Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Antibiotics Make You Lose Weight

Always Take Probiotics While On Antibiotics

Strange Things That Make Us Gain Weight: Antibiotics – with Marc David

“Antibiotics can affect natural organisms in the gut as well, causing some people to have fungal or yeast infections,” explains Calapai. “Here is where probiotics come into play as a balancing agent to control normal intestinal flora. This is also why there is a common recommendation to take probiotics while you’re taking oral antibiotics.”

People have experienced some weight loss when taking a probiotic due to the improvement of their digestion and overall health.

Probiotics are good for your bacteria and provide many health benefits when ingested,” Raj agrees. “Probiotics have been linked to weight loss due to their ability to balance gut bacteria, improve better digestion, decrease inflammation, which is a result of less bloating, and help to better absorb nutrients from food. They have also been linked to faster metabolism and increased immunity. People have experienced some weight loss when taking a probiotic due to the improvement of their digestion and overall health.”

Both Calapai and Raj believe all people should consult their doctor before heeding any of this advice.“If antibiotics are medically necessary, then work with your doctor on ways to support digestive health during and after your course of treatment,” explains Raj.

Do Antibiotics Make Your Dog Sleepy

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Moreover, do antibiotics make you drowsy?

But, a lesser known side effect of azithromycin and other common antibiotics, such as amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin, is serious fatigue. This can cause changes in the digestive system that affect nutrient absorption or lead to dehydration and can contribute to fatigue and lethargy.

One may also ask, do antibiotics make dogs feel sick? Antibiotics can certainly cause stomach upset in some animals. The most common side effects are vomiting and/or diarrhea. If she is not eating, be sure to contact your veterinarian, as sometimes infections can worsen even while under treatment with antibiotics.

One may also ask, does amoxicillin make your dog tired?

According to Mahaney, amoxicillin is not recommended for dogs that have previously exhibited clinical signs of intolerance or an allergic reaction. He says that intolerance can include signs such as digestive upset , lethargy, or changes in behavior.

How long does it take for antibiotics to work on a dog?

Once the vet determines the cause, he will usually give the dog a round of antibiotics for one week to 10 days to clear the infection. Be sure your dog finishes the antibiotics entirely to prevent the infection from recurring, unless otherwise instructed by your veterinarian.

Are Antibiotics Making You Fat

Im writing from the annual meeting of the American College of Nutrition, and I happen to be the co-Chair for this years meeting here in Orlando. Im speaking on how medical providers can assess nutrient intake and cognitive function, and which nutrients improve brain performance.

The Gut/Brain Axis symposium of the meeting has captured my attention with compelling, new information. There is growing evidence that our gut bacteria impact many aspects of our health, from weight control, to inflammation, to your risk for neurological diseases, like memory loss, depression, autism, and attention deficit disorder .

How can gut bacteria impact your weight? Well, antibiotics generally kill off many healthy gut bacteria and allow an overgrowth of bacteria that cause us to gain weight. Bad gut bacteria produce chemical compounds that induce cravings, hunger, and inflammation. Additionally, inflammation will decrease your calorie burn rate all day long.

This doesnt just apply to people. This is why feedlots give animals antibiotics to fatten them up. Without any increase in food intake, feeding antibiotics increases weight gain in chickens, cows, and pigs. So dont be surprised if you gain weight after taking an antibiotic.

The other good news is that the healthier you eat, the less likely youll get sick, making it easier to stay active, productive, and feel fantastic.

I wish you the best of health!

Steven Masley, MD, FAHA, FACN, FAAFP, CNS

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Evaluation Of Cytokine Expression

To assess the expression levels of splenic cytokines, we used a TRIzol RNA Isolation kit to extract total RNA from the spleen samples and examined the mRNA expression of cytokines.

The extracted RNA was reverse-transcribed to cDNA using a cDNA kit, and the reaction was performed at 25°C for 5 min, followed by 46°C for 20 min, and finally 94°C for 1 min. The RT-PCR cycling conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 98°C for 30 s followed by 40 cycles of denaturation at 98°C for 5s, annealing and extension for 5 s. -actin was used as the reference gene to determine the cytokine expression levels.

The cytokines assessed and their primer sequences were as follows: pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-12, and tumor necrosis factor- and anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 . -actin was used as a control. All primers were obtained from Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., Ltd).

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In the market today, it has been established that there exist a variety of probiotics and strains. Each of these probiotics do not work in the same manner. They are formulated for different purposes.

While shopping check the label for details like strains, number of CFU expiry date, what it is meant for etc.

The label is the most basic yet very important evaluation criteria. Also look around for evidence, testimonials or studies that say that whatever you are yet to buy works.

