Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Antibiotic For H Pylori Bacteria

Natural H Pylori Treatments

Antibiotics Fail to Address This Cause of Fatigue (H. pylori bacteria)

If youre not interested in conventional treatment, you have some options to treat H. pylori naturally. In general, its really important that we find dependable natural treatments of this bacteria since antibiotic resistance against H. pylori is on the rise and does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

These are the some of the best, scientifically-backed treatments to naturally fight this bacterial infection:

1. Probiotics

Since H. pylori is an unwanted or bad bacteria in the gut, it makes total sense that probiotics can help to naturally fight this type of infection. A 2012 placebo-controlled pilot study published in the journal Inflammation and Allergy Drug Targets looked at the effects of probiotics on people with dyspepsia who tested positive for pylori bacteria. They found that following treatment with an eight-strain probiotic supplement, 13 of the 40 patients had a complete eradication of their H. pylori.

Another more recent study in 2017 makes an excellent point the common antibiotics used to get rid of H. pylori often do not successfully eradicate H. pylori in sufferers due to antibiotic resistance, which is becoming more prevalent as overuse of antibiotics continues.

Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus brevis are three specifics strains of probiotics that have been highlighted in scientific research for their ability to fight H. pylori bacteria.

2. Black Seed

3. Broccoli Sprouts

4. Green Tea

5. Garlic

6. Propolis

Probiotics For H Pylori

If youve ever suffered from Heliobacter pylori infection, youll definitely want to avoid getting it again. And if you havent had it, youll want to prevent it.

Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that infects the gut and can cause a host of chronic health issues. Its a relatively common microorganism, present in about two-thirds of the worlds population.

Helicobacter pylori infection is the most common cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Its a relatively common infection, affecting about two-thirds of the worlds population. Risk increases with age and about 50% of people over the age of 60 are infected. Although recent studies show fewer young people are likely to be infected, theres every reason to prevent it where possible.

Most people can have H. pylori without any symptoms. However, in other cases, it can cause ulcers in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine. Chronic cases may even lead to gastric cancer.

The good news is that new research shows that using probiotics may support antibiotic treatment for H. pylori infection and reduce the side effects of that treatment.

Who Gets H Pylori Infections

H. pylori bacteria are present in some 50% to 75% of the worlds population. It does not cause illness in most people. H. pylori infection mostly occurs in children. Its more common in developing countries. In the U.S., H. pylori bacteria are found in about 5% of children under the age of 10. Infection is most likely to occur in children who live in crowded conditions and areas with poor sanitation.

Also Check: How To Treat Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

How Is H Pylori Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will look at your past health and give you a physical exam. He or she may also use other tests, including:

  • Blood tests. These check for infection-fighting cells that mean you have the bacteria.

  • Stool culture. This looks for any abnormal bacteria in your digestive tract that may cause diarrhea and other problems. A small stool sample is collected and sent to a lab. In 2 or 3 days, the test will show if you have any abnormal bacteria.

  • Breath tests. These can check if there is any carbon after you swallow a urea pill that has carbon molecules. If carbon is found that means that H. pylori has made the enzyme urease. This enzyme makes your stomach acids less acidic . It weakens your stomachs mucous lining.

  • Upper endoscopy, also called EGD . This test looks at the lining of your food pipe , stomach, and duodenum . It uses a thin, lighted tube or endoscope. The tube has a camera at one end. The tube is put into your mouth and throat. Then it goes down into your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Your healthcare provider can see the inside of these organs. A small tissue sample is taken if needed. The tissue sample can show if you have the enzyme urease. It can also check the bacteria that is there.

Effects Of Subinhibitory Concentrations Of The Partially Purified Extract And Granulosain I On The Transcription Of H Pylori Genes Encoding Pathogenic Factors

Helicobacter Pylori Eradication Protocols Amoxicillin ...

The sub-MICs of the enzyme extracts were used in the genes’ expression and synergism assays.

Total RNA was isolated from planktonic cultures of thirteen strains, before and after treatment with the enzyme extracts, using the TRIZOL reagent according to the manufacturer’s instructions . The isolated RNA was stored at 20°C. The cDNA was obtained from a reaction mixture including random hexamers and 200 U Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase and stored at 20°C.

Transcription levels of pathogenic factors such as omp18, ureA, and flaA were determined by RT-PCR. The 16S rRNA amplicon was used as housekeeping.

