Friday, July 26, 2024

Honey Turmeric Ginger Vanilla Antibiotic

What Is Turmeric Paste

TURMERIC GINGER HONEY BOMB | immunity boosting recipe

Turmeric paste is a combination of ground turmeric, oil , water, ground black pepper, and other spices heated until melted and turned into a paste for the purpose of using it in turmeric milk, smoothies, curries, etc.

Although turmeric can be effective on its own, by mixing it with other good-for-you ingredients like cinnamon and ginger we get to enhance its healing properties. With that being said, you can make this paste just by using turmeric powder, coconut oil, black pepper, and water.

This turmeric paste can be kept in a jar in the fridge to use in various recipes. More on that below.

Turmeric Honey Ginger Paste : A Natural Antibiotic

This turbo charged honey is essential for times when you are feeling under the weather or are fighting a low level infection and would prefer not to use antiobiotics. It uses the wonder root, turmeric, alongside ginger, honey and coconut oil to offer anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal support. You can take a teaspoon full a day or spread it onto toast in the morning.

If you are struggling with mastitis and are searching for remedies, this is partly what I used to recover and it was a delicious medicine!

Ginger And Its Benefits

Ginger is a crucial component of our powerful trio which apart from providing relief from cough, would also nourish your body.

Gingerol, the main bioactive compound of ginger, has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can help our body in several ways. A few health benefits of ginger are:

  • Treats chronic indigestion– Over the past few years, it has been found that ginger can speed up the emptying of the stomach. Hence, it can be beneficial for people who suffer from chronic indigestion.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels– Recent studies have revealed that ginger can help in significantly lowering the levels of bad cholesterol, blood triglyceride levels, and total cholesterol.
  • Helps in fighting infections- As per a study published back in 2008, ginger is highly effective for treating inflammatory gum diseases.

In terms of cough, there couldnt be a much better remedy than ginger as it is known for treating dry and asthmatic cough. According to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties present in it, which relaxes the airways, giving instant relief from cough.

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Turmeric And Honey Benefits

Ive spoken again and again about the AMAZING health benefits of turmeric before, so rather than repeating myself for a 30th time, Ill list a few highlights and then you can pop over to this Turmeric Paste recipe post or this Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots , to find out more.


  • Anti-inflammatory Properties Impressively so, in fact. Some studies found that turmeric works better than certain pharmaceuticals, and all with no side effects!
  • Pain Relief Once again, this is an impressive claim and has been found to be as effective, if not more than, in comparison to Ibuprofen and Prozac.
  • Anti-cancer properties I know that anti-cancerous can be said about lots of foods, but turmeric actually physically stunts the growth of cancerous cells and tumors.


I prefer to use raw honey for a simple recipe like this, due to the additional health benefits. However, as its fairly pricey, you can also use cheaper honey jut make sure that its good quality.

  • Antioxidant Rich containing a number of compounds that act as antioxidants for our body.
  • Phytonutrient Rich Responsible for the level of antioxidants, phytonutrients are also behind honeys immune-boosting and anti-cancer benefits. However, these get largely destroyed in non-raw honey.
  • Antibacterial/ Anti-fungal Once again due to the phytonutrients. In certain medical settings, Manuka honey is used to help treat wounds even.
  • Soothing For sore throats and during cold/flu season.

Lemon Ginger Garlic Turmeric And Honey Mixture Benefits

Turmeric and Honey The Most Powerful Antibiotic That not even Doctors ...

They are:

Protection against Heart Diseases: Lemon, ginger, garlic turmeric and honey mixture lowers blood cholesterol level and by so doing prevents heart diseases like hypertension, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular accidents

Reduces Blood Pressure: Lemon, ginger, garlic turmeric and honey mixture helps calms the body, dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure

Better Gut Health: Lemon, ginger, garlic turmeric and honey combo is probiotic and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract It promotes gut health and prevents diarrhoea or constipation

Reduced Diabetes Risk: lemon juice, ginger, garlic, turmeric and honey helps slow down the bodys absorption of sugar.

