Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can You Get Rid Of H Pylori Without Antibiotics

How To Eradicate H Pylori

H Pylori Treatment – How to Get Rid of H.Pylori Without Antibiotics

Helicobacter pylori is a hardy spiral shaped bacterium which multiplies and colonizes in the stomach. H. pylori can survive gastric acids due to its ability to produce an enzyme called urease. Urease neutralizes stomach acid, making it easy for the bacteria to survive in it own acide-free zone.

H. Pylori is the only bacterial organism that can survive in the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

The bacteria can easily penetrate the stomachs protective mucous lining. It can even trick the stomach into making more stomach acid which makes the stomach lining more susceptible to damage through exposure to acid and pepsin. This can cause stomach ulcers.

Should Everyone Be Tested For H Pylori

No, not everyone. You should be tested if you have ongoing dyspepsia or if you have an associated condition like peptic ulcers or stomach cancer. Testing for H. pylori is not needed for typical symptoms of acid reflux .

In a recent guideline update, the American College of Gastroenterology also suggests H. pylori testing if you are on long-term aspirin therapy or starting long-term NSAID therapy to help reduce the risk of developing ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. A Chinese study showed that patients with a history of bleeding ulcers and H. pylori infection who were also on low-dose aspirin were less likely to experience a recurrence of stomach bleeding when the infection was treated. Studies on patients taking NSAIDs have had mixed results. An analysis of the combined results of several of these studies showed that treating H. pylori infection reduced the number of ulcers in patients starting NSAID therapy, but not for patients already taking these medications. Its important to keep in mind that these studies dont provide the most definitive data. We dont know that testing everyone taking aspirin or NSAIDs long-term is cost-effective, so its best to talk with your doctor. Together you can determine your personal risk of ulcer bleeding against the cost and inconvenience of testing and risks of taking antibiotics.

H Pylori: What It Is And How To Know If You Have It

Something important to keep in mind is that h. pylori is symptomatic for some and dormant for others. It could be possible that you have the infection and go your whole life not knowing you do, or eventually have a flare up that gets you diagnosed. It could also be that you never had the infection, then get it, and immediately start to see symptoms.

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Can You Get Rid Of H Pylori On Your Own

Using natural treatments might be helpful in preventing these side effects, protecting the stomach, helping the body to better fight infection, and promoting overall good health. As natural treatments are unlikely to eradicate H. pylori entirely, people might choose to use them alongside conventional therapy.

Testing For H Pylori Infection

Cure H. Pylori Without Antibiotics? With Test Proof!

Tests for H. pylori are typically ordered for patients with chronic indigestion or in those with ulcers, stomach cancer or certain types of cancer .

The American College of Gastroenterology also recommends testing for those who are on long-term aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . These medications increase risk for bleeding ulcers .

There are a few tests for H. pylori infection:

  • The Urea Breath Test involves swallowing a capsule containing urea, then providing a breath sample by breathing into a collection container. The test is non-invasive and usually well tolerated.
  • Anendoscopy involves a long, thin camera thats passed down your throat and into your stomach. This is usually done under anesthesia.

During an endoscopy, your doctor can collect tissue samples to test for H. pylori bacteria and also diagnose ulcers and other complications of infection.

  • Stool tests can determine whether H. pylori bacteria are present in the stomach.
  • Blood tests can tell you if youve ever been exposed to H. pylori . But these cant always determine if the infection is active, because they only measure antibodies that can stay active long after treatment.

Stool or urea breath tests are sometimes repeated after treatment to see if its worked.

Summary: Testing for H. pylori is usually ordered when someone shows symptoms of gastritis or other complications. There are a few ways to test for it, including endoscopy, and breath, stool and blood tests.

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Traditional Treatment For H Pylori

The traditional treatment is antibiotic therapy. It is called triple therapy because it has two antibiotics and an acid-blocking drug. Over time, it has been proven not to be that effective.

So now the protocol is quadruple therapy, which adds an additional drug. There are also different combinations of hybrid therapies. Sometimes these therapies may involve having a patient take 14 prescription pills in one day for two or three weeks.