The PCR amplification was performed in a programmable thermal cycler , using the primer pairs shown in Table 1 and the protocols described in Table 2. The identification of RT-PCR products was performed with 1.8% agarose gel electrophoresis. The gels were stained with GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain , visualized under UV light, and photographed. A 100-bp DNA ladder was included as a molecular mass reference. The semiquantification of the DNA amplicons was performed using software of image processing and analysis in Java .

Table 1. Primers used for RT-PCR targeted to Helicobacter pylori genes.

Table 2. Protocols of PCR amplification for Helicobacter pylori genes.

Don’t Miss: Urinary Tract Infection How To Treat Without Antibiotics

What Factors Predict Successful Eradication When Treating H Pylori Infection

Determinants of success can be related to patient factors or to the infection. The main determinants are choice of regimen, patient adherence to a multidrug regimen with frequent adverse effects, and the sensitivity of the H. pylori strain to the combination of antibiotics used. The number of doses per day and the severity of adverse effects influence treatment adherence. It is important for physicians to discuss the benefits and challenges of therapy before beginning the regimen. Other patient factors, such as cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, and genetics, may also have a role in treatment failure.

Of the infection-related factors, antibiotic sensitivity was found to be the most important determinant of treatment success in clinical trials and population-based studies. Resistance to clarithromycin, metronidazole, and levofloxacin limits their effectiveness and increases the prevalence of H. pylori infection. Resistance to amoxicillin, tetracycline, and rifabutin is rare.

Finding A High Quality Probiotic

Look for a quality probiotic brand that contains a high CFU count and multiple strains of bacteria.

Also, make sure that the probiotic contains some form of protective technology that allows the bacteria to survive the journey through the gastrointestinal tract!

Most probiotic brands use vegetable capsules that deliver only around 4% of their bacteria safely to the gut. That’s because the veggie capsules are quickly broken down in your stomach, and the live bacteria are then exposed to your stomach acid.

Probiotic bacteria are sensitive to this highly acidic environment and most of them are killed before passing through to your intestines.

To solve this problem, we compress our bacteria into special time-release tablets using a technology named BIO-tract. When these come into contact with moisture, they form a protective gel coating that keeps the bacteria safe in your stomach. Then, when the tablet passes through to your intestines, the bacteria are slowly released over 8-10 hours.

Tests using simulated stomach acid have shown that this method safely delivers at least 15 times more bacteria, when compared to regular vegetable capsules.

Our probiotic also has 12 strains chosen for their impact on digestion and immunity, and a total of 15 billion CFUs of bacteria.

Here are a few key benefits of our probiotic:

Physicochemical Properties Of The Partially Purified Extract And Granulosain I

Stability Upon Storage

The residual proteolytic activity of the enzyme extracts during its storage at 20°C was monitored each 24 h for 24 months, using N–benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide as substrate. 0.5 mL of enzyme extracts and 0.5 mL of 10 mM BAPNA with 20 mM L-cysteine in 0.1M TrisHCl buffer pH 8 were mixed and incubated at 37°C under 200 rpm of agitation, during 5 min. The change in absorbance was measured at : 410 nm during 5 min, within the linearity range. One international unit of the proteolytic activity of the enzyme extracts was established as the amount of enzyme that cleaves 1 mol of BAPNA per min under previously mentioned conditions. Controls under similar conditions but without substrate were also carried out.


Enzyme solubility was defined as the amount of soluble nitrogen that results after applying a specific procedure. The protein content in the sample and in the supernatant was quantified by the Kjeldahl method . This property provides information on the ability of the enzyme extracts to form colloidal solutions and depends on pH, ionic strength, and temperature . Solubility is expressed as protein solubility index , as follows :

Emulsifying Properties

c: is the protein concentration .

: is the optical path .

: is the fraction of oil used to form the emulsion.

DF: is the dilution factor.


Hydration Properties

How Is H Pylori Treated

H. pylori Present Management & Future Therapies

If you dont have symptoms, you dont need to be treated. If you’ve been diagnosed with H. pylori, avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs can increase your risk of developing an ulcer.

H. pylori-caused ulcers are treated with a combination of antibiotics and an acid-reducing proton pump inhibitor.

  • Antibiotics: Usually two antibiotics are prescribed. Among the common choices are amoxicillin, clarithromycin , metronidazole and tetracycline.
  • Proton pump inhibitor: Commonly used proton pump inhibitors include lansoprazole , omeprazole , pantoprazole , rabeprazole or esomeprazole .
  • Bismuth subsalicylate: Sometimes this drug is added to the antibiotics plus proton pump inhibitor combinations mentioned above. This drug protects the stomach lining.

