose oxidase which produces the antibacterial, antimicrobial hydrogen peroxide.

    Different probiotic strains are also produced. Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. They support life and health and are the same substances found in yogurt and other fermented foods like kefir and sauerkraut.

    A recent study identified 32 different probiotic strains found in commercially available honey . In the study, a total of 32 lactic acid bacteria were isolated from 13 honey samples commercially marketed in Malaysia. Six of the strains were identified as Lactobacillus acidophilus.

    These unique probiotics found in honey allow it to fight bacterial infections on many different levels unlike commercially produced antibiotics. We know that honey contains these health compounds. But do they work in humans?

    Dog Staph Infection Home Remedy Vs Vet Care

    Staph infections are common in young and older dogs, along with those with lower immune systems. It can be caused by bacterial or fungal infections, disease, and allergies according to PetMD.

    Natural antibiotics can also be used as a last-hope for staph infections that do not respond to antibiotics like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus . Topical natural remedies using bacteria fighting natural antibiotics like oregano oil or Manuka honey and antiseptic shampoo can help treat staph especially if it becomes resistant to conventional antibiotics.

    Staph infections are typically secondary infections and may keep coming back if the specific cause isnt found.

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    Is Honey Safe For Dogs The Benefits And Risks Explained

    Raw honey is an all-natural treat. Its harvested directly from beehives and not heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit for any reason. It contains pollen and if its not strained, you may even see bits of beeswax remaining. Some vendors or local beekeepers may even sell their raw honey with pieces of honeycomb inside.

    There are many uses for honey for humans including sweetening a cup of tea, soothing a sore throat or cough and helping to lessen the symptoms of seasonal allergies. But can you share it with your dog? Or more importantly, should you?

    The short answer is that yes, in small quantities raw honey has many of the same health benefits for dogs as it does for humans.

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    Antibiotic Properties Of Honey And How To Use It To Get Better Fast

    Honey ‘better than antibiotics’ for treating coughs and colds study | ITV News

    Antibiotics have been in the news lately because of their tremendous overuse and over-prescription by doctors. Drugs that used to be standard treatments for bacterial infections are now less effective or dont work at all. When an antibiotic drug no longer has an effect on a certain strain of bacteria, those bacteria are said to be antibiotic resistant. Fortunately, honey has natural antibiotic properties without any of the negative side effects of the synthetic versions. In addition, it doesnt appear to be susceptible to resistance by bacteria meaning you can continue to use it over time.

    The antibiotics that you get from your pharmacist also create one other serious problem. They wipe out your good bacteria along with the bad bacteria that caused the infection. The good bacteria or flora are a vital part of your immune system. Each time you use a standard antibiotic and dont replenish your good bacteria, you lose a piece of your immune system, making you more susceptible to invaders in the future.

    Honey has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic to keep wounds clean and free from infection. It has healing properties that have long been documented and was used in ancient Egypt and ancient China for treating everything from cuts and bruises to illnesses like sore throats and stomach aches because of its Antibiotic Properties.

    Clearly, if honey can dramatically accelerate wound healing, there is more to this sticky substance than just sugar.

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    Practical Aspects Of Using Honey On Wounds

    Substantial amounts of honey need to be applied to a wound to achieve adequate potency. Although it may be very viscous or even solid at room temperature, honey becomes very fluid at body temperature and even more fluid if diluted with proportionally small volumes of exudate. It is therefore very important that sufficient honey is applied to a wound and it is kept in place if a good therapeutic effect is to be obtained. For the optimal MIC of the antibacterial components of honey to be reached at the deepest sites of infection there needs to be the highest concentration possible on the surface, and a ‘reservoir’ of sufficient quantity that it is not substantially depleted by diffusion into the wound tissues.

    Have You Tried Sugar And Honey As Treatment Options

    Originally published in the February 2015 issue of Veterinary Practice News

    Pictures courtesy of Dr. Karol Mathews

    Medical grade honey can be poured directly into an open wound.

    There is something satisfying about treating an open wound successfully. As with many veterinary endeavors, there are multiple ways to do so. Some are clearly better than others.

    Most hospitals have their goo of choice: silver sulfadiazine, antibiotic ointment, sugar Betadine , steroid cream, zinc oxide, trypsin ointment.

    Some of these products have some research behind them, while many others are supported by mere beliefsometimes surprisingly strongas sole scientific evidence.

    Meanwhile, sugar and honey have been widely used in human medicine for centuries. Both are safe, effective, readily available and cost-effective.

    Karol Mathews, DVM, a board-certified criticalist and professor emerita at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, has written extensively about their use in veterinary medicine.*It is interesting how we seem to rediscover ancient remedies that actually work, she says

    Pictures courtesy of Dr. Karol Mathews:

    Sugar is poured onto a lap sponge that will be wrapped around a wound on the distal limb.