The success rate for these treatments varies from 29% to 90%, depending on the person and the area. Antibiotic resistance has evolved over the years, so its shown not to be as effective. Thats why the protocols had to keep changing and increasing dosages.

Sometimes people take three or four drugs for two weeks and then move on to other drugs.

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How Does H Pylori Infection Cause Damage

H. pylori multiply in the mucus layer of the stomach lining and duodenum. The bacteria secrete an enzyme called urease that converts urea to ammonia. This ammonia protects the bacteria from stomach acid. As H. pylori multiply, it eats into stomach tissue, which leads to gastritis and/or peptic ulcer.

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Causes Of Helicobacter Pylori

It is not clear exactly how Helicobacter pylori is passed from one person to another, and why only some people with the infection go on to develop ulcers.

People who do have Helicobacter pylori almost always catch it in childhood, probably from other children. It usually stays in the stomach throughout their lifetime unless it is treated with specific antibiotics. Helicobacter pylori is actually becoming less common and nowadays it is unusual for children to catch it, even if someone else in the family has it. People living in the UK today who have Helicobacter pylori are unlikely to pass it on and do not need to take any special measures to avoid giving it to others.

Top 5 Natural Therapies To Fight H Pylori:

Cure H. Pylori Without Antibiotics? With Test Proof!
  • Probiotics
  • A meta-analysis showed that probiotics help improve the eradication of H. pylori in addition to reducing the side effects of conventional antibiotic therapies. Specifically, go for the Lactobacillus probiotics like those found in Culturelle.
  • Use antimicrobial herbs and spices
  • Cook using oregano, chilli powder, garlic, cloves, turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon. These herbs and spices have multiple mechanisms to protect the stomach from infection and kill off harmful pathogens like H. pylori.
  • Eat cruciferous veggies
  • Cruciferous vegetables like cabbages, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli contain a plant-chemical called sulforaphane. This chemical inhibits H. pylori growth and improves gastritis.
  • Drink tea
  • Korean red ginseng contains ginsenosides, a plant-chemical that inhibits H. pylori growth and helps to prevent gastritis, ulcers and cancer. Also, green tea contains uronic acid that can block H. pylori from adhering to the stomach.
  • Load up on vitamin C
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help fight off the damage H. pylori infections may produce. Additionally, vitamin C rich-foods like peppers, oranges and kale may block H. pylori induced inflammation in cancer cells.
  • Makobongo, M.O., Gilbreath, J.J. & Merrell, D.S. J Microbiol. 52: 259. doi:10.1007/s12275-014-3603-5
  • Iwai, W., Abe, Y., Iijima, K. et al. J Gastroenterol 48: 214. doi:10.1007/s00535-012-0634-8
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    Natural H Pylori Treatments

    If youre not interested in conventional treatment, you have some options to treat H. pylori naturally. In general, its really important that we find dependable natural treatments of this bacteria since antibiotic resistance against H. pylori is on the rise and does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

    These are the some of the best, scientifically-backed treatments to naturally fight this bacterial infection:

    1. Probiotics

    Since H. pylori is an unwanted or bad bacteria in the gut, it makes total sense that probiotics can help to naturally fight this type of infection. A 2012 placebo-controlled pilot study published in the journal Inflammation and Allergy Drug Targets looked at the effects of probiotics on people with dyspepsia who tested positive for pylori bacteria. They found that following treatment with an eight-strain probiotic supplement, 13 of the 40 patients had a complete eradication of their H. pylori.

    Another more recent study in 2017 makes an excellent point the common antibiotics used to get rid of H. pylori often do not successfully eradicate H. pylori in sufferers due to antibiotic resistance, which is becoming more prevalent as overuse of antibiotics continues.

    Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus brevis are three specifics strains of probiotics that have been highlighted in scientific research for their ability to fight H. pylori bacteria.