Combination treatment is usually taken for 14 days.

One newer medication, Talicia®, combines two antibiotics with a proton pump inhibitor into a single capsule.

How Does H Pylori Infection Cause Damage

H. pylori multiply in the mucus layer of the stomach lining and duodenum. The bacteria secrete an enzyme called urease that converts urea to ammonia. This ammonia protects the bacteria from stomach acid. As H. pylori multiply, it eats into stomach tissue, which leads to gastritis and/or peptic ulcer.

Can H Pylori Infections Be Prevented

There’s no vaccine against H. pylori. But taking these steps can protect your family from many illnesses and help lower their risk of an H. pylori infection:

  • Wash hands well and often, especially after using the bathroom and before making or eating food.
  • Avoid food if youre not sure that it was prepared safely.
  • Drink water from a safe source.

Newer Agents And Nontraditional Therapies For H Pylori Eradication: Hope Is Coming

In the last decade, many researchers have argued that new classes of antimicrobials with novel mechanisms of action are necessary to overcome increasing drug resistance. Some agents have shown an antibacterial effect against H. pylori in vitro regardless of drug resistance and are effective even at low pH. Among them, pyloricidin A, B, and C have a strong and selective anti-H. pylori effect which an MIC90 value of 0.013 mg/L. Benzimidazole derivatives , polycyclic compound , arylthiazole derivative 44 also were highly effective against H. pylori.

Cathelicidins and defensins are examples of human antimicrobial peptides native to the innate immune system of many eukaryotes that have activity against H. pylori. LL-37 is a cathelicidin with an anti-H. pylori effect, and a recent study demonstrated that cathelicidin limited H. pylori colonization and related gastritis in mouse models. Defensin peptides have also been indicated to impede H. pylori. Human beta defensin 2 and 3 are differentially expressed in gastric mucosa during H. pylori infection. Oligo-acyl-lysyl peptides, which have a structure and function similar to those of natural AMPs, have broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and anti-H. pylori effect in vivo. Unlike the natural AMPs, OAK peptides are without known proteolytic cleavage sites and thus, resistant to enzymatic cleavage.

When Should Penicillin Allergy Testing Be Considered In Patients With H Pylori Infection

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment, Antibiotic Tablets Capsules ...

Amoxicillin is an important component of H. pylori treatment regimens. However, there are alternatives that do not include amoxicillin, most notably bismuth quadruple therapy. Allergy testing may be considered after one or two failures of first-line therapy. Most often, a true penicillin allergy will be excluded, and amoxicillin-containing salvage therapy can be initiated safely.

Guideline source: American College of Gastroenterology

Evidence rating system used? Yes

Systematic literature search described? Yes

Guideline developed by participants without relevant financial ties to industry? No

Recommendations based on patient-oriented outcomes? Yes

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Should We Test For Treatment Success After H Pylori Eradication Therapy

Because of the declining success rate of H. pylori eradication therapy, persistent infection is not uncommon after treatment. A urea breath test, fecal antigen testing, or biopsy-based testing should be used to determine treatment success. Testing should be performed at least four weeks after completion of antibiotic therapy and after PPI therapy has been withheld for one to two weeks. Although the recommendation for posttesting is intuitive, the scientific evidence regarding the cost-effectiveness of such testing is lacking, except for the scenario of bleeding peptic ulcers.

Can H Pylori Spread From Person To Person

Yes, H. pylori can spread from person to person. H. pylori are found in saliva, plaque on teeth and poop. Infection can be spread through kissing and by transferring the bacteria from the hands of those who have not thoroughly washed them after a bowel movement.

Scientists think H. pylori also might be spread through H. pylori-contaminated water and food.

Mieszanka Heli H Pylori Mieszanka Zi

  • Mieszanka ta powstaa przede wszystkim z myl o przeciwdziaaniu bakterii H. pylori, zalecana jest do stosowania w celach profilaktycznych.
  • Skuteczno potwierdzona na Uniwerstyecie Medycznym w Lublinie.
  • Jest to unikalna kompozycja takich zió, jak: jeówka purpurowa, tymianek pospolity, rumianek pospolity oraz mita pieprzowa.