Weight Management: The combo of ginger garlic, lemon, turmeric and honey contains high fiber which help a person feel fuller for longer and may help people adhere to a diet.

Improves the bodys ability to gain Lean Muscle & Reduce Body Fat.

Builds a Stronger Immune System: The combination of Lemon, ginger, garlic turmeric and honey contains essential nutrients like zinc, selenium and vitamin D which helps to boost the immune system to fight diseases.

How does the combination of ginger, turmeric, honey, garlic and lemon boost the immune system? See below:

Garlic Garlic has a lot of immune-boosting properties. It may also slow down the hardening of the arteries, and theres weak evidence that it helps lower blood pressure.

Prevents Cancer

Boosts fertility

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Some Important Points To Remember Before Consuming This Mixture:

It is simply amazing to know about the mind-blowing curing abilities of turmeric and particularly the golden honey blend described above.

However, it is important to note that under certain medical conditions, its usage should be limited or restricted completely. For example, if one is undergoing any kind of treatment, consultation with a doctor is a must before using this natural remedy.

Also, this should be avoided for treatment of gallbladder disease as it causes contraction of gallbladder muscles. It also has a blood thinning effect. So, it should be avoided if blood thinning medication is on.

Again, remember that turmeric causes uterine contraction and hence should be avoided during pregnancy.

All major studies and medicinal beliefs around the world has mention of the special remedial effects of turmeric. It is also safer and has almost no side effects as compared to the synthetic antibiotics available in the market.

So, start exploring the manifold medicinal qualities of turmeric if you havent yet done so and let it top the list of your ready to use antibiotics.

Hope you learned how to use turmeric as antibiotic. You sure will be amazed by great curative properties of this otherwise important kitchen ingredient.

Turmeric Golden Honey: The Most Potent Natural Antibiotic Not Even Doctors Can Explain

By now, youve probably heard of the amazing health benefits of turmeric. From reducing inflammation in the body and preventing cancer to building new brain cells, turmeric has all your health needs covered. But what could be better than turmeric alone? Turmeric golden honey.

The great thing about turmeric is that it is easily available and affordable. In fact, you can order a pound of organic turmeric powder online for just $10 USD .

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Turmeric And Honey Super Booster

This recipe was originally posted on my blog in March of 2014.

It has remained my most popular recipe since then.

I thought since its been four years since I photographed and wrote it.

That its about time to update it.

So, here goes.

I first developed this turmeric elixir to help relieve my husbands seasonal allergies. And through the years my readers have begun to swear by it. But this elixir serves as a turmeric supplement to help fight inflammation, improve brain function, lower your risk of heart disease, ease joint pain, boost your immune system, combat free-radicals and so much more.

Turmeric and everything golden have been trending in the wellness community for a few years and for good reason. So, heres why.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has powerful medicinal properties. But there are few things you must know about this compound. Firstly, curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. You will often see turmeric supplements and foods that also contain black pepper in them. This is because black pepper contains pipeline. A natural substance known to enhance the absorption of curcumin by two-thousand percent. And, thats pretty major.

Secondly, curcumin is fat soluble. So it may be a good idea to eat turmeric along with other healthy fats. Like avocado or coconut oil in a savory dish. And coconut milk or MCT oil in a golden drink.

So now that you know about the benefits.

How do you use this turmeric elixir?

As a shot.

In a smoothie.

/6what Makes Honey So Powerful

Golden honey (Turmeric and honey) – The most powerful natural antibiotic / Natural Master No.1

Honey has the power to fight infections without creating resistant bacterias like modern antibiotics. It is so potent that it should be the first method to be used when fighting infections. Many scientists have claimed that honey is more powerful than most of the conventional antibiotics. Honey can also be used to treat infections, cuts and wounds by applying on them directly. Honey can also be taken orally to treat health problems.