    2. Black Seed

    3. Broccoli Sprouts

    4. Green Tea

    5. Garlic

    6. Propolis

    What Are H Pylori Symptoms

    Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori infection occurs when H. pylori bacteria infects the lining of the stomach. H. pylori are responsible for 80% of gastric ulcers and 90% of duodenal ulcers. H. pylori infection can continue throughout life without any symptoms. If H. pylori infection persists, it can cause:

    • Longstanding redness and swelling in the inner lining of the stomach
    • Tissue damage
    • Frequent burping

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    Other Supplements To Consider

    In addition to learning how to treat H pylori with honey and black seed oil and changing your diet, you may want to incorporate some supplements that support digestive health.

    Probiotics- we like these because they are gentle, allergen-free, and effective. Plus, one tiny bottle lasts for months and months for multiple people! Probiotics help to repopulate your gut with good microbes so that undesirable ones die out.

    Digestive enzymes- if an H Pylori infection is impairing your digestion, especially if youre experiencing indigestion and heartburn, you may need to try digestive enzymes. Those with ulcers should not take enzymes with HCL. These enzymes will help to break down sugars, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

    Can Helicobacter Pylori Be Cured

    How to Get Rid of H.Pylori Without Antibiotics

    Although pylori infection will not completely end when they have completed their initial treatment program, it cannot be permanently cured. A second treatment regimen may not necessarily be necessary if there is no improvement. Patients usually receive two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor for 14 days in order to treat this condition.

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    Helicobacter Pylori Natural Treatments

    Nature has provided everything you need to completely eradicate H. pylori naturally. Follow this two-step natural treatment that works without any adverse effects, and support with natural antibiotic foods.

    Ive been asked many times, whether an infection of H. pylori can be cured? Yes!! From my experience with my clients using the following protocol, we were able to get rid of H. pylori bacteria any time within one and two months.

    Heres what you can do yourself at home to get rid of H. pylori bacteria without using prescription antibiotics.

    Protocol : H Pylori Treatment For Stomach Ulcers

    NOTE: If you have a bleeding ulcer, go to an emergency room immediately!

  • Shilajit / Humic Extracts / Fulvic Acids / Mumijo Take 400 mg daily of a high-quality Shilajit supplement to stop ulcers from bleeding while simultaneously treating the H. pylori infection.
  • High-dose vitamin C Start with 1000 mg of vitamin C daily and slowly increase the dose to 6000 mg to allow the body to heal ulcers with healthy tissues.
  • Take DMSO with Carica papaya extract 30 drops of DMSO with 30 drops of Carica papaya 3 times per day this will heal the stomach ulcers and kill the H. pylori bacteria that may be living under biofilm in the stomach. The Carica papaya will help keep the stomach ulcers from bleeding.
  • Eat steamed foods that are easy to digest along with foods that inhibit the growth of H. pylori.
  • Drink Aloe Vera Juice and Green Tea throughout the day to keep the stomach environment alkaline.
  • After you do this protocol and heal your stomach ulcers completely, consider replacing the Carica papaya extract with Patchouli essential oil to treat H. pylori.

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    Foods Not To Eat With Pylori Bacteria

    Two tests for H. pylori involve detecting evidence of the bacteria based on the body’s response to it. A breath test analyzes exhaled gases when the bacteria convert urea into carbon dioxide. This test can only be performed if the patient is not taking antibiotics or other medications to treat H. pylori symptoms. A blood test detects the presence of antibodies

    How Is H Pylori Diagnosed

    How To Treat H Pylori Naturally | Can H Pylori Be Cured? Can H Pylori Come Back?

    Your healthcare provider will look at your past health and give you a physical exam. He or she may also use other tests, including:

    • Blood tests. These check for infection-fighting cells that mean you have the bacteria.

    • Stool culture. This looks for any abnormal bacteria in your digestive tract that may cause diarrhea and other problems. A small stool sample is collected and sent to a lab. In 2 or 3 days, the test will show if you have any abnormal bacteria.

    • Breath tests. These can check if there is any carbon after you swallow a urea pill that has carbon molecules. If carbon is found that means that H. pylori has made the enzyme urease. This enzyme makes your stomach acids less acidic . It weakens your stomachs mucous lining.