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Should I Take A Probiotic To Lose Weight

The bottom line is the scientific jury is still out on taking probiotics to lose weight. There are three main reasons why theres no definitive answer yet:

  • Most probiotic supplements on the market havent been well studied and are not regulated by the FDA. This means many commonly sold probiotic supplements may be of questionable quality or not even have any probiotic microorganisms in the bottle at all .
  • Scientists are still researching how probiotics work, as it is still unclear how gut bacteria contribute to weight gain, body fat, and obesity. There are certain factors that need to be examined, including the probiotic strain, the dose, and how long to take it. Additional factors for consideration include the persons age, baseline body weight, and birth gender .
  • While there is some good research on certain probiotic strains, there is a critical need for an increased understanding of the function of other kinds of gut bacteria and the long-term influences of probiotic supplementation on your overall health .
  • The World Gastroenterology Organisation recommends that you speak to your healthcare professional before taking a probiotic supplement to guide you to a specific probiotic strain, dose, timing, storage of the probiotic, and length of use, whether for weight loss or other health issues .

    Do Not Avoid Dishes Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight

    You need to be eating 3 full meals a day, plus one treat. You must also be seeing to it to room your meals throughout the day to ensure that you dont go much longer than four hrs without consuming. This is exceptionally important when it comes to avoiding that horrible belly grumble because it will maintain your blood sugar levels as well as hunger hormonal agents secure. But my essential rule here? You MUST eat morning meal. It is one of the most essential dish of the day . Eating a passionate breakfast helps in reducing levels of the hunger hormonal agent ghrelin, keeping you completely satisfied throughout the early morning.

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    What Does The Science Say

    Some promising research associating probiotics with numbers on the scale hails from a in the British Journal of Nutritionwhere obese women enrolled in a weight loss program who received the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus shed more body weight over three months and did a better job at keeping it off than those who took a placebo. Additionally, the women taking a probiotic supplement continued to lose more weight in the weight-maintenance stage after they finished dieting.

    For some reason, there were no real differences in weight loss among male participants. However, one in Obesity found daily supplementation with a probiotic containing eight strains of live bacteria helped protect men against weight gain when eating a high-calorie, high-fat diet. Canadian scientists that when overweight adults consumed a yogurt spiked with Lactobacillus amylovorus and Lactobacillus fermentum, they lost more body fat then when they did not spoon up the bug-rich dairy. In this , people who drank fermented milk laced with a strain of Lactobacillus gasseri lost a bit more than 8 percent of their belly fat over 12 weeks. However, when they stopped drinking the milk, fat loss ceased suggesting that constant consumption is necessary.

    Body Weight Is Affected By Gut Bacteria

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    Two types of probiotics in the intestines, and , play a role in regulating body weight .

    Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes make up 90 percent of the anaerobic bacteria in the intestines .

    Obesity is essentially caused by taking in too many calories without burning them for energy.

    Some people may be predisposed to obesity because of their gut flora, however .

    Studies that have been conducted on humans as well as animals have determined that lean individuals have a different intestinal ecology than overweight people .

    Basically, the flora in overweight people is more efficient at extracting and storing energy from their diets.

    One study found that obese mice had diminished levels of Bacteroidetes and raised levels of Firmicutes compared with normal-weight mice .

    This altered bacterial ecosystem develops after the mouse becomes obese. It is not necessarily a factor in the cause of obesity.

    It is somewhat unclear exactly how the change in the balance of bacteria affects the use and storage of calories.

    If body weight is affected by gut bacteria, can you influence body weight by changing the gut bacteria?

    Some researchers have found that when intestinal bacteria from obese mice are transferred to lean mice, the lean mice gain weight .

    In a study that was conducted on mice, researchers demonstrated that administration of a 8 strain probiotic formulation called VSL#3 changed the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteriodetes in a way that was beneficial for weight loss .

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    More Antibiotics More Resistance

    Why do I call it idiotic? Lets back up and think about their reasoning. Too many antibiotics causes resistance. So, the answer, according to these highly paid infectious disease specialists is to create even more antibiotics? Am I the only one who sees a problem?

    The problem is not that we dont have antibiotics. We have lots of them. The problem is that we use them too much. If we simply create more antibiotics, but continue to use them heavily, then we will only get more antibiotic resistance.

    So the answer is not to create more antibiotics. Thats like giving insulin to patients with high insulin levels. The cause of the resistance is overuse of the antibiotics that we already have. So the answer is wary use LESS antibiotics, not create MORE.

    Alcoholism should not be treated by giving more alcohol. Cocaine dependence should not be treated by giving cocaine. Its idiotic.

    News story abound about huge funding for battling the superbug problem. Heres one, for example, about Harvards Dr. Grad researching new ways to defend the wonder drugs. Of course, millions of dollars are being spent for new research into the tracking and treating antimicrobial resistance. He receives support from charitable organizations to do this work.

    Of course, since we already know the cause, the solution is bloody obvious. Heavy use of antibiotics creates resistance. Use less antibiotics. Case closed. Mischief managed.

    Fecal Microbiota Community Determination By 16s Rrna Sequencing

    Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was carried out using universal primers . PCR amplification was performed in a final volume of 30L of reaction mixture containing 10 ng of template DNA, 15LPhusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer , 3L of primer, and 2L of H2O.