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Turmeric And Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That Not Even Doctors Can Explain

While conventional antibiotics are extremely overused, natural remedies such as honey and turmeric are highly beneficial and improve health in numerous ways.

Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, found that honey destroyed every bacteria or pathogen they tested it on. Researchers found that it can be applied topically and taken internally.

According to Dr.Dee Carter:

Our research is the first to clearly show that these honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and equipment such as catheters. Using honey as an intermediate treatment could also prolong the life of antibiotics.

On the other hand, turmeric is another natural miracle with a myriad of health benefits. Its most important compounds are called curcuminoids, and it has powerful healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The combination of these two is the most powerful antibiotic we can use. It is also known as Golden Honey and has been commonly used in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years. Recently, its use has grown exponentially in Western medicine and nutrition.

Moreover, TurmericForHealth adds:

Here is how to prepare it:

Turmeric Infused Honey

  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • ¼ cup raw honey

Does Honey Ginger And Turmeric Cure Cough

A majority of the population immediately gulps down cough syrup as soon as they feel a bit of irritation in their throat. While doing so might provide some relief, it wont be effective in the long run as it wont provide a permanent solution. According to WebMD, using cough syrup for more than seven days is an invitation to more serious conditions!

So, whats the solution?

Recent studies have revealed that by consuming honey, ginger, and turmeric for cough, you could get effective relief in little to no time. Moreover, this golden trio of herbs and honey would also give your immune system a boost, making your body better prepared to combat other infections.

To help you understand the potential of turmeric, ginger, and honey for cough, well first lay out the benefits of honey, ginger, and turmeric, followed by how you can take them together. So, without any further ado, let us begin with honey and its benefits!

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Turmeric And Honey: One Of The Most Powerful Antibiotic That Not Even Doctors Can Explain

The combination of turmeric and honey is an incredibly powerful mixture that boosts immunity, fights bacterial and viral infections, treats inflammation, and soothes allergies.

Raw honey has powerful antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antitumor properties, and it effectively kills strains of bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella enterica, and Staphylococcus aureus.

Studies have shown that honey is more powerful than all antibiotics available. The European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases published a study which showed that honey was able to destroy every bacteria or pathogen they tested it on and its topical application fights infections, cuts and insect bites.

Therefore, honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and equipment like catheters. They confirmed that honey as an intermediate treatment can also prolong the life of antibiotics.

Its consumption also helps digestion, improves the gut microflora, and many of the 180 beneficial compounds it contains improve gastrointestinal health.

Honey improves cardiovascular health and prevents heart disease, due to the high levels of antioxidants it contains. Researchers also claim that it suppresses a cough even better than medicated cough syrups, and antibiotics.

Its anti-inflammatory effects protect the liver from alcohol damage, iron overdose and reduction in bile flow.

Powerful Turmeric Manuka Honey Recipe

Pin by Linda Lesko on Healthy Lifestyle

Yes only two, pure ingredients!

Here is how you can make and use it:

When you get the first symptoms of a cold, flu or strep throat, make the Turmeric Honey mixture.

There are 8.8 oz. of Manuka honey in this little jar of Trader Joes 10+. To make it super easy, I used a bit under half a jar to make my bigger batch.

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The Secret Power Mix Of Ginger Garlic Turmeric Chili & Co

The following herbal ingredients are needed for this home remedy recipe. They all have special antibiotic properties, so they make a natural antibiotic when theyre combined. Also keep in mind that the health benefits listed are only a sampling I have gathered through my own research. So I cant guarantee their accuracy or completeness.

Natural Antibiotics

Taking Turmeric As A Medicine

Turmeric isnt readily used by the body in its raw state. Catalysts to release its full healing power are fat, black pepper, and heat. To improve bioavailability, mix the recipe with a spoonful coconut or olive oil, add black pepper, or mix it in hot water and drink as a tea.