    • Upper endoscopy, also called EGD . This test looks at the lining of your food pipe , stomach, and duodenum . It uses a thin, lighted tube or endoscope. The tube has a camera at one end. The tube is put into your mouth and throat. Then it goes down into your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Your healthcare provider can see the inside of these organs. A small tissue sample is taken if needed. The tissue sample can show if you have the enzyme urease. It can also check the bacteria that is there.

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    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of H Pylori Infections

    Many people who get an H. pylori infection dont realize it. Often, these infections dont cause symptoms.

    When the bacteria do cause symptoms, they’re usually either symptoms of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.

    In kids, symptoms of gastritis may include:

    • nausea
    • belly pain
    • bloating

    In older kids and adults, the most common symptom of peptic ulcers is a lasting or burning belly pain, usually in the area below the ribs and above the navel. This pain often gets worse on an empty stomach and gets better as soon as the person eats food, drinks milk, or takes antacid medicine.

    Peptic ulcers that bleed can cause:

    • hematemesis : bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds
    • melena : stool that’s black, bloody, or looks like tar

    Assessment Of H Pylori Infection And Histopathology Staining Of Gastric Tissue Samples

    In order to evaluate H. pylori infection in the mice, histopathological examination was conducted by a pathologist. One mouse from each group was randomly selected and sacrificed 12 weeks after inoculation. After obtaining longitudinal cross-sections of the animals stomachs, samples were fixed in 10% formalin and embedded in paraffin. Tissue samples were sent to the laboratory for pathological analysis. Tissues were stained using hematoxylin and eosin and Giemsa staining, and alterations in epithelial cells of the stomach were investigated in the control and infected groups following induction of infection and inflammation .

    Fig. 1.

    A Stomach epithelium in control group stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Original magnification, ×40. B Stomach epithelium after infection in 8th week stained using Giemsa stain. Arrow points to bacterium. Original magnification, ×40. C Stomach epithelium after infection in first week stained with Giemsa stain. Original magnification, ×40.

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    Whats The Association Between H Pylori Infection And Stomach Cancer

    If you have an _H. pylori _infection, you have an increased risk for stomach cancer later in life. If you have a strong family history of stomach cancer and other cancer risk factors, even though you may not have symptoms of a stomach ulcer, your healthcare provider may recommend being tested for H. pylori antibodies. In addition to screening and treatment, your provider may suggest some lifestyle changes, such as including more fruits, vegetables and fiber in your diet. Regular checkups with your provider and following their recommendations can reduce your cancer risk.

    H Pylori Symptoms And Testing

    The Damaging Effects of H Pylori Infections

    Pylori is a prime cause for malabsorption, anemia, and esophageal and stomach cancer. It is important to be aware that this might be an underlying cause if you have any of these symptoms.

    How do you diagnose H Pylori?

    There are three different tests, but I recommend the stool test for the most accurate testing.

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    Symptoms Of H Pylori Infection

    Many people have non-severe symptoms which can lead to the belief that the infection doesnt affect them. It becomes a hidden infection that may present issues a lot later making treatment that much more complex. But for others there may be any of the following H. pylori symptoms.

    The most common signs and symptoms of H. pylori we see in clinical practice are:

    • Heartburn or reflux, leading to GERD see below

    • Upper abdominal pain

    How Are H Pylori Infections Diagnosed

    The problems that H. pylori infections cause can happen in many illnesses. To find out if someone has an H. pylori infection, doctors can do different types of tests.

    Doctors can:

    • Look at the stomach lining. The patient is sedated before this procedure. Then, the doctor inserts an endoscope a small, flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end down the throat and into the stomach and duodenum . The doctor might take samples of the lining to check for signs of infection and H. pylori bacteria.
    • Do blood tests to look for H. pylori antibodies. Antibodies are proteins the immune system makes to get rid of a germ. Usually, they stay in our bodies in case we have to fight the same germ again. A positive test may show a past exposure to H. pylori, but not an active infection.
    • Do breath tests, which can spot carbon broken down by H. pylori after the patient drinks a solution. Breath tests take time, dont show how severe an infection is, and can be hard to do in young children.
    • Do stool tests, which can find H. pylori proteins in the stool . As with breath testing, stool tests cant show how severe the infection is.

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