    The PCR cycling conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 98°C for 60 s followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 98°C for 10 s, annealing at 50°C for 30 s, and extension at 72°C for 30 s and a final extension at 72°C for 300 s. Then, we mixed equal volumes of the PCR product and 1× loading buffer and loaded the samples onto a 2% agarose gel for electrophoresis to detect the PCR products. Samples with a bright main band of 400450bp were chosen for further experiments. The chosen PCR products were purified using a GeneJET Gel Extraction Kit . Then, the amplicon library was assessed and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq platform , and 250 bp paired-end reads were generated.

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    Gut Bacteria And Weight Loss 101

    Your gut microbes may help you to maintain a healthy body shape and even hold the answer to why some of us are protected from obesity.

    Your large intestine is a haven for trillions of mutually beneficial microbes that make up your gut microbiota. These gut bacteria form an ecosystem involved in vital functions like metabolism, hunger, and digestion.

    Even though it doesnt always receive the recognition it deserves because humanity has feared microbes since their discovery, your microbiome is important for many aspects of your body, including your weight.

    However, if your intestinal environment is imbalanced, it can cause what is known as dysbiosis, and thats not good for anyone. It can mean that you have lower levels of beneficial bacteria, more opportunistic pathogens, or reduced diversity all of which can have an impact on your body.

    Altogether, this can negatively impact your health and may even explain why you put on weight more easily than other people. But like your weight, gut microbial health is also influenced by your lifestyle. Thats right, food and exercise are also important for the diversity of your gut bacteria.

    Can Probiotics Really Help You Lose Weight

    Drug can dramatically reduce weight of people with obesity

    Taking for your gut health is one thing. But can these teeny-tiny found in dietary and fermented foodshelp you lose weight, too? They do live in your stomach, after all.

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that naturally live in your body already, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health .

    Probiotics are substances that encourage the growth of bacteria, specifically beneficial bacteria, that help to keep intestinal health in balance, says Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D.N., author of Eating in Color. A healthy balance of good bacteria in the body may help regulate weight and ward off a range of health issues.

    Those other health issues include digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome , along with allergic skin diseases like atopic dermatitis, and even the common cold, per the NCCIH.

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    Probiotics And Weight Loss: Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight

    Reviewed byAnthony Dugarte, MD

    Can a healthier gut help you lose weight? Maybe. Research suggests that probiotics might help you reach your goals.

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    Oftentimes, it seems everyone is on the hunt for the next diet or weight loss pill. Can probiotics help?

    Probiotics have increased in popularity due to their numerous health benefits ranging from reduced gastrointestinal symptoms to mental health support.

    But is weight loss one of them?

    While more research is needed, the science surrounding probiotics and weight loss appears to be encouraging.

    Do Antibiotics Make People Fat

    The obesity epidemic is rampant, and there are many reasons for this big fat problem. Although asking if antibiotics make us fat may initially sound like some type of joke, recent articles in Scientific American and Science magazine shows that some researchers are taking it seriously.

    Actually, evidence suggesting that antibiotics may make people fat is old knowledge. As far back as 1955, research published in a leading nutrition journal showed that weight gain may be linked to prolonged antibiotic usage.

    It is well-known that farmers supply livestock with frequent doses of antibiotics in the guise of “preventing disease,” but it is also widely known that prolonged antibiotic usage causes such disruption in the digestive tracts of these animals that the food that they eat is not properly assimilated, leading to significant weight gain. Normal bacteria in the gut help animals metabolize fat, but the deficiency of these normal bacteria, caused by antibiotic usage, disrupts proper fat metabolism, leading to weight gain. The farmers benefit from being able to sell fatter and heavier meat, even though meat quality is significantly compromised.

    An article in the December 16, 2009, issue of Scientific American expresses serious concern that antibiotics kill off many important microbes essential for human life. The Scientific American has even chosen the word “extinction” to refer to the disappearance of certain important bacteria that are killed off by antibiotics.


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    The Microbiome Acts Indirectly On Body Weight

    Research shows that the composition of our gut microbiome has a role in regulating our body weight. It is estimated that 60% of the variation in our microbiota is a product of your environment, especially diet and antibiotics.

    Plus, there are distinct differences in the composition of the microbiomes of healthy people and those who are obese, or have another metabolic disorder like type 2 diabetes. For example, diabetic individuals tend to have lower abundances of butyrate-producers in their gut.

    Research also shows that butyrate has an important role in protecting us from inflammation, maintaining a healthy gut lining, and most importantly, regulating our metabolism and food intake. It does this by stimulating the release of gut hormones which signal to our brain that we feel full.

    If you dont have a gut rich in butyrate producers, it may actually be telling you youre hungry, making you eat more foods to satisfy your hunger. Over the long term, this can encourage symptoms like high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.

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