    Natural antibiotics are an old remedy, used for centuries to treat infections in humans or animals. Regular antibiotics tend to destroy not only the bacteria that are causing infection, but also the bacteria that is useful in the organism leading to:

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    Potential Of Manuka Honey As A Natural Polyelectrolyte To Develop Biomimetic Nanostructured Meshes With Antimicrobial Properties

    • 1Nanotechnology and Integrated Bio-Engineering Centre , Ulster University, Newtownabbey, United Kingdom
    • 2PolitoBIOMed Lab, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
    • 3Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Università del Piemonte Orientale A. Avogadro, Novara, Italy
    • 4School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
    • 5School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
    • 6School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

    How To Make Turmeric Paste

    Turmeric and Honey â The Strongest Antibiotic from Nature

    Learn how to make Turmeric Paste to fully take advantage of the healing benefits of turmerics healing properties. Whether you use it in turmeric golden milk, curries or smoothies, this homemade golden paste recipe is much better than its store-bought versions.

    It is no secret that my husband and I have been on a turmeric kick lately. Prior to moving to Vermont, my warm beverage of choice was always coffee. However, since last winter, we have been hooked on turmeric-based drinks.

    It actually started with this Turmeric Ginger Tea. It was the perfect drink to sip on all day long in front of the fireplace. We still enjoy that quite often, but lately, we are also making Turmeric Golden Milk. It is especially great when you get a cold or have a cough that is hard to get rid of.

    I recently wrote a recipe for my favorite Turmeric milk recipe and talked about different ways of making it. One of those ways was with using turmeric paste.

    Nowadays, you can find jarred turmeric paste in health food stores, but I make my own so I thought I can share that recipe here with you.

    If you are like us, find comfort in a cup of hot turmeric milk latte in these cold winter days and want to be able to make it quickly, this post is for you.

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    The World Needs New Antibiotics

    It’s no secret that the world desperately needs new antibiotics. We need them to offset the growing threat of bacteria developing resistance to drug treatment. One study found how 13 bacteria strains living in honeybees stomachs can help. These bacteria can reduce the growth of drug-resistant bacteria, such as MRSA. At least this was the case in laboratory trials.

    In these trials, researchers examined specific antibiotic-resistant bacteria and yeast. These are the ones that can infect human wounds such as types of E. coli and MRSA. The good news was that each of these was susceptible to some of the 13 honeybee lactic acid bacteria . This LAB proved most effective when used together.

    What the researchers did not test was whether this difference was likely to be due to chance. Because of that, no real solid conclusions can be taken from this early research. Another discovery was that each LAB produced different levels of toxic substances. It may be the case that these are what were responsible for killing the bacteria.

    Using bees and bee’s honey as a new antibiotic for humans is a potentially exciting find. Although further research has to be carried out, the early studies show real promise.

    Researchers from Lund University and Sophiahemmet University in Sweden carried out the study.

    What Is Antibiotics In Honey

    Antibiotics are given to honey bees to prevent and treat bacterial diseases such as varroa mites, American foulbrood, European foulbrood, etc., in bee colonies.

    Though it is not a parameter for testing honey, FSSAI has introduced this metric to keep its use within limits due to the large scale usage of antibiotics.

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    Antibiotics To Beat Bacteria: Fast Easy Fix You Rely On

    Modern medicine has given us antibiotics, the go-to first line of defense for treating infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites. Theyre not for viruses, like the common cold or flu, but when you get something serious like pneumonia or bronchitis, you need something potent to kill off the bad bacteria and get well.

    The problem is the bacteria have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics, making the antibiotics that you readily get from your doctor less effective. Thats why theyre called superbugs there may be no stopping them. Its a widespread problem that threatens to turn common infections from bacteria into untreatable diseases. Patients entering the hospital for treatments or operations will be gambling with their lives!

    A recent investigative report by the Daily Telegraph found that some of Britains doctors are prescribing antibiotics twice as much as others. Worse still, some have admitted doing so just to get rid of patients.

    Honey Is A New Approach To Fighting Antibiotic Resistance: How Sweet It Is

    Using honey to stop superbugs in their tracks | Nural Cokcetin | TEDxYouth@Sydney

    Note to journalists: Please report that this research was presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society.

    DALLAS, March 16, 2014 Honey, that delectable condiment for breads and fruits, could be one sweet solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, researchers said here today.

    Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a topical dressing, but it could play a larger role in fighting infections, the researchers predicted. Their study was part of the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society , the worlds largest scientific society.

    The meeting, attended by thousands of scientists, features more than 10,000 reports on new advances in science and other topics. It is being held at the Dallas Convention Center and area hotels through Thursday.

    The unique property of honey lies in its ability to fight infection on multiple levels, making it more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance, said study leader Susan M. Meschwitz, Ph.D. That is, it uses a combination of weapons, including hydrogen peroxide, acidity, osmotic effect, high sugar concentration and polyphenols all of which actively kill bacterial cells, she explained. The osmotic effect, which is the result of the high sugar concentration in honey, draws water from the bacterial cells, dehydrating and killing them.

    To automatically receive press releases from the American Chemical Society, contact .

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