World Society Of Emergency Surgery Guidelines

H. Pylori and antibiotics

Perforated and bleeding peptic ulcer clinical practice guidelines were released in January 2020 by the WSES. Indications for antimicrobial therapy and for H pylori testing in patients with bleeding peptic ulcer are as follows :

  • Empirical antimicrobial therapy not recommended
  • H pylori testing in all patients
  • If positive for H pylori, eradication therapy recommended
  • First-line eradication therapy: Standard triple therapy
  • First-line therapy if high clarithromycin resistance detected: Ten-day sequential therapy with four drugs
  • Second-line therapy if first-line failed: Ten-day levofloxacin-amoxicillin triple therapy
  • Start standard triple therapy after 72-96 hours of intravenous PPI, for 14-day duration

Relationship Between Metabolic Traits And Gut Microbiota Modifications Induced By H Pylori Infection And Therapy

As detailed above, evidence has shown that H. pylori infection as well as its eradication treatment lead to gut dysbiosis. However, despite the fact that gut microbiota is closely linked to metabolic health, the role of gut microbiota in the relationship between H. pylori infection and metabolic dysregulation has been scarcely studied. Several studies from our group, which analyzed gut microbiota from H. pylori infected patients before and after eradication treatment as well as non-infected control patients, addressed this issue . It was found that H. pylori eradication treatment produces specific bacterial shifts associated with changes in glucose homeostasis-related parameters , GLP-1 , ghrelin and HDL-C levels .

Table 3 Relationships between H. pylori eradication therapy-induced bacterial changes and metabolic variables.

To be more specific, changes in the amount of Rikenellaceae, Butyricimonas, E. biforme, B. fragilis, and Megamonas were inversely associated with changes in glucose levels or glucose-related parameters, i.e. HbA1c, in H. pylori subjects after eradication treatment . Several studies have shown that these bacteria are involved in the fermentation of non-digestible carbohydrates and the generation of SCFAs such as acetate, propionate and butyrate . In addition, Rikenellaceae and Butyricimonas members are also able to use the environmental glucose to produce SCFAs, which could contribute to glucose level regulation .

Causes And Risk Factors Of H Pylori

Doctors arent exactly sure how H. pylori infection is passed from person to person. Research shows that you can become infected with the bacteria by consuming contaminated food or water. H. pylori may also spread through contact with an infected persons saliva, vomit, or fecal matter.

H. pyloriH. pylori

  • Sharing a crowded living space
  • Living in a developing country
  • Not having access to clean water
  • Living with someone who has H. pylori

Other Supplements To Consider

In addition to learning how to treat H pylori with honey and black seed oil and changing your diet, you may want to incorporate some supplements that support digestive health.

Probiotics- we like these because they are gentle, allergen-free, and effective. Plus, one tiny bottle lasts for months and months for multiple people! Probiotics help to repopulate your gut with good microbes so that undesirable ones die out.

Digestive enzymes- if an H Pylori infection is impairing your digestion, especially if youre experiencing indigestion and heartburn, you may need to try digestive enzymes. Those with ulcers should not take enzymes with HCL. These enzymes will help to break down sugars, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

H Pylori Resistance To Antibiotics

Helicobacter Pylori

Classical treatment

During the 90s, the standard triple therapy was the gold standard in the treatment of H. pylori infections. The standard triple therapies are based on a proton pump inhibitor, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin or metronidazole. The increase in the prevalence of resistance to these antibiotics, especially to the key antibiotic, clarithromycin, has decreased the efficacy of standard regimens .

Metronidazole is a key component included in the triple therapies which is associated to a high level of resistance. The prevalence of metronidazole resistance has been estimated to be from 17 to 44% for Europe and America, respectively . The highest level of resistance to this antibiotic in Europe has been reported in Western Europe, where 20 to 45% of the H. pylori isolates are metronidazole-resistant . The percentage of metronidazole resistance in developing countries has been reported from 50 to 100%, instead of being up to 90% in Africa . The resistance to metronidazole is so high in developing countries because this antibiotic is widely used to treat parasitic and/or gynecological infections in female patients . Also, there are some studies describing that metronidazole resistance being linked to the virulence strain factors, the strains without cagA gene being more resistant . The lower rates related to metronidazole resistance have been reported in Japan, around 10% .

Bismuth quadruple therapy

Sequential therapy

Non-bismuth quadruple therapy

Hybrid therapy

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