Due to its many complex phytochemical constituents, eating turmeric is contraindicated if you take any of the following:

  • 100 grams raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered wild honey
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • Mix ingredients in a small bowl until well combined.
  • Store at room temperature in a glass jar.
  • Feel free to use this combination every day, as needed.

    If you begin to feel ill, up the dosage:

  • First day ½ tablespoon every hour
  • Second day ½ tablespoon every 2 hours
  • Third day ½ tablespoon 3 times a day
  • If you take it straight from the jar, allow the mixture to slowly dissolve in your mouth, rather than immediately swallowing it. The membranes in your mouth are very thin and will allow the mixture to be absorbed more quickly into your bloodstream.

    There you have it! Youll be on your feet again in no time!

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    What Are The Benefits Of Turmeric

    Turmeric offers an excellent natural way of treating conditions like:

  • Provides relief for mild joint pains and inflammation
  • Provides relief from indigestion and gastrointestinal ailments
  • It acts as a natural antiseptic to treat burns, cuts and infections.
  • Helps to boost the immunity system
  • Promotes liver health due to its detox properties
  • Helps to lose weight
  • Also helps to control the attack of diabetes
  • Fights pimples, acne, wrinkles and pigmentation
  • How To Make Immune Boosting Honey With Garlic Ginger And Turmeric

    Immunity boosting paste / Ginger turmeric honey bomb

    With cold and flu season upon us, this is the perfect infused honey recipe.

    With cold and flu season upon us, this is the perfect infused honey recipe. This Immune Boosting Honey is loaded with garlic, ginger, and turmeric to help you battle what ails you when a cold or the flu hits.

    *Affiliates note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. My videos and blog posts may contain affiliate links to products and services. If you click through and make a purchase, Ill receive a small commission. It does not affect the price you pay.

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    Can I Use The Pomace

    You can put the pulpy residue in a clean screw-top or preserving jar, pour canola or olive oil over it until it is covered, and then store it in the refrigerator for several weeks. You can use it to season soups, stews, curries and other dishes. Combined with olive oil, it also makes a great healthy salad dressing!

    If you have a dehydrator, you can also dehydrate the pomace until dry. Then grind it and put it in a sealed jar or container and use it as a spice. Alternatively, you could dry the pomace at a low temperature in the oven.

    Start Your Morning With A Turmeric Honey Anti

    Weve gone a long winter without fresh, local produce and its many nutrients, and this is the time of year when we start to pay for it. We are at the peak of health imbalance right before spring starts, and our bodies often surrender to end-of-winter flu and colds. And then we take over-the-counter medicines for these illnesses, adding one more burden to our already tired liver.

    While waiting for the sunny days to come, the only thing we can actually do to ease our transition towards spring greens galore is to turn back one more time to natural health boosters. For me, its always about turmeric.

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    The Health Benefits Of Raw Honey

    Raw honey is one of natures most powerful antibiotics out there. Mixed with turmeric, these two create a potent combination capable of fighting nearly any virus or bacteria.

    Raw, unpasteurized honey is full of antioxidants. It contains over 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and 5,000 enzymes. It is also rich in B-vitamins like B6, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and niacin.

    1. Wound Healing

    Honey is an ancient remedy for the treatment of infected wounds. It has been used for healing ulcers, bed sores, and other skin infections resulting from burns and wounds . The antibacterial properties of honey have also been shown to speed up the growth of new tissue to help heal wounds .

    2. Potent Anti-bacterial

    Studies done on manuka honey have found it to be effective against several human pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, and S. aureus . Applied topically, it can kill a wide range of pathogens, including MRSA and flesh-eating bacteria. It was also found that the treated bacteria did not build up any resistance, which would render manuka honey ineffective .

    The anti-microbial agents in honey are predominantly hydrogen peroxide, but several over non-peroxide factors have been found to be responsible for the unique anti-bacterial activity of honey .

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